University of Virginia Library


At a called meeting of the Board of Visitors, held at the
University on above date,


Present: Visitors, White, Harmon, Hunton, Flood, Norton,
Craddock, Gordon, Eggleston, and President Alderman,

On motion of Mr. Harmon, Mr. White took the chair, and
called the meeting to order at 2:30 P.M.

Mr. Norton then nominated Mr. Armistead C. Gordon for
Rector. This motion being duly seconded by Mr. Flood, vote
was taken, and Mr. Gordon unanimously elected Rector,
assuming the Chair as presiding officer of the Board.

The President then announced that, since the last meeting
of the Board, the University had sustained a great loss
in the death of Colonel William E. Peters, emeritus professor
of Latin; when it was resolved that a Committee from the Board,
consisting of the Rector, and Visitors Harmon and Hunton, be
appointed to formulate a suitable tribute to his memory.

After hearing the statement of Dr. George Ben Johnston,
who appeared before the Board in person, the following was

Resolved: That, at the request of Dr. George Ben Johnston,
he be relieved from his former conditional acceptance
of the Professorship of Surgery in the University of Virginia;
and that the Board expresses its sincere regret at Dr. Johnston's
withdrawal of his acceptance.

Resolved, further: That the Board of Visitors tenders
to Dr. George Ben Johnston, its thanks for his efficient services
to the University of Virginia before the General Assembly
of Virginia, and in soliciting donations to its Endowment

Resolved: That, the President be authorized to give,
prior to the next meeting of the Board, the necessary notice


by advertisement, for the election of the following professors,—
1 Professor of Economics,

1 Professor of Surgery,

1 Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology,

1 Professor of Chemistry,

and 1 Professor of Pathology.

[Inserted in the margin by the above resolution is a newspaper
clipping which reads as follows:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT the June (1906) meeting of the
Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia, the following
professors will be elected—viz.:

1 Professor of Economics.

1 Professor of Surgery.

1 Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

1 Professor of Chemistry and

1 Professor of Pathology.

By direction of Armistead C. Gordon, rector. Applications
and communications regarding above may be addressed to

President University of Virginia.

Times Dispatch

4 Weeks]

Resolved: That, there be appointed a Committee, consisting
of two members of the Board, Messrs. Craddock and Harmon,
the President, Professor Thornton, and Dr. Lambeth, to recommend
to the next meeting of the Board, plans for the most advantageous
use of the special building appropriation made by


the Legislature. The said Committee is authorized to contract
for the completion of a suitable residence for the President,
and to use for such purpose, such portion of the said appropriation,
as may be necessary, not to exceed $20,000.

Resolved: That, the proposal of Mrs. Ethel P. Randolph
to extend the lease of the house occupied by the President to
Jan'y. 1, 1907, at an increased rental of $50.00 per month for
the extended term, be accepted.

Resolved: That the application of the Virginia Beta Chapter
of the "Phi Delta Theta Fraternity" to erect a building on
the University Grounds, be referred to a committee of three,Messrs.
Harmon, Norton, and Flood, to formulate a general
scheme to meet this and similar applications.

Resolved: That Dr. Whitehead's proposition to lease and
build on the University Grounds, be referred to a committee
composed of the Rector, Judge Norton, and Mr. Harmon, with
authority to take final action.

Resolved: That the subject of refunding the mortgage
bonds of the University, be referred to the Finance Committee,
with the request that they make a report and recommendation to
the next meeting of the Board.

On motion, the Board adjourned, subject to the call of
the Rector.

I. K. Moran
Armistead C. Gordon