University of Virginia Library


Farm and Grounds.

The Farm and Grounds are now under the management of Mr.
J. R. Wood, who has been for two years the Manager of Teams,
coal, grounds, taking off garbage, and is empowered by Judge
John M. White for the performance of Police Duties, with instructions
in that line. Since the war, I have not known a
more efficient and active man in his department.

He receives $600. and lives in his own house. The house
formerly occupied by his predecessor, is on Carr's Hill, and
is rented for $100 a year, making his office a cost of $500.
I ask the attention of the Board to the grounds, and farm and
the coal service.

I ask that the house in which I have lived be given to
Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Minor. They have long wished and asked
for a house on the Lawn, and stand first and rightly on the
list of applicants. The father of each of the applicants,
John B. Minor and Chas. S. Venable, is among the greatest men
who have ever lived to give lustre to this University in all
its history. I trust that it may be granted.

The remarkable report is in circulation that the office
of Proctor and Superintendent of Grounds & Buildings will be
abolished, and that the offices heretofore under him will report
directly to the President.

The Board of Visitors are respectfully referred to the
duties of this office of Proctor & Sup't., less the duties of
Secretary, as described in "Laws of the University of Va.,
1900, covering 10 pages, copies of which are on your table.
The Buildings, Grounds, and Farm of 480 acres are assumed to


represent from one million to a million and a half dollars.
The improvements of 1895-'7 after the fire cost
$440,000. The President is frequently away, and if present,
cannot possibly attend to the details of any Office
other than his own. No company in any army of from 50 to
100 men is without a Head. This Office has been in existence
in some form since the establishment of the University
of Virginia. Its value depends upon a good head. The fable
tells us, "Better a herd of Deer led by a Lion than a herd
of Lion led by a Deer." The Proctor & Superintendent of
Grounds & Buildings can report directly to the President,
and keep him informed as to its condition. It need not
cost as much as it cost when embracing the Secretaryship,
which I have recommended above to report to the President.
In the matter of Coal alone, which represented last year
2415 tons of coal and requires the closest attention to
keep within the bounds of Expense. This office is important.

Very respectfully yours,
(signed-) Thos H. Carter, Proctor & Sup't. G. & B.