University of Virginia Library


At a called meeting of the Board of Visitors held at the
University on May 14, 1904.

Present: The Rector, and Visitors Harmon, Moore, Glass,
Hunton, Wallace, Downing, & White.

The Board having been called to order by the Rector, the
following resolutions were adopted:


Mr. Moon, the Attorney for the Board in the matter, reported
the present status of the claim of Mr. Massie for the alleged
pollution of a stream running through his land by the
sewerage from some of the University buildings— Whereupon it
was resolved that Mr. Harmon & Col. Carter be, and are hereby,
appointed a committee to confer with Mr. Moon, and report to
the next meeting of the Board the proper course, in their judgment,
to be pursued by the Board.

On motion the Board adjourned to the annual meeting June
13th 1904

Charles P. Jones