University of Virginia Library


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I lament to hear of the disturbance among your slaves,
and of the severity with which you have thought it necessary
to proceed against them. You will bear me witness
that I have often warned you that the cruelty with which
Tiro exercised his authority, would lead to difficulties, if
not to violence and murder. I am not surprised to learn
his fate. I am indeed very free to say that I rejoice at it.
I rejoice not that you are troubled in your affairs, but
that such an inhuman overseer as Tiro, a man wholly unworthy
the kindness and indulgence with which you have
treated him, should at length be overtaken by a just retribution.
That the poison took effect upon his wife and
children I sincerely regret, and wish that some other
mode of destruction had been chosen, and whose effects
could have been safely directed and limited, for I do not
believe that the least ill-will existed toward Claudia and
her little ones. But rest satisfied, I beseech you, with
the punishments already inflicted. Enough have been
scourged, put to the torture, and crucified. Let the rest
escape. Remember your disposition — now indulgent —
now tyrannical — and lay a restraint upon your passions
if you would save yourself from lasting regrets. It is
some proof that you are looking to yourself more than formerly,
that so many have been imprisoned to wait a further
deliberation—and that you are willing first to ask my
opinion. Be assured that further crucifixions would serve
only to exasperate those who survive, and totally alienate
them from you, so that your own life, instead of being the
more safe, would be much less so. They will be driven


Page 60
to despair, and say that they may as well terminate their
wretched lives in one way as another, and so end all at
once by an assault upon yourself and Lucilia, which,
while it destroyed you, and so glutted their revenge, could
do no more than destroy them — a fate which they dread
now — but which at all times, owing to their miseries,
they dread much less than we suppose, and so are more
willing than we imagine to take the lives of their masters
or governors, not caring for death themselves. A well-timed
lenity would now be an act of policy as well as of
virtue. Those whom you have reprieved, being pardoned,
will be bound to you by a sort of gratitude —
those of them at least who put a value upon their lives —
and now that Tiro is fairly out of the way, and his
scourgings at an end, they will all value their lives at a
higher rate than before.

But let me especially intercede for Laco and Cælia,
with their children. It was they, who, when I have been
at your farm, have chiefly attended upon me; they have
done me many acts of kindness beyond the mere duties
of their office, and have ever manifested dispositions so
gentle, and so much above their condition, that I feel
sure they cannot be guilty of taking any part in the
crime. They have been always too happy to put their
all at risk by such an attempt. Be assured they are innocent;
and they are too good to be sacrificed merely
for the effect. There are others — wretches in all respects
— who will serve for this — if enough have not already

When will sentiments of justice assert their supremacy
in the human mind? When will our laws and institutions
recognise the rights inherent in every man, as man,
and compel their observance. When I reflect that I
myself possess upon one only of my estates, five hundred


Page 61
slaves, over whom I wield despotic power, and that each
one of these differs not from myself, except in the position
into which fortune and our laws have cast him, I look
with a sort of horror upon myself, the laws, and my country
which enacts and maintains them. But if we can
not at once new-model our institutions and laws, we can
do something. By a strict justice, and by merciful treatment,
we can mitigate the evils of their lot who are within
our own power. We can exercise the authority and
temper of fathers — and lay aside in a greater degree
than we do, the air and manner of tyrant. When upon
the fields of every farm, as I ride through our interior, I
hear the lash of the task-master, and behold the cross
rearing aloft its victim, to poison the air with fœtid exhalations,
and strike terror into all who toil within their
reach, I hate my country and my nature, and long for
some power to reveal itself, I care not of what kind nor
in what quarter, capable to reform a state of society,
rotten as this is to its very heart.

You, yourself, advocate as you are for the existing order
of things, would be agitated alternately by horror and compassion,
were I to relate to you the scenes described to
me by Milo, as having a thousand times been witnessed
by him when in the service of Gallienus. To torture
and destroy his slaves, by the most ingenious devices
of cruelty, was his daily pastime. They were purchased
for this very end. When I see you again, I will give to
you instances with which I could not soil these pages.
Antiochus, were he in Rome, would be a monster of the
same stamp. But all this is, as I have often mentioned,
a necessary accompaniment of such power as the laws
confer upon the owner.

And now, that war has actually broken out between
Palmyra and Rome, you will wish to know what part I


Page 62
intend to take. Your letters imply, that in such an event
you would expect my immediate return. But this pleasure
must, for the present at least, be deferred. I am too
deeply interested in too many here, to allow me to forsake
them in a time of so much anxiety, and, as I think, of
peril too. Zenobia's full consent I have already obtained.
Indeed, she is now desirous that I should remain. The
services that I have accidentally rendered her, have increased
the regard with which she treats me. I confess,
too, that I am less unwilling to remain than I was, out of
a rooted disapprobation of the violent course of Aurelian.
I cannot, as Calpurnius has done, renounce my country;
but I can blame our emperor. His purposes are without
a color of justice. Nor are they only unjust and iniquitous
— they are impolitic. I can enter fully into and defend
the feelings and arguments of Palmyra in this direction.
Her cause is in the main a just one. She has done
somewhat, indeed, to provoke a sensitive and jealous mind
— but nothing to warrant the step which Aurelian is
taking. And when I counsel peace, and by concessions
too, I do it not because I hold it right that such concessions
should be made, but because I deem it frantic on
the part of Zenobia, to encounter the combined power of
Rome, under such a soldier as Aurelian. My sympathies
are accordingly enlisted in behalf of this people as a people
— my heart is closely bound to both the house of
Gracchus and of Zenobia — and, therefore, I cannot
leave them. I shall not bear arms against my country —
I think I would sooner die — but in any case of extremity,
I shall not wear a sword in vain, if by using it I can save
the life or honor of persons dear to me. I am firm in the
belief, that no such extremity will ever present itself —
but should it come, I am ready for it. I cannot but hope
that a battle — one or more — upon the outskirts of the


Page 63
empire, will satisfy the pride of Aurelian, and convince
the Queen, that to contend for empire with him, and
Rome at his back, is vain, and that negotiation will therefore
end what passion has begun. I shall expect no other
issue than this. Then, having done all here, I shall return
to Italy — if the Queen relents not — to pass an
unhappy life upon the Tiburtine Farm.

Preparations of every kind for the approaching contest
are going forward with activity. The camp of the Queen
is forming without the walls upon a wide and beautiful
plain, stretching towards the south. One army will be
formed here chiefly consisting of cavalry — in which lies
the strength of the Queen, and another in the vicinity of
Antioch — where a junction will be effected, and whence
the whole will move either toward the Bosphorus or Egypt,
according to the route which, it shall be learned, Aurelian
intends to pursue.

During these few days that have elapsed since the
departure of the ambassadors, the stir and confusion incident
to such a time, have continually increased. In the
streets, I meet scarce any who are not engaged in some
service connected with the army. Troops of soldiers are
forming — exercising at their arms — and passing from
the city as they are severally equipped to join the camp.
The shops of the armourers resound with the blows of an
innumerable body of artisans, manufacturing or repairing
those brilliant suits of steel, for which the cavalry of
Zenobia are distinguished. Immense repositories of all
the various weapons of our modern warfare prepared by the
Queen, against seasons of emergency, furnish forth arms
of the most perfect workmanship and metal, to all who
offer themselves for the expedition. Without the walls,
in every direction, the eye behold clouds of dust raised
by different bodies of the Queen's forces, as they pour in


Page 64
from their various encampments to one central point.
Trains of sumptuary elephants and camels, making a part
of every legion as it comes up, and stretching their long
lines from the verge of the plain to the very walls, contribute
a fresh beauty and interest to the scene.

Within the camp, whatever the tumult and confusion
may be without, every thing is conducted with the most
admirable order, and with the observance of a discipline
as exact, if not as severe, as that of Vespasian, or Aurelian
himself. Here are to be seen the commanders of the
chief divisions of the army inspecting the arms and equipments
of each individual soldier, and not with less diligence,
inquiring into the mettle and points of the horse
he rides. Every horse, pronounced in any way defective,
is rejected from the service and another procured. The
Queen's stable has been exhausted in providing in this
manner substitutes for such as have been set aside as unworthy.

Zenobia herself is the most active and laborious of all.
She is in every place, seeing with her own eyes that every
arrangement and provision ordered to be made is completed,
and that in the most perfect manner. All the
duties of a general are performed by her, with a freedom,
a power, and a boldness, that fills one with astonishment
who is acquainted with those opposite qualities which
render her, as a woman, the most lovely and fascinating
of her sex. She is seen sometimes driving rapidly through
the streets in an open chariot, of the antique form; but
more frequently on horseback, with a small body of attendants,
who have quite enough to do to keep pace with
her, so as to catch from her the orders which she rapidly
issues, and then execute them in every part of the camp
and city. She inspires all who behold her with her own
spirit. In every soldier and leader you behold something


Page 65
of the same alertness and impetuosity of movement which
are so remarkable in her. She is the universal model.
and the confidence in the resources of her genius is universal
and boundless. `Let our courage and conduct,'
they say, `be only in some good proportion to our Queen's,
and we may defy Rome and the world.' As the idea of
nought but conquest ever crosses their minds, the animation
and even gayety that prevail in the camp and throughout
the ranks is scarcely to be believed, as it is, I doubt
not, unparalleled in the history of war. Were she a goddess,
and omnipotent, the trust in her could not be more

I have just encountered Calpurnius returning from the
palace of the Queen, whither he has been to offer his
services during the war, in any capacity in which it might
please her to employ him.

`What was your reception?' said I.

`Such as Fausta had assured me of. She gives me a
hearty welcome to her camp, and assigns me a legion of
horse. And, in addition, one more charge, dearer and
yet more anxious a thousand fold.'

`May I know it?' said I, `but readily surmising the
nature of it.'

`It is,' he replied, with visible emotion, `it is Fausta

`It is fixed then, that she accompanies the Queen?'

`She entreats, and the Queen consents.'

`Would that she could be turned from this purpose,
but I suppose the united power of the East could not do
it. To be near Zenobia, and if evil should befall her, to
share it — or to throw herself as a shield between the
Queen and death — is what she pants for more than
for renown, though it should be double that of Semiramis.'


Page 66

`Lucius, have you urged every reason, and used all the
power you possess over her, to dissuade her?'

`I have done all I have dared to do. The decisions
of some minds, you know, with the motives which sway
them, we too much revere to oppose to them our own.
Girl though Fausta be, yet when I see by the lofty expression
of her countenance, her firm and steadfast eye,
that she has taken her part, I have no assurance sufficient
to question the rectitude of her determination, or
essay to change it. I have more faith in her than in

`Yet it must never be;' said my brother with earnestness,
`she could never support the fatigues of such a
campaign, and it must not be permitted that she should
encounter the dangers and horrors of actual combat. I
have learned that at the palace, which, while it has dismissed
the most painful apprehensions of one sort, has
filled me with others more tolerable, but yet intolerable.
How, Lucius, has it happened that your heart, soft in
most of its parts, on one side has been adamant.'

`The way of the heart,' I said, `like the way of Providence,
is mysterious — I know not. Perhaps it was that
I knew her longer in Rome and more closely than you,
and the sentiment always uppermost toward her has been
that of a brother's love. Her's toward me has never been
other than the free, unrestrained affection of a sister.
But you have not seen the Princess?'

`I have not.'

`That will complete the explanation. The Queen rejects
me; but I do not despair. But to return to Fausta.
As no force could withhold her from the army, I thank
the Gods that in you she will find a companion and defender,
and that to you the Queen has committed her.
Fail her not, Calpurnius, in the hour of need. You do


Page 67
not know, for your eye has but taken in her outward form,
what a jewel, richer than Eastern monarch ever knew, is
entrusted to your care. Keep it as you would your own
life — nay, your life will be well given for its safety.
Forgive me, if in this I seem to charge you as an elder.
Remember that you I do not know, Fausta I do. Of
you I scarcely know more than that you are a Piso,
and that the very soul of honor ought to dwell within you.
The Queen's ready confidence in you, lays you under obligations
heavy as injunctions from the Gods to fidelity.
If, as you journey on toward Antioch, the opportunities of
the way throw you together, and your heart is won by
your nearer knowledge of her sweet qualities as well
as great ones, as your eye has already been, ask not,
seek not for hers, but after a close questioning of yourself,
whether you are worthy of her. Of your life and the
true lineaments of your soul — you know every thing —
she knows nothing — but she is more free and unsuspicious
than a child, and without looking further than the
show and color of honesty and truth, will surrender up her
heart where her fancy leads, trusting to find according to
her faith — and to receive all that she gives. Brother
though you be, I here invoke the curses of the Gods upon
your head, if the faintest purpose of dishonest or deceptive
dealing have place within you.'

`Your words,' said Calpurnius in reply — a wholesome
and natural expression of indignation spreading over his
countenance, which inspired more confidence than any
thing he could say — `your words, Lucius, are earnest and
something sharp. But I bear them without complaint, for
the sake of the cause in which you have used them. I
blame you not. It is true, I am a stranger both to yourself
and Fausta, and it were monstrous to ask confidence before
time has proved me. Leave it all to time. My conduct


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under this trust shall be my trial. Not till our return
from Antioch will I aim at more than the happiness to
be her companion and guard. The noble Otho will be
near us, to whom you may commit us both.'

`Brother,' I rejoined, `I doubt you not; but where
our treasure is great, we are tormented by imaginary
fears, and we guard it by a thousand superfluous cares.
What I have said has implied the existence of doubts
and apprehensions. But in sober truth they were forced
into existence. My nature from the first, has been full
of trust in you; but this very promptness to confide, my
anxious fears converted to a fault, and urged suspicion
as a duty. Your countenance and your words have now
inspired me with an assurance, not, I am certain, to be
ever shaken, in your virtues. It shall be my joy to impart
the same to Gracchus. Fausta shall be left free to
the workings of her own mind and heart.'

I should not have been justified, it seems to me, in saying
less than this, though I said it with apprehensions,
many and grave, of a breach between us, which perhaps
time might never heal. It has ended in a deep and
settled conviction that the character of Calpurnius is
what it at first appears to be. Persian duplicity has
made no lodgment within him, of that I am sure. And
where you feel sure of sincerity, almost any other fault
may be borne.

The army has taken up its march, and the city is deprived
of its best and bravest spirits — Zenobia and
Fausta, those kindred souls are gone. How desolate is
this vast palace! The loss of Gracchus and Fausta
seems the loss of all. A hundred attendant slaves
leave it still empty.

A period of the most active preparation has been closed
to-day, by the departure of as well appointed an army as


Page 69
ever issued from the Prætorian camps. It was a spectacle
as beautiful as my eyes ever beheld — and as sad.
Let me set before you the events of the day. As I descended
to the apartment where we take together our
morning meal, and which we were now for the last time
to partake in each other's company, I found Fausta
already there, and surveying with sparkling eyes and a
flushed cheek, a suit of the most brilliant armour, which
having been made by the Queen's workmen, and by her
order, had just now been brought and delivered to her.

`I asked the honor,' said the person with whom she
was conversing, `to bring it myself, who have made it with
the same care as the queen's, of the same materials, and
after the same fashion. So it was her order to do. It
will set, lady, believe me, as easy as a riding dress,
though it be all of the most impenetrable steel. The
polish too, is such, that neither arrow nor javelin need be
feared, they can but touch and glance. Hercules could
not indent this surface. Let me reveal to you diverse
secret and perfect springs and clasps, the use of which
you should be well acquainted with. Yet it differs not
so much from that in which you have performed your
exercises, but what you will readily comprehend the manner
of its adjustment.'

He then went through with his demonstrations and departed.

`This is beautiful indeed,' I said, `as I surveyed and
handled parts of the armour, the eye can hardly bear it
when the rays of the sun fall upon it. But I wish it was
fairly back again in the shop of the armourer.'

`That would be,' said Fausta, `only to condemn me to
an older and worse one, and if you should wish that away
too, it would be only to send me into the ranks defenceless.
Surely that you would not do?'


Page 70

`The Gods forbid. I only mean that I would rather
these walls, Fausta, should be your defence. You were
not made, whatever you may think, to brave the dangers
of the desert, and the horrors of a war. Do you remember
at the amphitheatre you hid your eyes from the cruel
sights of the arena? I doubt not your courage. But it
is not after your heart.'

`From the useless barbarities of the circus I might
indeed turn away my eyes, and yet I think with perfect
consistency, strike my lance into the heart of a man who
came against my country or my Queen, nor even blench.
But do not suppose that it is with any light or childish joy
that I resolve to follow in the steps of Zenobia, even to
the field of slaughter. I would far rather sit here in the
midst of security and peace, making mimic war upon my
embroidery, or tuning my voice and harp, with Gracchus
and you to listen and applaud. But there is that within
me that forbids my stay. I am urged from within by a
voice which seems as the voice of a god, to do according
to my strength, for what may be the last struggle of our
country against the encroachments and ambition of
Rome. You may deem it little that a woman can do?'

`I confess I am of opinion that many a substitute could
do Palmyra a better service than even the arm of Fausta.
A woman may do much and bravely, but a man may do

`Therein, Lucius, am I persuaded you err. If it were
only that in the language of Zabdas, I added so many
pounds weight of bone and flesh, by adding myself to the
Queen's troops, I would stay at home. There are heavier
arms than mine — for mine are slight — and sturdier
limbs, for mine, in spite of the sports of the field, are still
a woman's. But you know nothing of Palmyra if you
know not this, that her victories have been won, not by


Page 71
the arm, but by the presence of Zenobia; to be led to
the onset by a woman, and that woman Zenobia — it is
this that has infused a spirit and an enthusiasm into our
soldiery that has rendered them irresistible. Were it a
thousand against ten thousand, not a native Palmyrene
would shrink from the trial, with Zenobia at their head.
I am not Zenobia, Lucius, but what she can do for an
army, I can do for a legion. Mark the sensation, when
this morning Zenobia presents herself to the army, and
even when Fausta wheels into the ranks, and acknowledge
that I have uttered a truth.'

`There must be truth in what you say, for were I in
your train, I can feel how far I should follow you and
when forsake you. But what you say, only fills me with
new apprehensions, and renders me the more anxious to
detain you. What but certain death awaits you if you
are to lead the way?'

`And why should I not die? — as well as another?
And is it of more consequence that Fausta, the daughter
of Gracchus should die upon a bed of down, and beneath
silken canopies, than that the common soldier should,
who falls at her side? How could I die better than at
the head of a legion, whom, as I fell, I saw sweeping on
like a tempest, to emulate and revenge my death?'

`But Gracchus — has he another Fausta or another

Her eyes were bent to the ground, and for a few moments
she was buried in thought. They were filled with
tears as she raised them and said,

`You may well suppose, Lucius, having witnessed, as
you have, what the love is which I bear Gracchus, and how
his life is bound up in mine, that this has been my heaviest
thought. But it has not prevailed with me to change
my purpose, and ought not to do so. Could I look into


Page 72
futurity, and know that while I fell upon the plains of
Antioch, or on the sands of the desert, he returned to
these walls to wear out childless and in solitude, the remnant
of his days, my weakness, I believe, would yield,
and I should prefer my parent to my country. But the
future is all dark. And it may as well be, that either we
shall both fall — or both return; or that he may fall and
I survive. It is unworthy of me, is it not, then, to consider
so anxiously such chances? The only thing certain
and of certain advantage is this — I can do my country,
as I deem it, a signal service, by joining her forces in this
hour of peril. To this I cleave, and leave the rest to the
disposal of the Gods. But come, urge me no more, Lucius,
my mind is finally resolved, and it but serves to
darken the remaining hours. See, Gracchus and Calpurnius
are come — let us to the tables.'

This last meal was eaten in silence, save the few required
words of courtesy.

`Soon as it was over, Fausta, springing from her seat,
disappeared, hastening to her apartments. She returned
in a few moments, her dress changed and prepared for
her armour.

`Now, Lucins, she exclaimed, `your hour of duty has
come, which is to fit upon me this queenly apparel. Show
your dexterity, and prove that you, too, have seen the
wars, by the grace with which you shall do your service.'

`These pieces differ not greatly,' I said, `from those
which I have worn in Gaul and Germany, and were they
to be fastened upon my own limbs, or a comrades, the task
were an easy one. I fear lest I may use too rough a
hand in binding on this heavy iron.'

`O, never fear — there, that is well. The Queen's
armourer has said truly; this is easy as a robe of silk.


Page 73
Now these clasps — are they not well made? will they not

`The clasps are perfect, Fausta, but my eye is dim.
Here — clasp them yourself,' and I turned away.

`Lucius, Lucius, are you a Roman, with eyes so
melting? Julia were a better hand-maid. But one thing
remains, and that must be done by no other hand than
yours — crown me now, with this helmet.'

I took it from her and placed it upon her head, saying, as
I did it, `The Gods shield you from danger, dear Fausta,
and when you have either triumphed or suffered defeat,
return you again to this happy roof. Now for my services,
allow me this reward' — and for the first time since she
was a girl, I kissed her forehead.

She was now a beautiful vision to behold as ever lighted
upon the earth. Her armour revealed with exactness
the perfection of her form, and to her uncommon beauty
added its own, being of the most brilliant steel, and frequently
studded with jewels of dazzling lustre. Her sex
was revealed only by her hair, which, parting over her
forehead, fell toward either eye, and then was drawn up
and buried in her helmet. The ease with which she
moved showed how well she had accustomed herself,
by frequent exercises, to the cumbrous load she bore.
I could hardly believe, as she paced the apartment,
issuing her final orders to her slaves and attendants
who pressed around, that I was looking upon a woman
reared in all the luxury of the East. Much as I had
been accustomed to the sight of Zenobia, performing the
part of an emperor, I found it difficult to persuade myself,
that when I looked upon Fausta, changing so completely
her sex, it was any thing more than an illusion.

Gracchus and Calpurnius now joined us, each, like
Fausta, arrayed in the armour of the Queen's cavalry.


Page 74

`Fausta,' said Gracchus, hastily, `the hour is come
that we were at the camp, our horses wait us in the court-yard
— let us mount. Farewell, Lucius Piso,' continued
he, as we moved toward the rear of the palace, `would
you were to make one of our company, but as that cannot
be, I bequeath to you my place, my honors, and my house.
Be ready to receive us with large hospitality and a philosophic
composure, when we return loaded with the laurels
of victory, and the spoils of your countrymen. It is
fortunate, that as we lose you we have Calpurnius, who
seems of the true warrior breed. Never, Lucius, has my
eye lighted upon a nobler pair than this. Observe them.
The Queen, careful of our Fausta, has given her in
special charge to your brother. I thank her. By his
greater activity and my more prudent counsel, I trust, to
bring her again to Palmyra with a fame not less than

`I can spare the fame,' I replied, `so I see her once
more in Palmyra, herself unharmed and her country at

`Palmyra would no longer be itself without her,' rejoined
the fond father.

We were now in the court-yard, where we found the
horses, fully caparisoned, awaiting their riders. Fausta's
was her favorite Arab, of a jet black color, and of a fierce
and fiery temper — hardly to be managed by the Saracen,
whose sole office it was to attend upon him, while in the
hands of Fausta, though still spirited almost to wildness,
he was yet docile and obedient. Soon as her feet were
in the stirrups, although before it had been difficult to
hold him, he became quiet and calm.

`See the power of woman,' said Gracchus, `were Antiochus
here, he would look upon this as but another proof


Page 75
that the Gods are abandoning Palmyra to the sway of

`It is,' said Fausta, `simply the power of gentleness.
My Saracen operates through fear, and I through love.
My hand laid softly upon his neck, gains more a thousand
fold than the lash laid hardly upon his back.'

Mounting my horse, which Milo stood holding for me,
we then sallied out of the court-yard gate toward the

The city itself was all pouring forth upon the plains in
its vicinity. The crowds choked the streets as they
passed out, so that our progress was slow. Arriving at
length, we turned toward the pavilion of the Queen,
pitched over against the centre of the army. There we
stood, joined by others, awaiting her arrival — for she
had not yet left the palace. We had not stood long, before
the braying of trumpets and other warlike instruments
announced her approach. We turned, and looking toward
the gate of the city, through which we had but now passed,
saw Zenobia, having on either side Longinus and Zabdas,
and preceded and followed by a select troop of horse, advancing
at her usual speed toward the pavilion. She was
mounted upon her far-famed white Numidian, for power an
elephant, for endurance a dromedary, for fleetness a very
Nicœan, and who had been her companion in all the battles
by which she had gained her renown and her empire.

Calpurnius was beside himself: he had not before seen
her when assuming all her state. `Did eye ever look
upon aught so like a celestial apparition? It is a descent
from other regions; I can swear 't is no mortal — still
less a woman. Fausta — this puts to shame your eulogies,
swollen as I termed them.'

I did not wonder at his amazement, for I myself shared
it, though I had seen her so often. The object that approached


Page 76
us truly seemed rather a moving blaze of light
than an armed woman, which the eye and the reason declared
it to be, with such gorgeous magnificence was she
arrayed. The whole art of the armourer had been exhausted
in her appointments. The caparison of her steed,
sheathed with burnished gold, and thick studded with
precious stones of every various hue, reflected an almos
intolerable splendor as the rays of a hot morning sun
fell upon it. She too herself being clothed in armour
of polished steel, whose own fiery brightness was doubled
by the diamonds — that was the only jewel she wore —
sown with profusion all over its more prominent parts,
could be gazed upon scarcely with more ease than the
sun himself, whose beams were given back from it with
undiminished glory. In her right hand, she held the long
slender lance of the cavalry; over her shoulders hung a
quiver, well loaded with arrows, while at her side depended
a heavy Damascus blade. Her head was surmounted
by a steel helmet, which left her face wholly uncovered,
and showed her forehead, like Fausta's, shaded by the
dark hair, which, while it was the only circumstance that
revealed the woman, added to the effect of a countenance
unequalled for a marvellous union of feminine beauty,
queenly dignity, and masculine power. Sometimes it has
been her usage upon such occasions, to appear with arms
bare and gloved hands; they were now cased, like the
rest of the body, in plates of steel.

`Calpurnius,' said Fausta, `saw you ever in Persia
such horsemanship? See now, as she draws nearer, with
what grace and power she moves. Blame you the enthusiasm
of this people?'

`I more than share it,' he replied, `it is reward enough
for my long captivity, at last to follow such a leader.
Many a time, as Zenobia has in years past visited my


Page 77
dreams, and I almost fancied myself in her train, I little
thought that the happiness I now experience was to become
a reality. But, hark! how the shout of welcome
goes up from this innumerable host.'

No sooner was the Queen arrived where we stood, and
the whole extended lines became aware of her presence,
than the air was filled with the clang of trumpets and the
enthusiastic cries of the soldiery, who waved aloft their
arms and made a thousand expressive signs of most joyful
greeting. When this hearty salutation, commencing
at the centre, had died away along the wings, stretching
one way to the walls of the city, and the other
toward the desert, Zenobia rode up nearer the lines,
and being there surrounded by the ranks which were in
front, and by a crowd of the great officers of the army,
spoke to them in accordance with her custom. Stretching
out her hand, as if she would ask the attention of
the multitude — a deep silence ensued, and in a voice
clear and strong, she thus addressed them — `Men
and soldiers of Palmyra! Is this the last time that
you are to gather together in this glittering array,
and go forth as lords of the whole East? Conquerers in so
many wars, are you now about to make an offering of
ourselves and your homes to the emperor of Rome? Am
I, who have twice led you to the gates of Ctesiphon,
now to be your leader to the footstool of Aurelian? Are
you thinking of any thing but victory? Is there one in all
these ranks, who doubts whether the same fate that once
befel Probus shall now befall Aurelian? If there be, let
him stand forth! Let him go and intrench himself within
the walls of Palmyra. We want him not. — (The soldiers
brandished and clashed their arms.) — Victory, soldiers,
belongs to those who believe. Believe that you can do
so, and we will return with a Roman army captive at our


Page 78
chariot wheels. Who should put trust in themselves, if
not the men and soldiers of Palmyra? Whose memory is
long enough to reach backward to a defeat? What was
the reign of Odenatus but an unbroken triumph? Are you
now, for the first time, to fly or fall before an enemy?
And who the enemy? Forget it not — Rome! and Aurelian!
the greatest empire and the greatest soldier of the
world. Never before was so large a prize within your
reach. Never before fought you on a stage with the
whole world for spectators. Forget not, too — that defeat
will be not only defeat, but ruin! The loss of a battle will
be not only so many dead and wounded, but the loss of
empire! For Rome resolves upon our subjugation. We
must conquer, or we must perish; and forever lose our
city, our throne, and our name. Are you ready to write
yourselves subjects and slaves of Rome! — citizens of a
Roman province? and forfeit the proud name of Palmyrene?
— (Loud and indignant cries rose from the surrounding
ranks.) — If not, you have only to remember
the plains of Egypt and of Persia, and the spirit that burned
within your bosoms then, will save you now, and bring
you back to these walls, your brows bound about with the
garlands of victory. Soldiers! strike your tents! and
away to the desert!'

Shouts long and loud, mingled with the clash of arms,
followed these few words of the Queen. Her own name
was heard above all. `Long live the great Zenobia,'
ran along the ranks from the centre to the extremes, and
from the extremes back again to the centre. It seemed
as if, when her name had once been uttered, they could
not cease — through the operation of some charm — to
repeat it again and again, coupled, too, with a thousand
phrases of loyalty and affection.

The Queen, as she ended, turned toward the Pavilion,


Page 79
where dismounting, she entered, and together with her,
her councillors, the great officers of the army and empire,
her family and friends. Here was passed an hour in the
interchange of the words and signs of affection between
those who were about to depart upon this uncertain enterprise,
und those who were to remain. The Queen
would fain inspire all with her light, bold, and confident
spirit, but it could not prevail to banish the fears and
sorrows that filled many hearts. Julia's eyes never
moved from her mother's face, or only to rest on Fausta's
whose hand she held clasped in her own. Zenobia often
turned towards her with a look, in which the melting
tenderness of the mother, contended but too successfully
with the calm dignity of the Queen, and bore testimony
to the strong affection working at the heart. She would
then, saying a word or two, turn away again, and mingle
with those who made less demand upon her sympathies.
Livia was there too, and the flaxen-haired Faustula —
Livia, gay even, through excess of life — Faustula sad
and almost terrified at the scene, and clinging to Julia as
to her haven of safety. The Cæsars were also there, insignificant
as always — but the youngest, Vabalathus,
armed for the war — the others are not to be drawn away
from the luxuries and pleasures of the city. Antiochus,
sullen and silent, was of the number too — stalking with
folded arms apart from the company, or else arm in arm
with one of his own color, and seeming to be there rather
because he feared to be absent, than because he derived
any pleasure from the scene. It was with an effort, and
with reluctance, that he came forward from his hiding
places, and with supreme awkwardness, yet with an air
of haughtiness and pride, paid his court to the queen.
As he retreated from his audience, the Queen's eye
sought me, and approaching me she said, `Piso, I am not


Page 80
prone to suspicion, and fear is a stranger to my heart.
But I am told to distrust Antiochus. I have been warned
to observe him. I cannot now do it, for I depart while
he remains in Palmyra. It has been thrown out that he
has designs of a treasonable nature, and that the Princess
Julia is connected with them. He is an object too contemptible
to deserve my thought, and I have not been
willing so much as to name the circumstance to any of
the council. He may prove an amusing and interesting
subject for your contemplation while we are gone.'

This was said in a partly serious, partly trifling vein.
I answered her, saying, `that I could not but fear lest
there might be more foundation for the warnings that had
been given her than she was disposed to allow. He was
indeed insignificant and contemptible in character, but
he was malignant and restless. Many an insect, otherwise
every way despicable — is yet armed with a deadly
sting. A swarm may conquer even the monarch of the
forest. Antiochus, mean as he is, may yet inflict a secret
and fatal wound; and he is not alone. There are those
who affect him. I believe you have imposed no task
which as a Roman, I may not innocently perform. Rest
assured that if watchfulness of mine may avert the
shadow of an evil from your head, it shall not be wanting.
I would that you yourself could look more seriously upon
this information, but I perceive you to be utterly incredulous.'

`It is so indeed,' she replied. `It were better for me
perhaps were it otherwise. Had I heeded the rumors
which reached me of the base Mæonius, Odenatus had
now perhaps been alive and at my side. But it is against
the grain of my nature. I can neither doubt nor fear.'

Sounds from without now indicated that the camp was
broken up, and the army in motion. The moment of


Page 81
separation had come. The Queen hastily approached her
daughters, and impressing a mother's kisses upon them,
turned quickly away, and springing upon her horse, was
soon lost to sight as she made her way through the ranks,
to assume her place at their head. Fausta lingered long
in the embraces of Julia, who, to part with her, seemed
as if about to lose as much more as she had just lost in

`These our friends being now gone, let us,' said the
Princess, `who remain, together ascend the walls of the
city, and from the towers of the gate observe the progress
of the army so long as it shall remain in sight.'

Saying this, we returned to the city, and from the
highest part of the walls watched the departing glories
of the most magnificent military array I had ever beheld.
It was long after noon before the last of the train of
loaded elephants sank below the horizon. I have seen
larger armies upon the Danube, and in Gaul. But never
have I seen one that in all its appointments presented so
imposing a spectacle. This was partly owing to the
greater proportion of cavalry, and to the admixture of
the long lines of elephants with their burdens, their
towers and litters — but more, perhaps to the perfectness
with which each individual, be he on horse or foot, be he
servant, slave or master, is furnished, respecting both
arms, armour, and apparel. Julia beheld it if with sorrow,
with pride also.

`Between an army like this,' she said, `so appointed,
and so led and inflamed, and another like that of Rome
coming up under a leader like Aurelian, how sharp and
deadly must be the encounter. What a multitude of this
and that living host, now glorious in the blaze of arms,
and burning with desires of conquest, will fall and perish,
pierced by weapons, or crushed by elephants, nor ever


Page 82
hear the shout of victory. A horrid death, winding up
a feverish dream. And of that number how likely to be
Fausta and Zenobia.'

`Why sister,' said Faustula, whom I held, and in pointing
out to whom the most remarkable objects of the
strange scene I had been occupied, `why does our mother
love to go away and kill the Romans? I am sure she
would not like to kill you,' looking up in my face, `and
are not you a Roman? She will not let me hurt even
a little fly or ant, but tells me they feel as much to be
killed, as if Sapor were to put his great foot on me, and
tread me into the sand.'

`But the Romans,' said Julia, `are coming to take
away our city from us, and perhaps do us a great deal of
harm, and must they not be hindered?'

`But,' replied Faustula, `would they do it if Zenobia
asked them not to do it? Did you ever know any body
who could help doing as she asked them? I wish Aurelian
could only have come here and heard her speak, and
seen her smile, and I know he would not have wanted to
hurt her. If I were a Queen I would never fight.'

`I do not believe you would,' said I, `you do not seem
as if you could hurt any body or any thing.'

`And now is not Zenobia better than I? I think perhaps
she is only going to frighten the Romans, and then
coming home again.'

`O no — do not think so,' said Livia, `has not Zenobia
fought a great many battles before this? If she did
not fight battles, we should have no city to live in.'

`If it is so good to fight battles, why does she prevent
me from quarrelling, or even speaking unkindly. I think
she ought to teach me to fight. I do not believe that
men or women ought to fight any more than children —
and I dare say if they first saw and talked with one


Page 83
another before they fought, as I am told to do, they never
would do it. I find that if I talk and tell what I think,
then I do not want to quarrel.— See! is that Zenobia?
How bright she shines! I wish she would come back.'

`Wait a little while, and she will come again,' said
Livia, `and bring Aurelian perhaps with her? Should
you not like to see Aurelian?'

`No, I am sure I should not. I do not want to see
any one that does not love Zenobia.'

So the little child ran on, often uttering truths, too obviously
truths for mankind to be governed by, yet containing
the best philosophy of life. Truth and happiness
are both within easy reach. We miss them, in fact, because
they are so near. We look over them, and grasp
at distant and more imposing objects, wrapped in the
false charms which distance lends.

During the absence of the Queen and Fausta, we have
in agreement with the promise we made, repeated our
visit, more than once, to the retreat of the Christian
Hermit — from whom I have drawn almost all that remains
to be known, concerning the truths of his religion.
Both Julia and Livia have been my companions. Of the
conversations at these visits, I shall hope at some future
time to furnish you with full accounts.

In the meanwhile, Farewell.