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Page vii

Page Page vii


To those who are desirous of obtaining a knowledge of the most esteemed
authors of Greece and Rome, but possess not the means or leisure
for pursuing a regular course of study, the present undertaking must prove
a valuable acquisition.

So diversified are the objects to which general education is at present
directed, that sufficient time cannot be allowed, in most instances, to lay
the foundation of an adequate acquaintance with the most popular authors
in the Greek and Latin languages. In those instances even, in which the
object has been attained, where the taste has been formed, and the habit
of occasional recurrence to the Classics has been preserved, the facility of
reference to a Series of correct and elegant Translations must afford
pleasure, and occasional assistance, even to the scholar. To him who, as
Dr. Knox observes, although engaged in other pursuits, is still anxious to
“retain a tineture of that elegance and liberality of sentiment which the
mind acquires by the study of the Classics, and which contributes more to
form the true gentleman than all the unsubstantial ornaments of modern
affectation,” such a collection will, it is confidently hoped, prove acceptable.

As the learned languages do not form part of the education of females,
the only access which they have to the valuable stores of antiquity is
through the medium of correct translation.

The selection is intended to include those authors whose works may
with propriety be read by the youth of both sexes; and it will be obvious
that the nature of the publication is of so permanent a character, as to
prove equally interesting to posterity as to the present generation. The
whole will be presented to the public in a cheap, handsome, and uniform
size, forming a complete “Family Classical Library,” alike useful for the
purpose of instruction and amusement. Indeed, as Dr. Parr says, “if
you desire your son, though no great scholar, to read and reflect, it is
your duty to place in his hands the best translations of the best Classical

A Biographical Sketch will be prefixed to each author; and notes will
be added, when necessary for the purpose of illustration. Engravings of
the authors, and Maps, will be given occasionally.

The importance attached in the present day to translations of the classic
authors, may be estimated by the fact, that a series has been recently
published in England, and also in France, and that another in the Russian
language is now in progress, under the immediate sanction of the Imperial