University of Virginia Library

Christmas in 1690.

“We have just finished the reading of this little volume, and the repeated
expressions of interest and gratification of the group who listened to it, are no
insignificant commentary upon its merits. It is one of those `very good tales and
very well told,' which we are glad to meet with. The plot is effective and the
incidents well related. There is a vein of sparkling wit pervading the narrative
which greatly heightens its interest.”

South. Literary Gazette.

“The author of this volume is very successfully developing the rich material
which the early history of New York affords for the purposes of fiction. There
is a quiet vein of humor running through the work which reminds us of old
Diedrich himself, and which cannot fail to make it very popular among the
descendants of the ancient families of Manhattan.”

N. Y. Tribune.

“The `Young Patroon' is a worthy companion of its predecessor. It has
the same traits of quiet humor and observation, carefulness of style, and ingenious
though not complex contrivance of plot. There is a love of the subject,
a kindling over old Dutch manners and Manhattan antiquities, something
in the vein of Paulding, which is not less attractive for the modesty and reserve
with which everything is set forth.”

Literary World.

“A lively and amusing tale.”


G. P. PUTNAM, 155 Broadway.