University of Virginia Library


At a meeting of the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia, called by the Rector, and held thereat, in pursuance
of notice, on the

Present Hon Chas. P. Jones, Rector, and Visitors, Messrs.
Miles, Bryan, Downing, Harmon, Chandler, and Irvine.

Sundry reports and petitions were received, including
the Chairman's Report, and the Faculty Report, all of which
having been read and considered, the following was enacted:


Mr. Downing moved that action on the first clause in the
Faculty Report be postponed. The motion was seconded and carried.

Resolved that the Faculty's recommendation, II., in regard
to special examinations be and is hereby adopted as follows:

(a) That any student returning to the University of Virginia
to stand one or more special examinations, to which he is admitted
for any reason other than sickness, shall be charged a
fee equal to one-half of the matriculation fee.

(b) This rule shall apply whether the special examination
be held in the fall, or at some other regular examination period,
provided the student does not attend lectures.

(c) No fee for special examination shall be charged to regularly
matriculated students.

The Board learns with regret that the health of Prof. Tuttle
has given way, and in consideration of the subject, it is

Resolved that he be granted a leave of absence without
reduction of salary until June 1, 1902; unless his health is
sooner restored; and

Resolved, further, that the arrangement made by a Committee
of the Faculty and the Chairman of the Executive Committee
with the Miller Board be approved, said arrangement being that
Prof. Tuttle's classes be taken care of by Dr. Barringer in
Embryology, Dr. Davis in Bacteriology, the main work of the
course, Comparative Anatomy, Histology and Botany to be done
by Dr. Skeen and Dr. Lambeth, the sum of $750.00 to pay the
latter for this increased work being provided for by the Miller


Resolved: That recommendation IV. of the Faculty now before
this Board be and the same is hereby adopted, said recommendation
being as follows:

"It is recommended that a graduate of a college or polytechnic
institute in good standing may be admitted with advanced
standing to candidacy for any degree in the Department of Engineering.
Such a student shall not be required to repeat here
those subjects upon which he exhibits, by examination, satisfactory
evidence of adequate attainments for the pursuit of
the more advanced scientific and technical courses, but he shall
be credited with the results of his previous work and shall be
permitted to proceed to graduation."

Resolved: That the Board responding to the request of the
Faculty as contained in paragraph VI. of their report now before
the Board, for the purpose of settling the question of official
seniority of Prof. Fitzhugh under the resolution of this
Board of March 3rd, 1899, hereby determines that Prof. Fitzhugh
shall be considered as becoming a professor in June, 1902, or at
any time prior thereto should he qualify as active professor of
Latin under the aforesaid resolution of March 3rd, 1899.

Resolved that the $150.00 appropriated for the entertainment
of the Alumni is to be regarded as the contribution of the
University to the Alumni lunch, the same to be expended under
the direction of the proper committee of the Alumni Association.

Resolved: That the request of Prof. R. C. Minor to be allowed
to deliver a series of twenty lectures during the current
session at Georgetown University in the subject of Conflict of
Laws be and the same is hereby granted, the Board having the assurance


of Prof. Minor that said work will be so arranged as
not to interfere or conflict with his work here.

Resolved: That Miss Sallie J. Doswell be reimbursed for
the cost of the typewriter and desk used in the Chairman's Office,
and thereupon the same to become the property of the University.

Resolved: That the Faculty be authorized to change the
catalogue on page 116 so as to conform to the laws of the Board
of Regents of the State of New York instead of the Association
of American Medical Colleges.

Whereas, Col. Wm E. Peters active professorship will terminate
in June next, Be it Resolved that he be allowed to continue
his occupancy of the pavilion now assigned him until Nov.
1st, 1902, without charge.

Resolved: That Harold J. Coolidge, of Boston, Mass., is
hereby authorized to represent this University in the matter
of the assignment to it by Mrs. Mary Austin Carroll of a certain
interest under the will of her father, Arthur W. Austin,
and to do all things necessary and proper as the legal representative
of this Board, and

Resolved, further, that the acts heretofore done in the
premises by said Coolidge are ratified and approved.

Mr. Miles, the committee of one appointed at the last
regular meeting in June, 1901, to ascertain what should be
done further in the matter of the Austin bequest, reported
as follows.

"In obedience to the resolution of the Board last June,
I made an engagement with Mrs. Carroll to meet her in Boston,


and I called on her there at the Parker House, agreeable to
our engagement. She received me in a very business-like way,
and proceeded to discuss her plans in regard to the University
of Virginia. I asked her about the reasons that prompted her
father in his gift to the University in the first instance,
and she told me that it was because he was such a great admirer
of Mr. Jefferson, of Mr. Jefferson's writings, and always
sympathized with him in his political theories, and that, because
of his great devotion to these theories, he had been
turned out of an office by President Lincoln at the beginning
of the war, that of collector of the port. She told me that
she had had this in mind for some months, as she had written
us, but that she thought, after talking with some of her friends,
that she had better let it mature until April, 1902, to show,
she said, both to her husband and others, that it had not been
a hasty decision, but that she preferred that I should talk
with the trustees, Mr. Warren and Mr. Endicott, in regard to
it and see what they thought of it and if it could be done.
She said she had never spoken of the matter to them at all.
Then I made an effort to get hold of Mr. Warren and Mr. Endicott.
I failed. They were out of town and I had to wait over
until Monday. On Monday, July 15, in the afternoon, I met Mr.
Endicott and Mr. Warren, went over the list of securities in
their hands, and acquainted them with Mrs. Carroll's wishes.
They both were very kindly disposed towards the proposition
from the first, and offered some very good suggestions about
it. I then got Mr. Harold J. Coolidge, as an attorney, to
draw up an assignment which would be legal, proper and binding;


and, after conference with him and his partner, they drew the
assignment which I have turned over to the Proctor. They submitted
this assignment to Mr. Warren, who was a lawyer and one
of the trustees, who said he thought it was as good as could
be drawn. This kept us until five o'clock Monday afternoon.
I had not seen Mrs. Carroll again since Saturday morning, the
first interview. She lived in a suburb of Boston. I then
telephoned her to please come in to the Parker House for another
conference, and it was seven o'clock when she got there. In the
meantime, I had one of Mr. Coolidge's notaries with me at the
hotel, and I laid before her the assignment and told her that
Mr. Warren and Mr. Endicott thought well of it. She made the
assignment promptly, and acknowledged it, and, in doing so,
made this remark, that she wanted her father's money to go
where he intended it should finally rest, that it had not been
a blessing to her in its use, that she had been treasurer of a
fund that had been put to bad uses, and that she would be happy
in the realization that it was at last doing the mission which
her father desired it to do on earth. She then added, playfully,
that she hoped `we would stop praying for her death down
in Virginia."'

The communication from Prof. Richard H. Wilson was received
by the Board, and ordered to be filed, and in as much
as the pavilion he wishes assigned to him has been let to Col.
Peters until November 1st next, no action is taken upon said
application; but the same will be disposed of at a future


Resolved that the Proctor return to Mr. E. Ruffin Jones,
of Virginia, his matriculation fee paid by him at the opening
of this session, he having received the appointment as an alum-
ni scholar from the Washington Association.

Resolved that the Proctor out of any funds in his hands
not otherwise appropriated, do pay to P. J. Pelz the sum of
four hundred ($40000) dollars, in full of balance due him by
the University of Va., this appropriation to be chargeable so
far as practicable, in the discretion of the Hospital Committee,
to gifts to the Hospital, and now held for equipment and
special work on building

Resolved that Prof. R. H. Wilson be granted the privilege
on such years as he spends the summer abroad of leaving
the University as soon as he shall have finished all the required
of him as a professor for such year.

Resolved that the action of the members of the Executive
Committee, informally taken, in appointing Mr. J. P. McConnell
to the John Y. Mason Fellowship for the present year be approved.

Resolved that Mr. J. A. Patterson, of Philadelphia, an
alumnus of the University, be allowed to have one of the blocks
of marble remaining over from the fire of October, 1895, for
the purpose of forming a base for a pedestal of a monument of
Mr. Jefferson which he proposes to have constructed in his
home, the block to be selected by Mr. Patterson in conjunction
with the Proctor.

Resolved that the sum of Fifty Dollars be and is hereby
appropriated for the purchase of a Medal to be presented to


the best debater of the Washington and Jefferson Literary
Societies to be determined as heretofore by a Committee of
the Faculty, selected by the said societies,—Provided that
no medal shall be given unless said Committee shall deem the
debates of sufficient merit to deserve the honor.

Resolved that Mr. Harmon, of this Board, the Proctor
and the Chairman of the Faculty, be and they are hereby made
a special committee to investigate and report the advisability
of investing a portion of the sinking fund in Professors'
houses in the grounds of the University, or make such other
suggestions concerning the investing of said sinking funds as
they may deem best.

Resolved that the Rector and Board of Visitors of the
University of Virginia extend the grateful appreciation of
the people of Virginia to Mrs. Mary Austin Carroll, of Boston,
Mass., for the assignment to the University of Virginia of her
life interest in her father's estate in excess of the sum of
$5000.00 retained for her own support.

Resolved, further, that the Secretary of the Board transmit
to Mrs. Carroll a copy of this resolution, and express to
her the acknowledgment by the Board of the beauty and usefulness
of her rare generosity.

Whereas, the number of students in attendance at the University
the present session promises to be much below that
estimated for the annual meeting of this Board in June, thus
making probable a serious deficit in the appropriations already
made; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the heads of the several departments of the
University for which specific appropriations have been made be


and are hereby earnestly requested and urged to adopt measures
of the most rigid economy in the conduct of each of their
schools or departments from this day forward to the end that
the apparent deficit for the session may be reduced to a sum
within the resources of the University.

Resolved: That the Professors receiving salaries of
$3000.00 per annum be requested to allow the Proctor to defer
the final, or May payment on salary until after the first day
of July, 1902.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

J. B. Faulkner,
Charles P. Jones