University of Virginia Library


At the regular, annual meeting of the Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia held thereat on the 15th day of
June 1896.

Present, W. C. N. Randolph, Rector, and Visitors Watts,
Patteson, Gordon, Irvine, Harmon, McIlwaine and Bryan.

Absent, Visitor McCormick.

The Chairman of the Faculty laid before the Board

The annual report of the Faculty,

The annual report of the Proctor,

The annual report of the Commr of accounts,

The annual report of the Librarian

The various school reports and other papers.

The Faculty's report was read to the Board, after which
the Executive Committee submitted its report which was read
and on motion the same was received and ordered to be spread
upon the minutes, said report is in the following words and
figures, to-wit:


To the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia.

The Executive Committee of the Visitors respectfully
recommend as follows:-

1. That the following fellowships be established in the
University, the holders thereof to have the title of "Fellow"
in the several departments named, and to be paid the salaries
stated, viz=

Fellowship in Latin,  salary  $300. 
Fellowship in Greek,  salary  $300. 
Fellowship in Physics,  salary  $500. 
Fellowship in Pathology,  salary  $300. 
Fellowship in Biology,  salary  $300. 

That it shall be the duty of said fellows to act as instructors
in their several departments, under the supervision of
the several professors in said departments, and their names
shall be published as such in the University Catalogue.

Said fellows shall be exempt from matriculation and
tuition fees, and shall be elected by Committees of three
members of the Faculty, each, selected by the whole Faculty
from the schools or departments cognate to the subject of
the particular fellowship, upon competitive examination. Any
student of the University may compete in said examination;
and the term of each Fellowship shall be two years; and no
fellow at the expiration of his term shall be eligible to
re-election in his department.

Provided, however, that for the session of 1896-97, the
instructors already chosen in the above schools shall be continued
at the salaries fixed above; and said competitive examination


for Fellowships to begin with the session of 189798,
shall be held at such time or times during the session
of 1896-97 (7) as the Faculty may determine; and provided further,
that the instructors of 1896-97 shall be eligible to compete
for said fellowships.

2. That the position of Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy
be abolished for the present.

3. That the salary of Prof. Geo. Frederick Holmes be, with
his consent, reduced from $2000. to $1000. per annum.

4. That Prof. J. H. Gilmore be elected Chairman of the Faculty,
and that he be relieved of instruction in the Law Department
except in the School of International Law; and that
his salary as chairman and professor be $3000. and a house,
or commutation.

5. That the branches of Mercantile Law and Constitutional
Law, Evidence and Equity be taught by the other Law Professors
and the Adjunct Professor, as they may determine; and
that it is the sense of the Board that the Professor to whom
the branch of Constitutional Law shall fall shall extend said
branch to include the law of Constitutional Limitations.

6. That one of the instructors in Astronomy shall be retired,
and the salary of $540. heretofore paid to said instructor
be applied, so far as may be necessary, to insurance
upon the Astronomical building and apparatus.

7. That the School of English be abolished as a separate
school; and that instruction in English be provided for as
hereinafter set out.


8. That the schools of the Romance Languages and of the
Teutonic Languages as now constituted be re-organized as "The
School of Modern Languages" with two professors of Modern
Languages; and that said school be sub-divided into the branches
of French, Italian, Spanish, German and English; and that
said several branches be taught by said two professors as they
may determine.

9. That professors, James A. Harrison and W. H. Perkinson
be elected Professors of Modern Languages, the former at a
salary of $3000. and a house, and the latter at a salary of

10. That there shall be but one janitor for the Medical Hall
and Chemical Laboratory.

11. That the appropriation for grounds and buildings be fixed
at $5000. which shall include the wages of the hands employed
and also the wages of head janitor or plumber and the wages
of a day policeman, who shall also be boss of the hands employed,
such wages to be fixed by the Superintendent of Grounds
& Buildings.

12. That the Gymnasium appropriation for the session of
1896-97 be $450.

In the event that the attendance of students should fall
below 500, which is the probable number on which the estimate
of Expenditures is based in the report of the Faculty, then
the salaries of the Professors and adjunct professors shall be
subject to a pro-rata abatement to make up such deficiency.

signed, W. C. N. Randolph, Chairman,
A. C. Gordon,
Daniel Harmon.


Resolved, that the recommendation numbered I in the Executive
Committee's report with regard to the establishment of
five fellowships be referred to the Faculty for report and recommendation
as to details as the Faculty may deem proper; said
report to be made to the next meeting of the Board; and that
the Instructors in Latin, Greek, Physics, Pathology and Biology
be continued at the salaries named in said Committee's Report,
the reduction in the salary of Instructor in Biology, to be
subject to the approval of the Miller Board. adopted.

Resolved, that the salaried position of Assistant Demonstrator
of Anatomy be dispensed with for the present, in accordance
with the recommendation of section 2 of the report of
the Executive Committee. adopted.

Resolved, that the salary of Prof. Geo. Frederick Holmes be
reduced from $2000. to $1000. in accordance with the recommendation
of the Executive Committee's Report; it being represented to
the Board that Profr Holmes consents to said reduction. adopted

Resolved, that in place of the three instructors now employed
by the Astronomical Department there be elected by a
competitive examination to be held by the Profr of Astronomy
and two other professors in cognate departments, to be chosen
by the Faculty, three Fellows in Astronomy, who shall not only
do post-graduate work in said department, but as may be necessary,
act as instructors in said department, their salaries to
be $400. per annum; but said Fellows shall for the session of
1896-97 be appointed by the professor of Astronomy. adopted.

Resolved, that the Astronomical buildings and apparatus
be insured out of the Astronomical fund. adopted.

Resolved, that the Schools of English, of the Romance Languages
and of the Teutonic Languages as now constituted be reorganized
as "The School of Modern Languages" with two professors
of Modern Languages and that said school be sub-divided


into the branches of English, German, French Italian and Spanish;
and that said several branches shall be taught by said
two professors as may be determined hereafter by the Board at
its present session. This resolution is adopted by the Board
in view of the deficit in the revenues of the University and
in what the Board regards as the direction of an absolutely
necessary retrenchment, the teaching of English Literature
being provided for in the Kent Memorial School of English Literature.

Resolved, further, that professors James A. Harrison and
Wm H. Perkinson be elected professors of Modern Languages, the
former at a salary of $3000. and a house, or commutation thereof,
and the latter at a salary of $2600. These resolutions
shall go into effect at the beginning of the session of 189697.

These resolutions were adopted by a recorded vote upon a
call of the roll as follows:

In favor of the adoption of the resolutions - the Rector,
Gordon, Patteson, Irvine and Harmon. 
Against - Watts, McIlwaine and Bryan.  3. 

Resolved, that hereafter there shall be but one janitor
for the Medical Hall and Chemical Laboratory as recommended
in the report of the Executive Committee. adopted.

Resolved, that the appropriation for Grounds & Buildings
be fixed at $5000., which shall include the wages of the hands
employed and also the wages of head Janitor or plumber, and the
wages of a day policeman who shall also be boss of the hands employed,
such wages to be fixed by the Superintendent of Grounds
and Buildings. adopted.


Resolved, that the Gymnasium appropriation for the
session of 1896-97 be $450. in accordance with the recommendation
in the Report of the Executive Committee. adopted.

Resolved; That in the event that the attendance of students
during the session of 1896-97 should fall below five
hundred, which is the probable number on which the estimate
of expenditures is based in the Report of the Faculty for
the session just ending, then the salaries of the professors
shall be subject to a pro-rata abatement, to make up such deficiency,
as recommended by the Executive Committee's report.

Resolved, that in the School of Modern Languages the
subjects of English, French and Spanish be assigned to Profr
Harrison and the subjects of German and Italian be assigned
to Profr Perkinson. adopted.

Whereas, the Faculty of the University have put on record
in their report to the Visitors their appreciation of the
conduct of the students of the University at and subsequent
to the late fire; in the following language: "We desire to
draw especially to the attention of the Visitors the admirable
conduct of the student body at, and subsequent to, the
fire that destroyed the University buildings. What seemed a
great disaster eventually showed itself as in one sense a
great blessing; kindling in the hearts of the students a
most intense patriotic devotion to Alma Mater, cementing the
relations between faculty and students by bonds of deep sympathy
and kindly feeling, and developing in the students
themselves such powers of self restraint and appreciation of


the crisis through which the institution was passing, that
it seems worthy of a permanent record in this place." and
whereas the Visitors cordially approve the expression of the
Faculty on this subject-,

Resolved, that the Visitors desire to reiterate and to
place upon their records their appreciation of the exemplary
conduct of the students under trying circumstances of discomfort
and inconvenience since the destruction of the Rotunda
and Annex, and that they beg to assure the students of their
purpose to provide by the beginning of the next session ample
and comfortable lecture rooms which will obviate the discomfort
and inconvenience that have been so patiently borne.

Resolved, that the foregoing resolution be read to the
students on the Final Day. adopted.

Resolved, that the language of the Catalogue under the
head of "Academical Degrees" p. 35 be altered under "group B.
Modern Languages" to read as follows: "French, Spanish, Italian,
German or English", and that the words, "Modern English"
be eliminated from "Group C. History and Literature". adopted.

Resolved, that the prospectus prepared by Mr John B.
Moon, and this day read to the Board, for the sale of the
$200,000. five per cent bonds of the University of Virginia
be and the same is hereby approved, and that the same shall be signed
by the Rector of the Board and attested by the committee on
finance. adopted.

On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow at 10 A. M.

Jas D. Jones,

W. C. N. Randolph



University of Va,

June 16th 1896.

The Board met in pursuance of adjournment on yesterday.

Present, the same members as on yesterday, viz, the Rector
and Visitors, Watts, Patteson, Gordon, Bryan, Irvine, Harmon
and McIlwaine.

The following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved, that in accordance with the recommendation of
the Faculty's report, Students in the Academical Department
who entered this session be not affected by the recent regulation
prescribing graduation in an additional B. A. course for
the degree of Bachelor of Arts.

Resolved, that in accordance with the recommendation of
the Faculty's report, the Academical Faculty be authorized to
admit to the advanced courses of the University as candidate
for the degree of Ph: D. any B. A. or M. A. of this or other
institution of learning with whose preliminary attainments
they are satisfied.

Resolved, that the Visitors do affirm the principle that
all Fellows and assistant instructors in the University as far
as compatible with their teaching duties, shall devote themselves
to advanced study in their several departments under
the direction of the Professors in said several departments.

Resolved, that the recommendation of the Faculty contained
in clause 9 of their report, relating to the Departments
of Physics and Engineering be referred to the Building
Committee with power to act in the premises.


Resolved, that the amount of the Shields legacy now in
the hands of the Proctor, to-wit $6012.23, be transferred to
the credit of the building Committee.

Resolved, that the report of the Faculty relating to the
appropriation of $500. for the maintenance of the Alumni Bulletin,
be and the same is hereby approved and it is referred
to the Finance Committee with instructions to have it favorably

Resolved, that the recommendation of the Faculty with reference
to Christmas holiday be approved. On this resolution a
recorded vote was called for and ordered and on a call of the
roll resulted in the adoption of the resolution by a vote of
5 in favor to 3 against it as follows:

Ayes - the Rector, Bryan, McIlwaine, Irvine and Watts -  5. 
Noes - Gordon, Patteson and Harmon.  3. 

Resolved, that in accordance with the recommendation of
the Faculty's report, a fire-plug shall be put in as near as
practicable to the Anatomical and Chemical Halls, but the expense
thereof shall be borne out of the Buildings & Grounds

Resolved, that the Superintendent of Grounds & Buildings
be, and he is hereby directed, to place a water meter at the
Reservoir for the purpose of measuring the amount of water
used by the University of Virginia; provided the City of Charlottesville
shall at the same time put in a water meter for
the purpose of measuring the amount of water used by the said
city—the object being to ascertain the amount of water used
by the said University and the said City, and the understanding


being that either of the joint owners of the said Reservoir,
which may, at the end of any year, be found to have used,
during the said year, an undue proportion of the water, shall
pay to the other a just and fair compensation therefor.

Resolved, further, that the Secretary of this Board be
and he is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution
to the Common Council of said city.

The Board having received a communication from the Council
of the City of Charlottesville by a Committee of said Council,
setting forth a danger that the joint water supply of the
University and the City may be diminished beyond the point of
safety, and suggesting the adoption of the flush tank system
by the University. It is

Resolved, that the Secretary of this Board be directed to
communicate to said Council (by a copy of this resolution) the
information that the flush tank system will be used in all the
new buildings of the University now being erected, and that
this Board will co-operate with said Council in so far as practicable
by flush tanks, or otherwise, in the buildings now in
existence, in economizing the water supply.

Resolved, that the suggestion of the Faculty's report as
to the employment of extra police, be referred to the Superintendent
of Buildings & Grounds, with authority to employ said
policeman, paying him out of the Building & Grounds appropriation,
but with the distinct understanding, that should such extra
policeman be employed, he can only be paid out of said appropriation.


Resolved, that every student boarding within the University
at one of the Hotels shall on entering pay to the Proctor
three month's board in advance, and upon the expiration of that
period shall pay to the Proctor three months additional board
in advance and so on during the session; every such student
being required to keep in the hands of the Proctor funds in advance
to meet his board for such period as may be requisite not
exceeding three months. After boarding three months or longer
at any one Hotel every such student shall have the right to
change his Hotel. The Proctor shall pay to each Hotel Keeper
at the end of each month the amount due for the board of the
students boarding with him.

Upon a report by the Proctor to the Chairman of the Faculty
of any delinquents, the Chairman shall take steps to require
the payment of the same, and if the same is not paid the
delinquent shall be liable to suspension.

Resolved, that the Law Librarian be relieved from the payment
of matriculation and tuition fees; and that the present
incumbent be repaid by the Proctor the sum of $40.00 which has
been paid by him for his matriculation.

Resolved, that the pavilion occupied by Profr Venable be
assigned to Profr Echols.

Resolved, that the house occupied by Dr Barringer be assigned
as dormitories.

Resolved, that the question of insurance on the University
buildings be referred to a special Committee, consisting
of the Rector and Messrs Gordon & Harmon with authority to act.


Resolved, that the Proctor be requested to furnish for
the information of the Board, statements showing details of
the expenditures in the Agricultural, Chemical, Physical,
Engineering and Mineralogy departments, and also of the dispensary
and infirmary, and statement showing the present state
of the infirmary fund, also details of expenditures on account
of the Pathological Laboratory and of Operative Surgery. And
a statement showing the profit or loss in the sale of coal and
sale of ice.

Resolved, that the use of so much of the grounds of the
University as are bounded on the north by Main Street, on the
East by the C. &. O. R.Y, on the South by the Lynchburg road
and on the West by a line from the West line of the post office
building, thence southward along a line parallel to East Range,
to the Lynchburg road, be and is hereby granted to the University
General Athletic Association for their purposes; subject
however to the following reservations and restrictions, that
no enclosure shall be made within 50 feet of the Post office
building and that no enclosure shall be made nor alterations
of the grounds without the approval of the Superintendent of
Grounds & Buildings of the Board of Visitors.

The use of the grounds hereby granted may be revoked at
any time by the Board of Visitors.

Upon the foregoing resolution a recorded vote was called
for and ordered and upon a call of the roll the resolution was
adopted by a vote of 5 for to 3 against as follows:

Ayes - Messrs Bryan, McIlwaine, Irvine, Patteson and Harmon.  5. 
Nos - The Rector and Messrs Watts and Gordon.  3. 


Resolved, that the resolution granting the ground south
of the Post office to the Athletic Association be referred to
the Committee on Buildings & Grounds to report at the next
meeting of the Board.

Upon this resolution a recorded vote was called for and
ordered and on a call of the roll it was defeated by a vote
of 5 against to 3 in favor, as follows:

Ayes - the Rector and Messrs Gordon & Watts -  3. 
Nos - Messrs Bryan, Irvine, McIlwaine, Patteson
and Harmon 

Resolved, that the Board hereby approve the bill for
professional services of John B. Moon, Esq, amounting to
seven hundred and seventy five dollars ($77500) subject to
a credit of $180.00 which has been paid and was the amount
of state tax paid by the Committee which has been paid over
to him. It is ordered to be paid as provided for by the resolution
of April 25th 1896 page 94 [51] of this record book.

Resolved, that the position of Superintendent of Buildings
& Grounds for the ensuing year be filled by the Board of
Visitors, and that the incumbent be paid a salary of $1200.00.
His duties to be prescribed and defined by a Committee of three
of which the Rector shall be chairman. Messrs Gordon & Harmon,
the other two. Upon this resolution a recorded vote was called
for and ordered and upon a call of the roll it was adopted by a
vote of 6 in favor to 2 against it, as follows - Ayes the Rector
and Messrs Watts, Gordon, Irvine, Bryan and McIlwaine- 
Nos - Messrs Patteson & Harmon-  2. 

The Committee consists of the Rector & Messrs Gordon & Harmon.


Resolved, that whereas by the general appropriation bill
passed March 3d 1896 by the General Assembly of Virginia the
sum of $50,000. was appropriated to the University of Virginia
for the year beginning October 1st 1895 and ending September
30th 1896, payable in monthly instalments amounting to $4166.66
per month but the payments to the University for the months
which have elapsed since October 1st 1895 have in point of fact
been only $3333.33 each; and whereas the needs of the University
have been and are such as to call for payment of the whole amount
allowed by the Legislature: Therefore the Proctor is instructed
to call for payment of the amount remaining due as aforesaid on
the said appropriation.

Resolved, that whereas by a resolution heretofore this day
adopted by this Board the Rector was requested to call for the
payment of such amount from the State Treasury as would make the
monthly allowance to the University the sum of $4166.66 for the
months which have elapsed since October 1st 1895 instead of
$3333.33 per month which has been actually paid, the said first
named sum being the amount to which it would appear the University
was entitled per month under the general appropriation bill
passed by the General Assembly of Virginia March 3d 1896, and
whereas a doubt has been suggested as to when the increased appropriation
by the Legislature to the University would be held
to begin; and by the terms of the Act of the said General Assembly
approved January 23d 1896 and entitled "An act to enable the
Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia to repair the
loss sustained by that institution by the fire of October 27th
1895" it was provided that the $10,000. per annum therein appropropriated


to the Rector & Visitors of the University should
be paid "in equal semi-annual instalments at such times as
they may fix"; now therefore in the event it should be held
that the whole of said sum of $50,000. per annum is not payable
to the University in monthly instalments beginning on the 1st
day of October 1895 as aforesaid, but that said Rector & Visitors
are entitled to the additional $10,000. per annum specified
in said Act of Jan'y 23d 1896 to be paid as therein specified,
then and in such case the said Rector & Visitors do hereby
fix the times for the payment of said $10,000 per annum as follows:
The first $5,000. or semi-annual instalment thereof shall
be paid on the 1st day of August next (August 1896) and each
succeeding semi-annual instalment of $51,000. shall be paid at
the end of each six months thereafter, so that said instalments
shall be paid on the 1st day of February and the 1st day of August
during each year thereafter.

A letter was received from Profr James M. Garnett in the
following words and figures, to wit-:

To the Hon. Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia.

Having learned that the chair which I have the honor to
hold in the University has been merged into the School of Modern
Languages by your Hon. body, I would respectfully inquire
whether this action results from any dissatisfaction with the
conduct of the chair, what are the grounds of such dissatisfaction,
if any, & on what evidence it is based.


As this is a matter that seriously concerns my professional
reputation, I would request the fullest & most complete investigation,
& the opportunity to rebut any charges that may have
been made.

I have the honor to remain yours very respectfully
signed - James M. Garnett.
Prof. of English Language.

On consideration whereof, the letter having been read to
the Board, the following resolution was adopted by a unanimous

Resolved; The Board of Visitors desire to inform Prof.
Garnett, in reply to the letter this day received, that their
action in reorganizing the school of English of which he has
been the Professor in charge, was not actuated by any lack of
confidence in his high character as a man or in his ability &
attainments as a scholar.

The following resolutions in relation to Prof Gilmore
were submitted and upon a vote thereon were defeated by a majority
of the Visitors voting in the negative:

Resolved, that Profr J. H. Gilmore be elected Chairman of
the Faculty for one year from Sept 15th 1896, and that he be
relieved of instruction in the Law Department except in the
branches of International & Constitutional Law, and that his
salary as Chairman & Professor be $3000. and a house or commutation

Resolved, further, that the branches of Criminal Law,
Evidence and Equity to which shall be added Constitutional
Limitations be taught by the two other Law Professors and the


Adjunct Professor of Law as said two full professors may

Resolved, that a Committee of three shall be appointed
by the Rector who shall consider and report to this Board at
a meeting to be called by the Rector at the request of said
Committee as to the expediency of electing a chairman of the
Faculty, who shall not only preside over the Faculty meetings,
but shall be the Executive Officer in charge of, and at the
head of University affairs; that if said Committee shall recommend
the appointment of said Executive officer, they shall
specifically define his duties in said report; and shall recommend
what salary shall be paid such officer, and suggest the
names of one or more persons whom they shall deem eligible for
such position.

The Rector appointed as said Committee Messrs Gordon,
Bryan & McIlwaine.

Resolved, that Dr P. B. Barringer be elected Chariman of
the Faculty for the term from Sep. 1st 1896 to July 1st 1897
with the compensation of $500. for the term.

Resolved, that Mr. Robert Robertson be elected Superintendent
of Grounds & Buildings for one year from this date at
a salary of $1200. for the year.

Resolved, that it is the sense of the Visitors, in view
of their desire to encourage post-graduate work, that whenever
any qualified student of the University shall apply to any professor
for instruction and examination for the Ph: D. degree,
it shall be the duty of such Professor to furnish such student
proper instruction, and at proper time or times examine him for
such degree in his department.


Resolved, that the resignation of Prof. Ormond Stone from
the chair of Astronomy which was placed in the hands of the
Rector be laid upon the table.

Resolved, that the resignation of Prof. Stone as Editor
in Chief of the Annals of Mathematics, be accepted; and that
Prof. W. H. Echols be elected Editor-in-Chief of said Annals
of Mathematics, with authority to select his associate Editor
or Editors.

On motion the Board adjourned until tomorrow at 10 A. M.

W. C. N. Randolph

Jas D. Jones,

University of Va,

June 17th 1896.

The Board met in pursuance of adjournment on yesterday.
Present, the same members as on yesterday with the Exception
of Mr McIlwaine, gone home.

A letter was received from Profr James M. Garnett in the
following words and figures, to wit:

To the
Hon. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,

In view of the action of your Hon. body in abolishing
the School of the English Language as a separate school and
assigning the subject to the School of Modern Languages, and


in view also of the resolution passed in reply to my letter
of the 16th inst., I have the honor respectfully to tender my
resignation as Professor of the English Language in the University
of Virginia, to take effect Sept 14th 1896. I remain
yours respectfully,

signed- James M. Garnett,
Professor of the English Language.

Resolved, that the resignation of Profr James M. Garnett
of the Chair of English Language this day received by the Board
be accepted, to take effect the 14th of September 1896.

The miller Board Committee submitted its report which was
received and ordered to be spread upon the minutes of this
Board, and is in the following words & figures, to wit:

"M" The following are the appropriations recommended by the
Miller Board:

Two scholarships $300.  $600.00 
Library  200.00 
Contingent Fund  150.00 
Extra Lecturer  300.00 

Aggregate, upon Profr Tuttle's recommendation:

Profr Tuttle's salary  $3000.00 
Profr Thornton  500.00 
Profr Dunnington  500.00 
3 Scholarships  750.00  4750.00 

Profr Tuttle nominates,

Oscar M. Ball of Va and

Cawdell Herrick of Ill., to the Fellowships.


Mr Herrick's acceptation of the above position vacates a scholarship
& Prof. Tuttle desires that Mr J. A. Shepperd be appointed
to the vacant scholarship.

Capt Vawter nominates Mr Charles Hancock for the Miller

The Miller Board approves all of the foregoing, subject to
the approval of the Board of Visitors.

Since the foregoing was written it has been suggested, &
the Miller Board agrees, that instead of appropriating $300.
for extra Lecturer that this be omitted & $300. be added to
Profr Thornton's salary. They also agree that instead of establishing
fellowships in Prof. Tuttle's School that he be allowed
two assistants at a compensation of $300. each & that
this arrangement be for one year.

A copy,
signed- R. T. W. Duke Jr

Signed- John M. White

Geo W. Palmer.

"P" - On motion the Treasurer was ordered to pay to the Proctor
the amount shown to be due the University by said report
on last years appropriation, i. e. $960.00 & if necessary to
use so much of the increased principal over a $100,000. reported
by him as may be necessary for that purpose.

A copy,
signed- R. T. W. Duke, Jr


To the Hon. Board of Visitors of the University of Va.

The undersigned Committee respectfully report that after
a conference with the Miller Board a satisfactory settlement
has been made which is embodied in a paper filed herewith,
marked "M", as a part of this report.

Your Committee concurs in the appropriations and suggestions
set forth in the paper marked "M" and respectfully
asks that this action may be confirmed.

signed - Camm Patteson,

Addenda - A resolution of the Miller Board marked "P" is
filed herewith as a part this report. It will show that the
deficiency of $960. will be paid. Your Committee are assured
that this last amount will be paid in thirty days time.

signed -

Camm Patteson, Chairman

Daniel Harmon.

Resolved, that the report of the Miller Board Committee
be & the same is hereby approved & confirmed & this Board
hereby confirms the nominations made by the Miller Board.

Resolved, that Dr Carrington Harrison be appointed instructor
in Chemistry for the session of 1896-97 at a salary
of $800.

Resolved, that G. M. Peek, Jr, be reelected instructor
in Mechanical Engineering for the session of 1896-97 at a
salary of $1000.

Resolved, that Mr Saml J. Barnett be continued as assistant
to the professor of Astronomy until Sep 14th 1896 at a


salary of $45. per month, with instructions to the Executive
Committee to fill his place for the session of 1896-97; and
Messrs H. R. Morgan & H. O. Murfee be selected assistants in
said school for the session of 1896-97 at salaries of $400.

Resolved, that the petition of Profr W. M. Lile and R. C.
Minor for permission to use one of the lecture rooms of the
University for the purposes of their summer law school which
they design to conduct during the coming summer, be granted.

Resolved, that the Mason Fellowship be and the same is
hereby awarded for the session of 1896-97 to Edgar Dawson.

Resolved, that the report of the Board of Health be referred
to the Building Committee with instructions to act.

Resolved, that one of the rooms adjoining the house of
Mrs Elsom be assigned to her as part of her house, the same
to be selected by her.

Resolved, that the pavilion to be vacated by Profr Garnett
on Sep 14th 1896 be rented to Mrs Bettie B. Cocke at the
price of $300. per annum, with the understanding, these pavilions
being designed for professors alone, that at any time
before Sep 14th 1896, if applied for by a Professor, this
permission is revoked, & at any time after the 15th of June
1897 and before the 14th of Sept 1897 such application be made
Mrs Cocke shall vacate the house, rent being abated proportionally.

Resolved, that the recommendation in the report of the
Faculty marked paragraph I, of date March 12th 1896, pertaining


to the schedule of special fees for the Medical department
be and the same is hereby approved and adopted.

Resolved, that the recommendation of the Faculty's report
of March 12th 1896, that separate diplomas be awarded
to graduates in each of the several classes of the Law Department,
analogous to those already given in the School of
the Medical department.

The Board of Visitors have learned with regret of the
decline of interest among the students in the two Literary
& Debating Societies of the University, the Jefferson and
Washington Societies.

The value of the training for certain important duties
of Citizenship, to be had in well conducted debating societies
is so great that its loss to the students of this University
would be seriously felt by its alumni in all parliamentary
& forensic situations in which they may be placed
after leaving their Alma Mater.

The Board is impressed with the importance amounting
almost to a necessity of restoring the proper functions &
influence of these Parliamentary gymnasia to the students
of this University, but it believes that this can best & indeed
can only permanently be done by the students themselves
when they duly appreciate the value of the training to be had
in these debating societies & pursue a line of conduct which
will secure & retain the interest of its members the societies
will revive and flourish.

The character of the Societies & their success will respond
instantly to the adoption of the test of merit as their exclusive


claim to the honors of the Societies this test to be determined
upon principles of honor by the members of the societies

If any other influences are permitted to affect the choice
of the honor bearers of the societies, then decay will be sure
and speedy.

With the hope and expectation that such a course of conduct
will prevail in the Societies the Board of Visitors hereby
establish in each of the Literary Societies, The Jefferson and
the Washington, a Medal to be known as the Rector and Visitors'
debating Medal, to cost not exceeding $50., to be awarded by
the members of each Society respectively to the best debater
in that Society during each session, and to be delivered at
the end of the session.

Resolved, that the action of the Board of Visitors in
respect to the establishment of debaters medals in the Literary
Societies be communicated to the Faculty with the request that
they take steps to bring it to the knowledge of the students
& to give such aid as they may deem proper in carrying out the
views of the Board.

Resolved, that the bill of McKim, Meade & White referred
to this Board be and the same is hereby referred to the Building
Committee with authority to act.

Resolved, that Walter D. Dabney be and he is hereby elected
a full professor of law in the University of Virginia, and that
A. H. Buckmaster is elected professor of Gynecology, Obstetricks
and Practice of Medicine for the period of one year, and that
Raleigh C. Minor is elected Adjunct professor of Law.


Resolved, that a Committee of three be appointed to consider
and report to some future meeting of this Board the propriety
of establishing a University printing press and office,
where the publications of the Faculty & the Board may be printed,
Said Committee shall ascertain and report the cost of equipping
and running such an office and what saving, if any can be made

Committee under above resolution.

Messrs Bryan, Gordon & Randolph.

Whereas in the opinion of the Board it is necessary to
have a re-organization of the Law Department, and in the interest
of economy, the abatement of one professorship,

Resolved, that the course of instruction be increased by
the addition of the subject of Constitutional Limitations, and
that the arrangement of all the studies be left to the decision
of professors W. M. Lile and W. D. Dabney upon conference with
adjunct professor, R. C. Minor, the same to be apportioned between
themselves as they may deem best.

That Professor James H. Gilmore be removed as professor
of Law to take effect Sept 14th 1896.

In adopting this course the Board wishes to take the occasion
to express the greatest respect for Professor Gilmore
as a man, and for his ability as a lawyer.

Upon the foregoing resolution reorganizing the Law Department
a call was made and ordered for a recorded vote and
be so had upon a call of the roll the preamble and resolutions
were adopted by the following vote: viz,


Ayes - The Rector, and Messrs Bryan, Irvine, Watts, Patteson
and Harmon, these six being all of the members present
with the exception of Mr Gordon, who at his request, and for
reasons statisfactory to the Board, was excused from voting.

The Finance Committee submitted its report which upon
being read and considered, on motion the same was received,
approved and adopted and ordered to be spread upon the minutes.
Said report is in the following words and figures, to-wit:

To the Rector & Visitors of the University.

Your Finance Committee respectfully submit the following
report of estimated Income & Expenditures for the year
ending June 15th 1897.

Estimated Income per report of the Faculty. p. 22 of said
Rent of 2 pavilions  600. 
Estimated fees  52,500. 
Arrears from Miller fund  960. 




17 Professors $3000.  51,000. 
2 Professors 2600.  5,200. 
1 Professors  1,000. 
1 asso. Professors  2,000. 
3 adjt Professors 1500.  4,500. 
Instructor in chem.  800. 
Instructor in Elec. & Physics  500. 
Instructor in Latin  550. 
Instructor in Biology  600. 
Instructor in Mech. Engineering  1,000. 
Demonstrator of Anat.  1,000. 
Demonstrator Pathology  300. 
Director of Gymnasium  1,250. 

Salaries of officers:

Chairman  500. 
Proctor  2 000. 
Superint of G. & B.  1 200. 
Secr'y of Chairman of Fac.  800. 
Secr'y of Board of Vs  300. 
Commr of Accounts  150. 
Librarian  1 000.  5,950. 

Scholarships & Fellowships:

Miller  750. 
Brown  120. 
Mason  210.  1,080. 

Interest & Sinking Fund:

Sinking fund old Debt  2,555. 
Sinking fund New Debt  1,700. 
Int Old Debt  6,220. 
Int New Debt  10,000.  20,475 




Grounds & Buildings  5,000. 
Commutation of rent  2,100. 
Contingent fund  1,500. 
Reservoir  150. 
Law Library  40. 
Insurance  1 557. 
Less Observatory Insurance 1875
Night watch  360. 
Janitor Rotunda  300. 
Janitor Museum  225. 
Janitor Med. Hall & Chem. Lab.  135. 
Janitor Wash. & Tem. Hall  135. 
Janitor Dispensary  100. 
Chairmans Messenger  120.  1,555. 

Working Expenses:

Alumni Bulletin  500. 
Observatory  1 610. 
Ast Biol.  650. 
Chem. Depart.  385 
Engineer  75 
Anatom. Material  300. 
Min. & Geol.  50 
Dispensary  400. 
Library  476 
Diplomas  500 
Printing Blanks  200. 
Catalogue  750 
Adv.  1 700 
Gymnasium  450 
Fuel  500 
Lights  750  9,296. 


Forward  9,296.  126,011 
Fuel Gas  190. 
Path. Lab.  250. 
Oper. Surgery  100. 
Annals of Math  350. 
Wash. & Jeff. Societies  200. 
Medals 1896-97 
Wash & Jeff. Socs  100.  10,486 
Deficit of 1895-96  2,814.69  122,407.69 
$ 3,603.31 

This shows an estimated surplus of $3,603.31, after paying
deficit of $2814.69 from year ending 15th of June 1896.

signed - Legh R. Watts

Daniel Harmon.

Resolved, that the Proctor be authorized to pay to Walter
T. Oliver for the Jefferson Society, One hundred dollars.

Resolved, that the following instructors be elected for
the year 1896-97 with the following salaries:

Hugh T. Nelson, Instructor in Clinical Surgery-  (No salary.) 
Wm A. Lambeth, Instructor in Phisical Culture  $1250.00 
C. C. Wright, Instructor in Latin  550.00 
James H. Corbett, Instructor in Physics  500.00 
H. S. Hedges, Dem. of Anat  1,000.00 
W. A. R. Russell, ant. Gynecology & Practice of Medicine
without pay. 
Lyman T. Skeene, M. D. Histology & Pathology
in place of Dr W. W. Luck 


Resolved, that the thanks of the Rector & Visitors of the
University of Virginia are due and hereby tendered the Chesapeake
& Ohio Railway Co. for liberal assistance & valuable aid
extended & given in the matter of affording facilities for the
delivery of material &c to be used in and about the erection
of the new buildings.

Resolved, that the contract made by the Building Committee
with Genl Geo. D Johnston to act a agent of the Board in col-
lecting funds be approved.

Resolved, that the Excavation and fills as contracted for
by the Building Committee, be paid out of the Restoration fund
upon the order of the Building Committee.

Resolved, that the salary of the present Chairman be paid
monthly until the expiration of his term.

The building committee submitted their report which on
motion was received, and on motion the action of the Committee
in according the contract to Messrs Langley & Co of Richmond,
Va, at $269,440.00, an amount exceeding by $19,440. the amount
authorized by resolution of this Board adopted March 13th 1896,
is ratified, approved & confirmed.

Resolved, that the chairman of the Faculty acting under
the advice & approval of the Faculty may adopt such measures
of public & personal advertising as may direct the favorable
attention of the public to the University & add to the number
of its students and to defray the expense thereof a sum not
exceeding $750. may be expended and the same is hereby appropriated.


Resolved, that all appointments of unpaid instructors
in the several schools not made by the Board of Visitors at
this session, may be made by the professors of the several
schools by & with the consent and approval of the Faculty for
the session 1896-97.

On motion the present Executive Committee, composed of the
Rector and Visitors Watts, McCormick, Gordon & Harmon, were reelected.

On motion, Mr McCormick was added to the Building Committee.

On motion the Board adjourned sine die.


W. C. N. Randolph
Jas D. Jones,