University of Virginia Library


At a meeting of the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia held in pursuance of a call by the Rector, and notice,
on the 13th day of March 1896.

Present= W. C. N. Randolph, Rector, and Visitors, Legh R.
Watts, Mashall McCormick, Camm Patteson, A. C. Gordon, R. T.
Irvine, Joseph Bryan and Daniel Harmon; the last named three
of whom, are of the Visitors recently commissioned by the Governor,
Mr Irvine succeeding himself.

The newly commissioned Visitors, filed certificates of
their qualification as Visitors, as follows:

Mr Irvine,- a certif. of the clerk of the Corporation Court
of the city of Lynchburg, Va.

Mr Bryan - a certif. of E. C. Minor, Judge of the Law and
Equity Court of the City of Richmond, Va,            and
Mr Harmon - a certif. of the clerk of the county court of the
County of Albemarle, Va.

The Rector appointed the following committees:


Messrs Watts, McCormick and Harmon.

Conduct of Schools & Examination of Students,

Messrs Gordon, Irvine & Bryan.

Library & Apparatus,

Messrs Bryan, Patteson & McIlwaine.

Grounds & Buildings,

Messrs McCormick, Gordon & Watts.

Health, Infirmary, etc.


Messrs Irvine, McIlwaine & Patteson.

Miller Board,

Messrs Patteson, Harmon & McIlwaine.

The Chairman of the Faculty laid before the Board a report
of the Faculty of date March 12th 1896.

The Building Committee submitted its report, wich was
read and considered, and the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved; That the Report of the Building Committee be received
and spread upon the records, and its action in the matter
of terminating the contract with McDonald Bros. and making
an arrangement with Messrs McKim, Mead & White for formulating
plans, specifications etc. for the proposed buildings, be and
the same is hereby ratified and confirmed. Said report is in
the following words and figures:

To the Rector and Board of Visitors of the University of

Immediately upon our appointment as the Building Committee,
in compliance with your directions employed McDonald Bros.
of Louisville, K'y as Architects for the restoration of the Rotunda
and its wings. We also assigned to them the duty of demolishing
the Annex and preparing, by removing such materials
as were worth it and leveling the debris, for the construction
of the esplanade as designed in the plan adopted by yourselves
in your last meeting. The Architect was directed to furnish
plans and to rebuild the wings as speedily as possible; their
needs, as lecture rooms being very great. He was also instructed,
the original design for those wings having been furnished
him, to adhere as closely as was possible and as consistent


with making the two buildings fire-proof, to this
original design. His plans, to wit flat roofs continuous
with level of the Rotunda portico floor, to be made as nearly
as possible, water-proof, heat proof and sound proof, with
railings surrounding it on three sides in accord with the
style of architecture of the surrounding buildings; a cement
floor, in place of the wooden floor, having no wood but the
doors and windows, was adopted. It was also decided, it being
in accordance with the original design, that the two doors entering
each of the rooms from the passage-ways, should be in
arches corresponding exactly in size and a continuation of the
arches under the Rotunda. The repair of the walls, that had
been damaged by explosives and the calculation as to their
strength, were left entirely to the Architect. In presenting
his plans he stated that the buildings would be ready for use
about the first of January. The protection of the walls of
the Rotunda, by a temporary roof was also assigned to him.
This was speedily done and in a satisfactory manner. On the
arrival of the steel substructure and its being put in place
and when half the concrete roofing had been put on, it began
to be suspected that the steel sub-structure was too weak.
This with the intense coldness of the weather, so cold that
cement could not be safely worked induced us to stop the work.
The concrete having been supposed by Mr McDonald to be unsafe,
The Cranford Co. sent an architect as an expert to decide as
to it. He reported the steel beams of the roof as too weak.
This led to a thorough investigation ably conducted by Mr Dessez
supervised and verified by Profr Wm M. Thornton. The report


justified this suspicion. An interview then with Mr H. P.
McDonald induced him, upon our expressing the desire to put
the whole matter of the construction and reconstruction in
the hands of Messrs McKim, Mead & White of New York, to withdraw
from the service of the University upon our agreeing to
pay him the usual architects price of 2 1/2 % for his design,he
agreeing to pay for the strengthening of the steel substructure
of the wings. Your Committee then employed Mr Stanford
White of the concern of McKim, Mead & White, as the architect,
not only for the new buildings, but for the reconstruction
of the Rotunda and its wings. In his appointment for the reconstruction,
Your Committee are aware that they have exceeded
their authority, but confidently ask your confirmation of their
action. This action was taken upon the 18th day of January.
Owing to an attack of sickness, Mr White did not get here for
a fortnight. He thoroughly investigated the difficulties of
the problem he had to solve, asked us that we would get for
him at once contour lines in order that he might fix his locations,
said that it would take him some time to develop his
plans, but that he would be as expeditions as was practicable.
He appeared before the Committee on the second day of March.
The Committee adopted his plans subject to the revision of
your body, except that they required that he should value the
total expenditure for his buildings, grounds, etc. to the sum
of $250,000.00, and consented that in doing this, he should
not be required to make his new buildings fire-proof, but that
the plan for making the Rotunda and its two wings fire proof
should be held to. It is unnecessary in the Report of this


Committee to enter into the plans as Mr White will be before
you with the drawings and specifications and can more easily
explain them than we can. We beg leave further to state, that
pressed by the absolute need of two new Lecture rooms we have
erected a cheap wooden building to supply this need.

The best mode of getting brick for the buildings of the
size and color used in the old buildings has been closely
looked into. Clay almost identical with the clay of the original
bricks has been found and enough for a half million of
brick has been gotten out and exposed to the weather. The yard
will be prepared and brick will be moulded as soon as the weather
will permit. We append herewith the financial report of
the Building Committee as furnished to us by the Superintendent
of Buildings and Grounds. The amounts expended are stated as
follows and will be found to be itemized in the Report:

Rotunda  $1370.47 
Terraces & Wings  3465.93 
Annex (cleaning, hauling & stacking brick)  629.49 
Temporary Lecture rooms  895.95 
Incidental Expenses  2690.57 
Total  $9050.43 

On examining the items it will be found that there is
quite a large amount of supplies for future use on hand.
That at the request of the Executive Committee they turned
over to the Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds for his
repair fund between $700.00 and $1000.00, an amount expended
by the University force in paying for repairs incident to the


Respectfully yours
W. C. N. Randolph, Chairman
A. C. Gordon
Wm M. Thornton
W. H. Echols.

Incidental Expenses.



Amount paid H. P. McDonald, construction fee  $ 100.00 
Amount paid H. P. McDonald, traveling expenses  41.00 
Amount of warrant #34 to cover amts paid by Proctor
without warrants 
Amount paid Wampler for views sent to N. Y.  4.50 
Amount paid for Iron safe & frt. for Committee  60.00 
Amount paid Lipscomb, Livery for firemen  8.50 
Amount paid W. G. McCabe exp. to N. Y. & books purchased  57.65 
Amount paid Expenses of firemen, at fire  33.35 
Amount paid Expenses of Profrs Thornton & Dabney to
Amount paid Anderson & Bro. stationery, books etc.  9.40 
Amount paid Wills Drug Co. sundries  1.85 
Amount paid W. U. Telegraph Co, for telegrams  11.85 
Amount paid C. P. Benson, salary  100.00 
Amount paid W. T. Martin store fittings for Museum,
Jeff. & Wash Halls 
[1] Amount paid W. C. N. Randolph appr  300.00 
Amount paid Profr W. H. Perkinson books sent Dr T. N.
Amount paid G. W. Olivier Views & Annual  4.50 
Amount paid So. R'y Col. frt on Fire Engine  43.64 
Amount paid Repairs & Improvmt Fund, for work at Museum
Jeff. & Wash Hall, 
Amount paid Lipscomb hack hire for Commee  18.50 
Amount paid Dr W. C. N. Randolph Postage, Telegrams,
Exp. Chage etc. 
Amount paid E. A. Roberts Stenography & Typewriting  10.00 
Amount paid C. P. Benson salary  50.00 
Amount paid W. G. McCabe exp. to meeting  33.75 
Amount paid A. D. Wright Hotel bill for Commee  24.10 
Amount paid A. C. Gordon Exp. to meeting  12.00 

Report of Building Committee of money's expended on Rotunda

Amount paid for Carpenter's work  778.19 
Amount paid for Day Laborers  138.59 
Amount paid for removing debris  71.95 
Amount paid for Lumber  284.00 
Amount paid for Hardware  66.94 
Amount paid for Watchmen  13.00 
Amount paid for Cotton cloth for windows  10.00 
Amount paid for Rope  7.80 
Total  $1370.47 

Terraces or Wings



Amount paid for carpenters work  167.72 
Amount paid for Brick layers  147.14 
Amount paid for Day Laborers  44.02 
Amount paid for Derrick  100.00 
Amount paid for Iron Beams  900.00 
Amount paid for frt on Iron Beams  86.11 
Amount paid for hauling Iron Beams  7.00 
Amount paid for frt on plaster  58.87 
Amount paid for Lime & Cement  31.30 
Amount paid for sand  15.20 
Amount paid for putting in gas pipes  52.50 
Amount paid Cranford Paving Co.  1000.00 
Amount paid Nettycomb & Kell for cement etc.  551.83 
Amount paid for Keystone Gas Meter  22.50 
Amount paid Wenger & Brand, Plastering & Material  281.80 

Annex or Public Hall

Amount paid for cleaning, hauling & stacking
$ 269.49 
Temporary Lecture Building. 
Amount paid for Carpenters' work  254.54 
Amount paid for Lumber  352.11 
Amount paid for Hardware  120.51 
Amount paid for Desks & Blackboards  59.00 
Amount paid for Insurance  16.12 
Amount paid for Lime & cement  11.01 
Amount paid Bricklayers  10.62 
Amount paid Fitting up stoves  8.00 
Amount paid Painting & Material  26.50 
Amount paid Plumbing  37.50 
$ 895.95 

Resolved, that the vacancy on the Building Committee
caused by the retirement of Mr W. Gordon McCabe from the Board
of Visitors, be filled by the appointment of Judge Legh R.


Watts and that an additional member from the Board be appointed;
and that Mr Daniel Harmon be appointed a member of
said Committee.

Resolved, that the sum of $1387.88 be and the same is
hereby allowed McDonald Bros. & Spooner, that being the amount
due on account of commissions etc. for plans furnished work
done etc. after deducting the sum of $750. estimated cost of
strengthening terrace roof, it being understood that if the
cost of strengthening said roof be less than the amount named
the balance is to be paid over to Messrs McDonald Bros &
Spooner, the same to be accepted by them in full satisfaction
of all accounts due them.

Mr Stanford White, architect, by invitation from the
Board was present and exhibited and explaned his plans and
drawings for the rebuilding of the Rotunda and for the new
buildings proposed to be erected.

At the same time a committee of the Faculty was present
consisting of Profrs Mallet, Smith and Kent and presented a
report of the Faculty supplementary to the Faculty's report
to the Board at its called meeting held on the 4th of November
1895 and which report was considered and action then taken
thereon by the Board in respect to the recommendation of the
report in reference to rebuilding the interior of the Rotunda, &c.

In this supplementary report, which was read to the Board
by Prof. Mallet, for reasons therein set forth it is recommended
and urged, that the Rotunda be restored as nearly as possible,
inside as well as outside, to the appearance it presented
before the late fire etc. After the reading of the


report the Committee was informed by the Rector that if the
members wished to add anything in furtherance of the recommendations
of the Faculty report the Board would be pleased
to hear them, which was availed of by each member of the Committee,
and among other things it was stated that the faculty
was a unit on the question, save one member, Profr Thornton,
who was in favor of adopting the plan Architect White submits.
No action was taken in regard to the report.

On motion Mr Harmon was elected to fill the vancey on
the Executive Committee caused by the retirement of Mr McCabe
from the Board.

Mr McCormick moved the adoption of the following resolution.

Resolved, that the action of the Building Committee in
accepting and approving the plans submitted by McKim, Mead &
White for rebuilding the Rotunda and the proposed new buildings
be approved and the said plans are now accepted and
adopted by the Visitors.

Mr Patteson offered the following as an amendment: The
Board of Visitors of the University do not bind themselves to
the estimate until details have been presented to accompany
the plans.

Mr Gordon moved that the resolution be laid on the table
which by a vote thereon was carried and the amendment was laid
on the table.

The previous question was then called and a vote was taken
on the resolution of Mr McCormick by ayes and nos, as called
for, and the resolution adopted by a unanimous vote, Mr Patteson


stating that in voting for the resolution he wished it
entered of record that he voted for the plans of the Architect
as proper and complete, but with the express understanding
that they are not accepted unless the specifications accompany
the plans.

Mr McCormick moved the adoption of the following resolution:

Resolved, that the execution of the plan for the rebuilding
of the Rotunda and the erection of the new buildings as
proposed by said plans be referred to the Building Committee
with authority in said Committee to change details only but
not to change the plan adopted. Said Committee shall make a
contract or contracts with such person or persons as they may
select to carry out said plans but in no event shall the cost
of the full completion of the said buildings, ready for use,
exceed the sum of $250,000.00, exclusive of the Architects
charges. A contract shall be made out, the Architects to
supervise and direct and inspect the construction of said
buildings. The Architect shall submit to the Committee, to
be made a part of the contract with the builder complete specifications
and details, provided however the said building Committee
shall invite the bids of such persons or builders as it
may select so as to get the work well done at the lowest cost.

Mr Patteson offered the following as an amendment to Mr
McCormick's resolution:

If the specifications show that the buildings can be made
at less than $250,000.00 then the buildings must be made at
the smaller amount.


On the motion of Mr Gordon the amendment was ordered to
be laid on the table.

The vote was then taken on the resolution of Mr McCormick
resulting in its adoption.

Mr Patteson moved the adoption of the following resolution:

Resolved, that the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia are deeply grateful for the generous aid extended
to the Institution by the State of Virginia in its time of
need, and it offers to the public and requests bids for the
erection of new buildings, it being the object of the Board
that all the people of Virginia shall have an equal opportunity
to bid for this work.

On motion of Mr McCormick the resolution was ordered to
be laid on the table.

Resolved, that the Visitors acknowledge with grateful
appreciation the generosity of such persons as have contributed
to the rebuilding of the Rotunda, the erection of the
proposed new structures, and the restoration of the Library
and scientific apparatus of the University to a condition of
efficiency; and as it is impossible to make due personal ac-
knowledgement to each contributor, they hereby direct their
Secretary to give publicity to this action of the Visitors in
some convenient newspaper, and to send a copy of this resolution
to each of the donors, so far as practicable.

Resolved, that the Visitors acknowledge with grateful
thanks the generoisity of Charles B. Rouss in contributing


$25000.00 to the restoration fund of the University of Va and
in testimony of their appreciation do hereby order that the
new laboratory to be erected for the School of Natural Philosophy
shall be called the Rouss Physical Laboratory.

1. Resolved, that the cordial and hearty thanks of this Board
be returned to Mr Stanford White for his generous offer to deduct
from his fees as Architect the amount which this Board had
contracted to pay to Messrs McDonald Brothers; and that we appreciate
at their highest worth the great interest and enthusiasm
which Mr White has manifested in connection with the rebuilding
of the University.

2. Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions, suitably embossed,
be forwarded to Mr White.

A petition was received from the Jefferson Literary Society
of the University praying that the Board to release the
Society from its indebtedness to the University. It was read
and on motion ordered to be laid on the table.

Mr Harmon moved the adoption of the following resolution:

Resolved, that the Finance Committee be and they are
hereby authorized to negotiate the sale of $200,000. Bonds
for the benefit of the University, the same to be secured by
mortgage. Said bonds to be issued and secured in accordance
with the Act of Assembly approved January 23d 1896. Said
bonds to be sold at not less than par and to bear interest
payable semiannually at a rate not exceeding 5%.

That the said Committee shall also have authority to employ
counsel to prepare the form of bond and mortgage and report
the same to the Board of Visitors for approval.


Mr Patteson offered the following as an amendment to the
foregoing resolution:

These bonds are to be offered to the public in sums of
not less than $10,000.00 for the period of thirty days: the
bids to be under seal and to be allotted to the highest bidders,
of which the sum of fifty per cent in cash and the remainder
in thirty days from date, the bonds not to be delivered
until the whole purchase money is paid.

To this amendment Mr McCormick offered the following as
an amendment: But the said finance Committee shall have power
to place all of the said bonds with any one person, Bank or
other Corporation.

The vote was taken upon Mr McCormick's amendment and it
was adopted, then the vote was taken upon Mr Patteson's amendment
as amended, by ayes and nos and it was defeated by the
following vote, ayes 1, Mr Patteson. Noes 7.

It was then moved that the vote be taken upon Mr Harmon's
resolution, and that the vote be taken by ayes and nos which
was ordered and the vote thus taken which resulted in the adoption
of the resolution by 7 voting for it and 1 against it, Mr

Resolved, that the Building Committee be and is hereby
authorized to employ such agencies as they may think proper to
procure further contributions to the restoration fund of the
University of Virginia.

A communication was received from Profr Charles S. Venable
of which the following is a copy:


To the Rector and Visitors of the University.

Dear Sirs. I hereby tender my resignation as Professor
of Mathematics in the University to take effect at the close
of the present session. My failing health and advancing age
making it desirable for me to retire from public life, and
let younger men take up the work.

Wishing your honorable body large success in the promotion
of the best interests of the great school of the people,
over which you preside,

I am yours very respectfully,
Chas S. Venable,
Professor of Mathematics
University of Virginia.

The letter was read to the Board and thereupon the following
preamble and resolution was unanimously adopted:

The Visitors have received with profound regret the resignation
of Profr Chas S. Venable of the Chair of Mathematics
which he has filled with distinguished ability for so many
years. His services have been of inestimable value to the
University, his record as a teacher is unequalled by that of
any other in a like department, and his efficiency has been
manifested in the education of the young men who have been
under his tutilage=

Resolved, that the Visitors with great reluctance accept
the resignation of Col Venable, but at the same time they desire
to express their high appreciation of his valuable services


to the University and to the youth of the country who
have received their teaching in Mathematics under him. The
Visitors in expressing their appreciation of the services of
Col Venable, desire to tender to him their heart felt wish for
a speedy restoration to good health. His high sense of honor
and strict personal integrity have not only impressed him upon
us but also has made its impression upon the many youths who
have had the good fortune to come under his teaching.

Mr Gordon moved the adoption of the following resolution:

Resolved, that Wm H. Echols be elected professor of Pure
Mathematics, and James Morris Page, Adjunct Professor of Pure
Mathematics, the former at a salary of $2600.00, and the latter
at a salary of $1500.00, their terms to begin at the beginning
of the session of 1896-1897, and for the period of one

Mr Watts moved that the consideration of this resolution
be postponed until the annual meeting in June next. Upon this
motion a vote by ayes and nos was called for and had and resulted
in the defeat of the motion by a vote of two in favor,
viz, Messrs Bryan and Watts to 6 against viz the Rector, and
Messrs McCormick, Gordon, Patteson, Irvine and Harmon.

The vote was then taken on the adoption of the resolution
offered by Mr Gordon and a vote by ayes & nos was called
for and had with the following result: Ayes, the Rector &
Messrs McCormick, Patteson, Gordon, Irvine and Harmon - 6 -
Nos Mr Watts 1 - Mr Bryan not voting. The resolution was


Mr Watts asked to have it noted on the records that he
voted against the resolution not because of his opposition
to the resolution but to its consideration before the annual
meeting in June next.

The following resolution in recognition of Mrs. L. T.
Leitch's offer to donate to the Library a lot of medical books
which belonged to her late husband, Dr Jas A. Leitch decd was

Resolved, the Board of Visitors gratefully accepts Mrs
L. T. Leitch's offer of her late husband's medical library,
but as the Library Building has been destroyed they beg Mrs
Leitch to retain the Books until they can provide a place to
hold them, at which time a representative of the University
will apply to Mrs Leitch for them.

Profr Echols having tendered his resignation as Superintendent
of Grounds & Buildings on motion it was excepted but
not to take effect until the close of the session.

Resolved, that the application of Mr Sugino for a special
examination in Mathematics to be held in Tokio, Japan,
under the direction of Profr James McDonald Gardner, in manner
as recommended in Section 4 of the Faculty's report of
March 12th 1896, be granted.

Resolved, that the application of Mr Wm J. Perkins for
the remission of a ratable portion of his matriculation fee
for the present session be granted, for reasons set forth in
his application and upon the recommendation of Sec. 5 of said
report of the Faculty, and that Mr J. A. Penton who makes a
similar application for a return of a ratable portion of his


fees for last session be granted for reasons set forth in
his application and upon the recommendation of the Faculty
in section 6. of their said report of Mar 12th 1896.

Resolved, that as recommended by the Chairman of the
Faculty, the Faculty be authorized to make suitable provision
either in some one of the public buildings in Charlottesville
or otherwise for the final celebration at the close of the

Ordered, that the books referred to in Section 13 of the
Faculty's report of March 12th 1896, be moved to a safe place.

Ordered, that the recommendation in Sec. 14 of the report
of the Faculty above referred to in regard to expenses of fitting
up the lecture room of the Profr Natural Philosophy, be
referred to the Building Committee.

Ordered, that Sec. 15 of said report of the Faculty in
regard to obtaining a bird's eye view of the grounds & buildings
of the University, including the projected new buildings,
to be reproduced and distributed as an advertisement (or even
sold), be referred to the building Committee.

Ordered, that Sec. 16 of the same report, in regard to
employing a stenographer for service at the office of the
Chairman of the Faculty, be referred to the Building Committee.

Resolved, that the resignation of Mr W. B. Tuttle instructor
in Biology be accepted and that the arrangement made
by him with Mr O. M. Ball be approved, provided there be no
additional cost to the University.


Resolved, that Dr J. Carrington Harrison and Dr Lyman
Skeen, Jr, are hereby permitted to matriculate for this session
in the Academic Department of the University, without
charge, either for matriculation or tuition fees, in consideration
of the services rendered by them during the current
session as assistant demonstrators in Histology & Pathology,
which services have been rendered without salary or pay of
any sort.

Consideration of the Report of the Committee of the Faculty
to which was referred the resolution proposing the formation
of a class in Comparative Philology in the School of the
English Language was postponed to the next annual meeting of
the Board.

Resolved, that a committee of three be appointed by the
Rector to take into consideration and report to the Visitors
at their June meeting what, if anything, can be done to reduce
the expenses of the University. The Rector appointed
Visitors, McCormick, Watts & Harmon, as the committee.

Resolved, that Profr James A. Harrison be given, either
the pavilion occupied by Col Venable or that occupied by
Profr Buckmaster, as he may prefer.

Resolved, that the matter of the application of Dr Buckmaster
to tap a water main for a supply of water, is referred
to the Building Committee with power to act.

Resolved, that the consideration of the proposition of
Dr Ott be postponed till the regular June meeting and that
the Rector appoint a Committee of three to report to that
meeting thereupon. The Rector appointed as the Committee
Visitors, Gordon, Watts and Harmon.


Resolved, that a Committee of three be appointed by the
Rector to take into consideration and report to the June meeting
what, if anything, is necessary for the reorganization of
any of the departments of the University. The Rector appointed
as said Committee Visitors McCormick, Harmon and Watts.

Resolved, that the Rector make, execute and deliver to
to Jesse L. Maury a deed for the land purchased by him, to be
attested by the Secretary, it appearing that said Maury has
purchased and paid for said land but has never received his
deed therefor.

W. C. N. Randolph
Jas D. Jones,

Only $120. of this $300. has been expended, the
balance is in the Proctor's hands subject to the order of the