Board of Visitors minutes November 4, 1895 | ||
November 4th 1895.
At a called meeting of the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia held on the 4th of November 1895.
Present, the Rector, and Visitors, Watts, McCabe, Patteson,
McCormick, R. W. Martin, T. S. Martin, A. C. Gordon and
R. T. Irvine, a full board.
Hon. John E. Massey, Superintendent of Public Instruction
was present on the invitation of the Rector. Profr Wm
M. Thornton, Chairman of the Faculty appeared and placed before
the Board a report of the Faculty, dated October 31st
1895, addressed to the Board and reporting the grievous disaster
which befell the University on the 27th of October 1895,
when the Rotunda, the Annex and much of their valuable contents
were destroyed by fire. A copy of this report will appear
further on in the minutes of this meeting.
The report of the Faculty having been read and considered,
the following resolutions were offered and adopted by
a unanimous vote -
1. Resolved, that the report of the Faculty bearing date
the 31st of October 1895, be received, and that the same be
approved and adopted in its general outline, with leave to
the committee hereafter appointed to modify or alter the
scheme proposed, in its details, as shall appear necessary
hereafter; and that said report be spread on the minutes.
2. Resolved, that a Building Committee to be composed of
the Rector and Messrs W. Gordon McCabe and A. C. Gordon of
the Visitors, and Professors Wm M. Thornton, and W. H. Echols
of the Faculty's report as above provided.
3. Resolved, that said Committee at once secure the services
of Messrs McDonald Brothers, Architects, of Louisville, Ky,
and with their advice and assistance proceed to rebuild the
Rotunda and the Wings thereof, and demolish the ruins of the
annex and construct the esplanade, as provided in said Faculty
4. Resolved, that said Building Committee be and they are
hereby authorized to secure the services of a thoroughly competent
and distinguished architect or architects in the preparation
of plans for the erection of the Building intended to
contain the Public Hall and Academic lecture rooms; but in
providing said plans said architect or architects shall not
be limited to the scheme of said building suggested in the
Faculty report, but may adopt such others as may commend
themselves to the judgment of said architect or architects,
subject to the approval of said Building Committee; and said
plans, as soon as completed, shall be reported to a called
meeting of the Board.
5. Resolved, that said Committee shall be authorized to select
the site for said Public Hall and lecture room building,
subject to the ratification and approval of the Board.
6. Resolved, that the said Committee, so far as they may
find it expedient to do so, may employ an architect or architects
to submit plans for the other buildings contemplated in
said Faculty report, to be in turn submitted by the Committee
for the consideration of the Board at its next meeting.
7. Resolved, that for the purpose of carrying out the provisions
of these resolutions, the Fayerweather money now in
hand or invested, the money to be realized from the insurance
on burnt buildings, and the donations of the Alumni and friends
of the University, be, as far as necessary, appropriated.
The report of the Faculty is in the following words and
the University of Virginia.
The Faculty have to report to you in official form the
grievous disaster which has befallen our University. The
fire of the 27th October 1895, breaking out in the rear of
the top story of the Annex, tho' soon discovered, speedily
passed beyond control and in spite of the devoted efforts of
our officers, faculty, students, friends and neighbors continued
its work of ruin until the Annex, the Rotunda, a
large part of their contents, and the wings connecting the
Rotunda with the Lawns were either burned or wrecked.
An investigation of the causes of the disaster will be
made at as early a date as possible. It is doubtful whether
its origin will ever be securely established. Yet such enquiries
as have been made serve to convince us that the disaster
can be ascribed to no lack of care on the part of our
officials or servitors, but is one of those dark lessons in
the discipline of life, beneath which we must bow in humility
and faith. It is a painful but perhaps a salutary lesson to
aid for subduing such conflagrations, and we shall
recommend below that one of your first acts be to develop
some systematic and thorough internal system of fire protection
for our buildings,
The Faculty will proceed at once to study the proper
details of such a system and desires to report upon the same
to your Board at an early day.
It is fitting that we put on record in this paper our
lively sense of gratitude for the gallantry and devotion of
our students, the prompt and unstinted aid of our neighbours,
including many noble women, the generous readiness of
the Southern and the C. & O. R. R. Companies to bring a
trained fire service to our rescue, and the alacrity with
which the Fire Departments of Charlottesville, Staunton,
Lynchburg and Richmond flew to help us. The services of the
railway and fire companies were rendered generously and gratuitously,
and we recommend that Your Board consider the propriety
of making some pecuniary acknowledgment of the same.
Amid all our dismay in presence of this vast disaster
we have the consolation of remembering that its risks and
dangers were endured with the loss of no life, and we trust
with no serious damage to the health of any of our brave assistants.
The imagination of fatalities that might have befallen
some of them makes us almost forget our material loss.
We are happy also to report to your Board that the work
of the University of Virginia has suffered no interruption
and will continue without break. It is prosecuted amid some
borne. We feel assured that your Board, facing the emergency
with a like spirit, will unite with us in the most active and
earnest efforts not simply to restore the beauty and conveniences
of our establishment, but to increase its usefulness by
providing facilities more ample and splendid than we have here-
tofore enjoyed for our Scholastic work.
Animated by this conviction we have given careful and
minute attention to the details of plans for rebuilding. We
have, with the authorization of the Rector, called in as consulting
Architect Mr McDonald of Louisville, Ky, and have
availed ourselves of his professional experience and knowledge
in clearing our views upon the state of the ruined buildings
and estimating the approximate cost of improvement, without
however involving your Board in any expressed or implied agreement
to employ him further. We have also been taught by the
disaster, which has befallen us, the danger and impolicy of
the system of construction followed in our old public building,
and recommend to you a strict adherance to the general
plan of fireproof construction and isolated buildings. With
these preliminary points established we proceed to recommend
to your Board the following specific action.
I. That the ruins of the Annex be at once demolished, the
useful building material be removed to such new site as your
Board may select for the proposed Academical building (see
IV below), and the depression occupied by the old building
filled with earth. The Faculty is convinced that the original
construction of the Annex was an architectural blunder
of our present disaster. It was a building devoid of
true architectural merit and very costly for the accommodation
The direct loss consequent upon its removal will not
exceed $250000. The indirect loss occasioned by its old location
has exceeded $100,000.00. We trust that no thought
of its restoration will be entertained.
II. That the two wings to the Rotunda be at once reconstructed
in their former proportions, but of fire-proof materials,
and assigned to the use of the library and the School
of Natural Philosophy respectively. The remnants of our library,
stored temporarily in cellars and garrets, are now collecting
on the floor of the Natural History Museum; but for
any real use by professors or students, the books must be
shelved in some accessible apartment. The condition of our
Philosophical Apparatus in the same way renders the work of
instruction exceedingly difficult and extravigantly laborious.
Finally the enforced use of the Museum as a place of deposit
for these objects has made it necessary to close this building
entirely to visitors.
III. That the Visitors engage a competent architect, and instruct
him to prepare plans for the restoration of the Rotunda,
but in fire-proof materials. The walls of this building need
little repair, but should be at once protected against damage
from weather. The Faculty feels that the original propositions
of the Central building should be religiously observed,
but recommend that a new portico should be erected on the North
of steps descending to the esplanade to be formed over the
site of the old Annex, and thence at the Ramparts to the level
of the ground. The Faculty also respectfully calls the attention
of the Visitors to the fact that the old Library room had
become so crowded with books that the orderly arrangement of
them was impossible, and the consequent utility of the collection
was seriously impaired. They therefore recommend that
the Architect be instructed to so design the interior of the
building that the whole of the capacity from the dome down to
the portico floor may hereafter be really and simply utilizable
for library purposes, and they request that he be also instructed
to consult with their Library Committee as to the details
of this design. They also advise that the Architect be
instructed to give especial attention to the problems of heating,
lighting, and ventilation, which in the old building were
inadequately solved. Believing that the funds requisite for
this reconstruction are already on hand or immediately in sight,
they recommend that the work of design be pushed rapidly to its
completion and the work of construction begun at the earliest
practicable moment.
IV. That the Architect of the Board be instructed to propose
plans for a new Academical Building to contain as its central
member a public hall, designed in the horse-shoe or theatrical
form, and two wings each with six lecture rooms of sizes suitable
for large and small classes. The Faculty recommends that
the Visitors select at this session the site for said building
in order that complete designs may be prepared and accurate estimates
it is in the last degree important that such building should
be completed before September 1896, that the work of the next
session may be effectually prosecuted, they advise that as
soon as funds for the completion are obtained (estimated at
about $90,000.) the contracts for construction be immediately
V. That the Architect be directed to prepare, under the
advice of the Professor of Natural Philosophy, plans for a
Physical Laboratory to be erected on such a site as the Board
may at this session select. The Faculty have expressed in
former reports their conviction that more ample provision
should be made for the important School of Natural Philosophy.
The desirability of a specially constructed and isolated
building for delicate physical experimentation is obvious.
Rooms for elementary and advanced instruction in
Physics and especially for Electrical and Magnetic measurements
should be free from sensible tremors and the last should
be remote from attracting metalic masses. Preliminary estimates
show that all these advantages are obtainable at a cost
not exceeding $30,000. which sum our assiduous efforts will
probably be able to raise.
VI. That the Architect be directed to prepare under advice
of the Professors of Applied Mathematics and Engineering,
plans for an Engineering building to be erected on such a
site as the Board may select. An establishment involving
necessarily the existence of coal sheds, boiler house, engine
room, and so on, ought on grounds of safety to be isolated
building adequate for the present needs of the University
and providing for considerable growth, will cost less than
$30,000. The sum of $25,000. has already been promised toward
its equipment with laboratory appliances.
VII. That the Architect be directed to prepare, under the
advice of the Professors of Law, plans for a Law building
to be erected on such a site as the Board may select. The
growth of the Law School justifies this recommendation and
the Faculty believes that its future prosperity will be thus
powerfully advanced. The quarters of the Law professors have
long been a reproach to us. The estimated cost of this building
is not over $20,000. It would be possible, though by no
means easy or safe, for the work of the University to go on
without the three last buildings. But the Rotunda and the
general Academical Building are really necessary for our success,
and we feel that they must be secured. The buildings
for Physics, Engineering and Law are arranged in the order of
relative importance and the Board is advised to observe this
order in their erection, if but one can be erected at a time.
VIII. The Faculty is deeply impressed with the propriety of
following in these new buildings classical types of design and
of locating them so as to create a harmonious combination with
the original Jeffersonian group. As we examine the additions
made to this system by Jefferson's successors, we are forced
to confess with a certain shame that not one of them has added
in the least degree to the harmony and beauty and magnificence
of the original composition. We recommend, therefore, that the
local repute only but of broad and national consideration,
that he be instructed to consider in his designs not merely
the convenience and elegance of the single structure, but
its effect as a member of our general architectural system,
and that he submit to your Board a comprehensive scheme which
shall embody his advice on the location not only of the buildings
recommended in this report but also of such additional
dormitories, hospital buildings, official quarters and so on
as the Visitors may contemplate. The study of our grounds as
a problem of landscape gardening should at the same time receive
some attention.
IX. In view of the fact that the next building season may
require as to complete a large amount of work within a brief
time, we recommend that the Superintendent be instructed to
proceed at once with preparations for the manufacture of such
a number of bricks of thoroughly good quality as the Architect
may advise in addition to the supply saved from the Annex. By
selecting the brickfield promptly, digging out the earth, raking
it over and screening it if necessary, and letting it weather
through the cold season, we shall obtain a better brick
than can be purchased in the local market and at a far lower
X. Finally we desire to recommend as above indicated the
provision of a special and effective fire-service for the University,
and to advise that the Superintendent be authorized
to study the details of such systems, in conjunction with a
Committee of the Faculty, to advise with your Architect thereon,
and to report his conclusion to your Board.
While we have proceeded in making the above recommendations
upon a broad and generous hypothesis as to the present
and future needs of our University, we believe that we
have done no more than wisdom dictates. Yet we are not oblivious
of the difficulties of the financial problem arising
out of the poverty of our beloved state and the limited fortunes
of our Alumni. We believe, nevertheless, that our
present devastated condition will be in itself a powerful appeal
to the sympathies of every friend of learning, that the
example of a judicious liberality and undaunted spirit, if
set here, will be contagious; and that a bold and frank appeal
to the Legislature will meet with a response alike generous
and kind. The new buildings and restorations necessary
for the needs of our present and our immediate future will
cost about $250,000., or $200,000 more than our present resources.
We would respectfully recommend that the sum of
$200,000. be at least asked from the State for buildings,
leaving the generosity of private gifts to perfect our equipment.
But whatever be the success of this appeal, we pledge
to the Visitors our unvarying and earnest efforts to rehabilitate
the University and ask from them their unwavering support
in our plans and labors for its welfare.
Forwarded by order of the Faculty, 4th Nov. 1895.
The following resolutions were severally adopted by
unanimous votes:
Resolved, that the Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds
be authorized to construct a cheap temporary shed for the
storage of the machinery of the Engineering department heretofore
contained in the Annex to the Rotunda, such shed to be
so located as not to disfigure the ground or endanger existing
Resolved, that it is the sense of this Board that the
Alumni of the University and friends of Education should be
urged to exert every effort to supplement whatever aid may
be rendered by the State to restore the burned buildings and
Equipments of the University; and that to this end the Alumni
Associations in the several cities of the Country be requested
to hold as soon as practicable, public meetings to which all
friends of education shall be invited to take such immediate
steps as may commend themselves, to obtain subscriptions for
the purposes named.
Resolved, that the several Alumni Associations in the
state be requested to memorialize the Legislature to make as
liberal an appropriation as possible towards rebuilding and
reequipping the University; and that said Associations appoint
Committees to appear before the Legislature at its ensuing session
for the purpose of presenting such memorials.
Resolved, that the Secretary of the Board cause to be
printed five hundred copies of these resolutions for distribution
among said Alumni Associations.
Resolved, that Visitors, Mashall McCormick, W. Gordon
McCabe, L. R. Watts and R. Tate Irvine be appointed a Committee
to confer with the Governor in reference to recommending
at the University.
1. Resolved, that Wm M. Thornton be relieved from duty as
Chairman of the Faculty and Professor of Applied Mathematics
until further order of the Board, or until he shall find it
inexpedient further to pursue the objects contemplated, and
be authorized to solicit contributions from the Alumni of
this University and other friends of the School for the rebuilding
and reequipment of the University.
2. That Professor W. Minor Lile be appointed chairman pro
tempore to act during the absence of the Chairman, with the
advice of the Committee on Discipline, and that he shall be
clothed with all the usual powers and responsibilities of
the Chairman of the Faculty and shall receive for such service
payment out of the funds of the University at the rate
of $125.00 per quarter, but this extra payment to Mr Lile
shall not deprive the Chairman of his salary.
3. That Adjunct Professor, W. H. Echols be appointed acting
head of the School of Applied Mathematics in full charge of
the course of instruction, which shall be conducted by him
during the absence of the Professor with such assistance as
he may call upon Mr George M. Reek, Instructor in Applied
Mathematics, to render.
4. That the Chairman be authorized in his canvass to call
upon any member of the Board or of the Faculty for such assistance
and suggestion as he may be able and willing to render;
to invite the cooperation of the Executive Committee of
the General Society of Alumni and of the Officers and members
or conditional, subject in the latter case to the approval
of the Executive Committee of the Board; and to draw
on the Proctor for necessary expenses incurred in the prosecution
of the work, submitting with each draft an itemized
account of said expenses.
5. That Visitors T. S. Martin, M. McCormick, Legh R. Watts,
R. Tate Irvine and W. Gordon McCabe, be appointed a Committee
on behalf of the Visitors and Profrs Walter D. Dabney, William
E. Peters, and W. Minor Lile a Committee on behalf of the Faculty,
and that these gentlemen be re- requested to adopt such
proper and honourable measures as may seem effectual to produce
in the members of the Legislature a favorable disposition
towards the University, and in particular to appear (upon invitation)
before the Committees on Schools and Colleges and
upon Finance and give them full information as to the present
condition, the future plans, and the best methods for advancing
the interests of the University by Legislative action.
Resolved, that the cordial and earnest thanks of the Board
of Visitors be and they are hereby extended to the Faculty and
Students of the University and the ladies and citizens of Charlottesville
and the County of Albemarle, the Fire Companies of
Charlottesville, Staunton, Lynchburg and Richmond, and the Southern
and the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Companies for their
conduct on the occasion of the fire which destroyed the Rotunda
and Annex on the 27th of October 1895: and while appreciating
at its highest worth the services of every individual on that
unfortunate occasion, the Board especially desires to put on
Faculty and students to extinguish the fire, and their
prompt, energetic and willing continuance of the lectures
and duties of the University after the conflagration.
Resolved, that the Rector be requested to answer the
letter from Messrs Eugene C. Massie, George Wayne Anderson
and Edward P. Valentine, the business committee of the local
Alumni of Richmond city, to the Rector, and this day laid before
the Board, and to thank them on behalf of the Board for
the interest they have taken and for the suggestions in reference
to the restoration of the buildings recently destroyed
by fire.
The suggestions aforesaid are as follows:
1. That the Rotunda should be restored or reproduced perhaps
on a larger scale, there being no deviation from the former
relative proportions.
2. That an easily accessible, detached, fire proof building
should be erected for the exclusive use of a comprehensive reference
library, It being generally conceded that our former
library was inaccessible and of little practical value to the
student, although exceedingly interesting to the antiquarian.
Resolved, that the Visitors acknowledge with grateful
appreciation the offer of Mrs Mary E. Lewis, through Capt
Camm Patteson, Visitor, to furnish the marble from her quarries
for the rebuilding of the lately destroyed buildings of
the University, and they beg to assure her that when material
to be used in the proposed new buildings is considered, her
generous proposal will be duly taken into consideration.
Resolved, that the thanks of this Board be extended to
Hon. John E. Massey, Superintendent of Public Instruction,
who was present at this meeting on the invitation of the Rector,
for his attenance upon the meeting and for his valuable
advice and suggestions.
On motion of Mr Patteson,
Resolved, that the Alumni of the University of Virginia
be and they are hereby requested to form associations for the
purpose of aiding in the rebuilding of the University of Va.
Resolved, that a copies of the report of the Faculty made
to the present called meeting of the Board be made and mailed
to each member of the Board.
Resolved, that the Faculty's recommendation that authority
be granted to the Faculty of the Medical Department to draft a
plan for a three years course in Medicine, said plan to be submitted
to the General Faculty and then to the Board of Visitors
for its approval in time for incorporation into the forthcoming
general and special catalogues, be adopted.
Resolved, that a holiday of one week at X-mas 1895 be
granted the students of the University of Virginia.
Resolved, that the Secretary be authorized to have type
written, the copies of the Faculty's report for the use of the
members of the Board, and also of any resolution adopted by
this meeting, and of which copies are required to be made,
other than the resolutions ordered to be printed, and that the
Proctor be authorized to pay the cost of the same.
On motion the Board adjourned sine die.
Board of Visitors minutes November 4, 1895 | ||