University of Virginia Library


At a called meeting of the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia held on the 28th day of August 1894, in
pursuance of the following notice issued, over the signature
of the Rector, and mailed by the Secretary, addressed to each
member of the Board:

My dear Sir,

The death of Prof. W. C. Dabney so near to the beginning
of the next session renders a meeting of the Board of Visitors
as soon as practicable, necessary. I write therefore, to fix


upon Tuesday, Aug. 28th, at 12 M. as the time of meeting. A
full Board is very much to be desired. Resp. yours,

Jas D. Jones,
W. C. N. Randolph,

Present. The Rector and Visitors, R. W. Martin, Camm
Patteson, T. S. Martin and A. C. Gordon.

A letter was read from Visitor, B. B. Gordon to the Rector
stating that he was so unwell as to be prevented from attending.

The following resolutions were unanimously adopted-

Resolved, that the Rector, Dr R. W. Martin and Dr P. B.
Barringer be appointed a joint committee of the Visitors and
Faculty, with full power and authority to provide for instruction
in the School of Practice of Medicine, Obstetrics & Medical
Jurisprudence, until a professor in said school shall be
elected, and said Committee or any of them shall be authorized
to visit New York and other localities for the purpose of arranging
and providing for said instruction.

Resolved, that the Rector, Dr Martin and Dr Barringer be
authorized to arrange for a series of lectures, not to exceed
a month's time and at a cost of not more than one thousand
dollars, to be delivered to the Students of the Medical School
during the session of 1894-95, by Dr Nicholas Lenn of Chicago.

Resolved, that Wm Minor Dabney, son of the late Dr Wm C.
Dabney be allowed his matriculation and tuition fees in the
Medical Department of the University for the sessions of 189495
and 1895-96.

Resolved, that the Board of Visitors have heard with sincere
and heartfelt sorrow of the death of Dr Wm C. Dabney, professor


of the Practice of Medicine etc., in the Medical Department
in the University.

That the Board recognizes in the death of Dr Dabney the
great loss that has been sustained, not only by the University,
but by the Medical profession of Virginia and the South.

That the Board desires to put on record its admiration
and esteem for Dr Dabney as a brilliant and distinguished physician,
an able and successful professor and a genial and accomplished
Christian gentleman.

That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes and a
copy forwarded by the Secretary to the family of the deceased.

Resolved, that after the expiration of the first quarter
of the session of 1894-95, T. W. Elsom be allowed to charge
$17 00 per month for board at his Boarding house.

Resolved, that the large upper room in the Medicall Hall
lately used by the Professor of Obstetrics & Practice of Medicine
be assigned for a laboratory for Medical Histology, Bacteriology
& Pathology, and that a sum not exceeding $200.00
be appropriated for such changes as are necessary to adopt it
for that purpose.

Resolved, that the application of W. W. Luck, Instructor
in Pathology, be allowed his room for 1894-95 free, is hereby

On motion the Board adjourned sine die.

W. C. N. Randolph

Jas D. Jones,


At a meeting of the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia, called by the Rector, and held at the said University,
this 29th day of March 1895, in pursuance of notice,
the following members were present:

W. C. N. Randolph, Rector, and Visitors W. Gordon McCabe,
R. W. Martin, Legh R. Watts, Camm Patteson, Basil B. Gordon,
Thos S. Martin and A. C. Gordon. Absent, M. McCormick.

The meeting was called to order by the Rector.

The Chairmand of the Faculty laid before the Board a Report
of the Faculty to the Board, a report of the Law Faculty
and several petitions.

The following preamble & resolution were offered by Mr
T. S. Martin:

Whereas Dr Geo. Ben Johnson of the city of Richmond, and
Professor Echols, of the University of Virginia have appeared
before the Board and charged Profr Schele with being the responsible
author of two anonymous letters, one addressed to
Profr Perkinson and the other to the Chairman of the Faculty,
and both containing reflections on Profr Echols and the wife
of a member of the Faculty and which anonymous letters are alleged
by Messrs Johnston and Echols to be in the nature of a
criminal libel; and whereas Professors Venable and Peters have
also appeared before the Board and asked for an immediate investigation
of said matter; therefore it is resolved that,
Profr Schele be forthwith furnished with a copy of this preamble
and resolution, by the Secretary of the Board, and that


he be requested to appear at once before the Board in respect
to the matter aforesaid.

The foregoing preamble and resolution were approved and
adopted by a unanimous vote.

Profr M. Schele De Vere appeared in response to the resolution
of the Board, a copy of which had been delivered to him
by the Secretary, the Board commenced the investigation of the
charges. After a number of witnesses had been examined, it is
resolved that it is unnecessary to proceed further with the investigation,
and that the resignation of Profr Schele De Vere
will be accepted= Thereupon said resignation, in writing, was
tendered to take effect at once, and was accepted. On motion
it was ordered that the vote be taken on the foregoing resolution
by calling the roll which was done, with the following result:

Ayes, the Rector, and Messrs McCabe, Watts, Patteson, R. W.
Martin, B. B. Gordon, T. S. Martin and A. C. Gordon. Noes,
none. The Rector declared the adoption of the resolution by
a unanimous vote, it being 8 to nothing.

Resolved, that adjunct Profr Reinhard be requested to take
charge from this date until the end of the current session, of
the classes in the schools of Italian and Spanish, in addition
to his present classes, and that his compensation therefor be
at the rate heretofore paid the Profr in those schools.

Messrs Christian & Christian having recommended that they
be authorized to compromise with the contestants of the Shields
will by conceding five thousand dollars in case they find themselves
able to settle at that amount. Resolved that in the discretion


of said counsel, they be authorized to compromise said
contest at said sum or less.

Resolved, that the Chairman of the Faculty be authorized
to reply to the letter of Mrs Leita M. White to him, dated the
7th ultimo, saying it will be agreeable to the Board for her to
make payment on her endowment of the Linden Kent Memorial School
of English Literature in accordance with her wishes as expressed
in said letter, and that the Proctor be authorized to receive
and receipt for any payments so made.

Resolved that the Chairman of the Faculty be requested to
advertise the vacancy in the Chair of Modern Languages, and to
invite applications for said chair: and that a Committee of the
Faculty and of the Board consisting of Professors Wm M. Thornton
and Charles W Kent, and Capt W. Gordon McCabe and Mr Basil
B. Gordon, be appointed to inquire into the fitness of applicants
for said position, and report upon their testimonials.

Resolved that said Committee be requested to investigate
and report upon the propriety of giving the schools of French
and German to the Professor of Modern Languages, and those of
Spanish and Italian to adjunct professor or instructor, and
upon the proper apportionment of compensation for their services.

Resolved, that the recommendations of the Law Faculty as
to the reorganization of the courses in the Law School, as appended,
be and are hereby approved, with the exception as to
the scale of charges, which shall be as follows:



(1) For regular 1st year's course, (including the three junior
(2) For the regular 2nd year's course, (including the 3 senior
classes, with any part of the Junior work taken, but not completed
the previous session), 
(3) For any combination of these classes,  $100.00 
(4) For any combination exceeding 3 classes not
provided for above, 
(5) For any two classes,  $ 75.00 
(6) For any single class,  $ 40.00 

Resolved that the application of Dr W. J. Martin, Jr, to
be allowed to matriculate for this session, without payment
of fees, in order to present his thesis as a candidate for the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy, be granted.

Resolved, that the petition of Mr Campbell asking that a
kitchen be built for the use of the mess on Carr's Hill, be referred
to the Committee on Grounds and Buildings, who are requested
to report to the next regular meeting of the Board.

Resolved, that the petition of Mr Otey C. Hulvey to have
refunded to him the matriculation fees paid by him as a student
in the law department for the present session refunded to him
in consideration of his having withdrawn from the University,
is disapproved.

Resolved, that the petition of Mrs Gunther with reference
to the employment of servants in connection with the Boarding
house, and students rooms be referred to the Committee on Grounds
& Buildings for report to the next regular meeting of the Board,
and that said Committee be further requested to report any
changes they may deem advisable with respect to Boarding houses.


Resolved, that the application of Mrs T. W. Elsom, that
$25.00 be allowed her out of her rent to be applied to repairs
on the building occupied by her, be granted.

Resolved, that the petition of Mr Kenneth Brown, for right
of way through the University grounds to his farm, be not granted

Resolved, that the application of Profr Dunnington in regard
to changes in his office building be referred to the Committee
on Grounds & Buildings.

Resolved, that the application of Profr Garnett to extend
the course of lectures given to the M. A. classes in the English
language, so as to constitute an elementary course in comparative
grammar, be referred to the Committee on Conduct of Schools.

Resolved, that the application of Profr Kent for appropriation
to defray current expenses of the Linden Kent Memorial
School of English for this session be referred to the Committee
on Conduct of Schools, with power to act and they shall report
their action to the Board at its next annual meeting.

Resolved, that the recommendation of the Faculty that a
student be allowed to change from one school to another with
the consent of the Faculty during the session with transfer of
fees, be adopted.

Resolved, that the Faculty's recommendation that any academic
student who has passed in two classes and reached 65 in
any other, shall have a second examination in the latter in the
fall of the next session, provided he matriculates for that
class, be referred to the Committee on Conduct of Schools.

Resolved, that the recommendation of the Faculty's report
that the application of the Electric Light Co. with reference


to charges for lights in dormitories be not granted,
is hereby sustained.

Resolved, that the recommendation of the Faculty that
the Library be opened to residents of Charlottesville & vicinity
having been referred to the Library Committee, and
said committee having reported that in their opinion the
scheme is inadvisable, the same is rejected.

Resolved, that the proposition submitted by Mrs Cocke
with reference to renting dormitories to summer students be
not approved.

Resolved, that the applications of Messrs Morton W. Baker
and Edgar Dawson for the John Y. Mason Scholarship be referred
to the Committee on Conduct of Schools.

Resolved, that Camm Patteson and A. C. Gordon be and they
are hereby appointed a Committee whose duty it shall be to
examine into the present condition of the Astronomical Department
of the University of Virginia and report to this Board
what action, if any, is necessary to promote the greater efficiency
of the said department.

Resolved, that the recommendation of the Faculty's report
with reference to the Electric railway of the Piedmont Construction
& Improvement Co. entering the grounds of the University be
referred to a Committee consisting of the Rector, the Chairman
of the Committee on Grounds & Buildings, Hon. Thos S. Martin
and A. C. Gordon, Esq, with full power to act finally in the
matter and report their action to the Board.


Resolved, that W. C. N. Randolph, Rector, of the University
be and he is hereby authorized, for and in the name of
the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia to execute,
under the Corporate seal of the University, acknowledge
and deliver, the release which the trustees of the Austin Estate
have asked to be executed, and which as submitted is in
the following words and figures. to wit:

This Indenture witnesseth, that the Grantors, James W.
Austin of Boston in the County of Suffolk and Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, administrator de bonisnon with the will annexed
of of Arthur W. Austin, late of Milton in the County of Norfolk
in said Commonwealth, deceased, and late trustee under
said will, Thos P. Proctor and William Endicott 3d, both of
said city of Boston, the present trustees under said will, and
Mary Austin Carrol of said city of Boston, Florence Austin of
Peterborough in the State of New Hampshire, single woman, Henry
W. Austin of the City and State of New York, the University of
Virginia, cestius que- trust, together with Edward Carrol, husband
of said Mary Austin Carrol, Lilian Dakin Austin, wife of
said Henry W. Austin, in consideration of the sum of One dollar,
convey and quit claim to Charles F. Kimball in the City
of Chicago, in the County of Cook and state of Illinois all
interest in the following described real estate, to wit: Block
8 in the subdivision by Frederick M. Jones and others in the
west half of Section 20, Township 38, North Range 14 East of
Third P. M. and lots 2, 3, 13 & 14 in Block 1. Lots 8, 9, 10,
11 and 12 in Block 2, and Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Block 3 in
James Goodspeed's subdivision of part of the Northwest quarter


of the North east Quarter of Section 9, Township 38, North Range,
14 East of the third P. M. in Cook County, Illinois, hereby releasing
and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead
Exemption Laws of the State of Illinois.

This conveyance is made for the purpose of confirming sale
of the above described premises, made by the Administrator de
bonis non with the will annexed of Joseph M. Moriarity, deceased,
to the grantee herein, under letters granted by the Probate Court
of Cook County, Illinois.

Dated the 5th day of February, A. D. 1895.

James W. Austin, administrator
de bonis non with the will annexed of Arthur W. Austin.
illustration[Description: seal]

James W. Austin,
late trustee under the will of Arthur W. Austin illustration[Description: seal]

Thos P. Proctor, trustee illustration[Description: seal]

William Endicott 3d, trustee illustration[Description: seal]

Mary A. Carrol illustration[Description: seal]

Edward Carrol illustration[Description: seal]

Florence Austin illustration[Description: seal]

Henry W. Austin illustration[Description: seal]

Lilian Daken Austin illustration[Description: seal]

illustration[Description: seal]

On motion the Board adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at
10 o'clock.

W. C. N. Randolph
Jas D. Jones,


The Board met in pursuance of adjournment on yesterday.

Present, Mr McCabe, Vice Rector, in the chair, and Visitors,
R. W. Martin, Patteson, T. S. Martin and A. C. Gordon.

The following resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote:

The name of Professor W. H. Echols having been used in
some anonymous correspondences which have been the subject of
investigation; Resolved that this Board has undiminished and
unqualified confidence in the integrity and high moral character
of Profr W. H. Echols and takes this manner of expressing
it on their official record.

On motion the Board adjourned sine die.

Jas D. Jones,
W. Gordon McCabe, Vice-Rector