University of Virginia Library


The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia met
in annual session this 12th day of June 1893.

Present Dr W. C. N. Randolph, Rector and Messrs Parrish,
McCabe, R. W. Martin, McCormick, Patteson, T. S. Martin and
Gordon, of the Visitors. Absent Mr Kean who who wrote to the


Rector that he was prevented from attending by engagements
in the S. Court of Appeals of Va.

The Rector after calling the Board to order read a communication
from Profr John B. Minor in the following words
and figures, to wit:

My dear Sir,

Knowing as you do, my physical condition you
will not be surprised at the contents of this letter. My
work during the session of the University, has hitherto embraced
a daily lecture of an hour and a half besides multiform
incidental engagements. My son's assistance has been
very valuable to me, and to the students, but without much
lightening my labors. Now however, the state of my health
will oblige me to devolve on him a more important part of
the instruction in the school of Common and Statute Law,
than thus far has falled to his share, and I desire to submit
to the Board of Visitors, through you, the propriety of
enlarging his compensation to the sum I believe originally
proposed for my assistant, namely $1500.

I believe parental partiality does not lead me to exaggerate
his qualifications, when I say that I believe him amply
capable of discharging satisfactorily, the duties which would
devolve on him, maintaining, and in due time advancing, the
reputation of the school, I have indeed for several years past,
evinced practically, my opinion of his ability as a teacher of
law, by paying him $200. a month to assist me in my summer work,


and have found my account in so doing in the increased number
of my summer-students.

Supposing the Visitors to accede to my proposal, I should
expect to assign to my son, something like one half of the work
of the School, retaining the residue for myself, together with
a close supervision of his operations, and an occasional substitution
of my personal instruction for his. These plans however
would have to be the subject of future arrangement, according
to the results of experience, and of trial and error.
With great respect and regard I am Truly yours, John B. Minor.
Dr W. C. N. Randolph,

Rector etc., Charlottesville, Va.

On motion the following resolution was adopted by a unanimous

Resolved that the Communication of Profr J. B. Minor to
the Rector in relation to increasing the salary of J. B. Minor,
Jr, and all other matters relating to the School of law at the
University be referred to the following named Committee, to
wit: Messrs Kean, Parrish, T. S. Martin, Patteson and McCormick,
who will report at an adjourned meeting of the Board to
be held on July 20th, next.

The following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved, that the salaries of the adjunct Profesors in
the Schools of Historical Science and Modern Languages be each
increased by the sum of Three Hundred Dollars, to begin with
the next session.

Resolved, that Professors Garnett and Kent be requested
to report to the Board at the adjourned meeting in July what


they may consider a proper division of the work in their respective

Resolved, that Dr. W. C. Dabney be allowed to practice
medicine during the next session, provided that he shall not
allow his practice to interfere with the duties of his chair.

The Board on motion took up the annual report of the Faculty,
and the same was read & considered.

Resolved that the Board of Health be authorized to use
not exceeding $300. during the next session from the appropriations
for repairs and improvements in such improvements
as said Board may deem necessary to promote the health of the
University premises.

Resolved that each physician in the Medical Department,
and each occupant of University premises be required, and
that each physician not connected with the University, practicing
on University premises, be requested to report promptly
to the Board of Health any case of infectious or contagious
disease that may fall under his notice within the University

Resolved that the Superintendent of grounds and buildings
be made an ex-officio member of the Board of Health.

Resolved that the Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings
be instructed to take such steps as may be necessary to
remove the University stables to a point at which their drainage
will not contaminate the water of the University pond, the
expense thereof to be paid out of the $5000.00 appropriation
for repairs and improvements.


Resolved that the Professor of Anatomy be authorized
to appoint a second assistant of anatomy provided no cost
be incurred by the University except the use of a dormitory
which is granted.

Resolved that the salary of the Instructor in Physical
culture for the next session be increased to one thousand

Resolved that a fee of thirty dollars be charged each
student on matriculation instead of $25. as heretofore fixed,
of which $5. shall be for the maintenance of the Gymnasium.

Resolved that section Eight of the report of the Faculty
be referred to the Rector with the request that he ascertain
and report to the Board at its next meeting the best arrangement
the Board can make with the Charlottesville officials for
its joint management of the reservoir and grounds and appurtenances.

Resolved that the Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings
be required to make occasional inspection of the Reservoir
and appurtenances and that he endeavor to restrict the
use of the same to the purposes for which they are designed.

Resolved that the buildings hereafter erected on University
premises shall be located under the advice of the Board
of Health.

In regard to section 10 of the report of the Faculty in
reference to the sanitary arrangements of the Kitchen and
pantry sinks at one of the Mess-Halls, and of one of the Students
water closets=


Resolved that the Board of Health be instructed to report
to the meeting of the Board of Visitors to be held on
the 20th of July what changes, if any, are necessary at said
points for sanitary purposes.

Resolved that section Eleventh of the report of the Faculty
be referred to the Executive Committee with instructions
to take such steps in the premises as said Committee may deem

Resolved that the sum of twelve hundred dollars be appropriated
to advertising for the next session.

Resolved that $5000. be appropriated for repairs and improvements
for the ensuing year.

Resolved that Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings be
instructed to have made an accurate map of the University
grounds at a cost not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars
to be paid out of the fund appropriated to repairs and improvements.

Resolved that hereafter all students boarding at the University
hotels or Mess-Halls be required to pay their board to
the Proctor quarterly in advance, provided any such student
may change his hotel at the end of any fiscal month upon giving
notice of his purpose to do so to the Chairman.

Resolved that hereafter the department fee in Medicine be
fixed at $120. per session of which $10. shall be paid to the
School of Anatomy for each student of practical Anatomy, and $3.
to the School of Biology for each student of Bacteriology and
$5. for each student of Histology.


Resolved that Geo. H. Hughes be relieved from the payment
of tuition and matriculation fees.

Resolved that the salary of the Superintendent of Grounds
and Buildings for the next year be fixed at Seven Hundred Dollars
and commutation of rent, the Board being of opinion that
the duties of said Superintendent, as heretofore defined, properly
embrace the additional duties referred to in the report of
the Faculty.

Resolved that the fund on hand belonging to the Library of
$1275. be applied to the construction of a card catalogue, and
that the appropriation for the ensuing session to the Library
fund be one thousand dollars, and that it be applied exclusively
to the purchase of books and periodicals.

Resolved that the recommendation of the Faculty that the
M. A. diplomas be signed only by the professors in whose schools
examinations have been passed on both the M. A. & the B. A.
courses, be approved and adopted.

Resolved that the entire appropriation for labor and for
servants' hire as well as those for repairs and for improvements
be hereby placed under the exclusive control of the Superintendent
of Grounds and Buildings, and that he be charged with
the delivery of fuel, the collection and delivery of ice, the
lighting and heating of grounds and buildings, and the hire of
janitors and other servants, the Proctor remaining in charge
of the purchase of coal, the sale of coal tickets, collection
of gas bills, etc.

The Board adjourned until tomorrow at 9 1/2 A. M.

W. C. N. Randolph
Jas D. Jones,


June 13th 1893

The Board met pursuant to the adjournment on yesterday.

Present, the same members as on yesterday, with the exception
of Mr Gordon. The following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved that Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings be
authorized to do the extra work on the Gymnasium recommended
by the Architects and costing not exceeding the sum of $674.11

A communication was received from Messrs. Carpenter and
Peebles in the following words and figures to wit:

To the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia.

Your Architects beg, 1st To acknowledge their error in
the assumption that aught but your appreciation of their position
could lead to their relief.

2d To throw themselves completely at the mercy of the Board
in this matter.

3d To ask most earnestly that if the Board can possibly do
so, it will pass a resolution for their relief at this meeting,
so that they can pay the contractors the money long since
due them, and which they are unable themselves to do. We have
the honor to be very truly yours

Carpenter & Peebles

And the Board having duly considered the matter involved and
being of opinion that the extra cost of excavation for the
foundation of the Gymnasium, amounting to the sum of Fifteen


hundred and Eighty four 28/100 dollars, resulted from conditions
of the material involved that could not be anticipated,
and for which the said Carpenter and Peebles are not to blame,
it is thefore [sic] resolved that the Proctor, on the warrant
of the Superintendent of Grounds & Buildings be hereby authorized
to pay the extra cost of said excavation amounting to the sum
above named.

It being represented by Carpenter and Peebles, Architects
that a clerical error in favor of the University of $100. was
made in the addition of the several items making up their bid
for the Gymnasium it is resolved that the Proctor be directed
to pay them the said sum of $100. if on inspection he finds the
same was made.

On motion the petition filed to have the University made
a Co-educational institution was ordered to lie over for consideration
at the next meeting of the Board.

Resolved that the petition of Mr A. C. Jones to be allowed
a special Examination on Anatomy and Obstetrics during the next
session, and further to be allowed to enter the University the
session of '93-94 on the (6)/26th of March next and finish the
course and apply for the degree of Doctor of Medicine, be

Resolved that the application of Gordon Paxton to be allowed
to substitute B. A. Moral Philosophy for B. A. History
in his M. A. course, be granted.

A petition of James H. Gilmore, Jr, accompanied by two
letters from Profr John B. Minor, was presented, in which petition
he prays the Board to be allowed to take the degree of


B. L. this session from which he claims to have been excluded
by the action of the Faculty. The same was read and considered
by the Board, and in connection therewith the statements of
Profr Thornton, Chairman of the Faculty, and Mr. Gilmer the
petitioner, who were present together before the Board at its
request, touching the matter of complaint set forth in the
petition. The following action was had thereto:

Mr Parrish offered the following resolution.

Resolved, that the Board, without meaning to criticize
in any way the action of the Faculty in the case of Mr James
H. Gilmore, Jr, would be gratified if they will allow him, in
June a special examination in the subjects in which they deem
it necessary for him to be examined in order to attain the degree
of Bachelor of Law, and that they confer on him the said
degree if he shall successfully pass the said examination, for
this resolution Mr McCormick offered the following as a substitute.

Without meaning in any way to reflect upon the action of
the faculty in expelling James H. Gilmore, Jr, because of intoxication
at Lynchburg on the occasion of a match game of base
ball, and not meaning this to be taken hereafter as a precedent
but under the peculiar circumstances of this case it is the
opinion of the Visitors in view of the punishment already imposed
upon and suffered by the said Gilmore which the Visitors
think sufficient, that he should be reinstated as a Student at
the University and the faculty is requested to reinstate him.
After his reinstatement Resolved that he be permitted to take
his B. L. degree upon such new examinations as may be fixed by


the faculty provided such new examinations be not later than June
18th 1893, and the faculty is empowered in their discretion to accept
the reports of Profrs Minor and Gilmore upon the private examinations
already stood by said Jas H. Gilmore, Jr, in lieu of further examination.

On motion the vote was taken on the adoption of the substitute
by ayes and nos which resulted as follows:

Ayes 4, viz, Messrs McCormick, Patteson, T.S. & R.W. Martin

Nos 3, viz, Messrs McCabe, Parrish and the Rector. The
substitute was declared adopted.

Resolved that the petition of Mr James H. Gilmore, Jr, referred
to in the foregoing proceedings together with the said two letters
of Profr Minor be spread upon the minutes of the Board.
To the Hon. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia.
I respectfully appeal to be allowed to take the degree of Bachelor
of Law at the University this session, from which I have been excluded
by the action of the Faculty. I have for five years last past been
a student of the University, and in that time I have never been
called before the Faculty for any violation of the rules of the
University, except by a mistaken report of absences which my Professor
corrected as soon as their attention was called to it. My conduct
during that time, as far as the University was concerned, has been
blameless until the last of April of the present session when I
was called up, charged with being intoxicated on one occasion at

This charge I admitted, and I was required to withdraw from
the University. On appeal to the Faculty to be allowed,


after suspension, to stand my B. L. examinations, they, on
the 31st of May, declined to allow me to do so.

On the suggestion of Mr Minor, who sent me word to stand
his examination and he would give me a private certificate if
I passed satisfactorily, I stood the B. L. examination under
the rules and regulations of the University. The method of
private examinations has frequently been approved by the Faculty
in various cases, notably in the case of Mr Hines, an
applicant for B. L. this session. I have stood and passed
satisfactorily all the examinations of the law course of the
University, and will receive from the Professors of law private
certificates which show that I am qualified by my legal
attainments to take the the degree, and the petition of my
fellow students of the law class, both addressed to the Chairman
of the Faculty, bear testimony of my studiousness, behavior
and acquirements. I also refer to the letter of Professor
Minor addressed to Your Honorable Board and filed herewith.

The Faculty were somewhat embarassed by the fact that I
was the son of a Professor, and I believe that they were prevented
from in any way mitigating their sentence by that fact.
It has been suggested by the Chairman and the Faculty that I
return next session to take the degree, but for private reasons
this is impossible, and I submit that if there is no
reason to prevent my taking the degree next session, there is
none to disqualify me from doing so this session.

Respectfully submitted
James H. Gilmore, Jr.

Law Department
University of Virginia, June 11th 1893


Gentlemen, Having been told that the friends of Mr James
H. Gilmore, Junr, desire to appeal from a sentence of the Faculty,
excluding him, on account of his having been publicly
drunk, from the privilege of standing this regular examinations
for the degree of Bachelor of Law, I beg to say that so far as
I have had the opportunity to observe, his general conduct during
the present session, has been unexceptionable, his attendance
upon my lectures very punctual and uniform, and his recitations
excellent. His answers at the intermediate examinations,
held in writing were also excellent. I have the honor
to be, with great respect your obedt servt

To Messrs

John B. Minor.

The Rectors & Visitors of the University of Virginia.

Dear Sir,

Having learned that you desire to know whether in
my opinion, Mr Jas H. Gilmore, Jr. has manifested such an acquaintance
with the law as to warrant me in signing his diploma
should the Board signify a willingness to admit him to the degree,
I would answer unhesitatingly yes. Mr Gilmore's daily
recitations were more than usually satisfactory, as were also
his intermediate examinations, averaging above 5/6 the And his
answers to the questions propounded for the degree (which were
given privately, but under due safeguard), amounted also, to
more than 5/6 ths.

Yours truly
John B. Minor.
J. Marshall McCormick, Esq.


Resolved that the charges on the Proctor's books against
the ladies Chapel Aid society for Gas, lights and repairs at
the Chapel, amounting to $70 80 be remitted, the same having
been expended for the Chapel, and constituting a proper charge
against the University.

Resolved that dormitory no 11 on West Lawn be assigned to
the student appointed to superintend the Students reading room,
provided such assignment can be made so as not to conflict with
any existing claim of any student to said dormitory.

Resolved that Room No. 16 on East Lawn be assigned to Profr
J. H. Gilmore, and no. 14 on the same to Prof. Perkinson.

Resolved that in accordance with the recommendation of
the Superintendent of Grounds & Buildings the present existing
appropriation of $80. per month for police purposes be continued.

Resolved that the request of Dr J. E. Chancelor to make
an ice-pond on the University grounds be denied.

Resolved, that the Superintendent of Grounds & Buildings
be requested to examine the Old Gymnasium and the building
called the Temperance Hall, and the road in front of the East
Range and report to the adjourned meeting of the Board as follows:

1 Whether these buildings, or either of them can be utilized
either as offices for the Faculty or any of them or for rooms
for students.

2 The cost of necessary changes in both cases.

3 The status of the building called the Temperance Hall and if
the building is subject to the control and use of the University.


4 The advisability and cost of changing the road in front of
East Range, and what change he would suggest, and his reasons

Resolved that the resolution of the reinstatement of James
H. Gilmore, Jr, as a student of the University heretofore adopted
and the two letters of Profr Minor which together with the petition
of said Gilmore have previously been spread in the minutes
of this meeting, be forthwith copied by the Secretary and furnished
to the Chairman of the Faculty with the request that he
lay the said copies of said resolution and letters before the

Resolved that the recommendation of the Faculty in Section
18 of their report is hereby ordered, to wit: Experience has
shown that the course in Science of Society is suited to the
capacity of post graduate rather than under graduate students.
It demands for its effectual pursuit a certain maturity of mind,
power of independent and even original thought, and also extended
collateral reading. It is recommended therefore that
the course in Political Economy (with three lectures a week) being
retained, as at present, in the B. A. scheme, that in Science of
Society (with two lectures a week and assigned collateral work)
be offered only to candidates for the Ph. D. and other students
of adequate training. Also, that candidates for Ph. D. who are
graduates in B. A. and M. A. History, and elect Historical Science
as a minor, may take advance work in History or in Science
of Society, but if they elect Historical Science as the Major,
they shall be required to pursue advanced courses in both the
subjects named.


A communication was received from Mrs Burthe tendering
her resignation as Keeper of one of the University Hotels,
and also presenting an account against the University amounting
to $512.75 for improvements and repairs which she claims
to have made from time to time to the premises, commencing in
1885, which being considered on motion it was

Resolved that the resignation of Mrs Burthe as Keeper of
one of the Hotels be accepted, and it appearing that there is
an unsettled and disputed account of Mrs Burthe against the
University, and that even if an effort were made it is very
doubtful if anything could be made out of her, it is further
resolved that the Proctor be directed to settle with her by
allowing her account as a set-off against the account due by
her to the University, provided this shall be a full settlement.

Resolved that Hotel vacated by Mrs Burthe be rented to
Mrs L. S. Gunther, and that the Proctor be directed to contract
with her upon the same terms as those upon which Mrs
Burthe rented it.

Resolved that it is the sense of the Visitors that they
have not the lawful power to grant the application of the
Base Ball team for aid to attend the intercollegiate tournament
at Chicago, and they feel obliged reluctantly to decline
their request.

Resolved that the application of W. A. Lambeth & R. D.
Anderson in the interest of the Athletics of the University
be postponed until the adjourned meeting in July.


The application of the Dawson Investment Co for the privilege
of running a pipe through the University grounds is postponed
until the adjourned meeting in July.

The following members of the Board were nominated and
elected as the Executive Committee for the ensuing year, viz=
Dr Randolph, the Rector, and Messrs Parrish, Kean, T. S. Martin
and McCabe.

Profr Wm M. Thornton was reelected Chairman of the Faculty,
for the ensuing year, by a unanimous vote.

The Board next took up for consideration the special report
submitted by the Medical Faculty, and thereupon it was
1 Resolved that special examinations for graduation be hereafter
done away with so far as the Medical Department is concerned,
except in extreme cases such examinations may be held
whenever the Faculty may so determine, and at such times and
places as they think proper. But that there shall be held two
regular sets of graduating examinations, one at the time now
observed, and the other in the early part of the session (about
the second or third week of the session), both in writing, and
with all the forms now in use (as to Committees of Examination
etc.). That at these Fall examinations all such students shall
be entitled to present themselves as have failed to stand one
or more of these graduating examinations in the previous session
for reasons (such as sickness, loss of near relations etc.),
which would now entitle them to a special examinations, these
students not necessarily matriculating for the commencing University
year. That, further, any such first year student of


the medical department as shall have successfully completed
the work of two full schools, and made a creditable percentage
in another subject or subjects, without fully attaining
therein the standard required for graduation, may, after regularly
matriculating, be allowed to present himself at the
regular fall examinations next following, and, if he then attain
the standard required for graduation, shall go on with
the work of the second year.

2 That the subject of Medical Jurisprudence be transferred
to the list of those assigned to the second year.

The Finance Committee submitted its Report which was read
and motion it was resolved that it be approved and adopted and
the same is in the following words and figures, to wit:

Report of the Finance Committee

To the Rector & Visitors of the University of Va.

Gentlemen, The Committee on Finance respectfully reports
that the Proctor's annual Report and the settlement made by
the Commissioner of of Accounts show a balance in the hands of
the Proctor for the fiscal year ending June 15th 1893 of $5125.66.
This sum does not include $1275.00 which is a part of the appropriation
made to the Library last year and which was not expended.
This latter sum stands on the Proctor's books to the credit
of the Library fund.

The income of the University for the ensuing year from its
various sources, including an estimated income of $1200. from
the Fayerweather bequest, and the income from students' fees
estimated upon a basis of 460 students, amounts to the sum of


107,736.00. Adding to this sum last named the balance of
$5125.66 in the hands of the Proctor from last year, we have
the sum of $112,861.66 as the available fund for the ensuing
year. The sources of said fund will appear from the report
of the Proctor and the report of the Faculty taken together.


We recommend the following appropriations, to wit: 
Salaries of 18 Professors $3000.00 each  $ 54 000.00 
Salaries of 2 Professors 2000.00 each  4 000.00 
Salaries of 1 Adjunct Profr 1500.00  1 500.00 
Salaries of 2 Adjunct Profr 1800.00 (Dab. & Per.)  3 600.00 
Salary of assistant in Law  1 000.00 
Salary of assistant in Chemistry  1 000.00 
Salary of assistant in Natural Philosophy  1 000.00 
Salary of assistant in Pathology & Histology  1 000.00 
Salary of assistant in Ancient Languages  800.00 
Salary of assistant in Mathematics  800.00 
Salary of assistant in Biology  800.00 
Salary of assistant in Mechanical Engineering  650.00 
Salary of assistant in French & German  600.00 
Salary of assistant in Civil Engineering  500.00 
Salary of assistant in Demonstrator of Anatomy  1 000.00 
Salary of assistant in Assist. Demonstrator of Anatomy  150.00 
Salary of assistant in Director of Gymnasium  1 000.00 
Total salaries of Corps of Instruction  $ 73,400.00 

Salaries of Officers.



Salary of Chairman of the Faculty  $ 500.00 
Salary of Proctor  2 000.00 
Salary of Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds  700.00 
Salary of Secretary of Chairman of the Faculty  800.00 
Salary of Commr of Accounts  150.00 
Salary of Librarian  800.00  
Salary of Secretary of Board of Visitors  225.00 
Total Salaries of Officers  $ 5,175.00 

Scholarships & Fellowships.

For Miller Scholarships (two $250. each)  $ 500.00 
Birely Scholarship  300.00 
Brown Scholarship  120.00 
Carey Scholarship  360.00 
Mason Fellowship  210.00 
$ 1 490.00 

Wages of Employes.

Wages of Janitor & Plumber  $ 600.00 
Wages of Day & Night Watchman  600.00 
Wages of Janitor of Rotunda  300.00 
Wages of Janitor of Chemical Laboratory  135.00 
Wages of Janitor Museum  180.00 
Wages of Janitor Gymnasium  225.00 
Wages of Janitor Anatomical Hall  240.00 
Wages of Janitor Medical Hall  135.00 
Wages of Janitor Annex  135.00 
Wages of Janitor Dispensary  100.00 
Wages of Chairman's Messenger  120.00 
Laborers  1 000.00 
Total for wages  $ 3,770.00 


Working Expenses.

To the McCormick Observatory  $ 1 610.00 
To the Agricultural (Miller) Department  700.00 
To the Chemical Department  350.00 
To the Physical Department  300.00 
To the Mechanical Laboratory  250.00  
To Anatomical Material  200.00 
To Natural History (Brooks) Museum  50.00 
To Dispensary  400.00 
To Library  1 000.00 
To Students reading room  200.00 
To Diplomas  700.00 
To Printing blanks etc.  150.00 
To Catalogues  900.00 
To Advertising  1 200.00 
To Gymnasium  50.00 
To Fuel  630.00 
To Lights  775.00 
To Fuel gas for Laboratories  200.00 
Total for Working Expenses  $ 9,665.00 

General Expenses.

To Interest & Sinking Fund  $ 7 220.00 
To Repairs & Improvements  5 000.00 
To Commutation of rents  2 140.00 
To Reservoir tax  150.00 
To Contingent fund  1 500.00 
Total for General Expenses  $ 16,010.00 


Special Appropriations.

For new ice house and pipes  $ 300.00 
For apparatus for Fire Department  100.00 
For Insurance Gymnasium July 1 1896  180.00 
For Electrical Laboratory  400.00 
For Mechanical Laboratory  50.00 
For Pathological Laboratory  250.00 
For Obsterical appliances & material  125.00 
Total Special Appropriations  $ 1 405.00  
Summary of Income and Expenditures. 
Income, including balance from last year.  $112,861.66 
Salaries Corps of Instruction  $73,400.00 
Salaries of Officers  5 175.00 
Scholarships & Fellowships  1 490.00 
Wages of Employes  3 770.00 
Working Expenses  9 665.00 
General Expenses  16,010.00 
Special Appropriations  1 405.00  110,915.00 
Balance unappropriated  $ 1 946.66 

The Committee would call attention to the fact that the
Board has placed the sum of $300.00 under the control of the
Board of Health, and has also appropriated $250.00 to pay for
a map of the University grounds, and has charged these two
sums upon the fund devoted to Improvements and Repairs. They
are therefore omitted from the list of special appropriations.

Respectfully submitted
R. L. Parrish
Camm Patteson.


On motion the Board adjourned to the 20th of July 1893.

W. C. N. Randolph
Jas D. Jones,