University of Virginia Library


Messrs Randolph and Gordon, met here this day in pursuance
of adjournment on the 12th of July last, and it appearing
to them from letters in possession of the Secretary
received from each one of the remaining members of the Board,
that a quorum at least, will be in attendance, or expected
to be, on the 23d inst. In the absence of a quorum an adjournment
was ordered by these two visitors, until tomorrow
at 12 M.

W. C. N. Randolph
Major Gordon
Jas D. Jones,

The same two visitors, Messrs Randolph and Gordon, met
in pursuance of adjournment on yesterday, and in the continued
absence of a quorum adjourned until tomorrow at 12 M., when it


is expected there will be a quorum present.

W. C. N. Randolph
Major Gordon
Jas D. Jones,

The Board of Visitors met pursuant to adjournment on

Present. Hon. J. L. Marye, Rector, and Messrs Randolph,
Conrad, Stuart, Noland, Watts, McCabe and Gordon.

The Executive Committee submitted their report which was
read and on motion the same was ordered to be received and referred
to the Finance Committee.

The Chairman of the Faculty submitted the Faculty report
together with other papers. The Faculty report was read and
on motion the several subjects of the same were referred to
the proper Committees.

A petition of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity asking
leave to erect a Hall on the University grounds was reed
through the Rector & read, and on motion the same was referred
to the Faculty for their consideration and report thereon to
the present meeting of the Board.

Resolved, that the Rector be requested to prepare and
submit to the Trustees of the Miller Fund a communication requesting
them to ascertain and appropriate each year hereafter
at their regular annual meeting, so long as it may appear
to said Trustees to be consistent with their duty, a
fixed sum of not less than $     to be applied to the payment


of the salaries of the Professors connected with the Department
of Agriculture.

Resolved, that the Report of the Executive Committee on
the subject of the Miller Scholarships be and the same is
hereby approved.

1 Resolved, that the members of the Faculty voting in the
minority on the Report of the Committee of Visitors on "the
Conduct of Schools and Examination of Students" be requested
to appoint a Committee from said minority, of three, to appear
before the Board of Visitors and present their views.

2d Resolved, that this communication go through the Faculty,
and be sent to them in time for action at the meeting of the
Faculty to be held this Friday evening Nov. 23d, to the end
that said Committee of the minority may appear before the
Board as hereinafter indicated.

3d Resolved, that the committee of three appointed by the
Faculty to present to the Visitors the views of the majority
of the Faculty are requested to appear before the Board this,
Friday evening, at 7 o'clock and present their views, and that
the Committee of three above requested to be appointed by the
minority of the Faculty are requested to appear before the
Board of Visitors this evening at 8 1/2 o'clock and present
their views, and that each of said Committees are invited to
be present when the other Committee are presenting their
views to the Visitors. This resolution was adopted as an
amendment to the two just preceding.

The portion of the Faculty report which refers to the
statistics of the University on motion, was referred to the


Committee on Conduct of Schools and Examination of Students,
for report thereon to the Board.

The Committee on Grounds, Buildings and Boarding Houses,
reported as follows. Your Committee to whom was referred the
report of the Faculty, so far as the said report refers to
Boarding Houses etc., beg leave to report the following resolution=

Resolved, that the Faculty have authority to forbid students
to board or reside in houses or localities outside of
the precincts of the University, rendered inelligible, in
their judgment through considerations of morals or health.

On motion the foregoing resolution was adopted.

Resolved, that the Proctor be requested to erect, before
the next Commencement an iron stairway or a movable wooden
stairway, from the Northern portico to the ground floor below
or to the lawn, and pay for the same out of the first unappropriated
money in his hands.

The two committees, one representing the majority and the
other the minority, of the Faculty, in its division upon the
question of the changes in the Academic degrees submitted by
the Report made to the Board, by the Committee of Visitors on
"The Conduct of Schools and Examination of Students", appeared
before the Board in pursuance of the request contained in the
resolutions appearing on the preceding page. The majority
Committee consisted of Profrs. Venable, Smith and Humphreys,
and the minority of Profrs Davis, Thornton and Tuttle. These
gentlemen presented their views to the Board upon the changes
proposed by said report in the requirements for Academic degrees
and retired.


Resolved, that the Professor of Practice of Medicine etc.
be empowered to appoint an assistant Instructor in microscopy
etc. who shall be paid a salary of not more three hundred dollars.

Resolved, that Dr Edward M. Magruder be appointed as Clinical
Instructor and attached as Assistant to the Profr of Practice
of Medicine, it being understood that no salary is attached to
this office.

On motion the Board adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at
10 o clock.

Jas D. Jones,
Jno L. Marye

The Board met in pursuance of adjournment on yesterday.

Present. The same members as on yesterday.

On motion

1. Resolved, that the communication of the Committee of the
D. K. E. Fraternity, asking that ground be allowed that Fraternity
to erect a hall for their uses, be referred to the
Committee of Grounds Buildings & Boarding Houses, who are requested
to meet with the Committee of said Fraternity and to
invite the presence of the Proctor and of the Chairman of the
Faculty, in order to agree upon a proper location.

2. Resolved, that the plans for such hall or building, shall
be subject to the approval of this Board.

The Finance Committee submitted the following report:
To the Rector and Visitors of the University of Va

Your Finance Committee respectfully report that pursuant
to the resolution of the Board adopted at the last regular


meeting we called upon the Proctor, and examined the bonds
held by him for the University, and ascertained them to be as

Observatory Fund 
50 R. & D. R. R. Sold 6%  $50,000. 
14 Atlanta & Charlotte R. R. 7%  14,000 
3 University of Va 8%  1,500 
17 University of Va 6%  8,500 
Corcoran Fund 
3 Va Bonds 6%  $ 2,600. 
[1 for $1500, 1 for $1000, 1 for $1000.] 
Gordon Bequest. 
10 University of Va Bonds 6%  $ 5,000 
Sinking Fund 
2 University of Va 8% of $1000.  $ 2,000  
2 Martha Randolph bonds  $ 1,000. 
8 University of Va Bonds $500.  4,000. 
10 University of Va Bonds $1000.  10,000  $17,000 

Of the bonds representing the Sinking Fund, the two University
8% of $1000. each, and the 2 Martha Randolph bonds have been
cancelled, and Your Committee, under the direction of the resolution
have cancelled the remaining $14,000.

2. Your Committee recommend the following appropriation suggested
in the Report of the Faculty:



School of Natural Philosophy  $300. 
School of Chemistry  200. 
School of Natl Hist. & Geology  50. 
School of Engineering  50. 

and in consequence of these appropriations, they recommend
that the conditional appropriations made at the regular meeting
be for the present, postponed.

3. They recommend that the Proctor be directed to purchase
for the Reading Room used by the Y. M. C. A. an adquate supply
of coal not to exceed ___tons of hard coal and to furnish
an adequate supply of light for said room. Provided, that not
more than $100. be expended for both the fuel and the lights.
And your Committee, in this connection suggest that the fee
charged students attending the Reading Room be reduced from
$4. to $2. each, for the privilege.

4. They recommend that out of any funds not otherwise appropriated
the sum of $200. be expended for advertising, under
the direction of the Faculty.

5. It appearing that the allowance of $150. per annum, which
has heretofore been made to the Commissioner of Accounts under
resolution of the Board, was at the last regular meeting of
the Board, reduced to $100. upon the recommendation of the Faculty,
the reason for which does not appear. We recommend that
such allowance be restored for the current and succeding year
to $150. per annum.

Holmes Conrad
Mason Gordon.


Resolved, that the Report of the Finance Committee be
approved, and that the amounts therein recommended are hereby
appropriated for the objects therein indicated.

The Communication of the Committee on the Parsonage having
been referred to the Committee on Grounds, Buildings &
Boarding Houses, & duly considered the following resolution
was reported by the Committee & adopted,

Resolved, that it is inexpedient to direct the Proctor
to make the desired repairs to the Parsonage.

A communication from Dr Towles dated Octr 29th 1888,
asking that room no. 38 East Lawn be assigned to the Demonstration
of Anatomy, and that the Assistant Demonstrator of
Anatomy be allowed to continue in the occupation of room no.
49 West Lawn free of charge, having been referred to the Comee
on Grounds, Buildings etc the following resolution was reported
by the Commee and adopted

Resolved, that the concessions asked for in said communication
be granted.

Resolved, that the Proctor be authorized to pay the Professor's
salaries hereafter, in bi-monthly instalments in advance.

Resolved, that the Board grant the request of Prof. Wm B.
Towles to be permitted to be absent from the University from
the 26th of March to the 15th of April next.

The Board being informed that Prof. Wm C. Dabney has recently
suffered a severe sickness which has disabled him from
performing the valuable work of his school, take occasion to


assure him of their sympathy in his suffering, and their great
gratification in learning that he is now convalescing, and beg
to express their desire that he will not jeopard his permanent
recovery by a premature return to the work of his chair. The
Secretary will transmit as copy of this resolution to Dr Dabney.

The Board after considering the subject of the reformation
of the Academic degrees, adopted this following resolution:

Resolved, That the whole matter of the reformation of the
Academic degrees be recommitted to the Faculty with the request
that it will send up to this Board of Visitors their views in
detail of both the majority and manority of its members as to
the reformation that is desirable and expedient in such degrees,
including the Doctorate degrees, which it appears has not heretofore
been considered by them. And it is requested that such
reports may be returned to this Board at a meeting to be held
on the 8th day of February 1889.

Resolved, that the D. K. E. Society of the University of
Va have leave to erect a brick building, subject to such conditions
as this Board may prescribe and on such place and of
such dimensions as this Board may approve, on the ground between
the Post Office and the Railroad, or on a site shown their Committee
by the Committee of Grounds etc. on Dawson's Hill, as
the said society may choose.

Resolved, that the resolutions in relation to the matter
of the salaries of professors be referred to the Finance Committee


for consideration and report thereon at the next meeting
of the Board.

On motion the Board adjourned to meet 8th Feb. next.

Jas D. Jones,
Jno. L. Marye