University of Virginia Library



At the annual meeting of the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia held at the University on the 25th day of
June 1877- Present- Mr. Stuart, Rector, and Messrs Bocock, Conrad,
Goode, Gilmore, Hart, Randolph & Whitehead.

The Rector called the Board to order.

Ordered, that the Secretary inform the Chairman of the
Faculty that this Board is organized and ready to receive any
Communications that he may have to present.

The Secretary having communicated this information to the
Chairman of the Faculty, Dr. Harrison, he appeared before the
Board and presented his annual report accompanied with the report
of the Faculty, the Librarian's report, the Proctor's report,
Commr Gordon's report, and the reports of Prof. Mallet & Page
through this Board to the Miller Board.

1. On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow morning
at 10 o'clock.

Jas. D. Jones
Alex. H. H. Stuart

University of Va.

June 26th 1877

The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday. Present
the same members as on yesterday.

Dr. W. C. N. Randolph, on behalf of the Executive Committee
presented the annual report of the Executive Committee accompanied
by the Resolutions adopted by the Executive Committee of the Board,



December, 1876- which on motion were read, approved and adopted
and ordered to be spread upon the minutes.

Resolved- That a special Committee of three be appointed
to report what action of this Board is appropriate in view of
the donation of W. W. Corcoran, Esqr. to the University of Virginia.

Committee appointed by the Rector under the foregoing resolution:
Messrs Hart, Bocock and Goode.

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Board of Visitors be
and he is hereby required, under the direction of the Rector or
resident member of the Executive Committee, to prepare and have
ready for said Board at every annual meeting a Docket, showing
the items of business to be considered at said meeting and the
order in which it is to be considered.

On motion, the annual report of the Faculty, presented on
yesterday, was taken up and was read to the Board by the Rector-Whereupon
on motion, 1. Resolved, that so much of the Report
of the Faculty, and the papers accompanying the same, as related
to the finances of the University, to fixing the amount of
Professors' salaries and determining the mode of paying the same;
& to allowing Virginia students reaching the age of Eighteen, during
the session and before the first of March, and who comply with the
requirements of the Act of       day of            a drawback on
the tuition fees previously paid by them be referred to the Committee
on Finance.

2. That so much thereof, as refers to the subject of the
Grounds & Buildings of the University, the renting of rooms, enlarging
Mess Halls, &c together with the letter of Professor Price



this day received, asking that a provision be made for building
porches to the house occupied by him be referred to the Committee
on Crounds & Buildings.

3. That so much thereof as relates to the subject of the
Library, together with the letter of Mr. Seddons, this day received,
asking compensation for his labour and trouble in preparing
a Catalogue of the books &c be referred to the Committee
on the Library.

4. That so much thereof as refers to the subject of Apparatms,
be referred to the Committee on Apparatus- and

5. That so much thereof as recommends a formal opening of
the Museum of Natural History, be referred to the Executive Committee
for its action.

Resolved, that the report of Thomas D. Ranson, Esqr. to the
Board in relation to the claim of the University under the will
of Thomas Johnston decd., be referred to the Finance Committee.

Resolved, That the letter of Prof. Ward of date the 8th
inst. to the Rector be referred to the Committee on Grounds &

Resolved, that a Committee of three be appointed to report
whether or not is desirable to require a report to the Board of
Visitors from each Professor of the operation &c of his school
during the year and in case they should decide that such reports
are necessary that they should indicate the form of report to
be required.

The Rector appointed the following as the Committee under
the foregoing resolution- Messrs Randolph, Hart and Whitehead.



Rector & Visitors, University Va.

As Chairman of the Executive Committee I have
the honor to make the following report of the Executive Committee
for the past year.

The building for the Museum of Natural History is now completed
and was received by the Architect about the 1st of June.
The donor through Prof. Ward notified us in August last that he
would add to his donation a sum sufficient to complete the building
in the style of the original design and intimated a wish that
the Architect and Mr. Ward should be consulted. Early in August
Dr. Randolph of this Committee and the Proctor, Major Peyton,
met Messrs Ward & Thomas the Architect in Baltimore and succeeded
in making a contract with Messrs West & Carroll, the Contractors
who made the only additions to contract 
Brick (made here)  4,158.55 
Architect  940.00 
Foundation  353.48 

bid for the whole work in June. The whole cost as contracted
for was $28,043.00 this did not include the brick made here
$4,158.55, the cost of the steps (which were more expensive because
from the character of the ground more steps were required)
nor the elevator and an increased thickening of the side walls
was deemed necessary as the building progressed. These additional
expenses would have required us to raise from the funds of the
University from 1800 to 2000 dollars; but the donor of the fund



with characteristic liberality as he ascertained that there was
to be an additional cost (which information he got from Mr. Ward,
we not being privy to his intention) sent a check for the amount.

The amount to be paid for Prof. Ward for cases, which was
to be raised from the sale of bonds of the University endorsed
by the Trustees of the Miller Fund, the Miller Trustees to pay
interest and sinking fund has not been yet raised; the bonds have
been placed in the hands of a Broker for sale who reports that
he apprehends no difficulty in their sale. The two thousand dollars
to pay for mounting &c to be raised by subscription from
the Society of the Alumni has been pledged and most of it collected,
it will all be forthcoming when needed. A farther sum of $1300
will be needed to complete the payment of freight &c. This
amount will have to be raised yet. I have to ask action on this
matter at this meeting as the money will be needed in the next
two months. We owe the excellent character of the work in a
great measure to the capacity and energy of our Superintendent
of grounds & buildings, Major Peyton. We authorized Dr. Page to
lease the Parsonage to a lady who desired to send a son to College.
Dr. Page having leased the house for his own use from the Chaplain.

It having been referred to this Committee to remit the
Infirmary to the management of the physicians or not as they
deemed best, directed that they should have full charge of it and
have every reason to suppose that it has been made self sustaining.

By resolution we also directed the Proctor to have such
repairs as were necessary to be made to the house occupied by
Mr. Price.



By resolution we also directed the Superintendent of Grounds
& Buildings to connect the downfall with Sewers, under the direction
of the Board of health provided the cost did not exceed $250.

During the Summer, Mr. W. W. Corcoran of Washington, D. C.
donated $5000 to the Library of the University , a thousand to be
paid each year. By resolution we directed the Proctor to receipt
for the amount, keep it as a special fund and to exceed it alone
under the direction of the Faculty in the purchase of books. That
books thus procured shall be kept in separate sections and labelled
"Corcoran donations".

In November of 1876 Mr. Corcoran made another donation of
$50,000 par, in State Bonds to be used to endow professorships.
On consultation with the Faculty- Your Committee determined to
divide the interest between the schools of History & Literature
and Moral Philosophy. And directed that the two schools should
be called "Corcoran School of History & Literature" and "Corcoran
School of Moral Philosophy". This action should be approved or
disapproved by the Board of Visitors and thus confirmed or not as
may be deemed best.

The sum of $200 was appropriated by Your Committee to pay
the salary of the Assistant Librarian, appointed under your
resolution by the Faculty. The Board of Health reported drains
necessary for the Lawn, the Cellars of pavillions and dormitories
having been made damp by surface water. We directed an appropriation
of $300 from the fund for improvements and repairs to that
purpose. Also a sum of fifty dollars from the same fund to repairs
of the Infirmary. By resolution we directed that no sewers
should be made or opened except by Order of the Board of Health.



Your Committee gave permission to Prof. Schele to absent
himself from the University- a few days before the final day and
not to return if he desired before the 1st October, he having
stated that his wife's health required a sea voyage.

Very respectfully Your obdt Srt

Resolutions adopted by the Executive Committee of the
Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia- December 1876

Resolved- 1. That the money given by Mr. W. W. Corcoran, of
Washington, D. C. to the Library of the University of Virginia,
be deposited with the Proctor as a special fund for the Library,
to be expended under the direction of the Faculty alone, in the
purchase of such books as may be deemed necessary to supply the
needs of the institution in all of its departments.

Resolved- 2. That all books thus procured shall be placed
in a separate section of the Library, and shall be labelled and
known as "the Corcoran Donation to the Library of the University
of Virginia".

Resolved- 3. That the interest accruing January 1st and
July 1st 1877, on the bonds given to the University of Virginia
by W. W. Corcoran, Esqr of Washington, D. C. be paid to the Proctor
of the University, on requisition made by him upon the First
Auditor of the State, and endorsed by the Chairman of the Faculty.

Resolved- 4. Further, that the interest thus drawn by the
Proctor shall be paid by the Proctor, semi-annually in equal portions,
to the Professors of the Schools of History and Literature
and of Moral Philosophy respectively, in addition to such sums



from, the general funds of the University as shall make the
annual salary of each of the Professors of the above mentioned
schools two thousand dollars- besides what each one will be entitled
to receive from a division of the general surplus of the
receipts of the University.

Resolved- 5. That a sum of money equal in amount to the
interest derived annually from the Corcoran bonds be appropriated
and the same is hereby directed to be paid by the Proctor semiannually,
out of the Funds of the University of Virginia to be
divided equally among the thirteen (13) Professors of the Medical
and Academical Schools.

Resolved- 6. That the Schools of History and Literature
and of Moral Philosophy in the University of Virginia shall hereafter
be named and known as "The Corcoran School of History and
Literature" and "the Corcoran School of Moral Philosophy".

Resolved- 7. That the sum of $200.00 be appropriated and
the same is hereby ordered to be paid by the Proctor out of the
funds of the University of Virginia, as the annual salary of the
Assistant Librarian appointed by the Faculty, to be paid in
quarterly instalments.

Resolved- 8. That the foregoing resolutions numbered 3, 4,
and 5 shall be in force until the next annual meeting of the
Board of Visitors of the University; but shall then be subject to
repeal, or to such modifications or changes as the Board may think
proper to make in the same.

The above resolutions are hereby adopted.

Alex. H. H. Stuart,

Th. S. Bocock

W. C. N. Randolph





Resolved, 1. That of the general appropriation for improvements
and repairs a sum not to exceed three hundred dollars shall
be expended by the Proctor under the direction of the Board of
Health of the University of Virginia for the several purposes
herein stated- viz: flushing the various sewers connected with
the houses and dormitories; draining the lawn by the means of
tubes or otherwise; and the same is hereby ordered.

Resolved, 2. That from the general appropriation for improvements
and repairs a sum not to exceed fifty dollars shall
be expended by the Proctor under the direction of the Infirmary
Board, for repairs to the infirmary building; and the same is
hereby ordered.

Resolved, 3. That in order to procure, as far as practicable,
immunity from diseases caused by emanations from the sewers, no
sewer or drain shall be made or opened exception by direction
of the Board of Health.

Alex. H. H. Stuart

W. C. N. Randolph

T. S. Bocock

Present- Hon J. L. Marye

On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow morning
at 10 o'clock.

Jas. D. Jones

Alex. H. H. Stuart

The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present the same
members as on yesterday.



The letter of the Chairman, enclosing the Annual Report
of the Faculty having been read and considered, it was

1. Resolved that this Board has heard with much pleasure,
the statement contained in said letter that with few exceptions,
the students have been orderly and studious during the last session
and have shown a marked improvement in the observance of
the Rules & Regulations of the University.

2. Resolved, that this Board, approving the action of the
Faculty in that regard, do hereby confirm their expulsion of
J. W. Mountcastle, a student of the University during the last

Whereas there has been a long established rule in this Institution,
that all elections of Professors shall in the beginning,
be for one year only; And whereas in the election of Thomas R.
Price, to the Chair of Greek, at the last annual meeting of this
Board, it was not declared whether said election was designed to
be permanent or temporary only.

Now therefore, to remove all doubt on the subject this
Board doth resolved, that the said Thomas R. Price is hereby declared
to be the permanent Professor of Greek in the University
of Virginia.

Resolved- That the thanks of this Board are hereby tendered
Prof. W. B. Rogers for the generous gift of one thousand dollars
to the Alumnus fund for the establishment of the Natural History

That the Rector be requested to communicate to Prof. Rogers
this resolution and to asure him of the profound satisfaction
with which we accept this testimonial of interest on the part



of one who was so long identified with the University, and who
contributed so largely to give her the high place that she holds
today among the Institutions of our country.

The Committee on the Miller Fund submitted the following
report which was received and upon being read and considered on
motion the same was approved and adopted. (Messrs Bocock, Randolph,
& Whitehead voting in the negative.)

At a conference of the two committees appointed by the
Miller Board and the Board of Visitors of the University, respectively,
for the purpose of considering and reporting a plan
for appropriating the Miller Fund in accordance with the provisions
of the Trust.

Resolved, that at each of the annual meetings of the said
Board the amounts to be appropriated by the Miller Board shall be
first ascertained by that Board and the two Boards shall then
upon conference prescribe the sums in which and the objects to
which the said amount shall be applied, provided Both Boards
can agree upon the sums & objects, but in the event of their
disagreement the Miller Board then claims the right to prescribe
the sums and the objects to which the said amount shall be applied.

The following report was submitted by the Committee of the
Miller Fund which was received and upon being read and considered
on motion the same was approved and adopted.

The joint committee appointed by the Board of Visitors
of the University of Va. and by the Miller Board for the purpose
of recommending what mode can be adopted by both Boards to obtain
such information as may be necessary to enable both
Boards to adopt measures to improve the efficiency of the school



of Agriculture in the University of Va. beg to report that after
conference they deem it wise to suggest to the Board the appointment
of a Committee of two, one to be selected by each Board,
whose duty it shall be to make such inquiry by correspondence or
otherwise as to them may seem best and report the result of said
inquiries to the said Boards at their annual meeting in June next.
And they recommend that such sum as may be necessary be appropriated
by the Miller Board to defray the expenses of the said committee.

Respectively submitted,
signed Holmes Conrad
Chm. Com. Bd. Visitors
Horace W. Jones
Chmn. Com. Miller Board.

It having been communicated to this Board by the secretary
of the Miller Board that that Board had also approved and adopted
the foregoing report on motion Dr. W. C. N. Randolph was chosen
to represent this Board on the committee of two provided for in
said resolution.

On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow morining at
10 o'clock.

Jas. D. Jones

Alex. H. H. Stuart

The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday. Present
the same members as on yesterday.



The Committees on Apparatus, Grounds & Buildings, the
Library and Corcorans Donations, respectively submitted their
reports which were received and on being read and considered
were severally approved and adopted and ordered to be spread
upon the minutes.

On motion resolved, that, the Executive Committee be
authorized to consider the request of Prof. Smith for the
lecture room now occupied by Prof. Page should the said room be
vacated by Prof. Page & to take such action thereon as may be
deemed advisable when the contingency agove mentioned happens.

The Committee to report what action of this Board is
appropriate in view of the recent donations to the University
of Va. of W. W. Corcoran, Esqr, of Washington, D. C. recommend
that the following resolutions be adopted by the Board.

Resolved (1) That this Board gratefully acknowledges the
gift by W. W. Corcoran, Esqr, of Washington of $5000 in August
last, to be applied to increasing the Library of the University,
and of $50,000 in November last, to be applied to the endowment
of the two schools of "Moral Philosophy" and of "History &

(2) That we recognize in these donations another illustration
of that enlightened munificence in the donor which has already
identified his name with many of the most splendid
charaties [sic] of our times.

(3) That as a lasting monument of Mr. Corcoran's generosity
and of our gratitude the two schools thus endowed shall be henceforth
known as the "Corcoran School of Moral Philosophy" & the
"Corcoran School of History & Literature".



(4) That the action of the Executive Committee in regard
to the funds donated by Mr. Corcoran as set forth in their
report is hereby ratified.

(5) That the secretary communicate to Mr. Corcoran a copy
of these resolutions.

signed John Hart
T. S. Bocock
John Goode
To the Board of Visitors

The Committee upon the Library respectfully report that
they have inspected the condition of the Library. They find
the Room, cases and books, in good order, and the latter in
will [sic] preserved state.

They have considered the statements and suggestions made
in the Librarian's Report; and the communication of Mr. J. H.
Siddons & referred to this Committee. In regard to the latter
they recommend that the Board decline to recognize that any
claim is upon it to make pecuniary compensation to Mr. Siddons
for the labor voluntarily assumed by him in making the Catalogue
mentioned in his letter, and further declines, in view of the
limited means of the University to employ any one, at present,
to make a new Catalogue. The value of a complete and skillfully
prepared subject Catalogue is readily recognized, but it is a work
requiring so much labor and expertness as to demand and [sic]
outlay for compensation which can not be borne by the present
financial resources of the University.



The Committee cordially concurs in the acknowledgment made
in the Librarian's Report of the great and timely benefits to
the Library conferred by the generous aid of W. W. Corcoran, Esq.
A Special Committee having been raised to prepare an expression
of the sense of the Board upon this subject, no further remark
need be made by the Committee.

They recommend it as worthy of consideration by the Board,
whether an increase should be made in the very small compensation
allowed the Assistant Librarian, whose valuable services attested
by the judgment of the Librarian approve him to be a competent
and useful officer. It appears that the sum of $96.30 derived
this session from fines accrued to the Library fund does not
enter into the financial exhibit reported by the Proctor; this
sum may therefore be used for increasing said salary without
disturbing the financial estimates based upon the Proctor's
Report; The Committee recommend that it be so applied.

Respectfully submitted
Jno L. Marye, Jr.

The Committee on Apparatus beg to submit the following Report:

We have had full opportunity, under the courteous guidance
of Prof, Mallet, of examining into the condition of the apparatus
&c belonging to the Schools of General & Applied Chemistry.
Our visit to the Laboratory gave us great pleasure. The excellence
of the Apparatus, and the various appliances for operative Chemistry
in quantity and quality of the chemicals and chemical products—the
thorough order and perfect neatness every where conspicuous,
filled us with admiration. It is, we are sure, matter of



just pride to the friends of the University that she has a
Laboratory so equipped and so managed.

We return herewith the report of Prof. Mallet, with a list
of articles, added within the year by gift or otherwise, to the
collection of specimens &c.

While not strictly pertinent to the matter of this report,
we venture to express our gratification that the high scientific
attainments of Prof. Mallet have found fitting recognition in
the fact of his recent election as a Fellow of the Royal Society
of England. We derive this information not from himself, but
from one of his Colleagues in the Faculty.

The Committee have also examined the Apparatus & other applainces
of instruction in the school of Natural Philosophy,
having in the examination the intelligent aid of Prof. Smith.
We find the rooms and apparatus in the same condition of order
and neatness which we have mentioned as characterizing the
Laboratory. While Prof. Smith would be glad of additional apparatus
for the better illustration of some of the recent phases
of physical science, he makes no request of the Board at this
time for an appropriation. It will be gratifying to the Board
to know that out of the annual appropriations to this School,
he has been able to accumulate a reserve of about $300 which
will be no doubt most judiciously expended.

We were greatly interested in noticing the evidence of careful
work on the part of some of the students in the Department of
Practical Physics. This addition to the School of Natural
Phylosophy [sic] must prove of great value in training our future
teachers of Physical Science.

John Hart Chairman



To the Rector and Visitors

Your Committee have the honor to report that they
find the grounds of the Institution in their usual good order.
They would recommend that the inside enclosures so far as they
are not necessary to protect the privacy of the Pavillions [sic]
shall gradually and with as little expense as possible be removed.
The return to the old carriage approach to the grounds rendered
necessary by the Museum Building would be much more acceptable
if the fences on each side of the new road were removed.

The pavements under Arcades which were in such miserable
order at the former meeting of the Board have been put in good
condition during the past year. In the opinion of your committee
the appropriation for improvement, and repairs should, if practicable,
be doubled. The floors covering the Colonades on the
lawn are so much decayed as to be dangerous to walk over and almost
useless to protect the walks underneath, from the weather. As
a sanitary measure they should be, as far as practicable, be
repaired. In their present condition they keep off the sun and
do not protect the pavements in front of the dormitories from
the weather. It would probably not be well to undertake to renew
them until we had the means to put pavement metal floors.
All the Buildings are suffering for a renewal of external paint.
We would recommend that the Proctor be directed to apply not less
than a thousand dollars to external painting during the next year.
We recommend that fifty dollars be appropriated to the repair



of the floors in the basement of Prof. Pages Pavillion. At the
last meeting of the Board an application from Prof. Minor for the
enlargement of his pavilion was presented and the Board replied
that as soon as the financial condition of the University would
admit the request would be complied with. The necessity for such
enlargement is greater each year as Mr. Minor's children grow
older. Your Committee therefore recommend that if practicable
the appropriation of $2000 be made, contingent upon an increase
of income sufficient to meet it. Prof. Prices request that the
porches, front and rear of his house should be renewed is not
deemed by this Committee unreasonable, they are therefore sorry
that the financial condition of the University probably renders
any appropriation impossible.

The letter of Prof. Ward's referring to the further purchase
of cases was carefully considered by your Committee.

If the money could be gotten it would be very desirable
to apply it to such a purchase and it is only that difficulty that
prevents your Committee's recommending an appropriation.

Very respectfully
Your obdt svt
W. C. N. Randolph

Supplemental to above- We advise, in accordance with the
recommendation of the Faculty the appropriation of $150 to the
enlargement of Mess Halls.

Resolved, that the fund of $96.30 obtained from fines
accrued to the Library fund for this session, be paid over to
Mr. Frederick W. Page Assistant Librarian as compensation for his
services in addition to the salary of $200 allowed him.



The special Committee on conduct of Schools reported &
recommended the adoption of the following and on motion the
order was adopted as follows:

Ordered, that the Professor of each School on the University
shall make to this Board at its annual meetings a report of
the operations of his school for the session, such reports to
be submitted through the Chairman of the Faculty along with the
General Faculty Report.

These reports shall embrace the following particulars:

1. The number of students in each class of the school and
the average attendance on the lectures.

2. The number of lectures per week in each class.

3. The range of studies in each class on which there are
regular lectures and class examinations.

4. The amount of extra class work imposed on the members
of each class, in the form of parallel reading, original exercises
Essays, &c.

5. The number of Examinations held in each class, with
statement of the minimum, maximum & average time occupied in
such examination.

6. The standard of attainment required in the examinations
of the several classes.

7. The number of students who attempt the several examinations
and the number who attain the required grades.

8. The state of preparation on the part of the students
for the work of the several classes, as compared with previous

9. Suggestions as to any enlargement or modification of the
work of the school that may seem desirable.



10. The wants of the school in respect of apparatus or
other appliances of instruction.

11. Matters not included above which the Professor may
wish to lay before the Board.

Ordered— That Article 8 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of the
Abstract of Enactments published in 1859, and any other order on
this subject be and is hereby rescinded.

Resolved that in addition to the standing committee's
hitherto appointed, a committee of three be appointed, to be
called "the Committee on the Conduct of Schools and the System
of Instruction".

The Rector appointed the following gentlemen to constitute
the Committee under the foregoing resolution, viz

Messrs Randolph

Hart &


On motion, Ordered, 1. That the resolution of the Board
passed Sep. 7th 1870 and recorded on page 290 of this book [p. 266
of typed copy], be and the same is hereby rescinded.

2. That henceforth the Professors may at their discretion
give students credit for the fees of their schools, but the amount
for which credit is thus given shall be reported by them to the
Proctor and shall be included in his annual statement as Cash
received by him and paid to them on account of compensation as
far as the same is derived from tuition fees.

Resolved, That the Committee on the "Conduct of the Schools
and the System of Instruction" be and are hereby instructed and
requested to make a thorough revision of all the Bye Laws and



regulations of the University and make report to the next annual
session of the Board of Visitors.

Resolved that the Proctor be & he is hereby instructed, to
cause to be constructed at some convenient place or places on the
grounds of the University, one or more Batteries or Ball Alleys
for the use of the students, provided the cost thereof shall not
exceed one hundred dollars, which sum is hereby appropriated to
that object to be paid out of the fund for improvements and repairs

The following communication was received from the Miller

"Resolved that the attention of the Board of Visitors be
respectfully called to the 3d clause of the Deed of Trust from
Samuel Miller, which is as follows:

`All property for the use of the said school by means of the
interest, income & profits of the said Fund shall belong to and
constitute a part of this Trust. An inventory thereof shall be
made annually by the person or persons in whose possession the same
may be and returned to the Trustees to be preserved among the
records and papers relating to the trust.'

And the Board of Visitors are respectfully requested to
call the attention of the `person or persons' in whose possession
this property may be, to this resolution, and to cause this clause
of the deed to be complied with.

A copy, Teste

R. T. W. Duke, Secretary/"

Which upon being read and considered on motion, Resolved, that
to comply with the requirements of the 3d clause of the Deed of
Trust from Samuel Miller Prof. Page be requested to furnish the



Board of Visitors at its next annual session an inventory of all
the property in his possession for the use of the School of
Experimental and Scientific Agriculture which has been organized
by expenditures from the Miller Trust Fund.

The new bond of the Proctor & Superintendent executed Decr
8th 1877 was submitted to the Board for its consideration, Whereupon
the same was read and considered- and on motion, Ordered,
that the bond be approved and spread upon the Minutes of the
Board- and is as follows:

Know all men by these presents that We, G. Peyton and
Charles S. Venable are held and firmly bound unto the Rector and
Visitors of the University of Virginia and their successors in
office in the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, to be paid to the
said Rector, and Visitors of the University of Virginia and their
successors in office: for the payments whereof well and truly
to be made we bind ourselves jointly and severally, firmly by
these presents- Sealed with our seals and dated the Eighth day
of December in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred
and seventy six.

The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas
the above bound G. Peyton was duly elected Proctor and Superintendent
of grounds and Buildings of the University of Virginia:
Now therefore if the above bound G. Peyton shall well and truly
and legally disburse and account for all moneys and effects which
may come into his hands by virtue of said office, and shall well
and truly and faithfully disburse and perform all the duties devolved
upon him as such officer, then the foregoing obligation
shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.

G. Peyton

Chas. S. Venable



On motion the present Executive Committee of the Board,
viz, The Rector and Messrs Bocock & Randolph were reelected for
the ensuing year.

On motion Dr. James F. Harrison was reelected Chairman of
the Faculty for the ensuing year.

Ordered that the Board adjourn to meet tomorrow morning at
9 Oclock.

Jas. D. Jones

Alex. H. H. Stuart

The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday- Present
the same members as on yesterday with the exception of Mr. Gilmore

The Finance Committee submitted its report which was received,
and on being read and considered the same was on motion
approved and adopted and ordered to be spread upon the minutes
which is done as follows:

Finance Committee Report 1876-7

To the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia

Your Committee to whom was referred so much of the Annual
Report of the Faculty as refers to the Finances of the University
& the mode of disbursing the same; fixing the amount of compensation
to the Professors, and the mode of raising the same, and
other matters of an analagous character, has had the same under
consideration and beg leave to submit the following report:

Your Committee have given to the subject of compensating
the Professors, the proper amount of said compensation and the



best mode of raising the same that large consideration which the
great importance of the subject justly requires, and with every
disposition, not only to do ample justice to every member of the
Faculty, but to conform our action to the wishes and tastes of
each and all of them, so far as consistent with right, justice
and the best interests of the University, we have yet been unable
to see the propriety of allowing to certain Professors, privileges
in regard to the appropriation of the fees of their chairs, which
are neither exercised nor claimed by the other members of the
Faculty. The reasons for allowing to each Professor the fees of
his chair, which were once supposed to be strong are greatly
lessened if not entirely removed at the present time and in order
to advance the interest and promote the prosperity of the whole
school equallity of right among the Professors, seems now to
afford the more effective policy. Many considerations other than
the reputation of the teacher and which are beyond his control,
aid in determining the popularity of a chair, and to teach a
large class is little more laborious than to teach a small one.
We therefore recommend that the Board of Visitors in the exercises
of the power granted to them, by Act of the last Legislature
should place every Professor on the same footing in this respect.
We submit resolutions to that effect.

It appears to us, that the Proctors annual Report, should
be more full and ample in relation to the collection of fees, than
the regulations in force have heretofore required.

We therefore report a resolution on that subject. The
recommendation of the Faculty, that the Assistant Professor,
known as the demonstrator of Anatomy, should receive a yearly



salary of Eight hundred dollars, seems to us reasonable and we
report a resolution and an estimate in accordance with said

The series of resolves, on the subject of the Proctors
account, which were submitted with the Faculty Report and referred
to us, are in our opinion too sweeping in their scope, and stringent
in their operation, to be passed without full consideration.
We therefore report them back, for such action as the Board may
choose to take at this meeting.

We submit resolutions in relation to the Report of the
Infirmary Board; about the fee of Thomas D. Ranson, who acted as
our counsel in two suits lately pending in the circuit court of
Augusta touching the Estate of Thomas Johnson decd; and authorizing
a drawback to Virginia students who matriculate and pay fees and
afterward reach the age of eighteen before the 1st day of March
in the same session, and upon other points presented for our
consideration. There is one other subject, of great consequence
to the interest of the University, and to the fame of the present
Board of Visitors to which we wish to call your special attention;
under our contract with H. A. Ward of Rochester for furnishing
cases for our Museum of Natural History, we are likely to be indebted
to him, the sum of ten thousand dollars payable in the
next thirty days. To meet this debt we have made and placed upon
the market our Bonds guaranteed by the Trustees of the Miller
fund, but as yet none of these bonds have been sold, and we see
no prospect of raising the requisite funds in any reasonable time,
by means of them.

To fail in meeting this debt when it falls due, would



greatly impair our credit; and might inflict upon us other serious

We can not too strongly urge the importance of prompt action
and earnest effort on this subject. If no plan can be divised at
this meeting to raise this money (and we have none to recommend)
the subject should at least be referred to the Executive Committee
with ample power and authority to do whatever may appear necessary
or advisable in the premises.

The letter of Genl. Francis H. Smith, Principal of the
Virginia Military Institute, asking payment of our Bonds, held
by said Institutie (the principal of which amounts to twenty thousand
dollars) and which falls due in a few days, has also been
considered by us. We know of no manner of payment other than by
the sale of our eight per cent bonds, which at this time appears
to be impracticable. We recommend this subject also be referred
to the Executive Committee, with power to do what they may consider
reasonable and proper in the premises, and with the request
that they address a polite letter to Genl. Smith explaining so
far as necessary the condition of our pecuniary affairs.

We herewith report the necessary appropriations for the
current fiscal year.

Respectfully submitted
Th: L. Bocock, Chmn.

Resolved, that we approve and adopt the list of estimates
returned by the Faculty with their annual report so altered and
modified as to read as follows, viz



One adjunct Professor of Applied Chemistry  $ 800.00 
Two assistant Professors 
Anatomy  800.00 
Engineering  500.00 
Officers salaries  4,180.00 
Fees One adjunct Professor Applied Chemistry  770.00 
One Asst Professor of Engg & Drawing  75.00 
Advertising for law school  175.00 
General advertising  600.00 
Printing  140.00 
Catalogue  500.00 
Repairs & Improvements  2,750.00 
Fee to T. D. Ranson, Atty  250.00 
Enlarging Mess Hall  150.00 
Labour  1,200.00 
Contingent Expenses  1,250.00 
Interest on Debt  7,500.00 
Sinking fund  1,000.00 
Library  300.00 
Fuel  500.00 
Insurance  650.00 
Diplomas  350;00 
Apparatus & Material (Chemistry)  150.00 
Natural Philosophy  150.00 
Gas  500.00 
Engineering  50.00 
Commutation of rents  900.00 



Special  Experimental Farm  1,000.00 
Appropriation  Int on bonds  800.00 
Miller Fund  Printing  75.00 
Deficit on account of cases of Museum  $ 1,300.00 
Income for year ending 31 May 1878 
Annuity from the state  $30,000.00 
Rents  15,320.00 
Diplomas  1,210.00 
Fees  Law 5570 
On basis 
Appl Chem 770 
of 325 
Drawing 75 
schools 10855  17,270.00 
Interest on bond- Corcoran fund  3,000.00 
Miller fund  3,975.00 
Deduct expenses as above  29,365.00 
Bal. for distribution  $41,410.00 
To Corcoran School of History &
Literature and of Moral Philosophy,
being Professors' salaries from
Corcoran fund 
$ 3,000.00 
Salary of two professors named above  1,000.00 
Salary of 12 Professors & 1 adjunct Prof.
at 2,000 
Bal brought down  41,410.00 
SURPLUS  $11,410.00 



This surplus divided among 14 Professors & one adjunct professor
gives to each 
$ 760.66 
to which by adding salary  2000.00 
Gives to each Professor  $2760.66 

On the basis of 325 students, but we recommend that in
case of an increase of students the fees &c be equally divided
among the said fourteen professors and one adjunct professor,
provided that no professor shall receive more than three thousand
dollars in compensation and division of fees as aforesaid. Any
amount which may be received beyond what may be sufficient for
the payment of salaries shall be subject to the direction of the

1. Resolved, that in the opinion of this Board, the fees
of each and every chair in the University should, in the existing
state of things constitute a common fund, for the payment of all
the Professors in equal proportions, and until the further order
of this Board, we direct that they be so employed.

2. Resolved, that whenever the amount payable to the different
professors from salary & fees shall reach the sum of
three thousand dollars, then any further income arising from the
same service shall go to and constitute a part of the fund for
improvements and repairs.

Resolved, that the Proctor, in addition to the account he
is now required to keep, showing the exact amount of fees properly
chargeable against each student matriculated at the University
during every session, what portion thereof is collected, what
uncollected and why, and if bonds are taken in any case, that
he state upon whose authority they are so taken, and return the
same with his annual report.



Resolved, that till the further order of this Board, the
Assistant Professor known as the Demonstrator of Anatomy shall
be allowed as a salary the sum of eight hundred dollars per year.

Resolved, (1) that we approve the report of the Infirmary
Board, giving an account of their management of that Institution
during the last fiscal year, and tender to them our thanks for
the near approximation they have made towards rendering it self-sustaining.

2. Resolved, that if at the end of the next fiscal year,
any surplus fund should be found on hand from the management of
this Institution, it be applied to salaries of the different
members of the Infirmary Board, till each of said salaries shall
reach the sum of five hundred dollars per annum extending back
to the beginning of the last fiscal year.

3. Resolved, that if any further surplus should remain on
hand, it be invested by said Infirmary Board under the direction
of the Executive Committee and held sacred for the uses and
purposes of the said Infirmary.

Resolved, that every Virginia student who shall hereafter
matriculate in the Academical Department of the University shall
do so subject to the following regulation, viz, if he shall have
paid his fees for the session and shall afterward during the
same session, reach the age of eighteen he shall be entitled to
a drawback thereon upon complying with the requirement of the
law in relation to examination, for an amount proportioned to the
time which may elapse after he shall become eighteen.

Resolved, that the whole subject of Examination of Virginia



students for admission into the University without charge for
tuition, under the Act of February 26th 1876, be referred to the
Faculty with instructions to subject all applicants to actual
examination, but giving however such weight as they may deem best
to any certificate of any school or college that may be presented.

Resolved, that provided the appropriation for improvements
and repairs should be increased over $3000 the Proctor be directed
to reserve such increase to be applied, as soon as sufficient,
to the improvement of Prof. Minor's pavillion. And such other
improvement as the Executive Committee may deem expedient.

Resolved, that the Proctor be directed to lay aside 50 per
cent of the funds received from all sources coming into his hands
and pay to each Professor his quota of such reserve fund on the
15th of October and the 15th of January and the 15th of April
respectively, making a final settlement in accordance with the
detail appropriation on 1st day of July.

Resolved, That the Proctor be directed to appropriate from
the Fund for Improvements & Repairs fifty dollars for the repair
of the basement floor of Prof. Page's pavillion.

Resolved, that the Proctor be directed to remove the
inside enclosures except such enclosures as are necessary to protect
the privacy of the pavillions, with as little expense as
possible and gradually so as to produce as little inconvenience
as possible.

Resolved, that the Proctor be directed to repair the floors
over the Colonades.

The following preamble and resolution was adopted: Whereas
the enactments of the University (Sec. 2 Chapter 2 of Abstract of



Enactments Ed. 1859) require the Proctor to make to the Chairman
of the Faculty weekly reports of inspection of Hotels, Dormitories
&c, which reports said Chairman shall lay before this Board at
its regular meetings. And whereas no such reports have been
laid before this Board.

Resolved, that the Chairman of the Faculty is requested
to see that such reports be regularly made to him, to be laid by
him before this Board- provided that these reports may be monthly
instead of weekly as heretofore required.

Resolved, that the Secretary of the Board communicate to
Mr. Siddons a copy of that portion of the Report of the Library
Committee which refers to his communication, at the response
of the Board to the same.

On motion the following resolution was adopted: Whereas
Thos. D. Ranson, Esqr in whose hands the troublesome litigation
in connection with the Johnson legacy was placed, having consented
to the request of the Board that his bill, in consideration of
the fact that nothing could be derived from the legacy and notwithstanding
the fact that the service rendered was not at all
inadequate to the sum charged, should be reduced to $250 instead
of $350. Be it resolved that the Proctor be directed to pay to
Mr. Ranson $250.

On motion the Board adjourned to the 24th day of June next.

Jas. D. Jones
Alex. H. H. Stuart