University of Virginia Library



The Board of Visitors met pursuant to adjournment on the
29th day of July last. Present- the Rector, R. G. H. Kean
and Messrs Carrington, Berkeley, Montague, Smith and Woods.

A letter was received from Hon. G. P. Scarburgh stating
that he was prevented from attending the present meeting of
the Board by sickness in his family.

The Board proceeded with the business of filling the
vacancy in the Chair of Applied Mathematics and Civil Engineering
occasioned by the resignation of Prof. Boeck.

Resolved I. That the Board deeming it best not to fill
the chair of Applied Mathematics and Civil Engineering at this
time- that school will be placed for the ensuing session under
the charge of an Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, and under
the general supervision of the Professor of Mathematics.

II. That the Adjunct Professor of Mathematics be entitled
to the emoluments heretofore enjoyed by the Professor of Applied
Mathematics and Civil Engineering.

III. That Prof. Wm. M. Thornton be and he is hereby appointed
Adjunct professor of Mathematics under the two preceeding
resolutions- and that the Secretary of the Board inform him
at once by telegraph of this appointment- and communicate these
resolutions to him by mails.

A communication from Prof. Minor having been read

Resolved- that the resolutions heretofore adopted in reference
to the claim of Professor Minor for arrears of salary be suspended,
so as to leave the whole question open, and that the
matter be postponed for action to the next regular meeting of
the Board.



Resolved, that the permission asked by Prof. Holmes to
have a closet removed from a room in the upper story of his
pavilion and the closet-door filled up, is granted.

Resolved, that a sum not exceeding fifty dollars is hereby
appropriated to be expended under the direction of the Chairman
of the Faculty in preparing charts of statistics, photographs
&c of the University for the Department of the Interior
in connection with the Centennial Celebration of 1876.

Resolved, that the Pavilion vacated by the resignation of
Prof. Boeck be assigned to Prof. Noah K. Davis.

On motion the Board adjourned sine die.

Jas. D. Jones
R. G. H. Kean