University of Virginia Library



The Board of Visitors met in pursuance of adjournment on
the 28th of June last. Present R. G. H. Kean, Rector and Messrs
Barbour, Campbell, Montague, Smith and Woods.

The Board was called to order by the Rector.

A communication was received from the Board of Trustees of
the Miller Fund informing this Board, that at their meeting on
yesterday Dr. John R. Page was unanimously nominated to this
Board as Professor of Scientific , Experimental and Practical
Agriculture in the University of Virginia.



The Board then proceeded to the appointment of a Prof: of
Scientific, Experimental and Practical Agriculture which resulted
in the unanimous election of Dr. John R. Page, the nominee of
the Miller Board.

Resolved That the Secretary communicate to Prof: Page his
nomination and election.

Prof. John B. Minor reported in behalf of the Committee
appointed in June last, to revise the Enactments of the University,
the inability of the Committee to complete the duty
required of them in time to submit the report to this meeting
of the Board.

Mr. Wm. H. Clarke of Halifax County    Va. having made a
donation of valuable books to the Library, On motion

Resolved that the thanks of the Rector & Board of Visitors
of the University of Virginia are hereby tendered to Mr. Clarke
for the valuable contribution of Books made by him to the Library
of this Institution together with a cordial reciprocation of his
kind wishes as conveyed in the letter of the Hon: James A. Seddon.

Resolved That the salary of the Chairman of the Faculty be
continued at $500-as at present- and that the salary of the
Proctor & Superintendent of grounds be continued at $2000 as at

Resolved That the Salary of the Librarian and Secretary of
the Faculty be continued at $700 as at present and that the
salary of the Secretary of the Board of Visitors be continued
at $100 as at present.

Resolved That the General Assembly be requested to pass
an act conferring upon such person as shall be appointed by



the Board of Visitors or the Executive Committee thereof, the
powers of a conservator of the Peace.

The official bond of Green Peyton as Proctor &c with
Thomas J. Randolph Sr. as security in the penalty of $25,000
was submitted to the Board which being inspected and considered
by the Board was received and approved.

The Rector reported a draft of "An act to encourage Donations
to the University &c" Whereupon on motion, resolved That the
Rector be requested to take charge of the same and endeavour
to secure its passage by the Legislature.

The Executive Committee through the Rector communicated to
the Board the arrangement made by Professor Schele de Vere for
instruction in the school of Modern Languages, and approved by
the Commission appointed at the annual meeting in June last to
be as follows-

The General supervision of the School is committed to
Professor Gildersleeve.

The Senior Class in German to be taught by Professor

The Senior Class in French to be taught by Professor Boeck.

The Junior classes in French and German to be taught by
Mr. W. C. Grossman.

The compensation made to each of them is a subject of private
agreement between Professor Schele and the parties named;
which arrangement meets the approval of this Board.

On motion the Board adjourned till tomorrow morning at
9 Oclock.

Jas. D. Jones
R. G. H. Kean



University of Va.

Sept. 20th 1872

The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday.

Present the same members as on yesterday.

The Secretary of the Miller Board laid before this Board
the following communications:

"At a meeting of the Trustees of the Miller Fund held at
the University of Va. on the 18th & 19th of Sept. 1872 the
following proceedings were directed to be communicated to the
Board of Visitors:

University of Va.

Sept. 18th 1872

The Trustees having carefully considered the testimonials
of the Candidate for the Chair of Scientific, Experimental and
Practical Agriculture in the University of Va. Dr. J. R. Page of
Baltimore City was unanimously nominated to the Chair of Scientific
Experimental and Practical Agriculture in the University of Va.
and the Secretary was directed to communicate the fact to the
Board of Visitors of the University of Va.

The Secretary having communicated to the Board of Visitors
the nomination of Dr. J. R. Page after an interval the Board
of Visitors through B. J. Barbour Esq. reported to the Trustees
that they had unanimously elected Dr. J. R. Page to the chair
of Scientific, Experimental and Practical Agriculture in the
Department of Agriculture in the University of Va.



Resolved that a sum not exceeding $100 be appropriated by
the Trustees for the purpose of advertising the School of Agriculture
in the University of Va., said sum to be expended under
the direction of the Chairman of the Faculty.

As the University has furnished Dr. Boeck with a house.

Resolved that the sum of $300 heretofore appropriated to
the rent of a house for Prof. Boeck be transferred to the rent
of a house for Prof. Page.

A copy from the minutes

signed R. T. W. Duke

Resolved That the Salary of the Janitor be continued at
$400 as at present

Resolved That the original order assigning the subjects to
be taught in the Chair of Practical & Scientific Agriculture be
so far modified as to allow the School of Mineralogy & Geology
to remain for the present attached to the Chair of Natural

Resolved That the Execution of the order made at the last
meeting of the Board, requiring the removal of the Stable &
corn house of Mr. Jeffries be suspended; but that Mr. Jeffries
be notified that said buildings will be removed before the
commencement of the session of 1873-4.

Resolved That the sum of One Hundred dollars be and is
hereby appropriated to the repair of Pavilion No. VII also
the sum of seventy five dollars for the purpose of removing the
partitions in the rear passages changing the present rear door
into a window and the window in the rear of the dining room into



an outer door, with steps into the yard.

Resolved That to remove the ambiguity in the resolution on
page 335 of this book, [p. 300 of typed copy] by which the fee for
the use of the Library & Public Rooms was fixed at $25 it is
declared that the aggregate fee for matriculation and the use of
Library and Public Rooms was intended thereby and is fixed at

Resolved That with a few to the employment of an accomplished
draftsman in the school of applied Mathematics & Civil Engineering
an additional fee of ten dollars shall be charged each student
in said school to be paid to the draftsman.

Resolved That if the Hotel Keepers will give bond with
satisfactory security, the Proctor is instructed to pay to them
in advance, as far as possible the board money for each quarter
deposited by their boarders- said security in each case to be
for a sum not exceeding six thousand dollars, said bond when
executed to be filed with the Proctor.

Resolved That the Board regrets that the present condition
of the finances of the University will not admit at this time, of
the appropriation proposed by Prof. Venable for the completion
of his Pavilion in his communication of Sep. 19th 1872.

Resolved That the Proctor be instructed to pay to Prof.
Chs. S. Venable the sum of $100 (or so much of it as may be
necessary) to secure him against any loss for the rent of mess
rooms for certain students in the session of 1871-72.

Resolved That Professor Boeck be and he is hereby authorized
to subscribe to Journals on the subjects of Engineering and
Architecture for the Library of the University, such subscriptions
not to exceed twenty five dollars per annum.



On motion The two resolutions on page 333 [p. 299 of typed
copy] of the record adopted at the annual meeting in June last, in
respect to residence of students, and requiring those to pay
$7.50 who may be permitted to board out of the University are
repealed and in lieu thereof it is

Ordered, that it is the expectation and desire of the Board
of Visitors that no student will be permitted to room or board
outside of the Institution as long as there are vacant rooms
within, except for good cause shown and the Chairman is requested
as far as judicious in his opinion to insist on the carrying
out of this expression of desire on the part of this Board.

1. Resolved That the Secretary of State of the United States
be and be is hereby respectfully and earnestly requested to
authorize the American Minister at the Court of Great Britain
to use his good offices with the Foreign Office of Her Britanic
Majesty's Government in order to procure from the Public Record
Office, for the use of the Library of the University of Virginia

1. All the publications emanating from the latter Office
as ennunciated in the Official Catalogue of July 1872.

2. Any subsequent publications from the same source.

3. All Reports of the Deputy Keepers of the Public Records.

2. That the Rector transmit the foregoing resolution to the
Secretary of State on behalf of the Board.

The Annual Report of the Board to the General Assembly was
read and approved by the Board.

Resolved That in pursuance of the recommendation of the
Faculty made to the Board at the last annual meeting, the
Review Examinations for the degree of Master of Arts as heretofore



provided for be abolished: and in lieu thereof each candidate
for that degree, in the last year of his candidacy be subjected
to a special examination in any two schools of his own selection
in which he may have graduated in a previous year.

Resolved That the appropriations made for the ensuing
year for salaries of Professors and their assistants be modified
so as to read as follows:

For salaries of fourteen professors paid from the funds of
the University 
$13, 300.00 
For commutation of rent for two professors  600.00 
For free students in certain schools according
to the established scale—say 
For pay of assistants  1,700 
And in accordance with the resolution of the Trustees of the
Miller Fund communicated to the Board and Professors Boeck
having been provided with a pavilion, of the sum of five hundred
dollars appropriated heretofore to the professorships of Applied
Mathematics- three hundred dollars being for commutation of
rent is transferred to the professor of Agriculture and Natural
History for the same purpose 

Resolved That the Executive Committee be empowered to
select and send out one or more agents, with such authority as
the said Committee may define to solicit subscriptions donations
and endowments to the University of Virginia and the sum of
$500 is hereby appropriated to defray the actual expenses of the
said agents in the discharge of the duties which may be assigned



them. The said Committee is further authorized to pay the said
Agents as Compensation for their services such commission upon
the amount of subscriptions they may procure as the Committee
may deem just and reasonable.

Resolved That a sum not exceeding fifty dollars or so
much thereof as may be necessary be appropriated for the repairs
of field and other instruments, rendered necessary, otherwise
than by culpapable negligence.

On motion The Board calls attention to the order adopted
on the       day of June 1857 on page 52 of this record [p. 57
of typed copy] in respect to keeping lists, and returning to the
Board at its annual meetings, complete inventories of the
apparatus and other property in the use or possession of the

Resolved That the Executive Committee be authorized to
expend in advertising not exceeding $150 before the next annual
meeting, if in their judgment such expenditure should be judicious.

On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at
9 o'clock.

Jas. D. Jones

R. G. H. Kean
Rector &c

The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday.

Present the same members as on yesterday except Mr. Barbour.

On motion it was ordered that the Secretary of the Board
be requested to spread at large upon the Record Book of the Board



the Report of the Proctor as to the financial condition of the
University made to the last June meeting of this body.

Resolved That the Lecture Room known as the Chemistry room
is hereby temporarily assigned to the Professor of Agriculture
and Natural History.

Resolved That the attention of the Trustees of the Miller
Fund is called to the consideration of the management of the
Experimental Farm and they are requested to indicate the Professor
to whom its control shall be committed in view of recent action
as to the chairs of Chemistry and Agriculture.

Resolved That this Board is of opinion that it is desirable
that the manner of appointment of State Students be so left
to the discretion of the Board as to enable them to connect the
selection with the public Free School System of the State,_and
to that end, they request the passage of an act to the following

"It shall be competent for the Board of Visitors of the
University of Virginia instead of providing for the appointment
of one state student for each senatorial district as at present,
to provide for their appointment in such manner and under such
regulations as said Board shall deem most promotive of the interests
of public education in connexion with the Public Free
School System of the State."

Resolved That the Executive Committee be requested to apply
for the passage of such an act as that above indicated at such
time as in their judgment it shall appear judicious to do so.

Ordered That the Proctor cause the unplastered room in the
pavilion occupied by Prof. Venable to be completed at an expense



not exceeding fifty dollars.

Resolved That a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars
appropriated by the Trustees of the Miller Fund for that purpose
be expended for advertizing the School of Agriculture in
the University of Va. under the direction of the Chairman of the

The Board adjourned until the next annual meeting.

Jas D. Jones
R. G. H. Kean
Rector of the U. of Va.



Annual Report of the Proctor and Superintendent of Grounds
and Buildings, submitted to the Board at the annual Meeting June 1872

Statement of Disbursements and Receipts of the University
of Virginia from June 1st 1871 to June 1st 1872.

















Professors Salaries 
Oct. 1st To 1/2 salary of 15 Professors  $8,000.00 
Apl 1st To 1/2 salary of 15 Professors  8,000.00 
To com of rent 3 professors  900.00 
Total  $16,900.00 
Assistant Instructors 
Oct. 1st To 1/2 sal. J. L. Chancellor
Dem: of Anat. 
Oct. 1st To J.W.C.Davis Ass. in Engineering  200.00 
Oct. 1st To Wm.M.Thornton Ass. in Math  300.00 
April 1st As above  875.00 
Total  $ 1,750.00 
Miller Scholarships 
Octo. 1st To J.W.C.Davis & F. P.
April 1st To J.W.C.Davis & F.P.
Total  $ 1,000.00 
Officers' Salaries 
July 1st To 1/4 Salary of Chairman  125.00 
July 1st To 1/4 Salary of Proctor & Supt.  500.00 
July 1st To 1/4 Salary of Librarian  200.00 
July 1st To 1/4 Salary of Com: of Accounts  50.00 
July 1st To 1/4 Salary of Janitor  100.00 
Oct. 1st As above  975.00 
Jany. 1st As above  975.00 
April 1st As above  975.00 
Total  3,900.00 
Amt. carried forward  $23,550.00 
Amount forward  $23,550.00 
Adver. & Printing 
June To James Alexander, printing  $ 15.50 
To Various papers adv.  21.60 
July To Various papers adv.  108.82 
To James Alexander Printing  38.00 
Aug. To Various papers adv.  67.95 
Sept & Oct Various papers adv.  860.85 
Nov. Various papers adv.  18.10 
Jan. Various papers adv.  30.50 
Feby. Various papers adv.  15.20 
Feby. Clemmet & Jones Printing  44.50 
March James Alexander Printing  45.00 
March Papers Adv.  5.25 
April Papers Adv.  3.00 
April Jones & Co. Catalogues  447.12 
May Papers Adv.  12.00 
May Express- Catalogues  19.10 
Total  $ 1,752.49 
July To Va. Mil. Institute  600.00 
To Est. P. St. G. Cocke  150.00 
To Carr's Hill Bonds  124.00 
To Coupons  80.00 
To Discount  76.41 
Oct. To Discount  61.43 
Oct. To Coupons  960.00 
Nov. To Coupons  520.00 
Dec. To Coupons  320.00 
Jan. To Coupons  520.00 
Jan. To Parker, Campbell & Co.
Jan. To Va. Mil. Inst.  600.00 
Jan. To Est. P. St. G. Cocke  150.00 
Jan. To C. S. Venable  75.00 
Jan. To Carr's Hill Bonds  60.00 
Feby. To Est. L. M. Coleman  85.00 
Feby. To Coupons  40.00 
Total  5,040.49 
Amount carried forward  $ 25,302.49 
Interest          Amounts forward  $ 5,040.49  $25,302.49 
Feby to Discount  2.00 
April to Coupons  1,600.00 
April to Parker Campbell & Co. Disc.  166.68 
May to Coupons  80.00 
Total  6,889.17 
Repairs & Improvements 
June To Sundry repairs for the month  13.96 
July & Aug To Sundry repairs for the month  91.24 
Sept & Oct To Sundry repairs for the month  614.64 
Nov. To Sundry repairs for the month  217.15 
Dec. To Sundry repairs for the month  293.21 
Jany. To Sundry repairs for the month  94.10 
Feb. To Sundry repairs for the month  322.14 
March To Sundry repairs for the month 
Apr. To Sundry repairs for the month 
May To Sundry repairs for the month  186.95 
Total  1,833.39 
Special Ap. for Pavilion No. 3 
July & Aug. To re-roofing &c  138.80 
Nov. To re-roofing &c  7.50 
May To re-roofing &c  20.78 
Total  167.08 
June To Sundry labourers for the month  179.82 
July To Sundry labourers for the month  130.50 
Aug. To Sundry labourers for the month  84.00 
Oct. To Sundry labourers for the month 
Nov. To Sundry labourers for the month  159.70 
Dec. To Sundry labourers for the month  114.80 
Jany. To Sundry labourers for the month  177.85 
Feby. To Sundry labourers for the month  132.00 
March To Sundry labourers for the month  120.90 
April To Sundry labourers for the month  130.50 
May To Sundry labourers for the month  114.00 
Total  1,654.07 
Amt. carried forward  $35,846.20 
Amount forward  $35,846.20 
June To D. Van Nostrand  3.40 
Oct. To B. Wertermann & Co.  42.59 
Nov. To B. Wertermann & Co.  13.80 
Jany. To Smith, English & Co.  33.85 
Feby To B. Wertermann & Co.  31.78 
Feby To A. Opitz Binding  46.15 
May To W. Wertermann & Co.  22.33 
Express  2.85 
Total  196.75 
Contingent Expenses 
June To Sundries  308.12 
July To Sundries  83.30 
July To Postage  164.17 
Aug. To Sundries  43.88 
Oct. To Sundries  5.25 
Oct. To Postage  85.23 
Nov. To Sundries  31.65 
Jany. To Postage  69.48 
Feby. To Sundries  45.15 
April To Postage  56.22 
May To Postage  141.62 
May To Sundries  276.66 
Total  1,310.73 
Dec. To Expense filling houses  148.00 
Jan. To Expense filling houses  56.75 
Feby. To Expense filling houses  7.02 
Total  211.77 
Fuel & Gas. 
July To Gas Bill  196.50 
Oct. To Gas Bill  6.50 
Jan. To Gas Bill  239.50 
April To Gas Bill  235.00 
To Coal  557.62 
Total  1,235.12 
Amt. carried forward  $38,800.57 
Amt. Brot. forward  $38,800.57 
May To H. O. Daniel Ribbon  61.30 
May To Am Bk. note co.  390.00 
Total  451.30 
School of Surgery 
Jany. To Dr. J. S. Cabell  100.00 
School of Anatomy 
Jany To Dr. J. S. Davis  100.00 
School of Chemistry 
Octo. To Dr. S. Maupin  14.84 
Dec. To Dr. J. W. Mallet  135.16 
Total  150.00 
School of Nat. Ph. 
Oct. To Prof. F. H. Smith  200.00 
School of Engineering- To Sundries  23.06 
East India Donation 
July To freight & charges  33.28 
July To Carpenter's work  15.00 
Feby. To Freight & charges  73.93 
Total  122.21 
Experimental Farm. 
July To Labour  33.00 
Aug. To Labour  13.00 
Oct. To Fertilizers  35.00 
Feby. To Seeds  19.50 
Feby. To Adv.  9.50 
Mar. To Labour  6.00 
Mar. To Fertilizers  2.00 
April To Fertilizers  95.20 
April To Overseer  42.72 
April To Implements  54.94 
April To Labour  140.54 
May To Implements  9.82 
May To Overseer  83.33 
May To Labour  118.24 
Total  662.79 
Amt. carried forward  $40,609.93 
Amt Brot forward  $40,609.93 
Tile Machine 
July To Labour &c  300.53 
Oct. To Labour &c  141.57 
Nov. To Labour &c  157.59 
Dec. To Labour &c  63.12 
Total  662.81 
Out-Standing Claims 
July To Mrs. R. A. Sinclair A.B.  35.50 
To M. R. Bonds  3,500.00 
To Carr's Hill  2,000.00 
Nov. To Est. L. M. Coleman  500.00 
Feby. To Mrs. B. A. Sinclair  23.75 
Feby. To M. R. Bonds  900.00 
April To John Wood Ins.  610.00 
Total Disbursements  $48,841.99 
Rents  13,447.07 
Annuity  14,625.00 
Diplomas  1,216.69 
Trustees of Miller Fund  6,088.00 
Dems. Fees  263.00 
Fines  63.50 
Ice  217.09 
Sale Bonds  26,382.13 
Surplus Fees  1,601.50 
Total Receipts  $63,903.98 



Recepitulation of Disbursements

Professors' Salaries  $16,900.00 
Assistant Instructors  1,750.00 
Miller Scholarships  1,000.00 
Officers' Salaries  3,900.00 
Adv. & Printing  1,752.49 
Interest  6,889.17 
Repairs and Improvements  1,833.39 
Special Ap. for Pavilion No.3  167.08 
Labour  1,654.07 
Library  196.75 
Contingent Expenses  1,310.73 
Ice  211.77 
Fuel  557.62 
Gas  677.50 
Diplomas  451.30 
School of Surgery  100.00 
School of Anatomy  100.00 
School of Chemistry  150.00 
School of Nat. Ph.  200.00 
School of Engineering  23.06 
East India Donation  122.21 
Expt. Farm  662.79 
Tile Machine  662.81 
Out Standing Claims  6,959.25 
Insurance  610.00 
Total Disbursements  $48,841.99 
Bal. due June 1st 1871  18,263.04 
Aggregate  67,105.03 
Deduct Receipts  63,898.98 
Bal due June 1st 1872  $ 3,206.05