University of Virginia Library



The Board met pursuant to adjournment on the 23d Ult:

Present- B. Johnson Barbour, Rector pro temp, R. G. H.
Kean, E. B. Montague, Joseph T. Campbell, Moses Walton, Thomas
Smith, W. R. Berkeley and Micajah Woods.

The Board was called to order by Mr. Barbour, Rector pro

The Board proceeded by ballot to elect a Rector, with the
following result: Mr. R. G. H. Kean four votes, Mr. B. J.
Barbour two votes and Mr. Joseph T. Campbell one vote- Mr.
Barbour not voting- Mr. Kean having received a majority of
the votes cast he was declared elected and on motion his election
was made unanimous.

Mr. Kean in a short address returned thanks for the honor
and assumed the Chair.



Messrs R. G. H. Kean, B. Johnson Barbour and Micajah Woods
elected as the Executive Committee.

The following Committees were appointed by the Rector:

Finance- Messrs Walton & Campbell

Grounds & Buildings- Messrs Smith & Berkeley.

Apparatus- Messrs Montague & Barbour

Library- Messrs Woods & Baker.

On motion resolved, that the Rector be added to the Finance

The Rector laid before the Board the following communications

1. From the Chairman of the Faculty transmitting.

2. Report of the Faculty made in pursuance of a resolution of
of the Board adopted at the meeting in May last

3. Report of the Proctor made in pursuance of a resolution
adopted at the same time.

4. Report of Prof. Mallet as to the Experimantal Farm.

Resolved, that the applications of Profs Venable, Davis,
Southall and Boeck for the Pavilion vacated by the death [of]
Dr. Maupin be referred to the Committee on Grounds & Buildings
for its consideration and report to the Board.

On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday next
at 9 A.M.

Jas D. Jones
R. G. H. Kean

The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday.



Present, all the members of the Board, including Mr. Baker.

The Board was called to order by the Rector.

A communication was received from Prof. Venable asking
the permission of the Board "to decline to be reelected Chairman
(of the Faculty) for the next session".

A communication was received from Prof. Holmes asking to
be relieved from the duties of the school of Political Economy.

A communication having been received from Prof. G. F. Holmes
asking to be relieved from the conduct of the School of Political
Economy, said communication was duly considered and
it was resolved as the opinion of the Board of Visitors that
in view of all the circumstances it is desirable that Prof.
Holmes shall continue to discharge the duties of said school-and
the secretary be instructed to send a copy of this Resolution
to Prof. Holmes.

The Board adjourned to meet tomorrow at 9 A. M.

Jas. D. Jones
R.G.H. Kean

June 25th 1872

The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday.

Present- All the members of the Board.

The following communications were presented and laid before
the Board: Report of the Librarian and report of Prof.
Mallet of the Donations to the Laboratory and Farm.

The Finance Committee submitted their Report.

A communication was received from Prof. Harrison, which
on motion was referred to the Committee on Apparatus.



Resolved That the Committee on Finance inquire whether
any curtailment of expense can be judiciously effected in the
employment of a Carpenter and Janitor.

The Committee on Grounds and Buildings submitted their
Report, on consideration whereof

Resolved that the Report be adopted, except in so far as
it relates to the assignment of Pavilions to the Professors-reserving
that part of the same for future consideration.

A communication was received from a Committee of Students
of the University in reference to the Election of Chairman
of the Faculty- requesting the reelection of Prof. Venable
as Chairman.

Resolved, that in accordance with the recommendation of
the Committee on Grounds & Buildings, the vacant Pavilion
and lot formerly occupied by Dr. Maupin be assigned to Dr.
J. L. Davis, and that the Pavilion now occupied by Dr. Davis
be placed at the disposal of Prof. Venable and that Prof. Boeck
be assigned the Pavilion now occupied by Prof. Venable in the
event that the latter shall take that of Dr. Davis, but in
case Prof. Venable prefers retaining his present residence
then the Pavilion of Dr. Davis assigned to Prof. Boeck.

The Library Committee submitted their Report which upon
being read and considered was adopted.

Resolved, that the Faculty, individually and collectively
are invited to make such suggestions to the Board of Visitors
as they may deem proper.



To the Board of Visitors of the University of Va.

Your Committee on Grounds & Buildings beg leave to report
that they have made such an inspection as seemed to them necessary
to the discharge of the duties, and regret to say that
they have found much delapidation in the buildings and great
disfigurement in the grounds. The buildings are out of repair
in various particulars, but more especially in the roofing
of the terrace, and the "Dawson Row". The grounds are checkered
with paths that are unsightly & entirely unnecessary. Your
Committee are aware that the repairs desirable would require
an expenditure beyond the revenue of the Institution at present
but they recommend that provision be made for putting in order
the roofs referred to, as the damage already serious is becoming
worse every day and further delay in the matter will
involve heavier cost. They are also apprised of the difficulty
of preventing the short cuts across the ground but they nevertheless
are of the opinion that the evil can be corrected by
active attention and they therefore recommend that the Proctor
be required to put in operation every expedient practicable
to this end.

Greater industry should be exhibited in breaking them up
than there is in making them.

The Committee on Finance having already recommended the
adoption of the Proctor's Estimate for repairs, and having
approved the suggestion of the Faculty; Report as to the labor
essential to the order and preservation of the buildings &
grounds, the Committee deem it unnecessary to take in consideration
these questions, and are not in possession of any



facts that render it advisable for them to supplement the action
of the Finance Committee.

The attention of the Committee has been directed to some
shanties just over road from "the Infirmary" and adjacent to
a settlement known as "Canada", and as they are not necessary
and are conspicuously detractive from the completeness of the
lawn to which they are attached it is deemed best that they
should be removed and it is therefore proposed that the Proctor
be required to take them away and as soom as possible put the
ground in grass.

Your Committee have inquired into the claims of the applicants
for the Pavilion formerly occupied by Dr. Maupin and
after careful consideration have become convinced that the
large family of Dr. Davis requires increased accommodations,
and therefore recommend his application to the favor of the
Board. We further advise that the present residence of Dr.
Davis be put at the refusal of Prof. Venable and that Prof.
Boeck be assigned the house now occupied by Prof. Venable in
the event that the latter shall take that of Dr. Davis. If
Prof. Venable should prefer to remain where he is we recommend
that Prof. Boeck be allowed the house now in occupancy of
Dr. Davis.

Respectfully submitted
Thomas Smith Committee on Grounds
& Buildings
W. R. Berkeley Committee on Grounds
& Buildings
To the Rector & Board of Visitors of the University of Va.

The Committee on the Library respectfully report that
upon inspection they found the Library in good condition



there are many suggestions that might be made with a view
to its improvements- such as the procurement of glass doors
for many of the cases for the protection of the books, and others,
but the financial embarrassment of the University is such as
to render the requisite appropriations therefore inexpedient
at this time.

The Committee would recommend that the Librarian be required
to indicate by label on each book donated to the University
the name of the donor thereof.

The Committee would further recommend that the Board
acknowledge by appropriate resolutions of thanks the reception
of the donations made to the Library during the past years,
as reported by the Librarian.

The Committee would also suggest that the investments
made for the benefit of the Library as well as the Exchange
of books made as set forth, in the report of the Librarian to
this meeting of the Board be approved.

Respectfully submitted
Micajah Woods
R. H. Baker Committee

Resolved, that the Secretary of the Board be requested to
express the thanks of this body in writing to the parties
respectively who have made donations to the Library as well
as the Laboratory & Farm, as reported by Prof. Mallet.

The Board adjourned to meet tomorrow at 9 A.M.

Jas. D. Jones

R. G. H. Kean



The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday.

Present the same members as on yesterday.

The Annual Report of Mason Gordon, Esq. as Commr of
Accounts was laid before the Board.

The Committee on Apparatus submitted their Report which
on being read and considered was on motion adopted.

Report of the Committee

The Committee on Apparatus beg leave to report that they
proceeded in discharge of the duties imposed upon them to
inspect both the Laboratory and the Philosophical Apparatus
they were fortunate enough to find both Dr. Mallet and Professor
Smith in their respective Departments who not only gave them
every facility for the desired inspection but took occasion
most kindly to make the visit of the Committee both pleasant
& instructive by the completeness & fullness of their exhibition
of the objects of greatest interest in each of the branches.

The Committee are gratified to report that in both cases
they found the Apparatus and all matters connected with both
Departments in thorough order and most systematically arranged-Prof.
Smith has within the past year or two enriched his collection
(especially in the branch of acoustics) with many
valuable instruments and Dr. Mallet has added to his collection
many interesting specimens of the progressive process in the
manufacture of Pottery and Leather.

The Committee were unable to give as full an inspection
of these Departments as they desired, but they saw enough to



assure them that both Departments are in the highest state
of efficiency, and that no appropriations of any moment will
be required by either Professor. It is obvious however that
in the Department of Pure Chemistry an appropriation may be
needed to put it on the same footing with the Departments
visited today, and in conclusion they would suggest that the
appropriation of $350 as recommended by the Faculty be favorably
considered when the General appropriation bill shall come

All of which is respectfully submitted

B. Johnson Barbour
E. B. Montague

Resolved that the Board of Visitors of the University of
Virginia (U S. of America) being advised of the proposed visit
to England in July next of Professor J. W. Mallet desire hereby
to accredit him as a worthy representative of this Institution
to any Literary or Scientific Associations with [which] he
may wish to communicate, and would also invoke in his behalf
the good offices of all persons disposed to promote his plans
for establishing pleasant and advantageous relations between
the Scientific and Literary Associations of Europe and Virginia.

Resolved, that the Secretary be instructed to forward a
copy of this Resolution (with the seal of the University attached
to Professor Mallet.

Resolved, that on the recommendation of the Faculty,
Charles E. Stewart a student in the School of Law be permitted
to have his Examination early in the next Session at such
time as the Faculty shall appoint.



Resolved that a committee of two be appointed, to confer
with the Society of Alumni of the University for the purpose
of securing the in concurence in some general plan for the
endowment of chairs in the Institution with the assurance on
the part of the Board, that if the said Society of Alumni will
unite heavily in such enterprose, this Board will take such
action as may lie in their power to give efficiency to the
scheme concurred in-

Messrs Barbour and Woods appointed as the Committee
under the foregoing Resolution.

By general consent of the Board Prof. Charles S. Venable
is allowed to withdraw his letter requesting not to be reelected
Chairman of the Faculty.

Prof. Charles S. Venable was unanimously reelected
Chairman of the Faculty.

Ordered In pursuance and acceptance of the proposal of
the Faculty that ten per centum upon so much of the fees of
each professor for the ensuing session (exclusive of salary)
as exceeds one thousand dollars be carried to the credit of
the general fund of the University.

This order is not regarded as in any wise affecting
the question of a maximum.

Ordered That in lieu of the rent now paid by the Hotel
Keepers, that they respectively be charged the sum of seven
dollars and fifty cents per session for each student boarding
with them respectively, provided that the amount so paid shall
not in any case be less than $250.00.



Resolved That every student upon matriculating shall be
required to pay the room rent now prescribed by existing regulations
whether he board in or out of the precincts of the University,
provided that students who may be permitted to board
out of the University shall be required to pay only the sum of
$7.50 per session and provided further that the faculty in
their discretion may exempt from all charge for rent students
forming messes to board themselves or students otherwise
exceptionally situated.

Ordered further that in the execution of the foregoing
order it is the expectation & desire of this Board that no
student will be permitted to room or board outside of the Institution-
as long as there are vacant rooms except for good
cause shown.

Ordered that the enactment of the last session allowing
students to change their Boarding houses at the end of a
quarter, retaining their rooms, furniture and servants' attendance,
be modified so far as to require that upon two weeks
notice to the Keeper of the House whither the student removes,
the Hotel Keeper whose house is left may if he thinks fit, with
the consent of the Chairman of the Faculty, remove his furniture
and withdraw his servants attendance from the room occupied
by any student, who has thus removed, and furniture and servants
attendance shall from that time be supplied by the other.

Resolved That the compensation allowed to the commissioner
of accounts be fixed at one hundred dollars for each current
year and that the resolution adopted on the 23d of May last
be repealed so far as it applies to the compensation of said



Ordered, That with the view to reduce the Expense of printing
the Catalogue the Faculty are authorised to permit such
advertisements as they may approve to be inserted on the blank
pages, and on leaves to be inserted at the end, upon terms to
be fixed as they may direct.

A communication was received from the Board of Trustees
of the Miller Fund expressive of their preference for a retention
of full Professorship of Applied Chemistry, and in the event of
such retention proposing appropriations; out if the Visitors
deem it necessary at present for the interest of the University,
to adopt the plan suggested by the Faculty they will acquiesce
in it as a temporary arrangement and in that event, will modify
the appropriations proposed above as may appear proper.

In order to cover the cost of fuel and lights consumed
in the Public Rooms

Ordered That from this time the fee for the use of the
Library & Public Rooms be twenty dollars ($20).

The Board adjourned to meet at 9 A.M. tomorrow.

Jas. D. Jones

R. G. H. Kean

The Board met pursuant to adjournement last night.

Present the same members of the Board as on yesterday
with the exception of Mr. Berkeley, who was called to Richmond
on public business.

1. Resolved That the Rector & Board of Visitors of the
University of Virginia receive with lively sensibility the



announcement of the zeal and unanimity with which the society
of Alumni have entered upon the consideration of a plan for
aiding the University in the improvement of its finances & the
enlargement of its theatre of usefulness.

2. They would further express their hearty approbation
of the plan for reading these results as sketched by Mr. Blakey
in his conference with this Board yesterday.

3. They reiterate their earnest wish & purpose in every
possible way to encourage & cooperate with the Society of
Alumni in the prosecution of this laudable enterprise, and will
be ready at any and all times to consider and act upon any
suggestions touching this matter which may come to them.

4. Resolved That the Committee appointed yesterday be
charged with the duty of delivering these Resolutions to the
Society of Alumni and it is further instructed to confer with
the Committee of that Society whenever it shall be desired.

Ordered That the Rector execute the agreement dated
June 27th 1872 with the Board of Trustees of the Miller Fund
which is as follows:

Whereas the following order was made at a meeting of the
Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia held the 7th
day of September 1870, viz: Whereas the Board of Trustees of
the Miller Fund have agreed to make an appropriation for
building a house for Professor Mallet on University ground
upon special condition that, in case of separation of said
Trust Fund from the University, the prime cost of said house
shall be refunded, the Rector is hereby authorized & instructed
to enter into such written legal agreement, as shall bind



their Board or their successors to fulfil said condition, if
said separation should occur: "& whereas the Board of Trustees
of the Miller Fund did, in pursuance of their agreement, appropriate
the sum of seven thousand two hundred dollars for
building a house for Professor Mallet, which has been erected
on University ground: Now, therefore, in consideration of the
premises, the Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia
hereby agree, & bind themselves to refund the said sum of
seven thousand two hundred dollars to the Board of Trustees
of the Miller Fund whenever a separation of said Fund from the
University of Virginia shall take place- In testimony whereof,
I, Robert G. H. Kean, Rector of the University of Virginia,
have hereunto signed my name, and affixed the seal of the Rector
& Visitors of the University of Virginia this 27th day of June

Signed R. G. H. Kean
illustration[Description: (seal attached)

County of Albemarle, to wit:

I Micajah Woods a Notary Public in and for the county
aforesaid do certify that R. G. H. Kean, Rector of the University
of Virginia whose name is signed to the foregoing deed, dated
the 27th day of June 1872 has acknowledged the same before
me in my county aforesaid this 27th day of June 1872

Micajah Woods, N. P.

And cause the seal of the Rector and Board of Visitors to be
attached thereto and deliver the same to the said Board of



Ordered That the policy of procuring special endowments
of particular schools, by inviting liberalty in this direction
by calling attention in the Annual Catalogue to the usefulness
of such benefactions and offering to allow donors who will
contribute not less than $20,000 to endow an existing school, or
not less than $50,000 to endow a non-existing school & to
assign to such school such appellation as they may think fit—
be approved & that appropriate means be used to secure endowments
upon this plan.

Ordered That, the General Assembly of Virginia be and
the same is hereby memorialized to amend the existing law as
to constitute the state, the trustee & custodian of donating
for such endowments whether in the form of money or stocks &
whether the stocks be certificates of state debt or other-the
state undertaking to carry out the wishes of the donor as
expressed in writing at the time of the gift- and that the
Rector be and he is hereby requested to draft such amendment
as will effectuate this purpose & transmit it to the Governor
of Virginia with his annual report.

Ordered That hereafter all appropriations regular and
special shall as far as possible be made specific & in detail.

Ordered That it is forbidden under penalty of not being
allowed in the accounts to transcend the limits of the appropriations
made for particular object or to transfer appropriations
or any fact thereof from one object to another and that
the Chairman of the Faculty and the Commissioner of Accounts
in making the settlements be specially charged to see to the
observance of this regulation and that in his annual report



the Proctor shall state under each head of Expenditure not only
the amt. expended but also what was the appropriation therefor.

Ordered That with a view to maintain the requisite subordination
on the part of the inferior officers of the University
and the proper responsibility of all, communications from the
Board to them & from them to the Board in all cases shall be
transmitted through the Chairman of the Faculty.

Ordered That a revisal of the enactments of the Board of
Visitors be made by Prof. J. B. Minor, Prof. Stephen O. Southall
& Prof. J. L. Cabell- who are hereby appointed a Committee for
that purpose & that they report at the special meeting of the
Board to be held on the 19th day of September next- if practicable.

Ordered That the resolution passed by the Board in 1870
whereby the salary of the Demonstrator of Anatomy was increased
$250 be rescinded.

Ordered, That the pay of assistants in the school of Applied
Methematics which has heretofore been $400 be increased to $600
to wit, four hundred dollars for the salary of an assistant
and two hundred dollars for the salary of a draftsman.

Ordered as recommended by the Faculty. That from and after
the close of the session of 1872-3 the fees in all the schools
be increased by the sum of $5.00 except in the School of Law
which will remain as now fixed- and that in the third Laboratory
Class (the special course for medical students) the fee is
reduced as to medical students to $5.00 said increase to pass
into the general funds of the University- Provided however that
if the affairs of the University shall have so improved as to



justify it in the opinion of the Executive Committee before
the time of the publication of the next annual Catalogue- they
may in their discretion omit the publication of this change in
said Catalogue and suspend its operation.

Ordered That (in pursuance of the proposal of Professor
Peters communicated to the Board through the Rector) until
otherwise ordered the aggregate of the fees in the Schools of
Latin and Greek be equally divided between the professors of
those schools- provided that the existing regulations in respect
to the amount of fees to be received by each professor shall
still have application to the receipts of each of the professors
of the said schools.

Ordered, as recommended by the Faculty That all assistant
instructors in the several schools, including the demonstrator
of Anatomy and the adjunct professor of Applied Chemistry are
recognized by this board in a relation of strict subordinations
to their respective principals; and all applications for increase
of pay or emoluments, or for any modification of relations between
them and their respective principals shall be referred
to the Professor and the Faculty before it will be considered
by the Board.

On motion Resolved that the consideration of the recommendation
of the Faculty in regard to Review Examinations for the
degree of Master of Arts be postponed until the meeting in
September next.

The Board of Visitors have learned with deep regret the
precarious state of Prof. Schele de Vere's health, rendering,



in the opinion of his medical advisers entire abstinence from
mental labor for one year essential to the preservation of life-

In view of his twenty eight years of faithful and efficient
service, the Board anxious to afford him the needed rest, so far
as can be done consistently with efficiency of instruction in
his school, do order

That Prof. Schele have leave to abstain for one year from
personal exertion in the instruction of his classes, and if he
so desires to leave the University for travel, upon condition that
he shall first make arrangements for adequate instruction in
his school as shall be approved by a commission to consist of
the Executive Committee of the Board, and Professors Gildersleeve,
Peters and Cabell.

The Board adjourned to meet tomorrow at 9 A.M.

Jas. D. Jones

R. G. H. Kean

The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday.

Present the same members as on yesterday with the exception
of Mr. Baker absent on account of indisposition.

Whereas the Board of Visitors is called upon to provide for
instruction in three distinct departments of Chemical Science,
viz: Pure, Applied, & Analytical Chemistry—and as from the
necessity of the case heretofore Pure Chemistry has been assigned
to one chair, and consequently the other two subjects have been
relegated to a second & distinct professorship- and whereas
with the lights now before them such a distribution of these



subjects seems to the Board to be most unequal. It is therefore
ordered that for the present (it being regarded as strictly a
temporary arrangement, to be made permanent or abolished as experience
may dictate) that Pure & Applied Chemistry shall be
united under one professorship and the department of Analytical
Chemistry be assigned to another Chair whose occupant shall be
entitled Adjunct Professor- subject to the control and under the
constant supervision of the Professor of Pure & Applied Chemistry-the
duties of said Adjunct Professor shall be prescribed by the
Professor of Pure & Applied Chemistry except that it is hereby
ordered that the said adjunct Professor shall be required to
deliver a series of Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry.

Prof. J. W. Mallet is hereby appointed to the Chair of
Pure & Applied Chemistry, subject in all that related to salary
& income to the rules & regulations which govern the Faculty at

Frank P. Dunnington is hereby appointed to the Chair of
Analytical Chemistry with the title of Adjunct Professor, and
subject (as recited above) to the discretion and supervision
of the Professor of Pure & Applied Chemistry- the said Adjunct
Professor shall receive for his services the sum of $500 and
the fees in his school to the extent of $300—if they produce
so much—any excess over that sum to be paid into the general
treasury of the University.

Absent Messrs Walton & Campbell—left for home.

Ordered That the following appropriations are made for the
ensuing fiscal year for the purposes named- to wit:



Of the funds appropriated by the Trustees of the Miller

To the Experimental farm  $1000.00 
To the Miller Scholarships  1000.00 
To the Professorship of Agricultural
Chemistry- salary 
To Professorship of Agriculture- salary  2000.00 
To Professorship of Applied Mathematics &c  500.00 
For Repairs of Farm House not exceeding  50.00 
For purchase of Books & Drawings for school
Applied Math. &c not exceeding 
For building stable & tool House & purchase
of mules ($200 of which will be paid out
of the interest to accrue July 1st 1873) 

Of the funds of the University (General) as follows:




[1] For salaries of 15 Professors  15,400 
For salaries of adjunct profs.
[2] of Analytical Chy. 
[3] For salaries of assistants in Mathematics,
Demonstrator of Anatomy- assistant in
Applied Mathematics & Draftsman 
For salaries of Officers (Left blank to be acted on
at the meeting in September next) 
For advertising in newspapers  $600.00 
For printing Catalogue (subject
to be reduced by advertisements
inserted as
For printing blanks &c  140.00  1,400.00 
For interest on debt  6,350.00 
For repairs and improvements  2,000.00 
For Labor  1,200.00 
For Library  200.00 
For contingent expenses  1,250.00 
For ice  200.00 
For fuel (original purchase)  6,000.00 
And such additional amount, if any
as may prove to be indispensably
For gas in public rooms, Laboratory &c  500.00 
For diplomas  300.00 
For school of Surgery  100.00 
For school of Anatomy  100.00 
For school of Chemistry  350.00 
For school of Natural Philosophy  100.00 
For school of Medicine (Prof. Harrison)  150.00 
For insurance on buildings  610.00 
To pay the debts of the University, viz: 
Matured Bond debt- Martha
Randolph Bonds due 1867 
Estate of L. M. Coleman  1000.00 
Prof. C. S. Venable  1250.00 
Bonds for purchase of Carr's
2000.00  7,750.00 
To pay deficiency of last Fiscal year  3,206.05 
Of the Infirmary Fund as follows 
To matron  400.00 
To servant  135.00 
To Salary 3 physicians $500 each  1500.00 
To fuel  85.00 
To gas  25.00 
To ice  15.00 
Repairs & contingencies  40.00  2,200.00 



Ordered That the Executive Committee of the Board, be
charged with the duty of making such arrangments as may be necessary
for temporarily providing for the present deficiency shown
by the Proctor's Report, and for the payment of the Bond for
Carr's Hill which matures in July next, and for meeting such
other expenditures as may be necessary to be provided for before
the next meeting of the Board.

Ordered That it is not intended by the foregoing appropriation
that the salary of Prof. Mallet shall in any event exceed
three thousand dollars ($3000) inclusive of the sum of $500
appropriated by the "Miller Trustees" to the "Prof. of Agricultural

The Board adjourned to meet on the 19th of September next.

Jas. D. Jones
R. G. H. Kean

see part in proceedings at the meeting in Sept. 1872 when these
are modified, p. 360 [original, p. 316 typed]