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The Board met and was called to order by the Rector.
Present B. Johnson Barbour, Bector, Samuel Watts, Thomas J.
Pretlow, T. L. Preston, W. E. M. Word, R. W. Hughes, and
J. R. Woods.

A letter was reported and read from Wm. Wertenbaker tendering
his resignation as Secretary of the Board to take effect
after the present session. On motion the consideration thereof
was passed by for the present.



The Rector appointed the following Committees-

Finance Messrs Watts & Hughes

Grounds & Buildings Messrs Woods & Word

Apparatus Messrs Pretlow & Word

Library Messrs Preston & Hughes

Resolved That our Secretary be instructed to convey to
A. A. Low Esqr. an assurance of our gratitude for his second
contribution of $500 for the purchase of Books for the Library
and of our lively appreciation of this renewed evidence of
the deep interest he displays in the welfare of this Institution

The Annual Report of the Faculty, for the present Session
was taken up, read and considered together with the Report
of the Chairman of the Faculty.

Resolved That in accordance with the suggestions of the
Faculty it is hereby ordered that in future any student may
change his Boarding-House at the end of a quarter, (with the
consent of the Chairman), making such compensation for Furniture
and service as the Faculty may direct.

The suggestion as to the formation of Messes is disapproved.

Resolved That the sum of Fifteen hundred dollars be allowed
for publishing the Catalogue, printing and general advertising.

On motion the suggestion of the Faculty changing the
time of the Commencement and close of the session, is

Resolved That in view of the lawless and irritating conduct
of the boys irregularly employed about the University,
it is hereby ordered that for the future none but grown servants
shall be hired at the Boarding Houses, and the Proctor



is specially enjoined to see that this order is implicitly

On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow morning
at 10 Oclock.

Jas. D. Jones, Secretary p.t.

The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday and
was called to order by the Rector.

Present the same members as on yesterday.

The following accounts against the University were presented
through the Chairman of the faculty for the consideration
of the Board- viz

An account of Mrs. R. A. Sinclair for $35.50 of principal
alleged to have been contracted in 1862 for meal

An account of H. Patterson for $12.00 of principal alleged
to have been contracted in 1861 for 6 bolts of ribbon- And
an account of Barksdale & Fretwell for $3.50 of principal
alleged to have been contracted in 1861 by Col. Pandolph for
Hack hire &c in attending as Rector the meetings of the Board-Which
being considered- On motion

Resolved That the Proctor be instructed to investigate
the accounts presented by Sinclair & Patterson and if he
shall deem them just he shall pay them, deducting all charges
of interest.

The account of Barksdale and Fretwell for $3.50 being
certified to by Col. T. J. Randolph Ex-Rector of the University
of Va. is hereby ordered to be paid without interest.



Resolved That the kindness and liberalty of W. W. Corcoran
Esqr. of Washington in cancelling and returning the Bond of
the University which he held is gratefully appreciated by the
Board of Visitors- and the Secretary is hereby instructed to
communicate a copy of this Resolution to Mr. Corcoran.

Resolved That it was the understanding of the Board that
J W. C. Davis assistant in Engineering should have two (2)
Dormitories free of rent, and the Proctor is hereby instructed
to remit all charges on said account against Mr. Davis.

Resolved 1st That in accordance with the suggestion of
the Faculty it is hereby ordered that Eleven Scholarships
shall be at once established in the University- viz- 2 in the
Law Department, 2 in the Medical and 5 in the Academic Department
(as maybe arranged by the Professors thereof)

2nd That these Scholars shall be selected by
strict and searching Competitive Examinations from young
men coming up from the schools and colleges of the country-Said
examinations to be arranged by the Faculty.

3rd The recipients of said scholarships are to
be exempt from Tuition and Matriculation and all other collegiate
Fees, except for Diplomas and room rent for one year.

On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow morning
at 9 Oclock.

Jas. D. Jones
Secretary p.t.
B. Johnson Barbour
Rector of U. of Virginia

The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday and
was called to order by the Rector.



Present the same members as on yesterday

Resolved That the appropriations recommended by the Report
of the Faculty for the several Schools and for repairs and
play grounds for the Students are hereby allowed as specified,
and that the appropriation for Books for the Law department
is allowed to the extent of two hundred dollars.

The following Report of the Committee on Finance for 1871
was received, adopted and ordered to be recorded.

Your Committee on Finance respectfully report as follows.

The debt of the University which existed at the time of
the appointment of the present Board of Visitors was $38,600
made up as follows-

To the Va. Military Institute  $20,000 
To the Estate of P. St. G. Cocke  5,000 
To the Estate of G. W. Spooner  2,600 
To the Estate of L. M. Coleman  2,500 
On bonds issued to Martha Randolph  8,500 

On the advice of the Faculty and to prevent the occupation
of the grounds by objectionable tenants, the present Board
in the year     , directed the purchase of the property
adjacent to the University, known as Carr's Hill. Since then
other debts, looking to the advancement of the University,
have been created. The following are purposes for which these
debts have been created.




For Carr's Hill  $10,000 
For the water works (about)  5,500 
For the new Laboratory &c  23,500 
For a new dining Hall  4,000 
For improvements to Professor Venable's
For improvements on Carr's Hill  1,500 
Towards enlargement of the Washington Hall  500 
For Professor Mallet's Pavilion  9,250 
For Tile Machine  850 
For Books, aparatus, &c connected with
Schools of Technology & Appl'd Mathematics.

The aggregate of previously existing debt and of expenditures
on permanent objects for the advancement of the University,
amounts, therefore, to the sum of $98,200.

Partly from the proceeds of the Miller fund, and partly
from current receipts, a portion of this expenditure has been
paid off; leaving the present indebtedness of the University
as of the 1st June 1871, according to the Report of the
Proctor & Superintendent, at $82,913, as follows


To Va. Military Institute  $20,000 
Estate of P. St. G. Cocke  5,000 
C. W. Gill- Carr's Hill  2,000 
Agricultural Loan  25,000 


To Martha Randolph  $8,000 
To Est. of L. M. Coleman  1,500 
To C. S. Venable  1,250 
To C. W. Gill- Carr's Hill  2,000  12,750 
Floating Debt  18,163 
Total existing debt  $82,913 



Eight per cent bonds, to the amount of $30,000, as the
Board is aware, have been placed on the market, and it is expected
that they will produce a fund adequate to pay off the
matured debt of the University, and to extinguish the floating
debt; thus placing the entire debt of the institution on a
stable footing.

The financial policy of the Board should, of course, be,
to provide for the gradual liquidation of this debt. The practice
of a rigid economy by the Board of Visitors and the limitations
of the salaries of the Professors, to a maximum of
$3000 have placed the finances of the University on such
a footing as to encourage the Proctor & Superintendent to
believe that, by the year 1880, with the practice of an enlightened
economy, he may be able to pay off the new issue of
8 per cent bonds for $30,000. This seems to us quite practicable.
The receipts of the University for the year ending
June 1st 1871, from ordinary sources, including $8,800 from
the Miller Fund, were $48,427.33, and we see no reason to
apprehend any other falling off in these receipts, than a reduction
of the income from the Miller Fund to about $6,500
The ordinary expenditures of the institution may be reduced
within $38,000 as is proved by the fact, that those for the
year ending with the beginning of the present month, including
interest paid, were $38,184.

The Excess of ordinary receipts over ordinary expenditures
during the year just ended were nearly five thousand dollars.
Your Committee believe that this excess, during the year now



commenced, can be brought up to seven or eight thousand
dollars; the amount depending of course very much upon the
policy of the Board in authorizing extraordinary outlays of

You Committee recommend a rigid policy in this regard;
by adopting and pursuing which, a surplus of five thousand
dollars or more may be carried each year to the credit of
the debt

All of which is respectfully submitted.

(Signed) R. W. Hughes
Saml Watts

The Committee on "Grounds & Buildings" submitted the following

We, the undersigned, a Committee appointed to examine
the condition of the "Buildings and Grounds" of the University,
respectfully report, that they have performed that duty,
and are gratified to find that they are in good condition.
But we would recommend that the Proctor be requested to have
the roof on the Southern part of Dr. Harrison's House examined,
and endeavour to prevent the same from leakage, if the same
can be done without too large an expenditure of money.

We, also, recommend the necessary repairs to the "Instrument
room" of Professor Smith, and the erection of the Partition
in the passage adjoining the same by the University employees,
as the said Smith may direct.

John R. Woods Committee

W. E. M. Word Committee



The above report was received and the following resolution

That the Proctor be authorized to make the repairs suggested
on Dr. Harrison's Pavilion at a cost not exceeding two
hundred & fifty dollars.

Resolved, that the Health Officers be requested to furnish
the Board at each annual meeting with a report of the number
of students who shall have received medical attendance from
them during the year, specifying those attended to at the Infirmary
and those receiving medical attendance without.

Resolved, that the Chairman of the Faculty be respectfully
requested to enquire into the present ownership of the building
on the University grounds, known as the "Temperance Hall",
and now occupied as a Post-Office, Book Store &c- leaving
it discretionary with him after such investigation whether he
will take further action- and if necessary to employ Counsel
at a stipulated fee.

Resolved that the Executive Committee be instructed to
enquire into the propriety of reducing the salary of the
Janitor to$300 in view of the diminution of his duties—and
to take final action in the case.

In view of the recommendation of the Faculty and seeking
as far as practicable to equalize the compensation of Professors.
It is ordered that whenever hereafter any Professor whose income
falls below the Maximum (after counting Fees, Salary,
pay for services at Infirmary or from any other ligitimate
source) shall have fifteen but less that twenty non-paying
students in his class he shall receive one hundred dollars-and



when the number reaches twenty or more he shall receive
one hundred and fifty dollars- Provided as intimated above that
the maximum of Income shall in no case be exceeded, and further
that it is not intended to interfere with the aggregate
number of non-paying students now allowed in the University.

Resolved, That James D. Jones is hereby elected as Secretary
of the Board of Visitors, his duties to commence as of
the 1st of July- his compensation to be $100 per year, said
sum to be deducted from the sum of $800 now paid to Wm.
Wertenbaker leaving his compensation at $700 per annum as
from the 1st day of July 1871.

Resolved, that the sum of $325 is hereby appropriated (out
of the Infirmary Fund) for Repairs and Equipment of said Infirmary.

Professor Charles S. Venable was re-elected Chairman of
the Faculty.

Resolved that the Board declines to charge the repairs
of the Parsonage upon the Treasury of the University.

Resolved, That the Proctor be enjoined to employ the most
rigorous and efficient means to prevent such trespasses as have
heretofore been made on the property of the University- and to
that end that he shall be especially vigilant in warning all
parties concerned, that no lands or tenements belonging to the
University shall be rented to, or occupied by any person not
in the regular employment of a Resident.

The following proceedings of the Trustees of the "Miller
Fund" were communicated to the Board and ordered to be spread
upon the minutes.



At a meeting of the Trustees of the Miller Fund held for
the benefit of the University of Virginia the following proceedings
were had.

Resolved, That the following appropriations be made for
the fiscal year commencing on the 1st day of October 1871.

For the two Miller Scholarships  $1000 
For the employment of a Superintendent and
hands for the Experimental Farm 
For the rent of Dr. Boeck's House  300 
For Salary of Dr. Boeck  200 
For rent of Laboratory  500 
For Salary of Dr. Mallet  500 

Provided, however, that should the State of Virginia pay the
January interest upon the state stock held by the Trustees,
the salary of Prof. Mallet shall be increased to $1000.

Resolved as the sense of this Board that the unexpended
balance of the appropriation made last year, for the employment
of a superintendent and hands for, and the conduct
of, the Experimental Farm, should be applied exclusively to
those purposes.

A copy from the minutes

R. T. W. Duke, Secretary

The Board then adjourned sine die.

Wm. Wertenbaker

B. Johnson Barbour
Rector of U. of Virginia

At a called meeting of the Board of Visitors, held May
23rd 1872. Present B. Johnson Barbour, R. G. H Kean, E. B.
Montague, Micajah Woods, and Thomas Smith.



B. Johnson Barbour late Rector called the Board to order,
and on motion, it was resolved that he be requested to act
as Rector pro tempore.

The Rector PT laid before the Board a report which had
been unanimously adopted by the Faculty at a meeting held on
the 22nd instant, requesting that some definite arrangement
be made before the close of the session for filling the vacant
Chair of Chemistry and Pharmacy- and also a report from the
Proctor exhibiting the condition of the finances of the


Resolved, that a committee of three (of which the Rector
pro tem shall be one) is appointed to confer with the Faculty
in reference to the Chair of Chemistry and Pharmacy- and to
counsel with the Trustees of the "Miller Fund" on all points
in which said Chair pertains to the Department of Agriculture-and
the said Committee is further instructed (as far as is
compatible with the discharge of the duties above imposed)
to consider the financial condition of the University,- and to
report the result of their investigations to the next meeting
of this Board. The Committee under the foregoing resolution
consists of Messrs. Barbour, Kean and Woods.

Resolved, that Mason Gordon Esq. be appointed Commissioner
of Accounts for the University of Virginia- before whom the
Proctor shall make his monthly settlements- provided that
the fee for each settlement shall not exceed the compensation
now allowed by law to Commissioners in Chancery for similar
work under orders of the Court and provided further



that the fee for each settlement shall not exceed ten dollars.

Resolved, that the Proctor submit to the Board of Visitors
through the Chairman of the Faculty, at the regular meeting
in June next, a detailed estimate of the expenditures for the
ensuing fiscal year, showing under appropriate heads, the
various items of necessary expenditure, basing such estimates
upon the average expenditures of past years, as far as applicable
and having regard to a rigorous economy.

That the Proctor in like manner, report to the next meeting
of this Board a more detailed statement than the one submitted
at the present meeting of this Board of the funded and
floating debt of the University, showing the actual debt due;
the date and amount of each issue of Bonds outstanding; the
rate of interest payable on each class; the time when each
did or will mature and the terms on which loans have been effected
during the current fiscal year.

Resolved, that in view of the financial condition of the
University developed by the report of the Proctor transmitted
to this Board at the present meeting by the Chairman of the
Faculty, and of the suggestion contained in his letter, the
Chairman and Faculty are requested to give special consideration
to the subject of Scholarships as a means of financial
relief, in the Report to the next regular meeting of this
Board to be made under the first Resolution adopted by the
Board of Visitors on the 2nd August 1864- and to make such
other suggestions looking to the improvement of the finances
of the University as they may deem expedient.



Resolved that the applications of Professors Davis, Venable,
Boeck and Southall in reference to change of residence and
occupancy of the vacant Pavilion be laid on the table for consideration
at the next meeting of the Board.

The Board adjourned to meet again on Saturday the 22nd
day of June at 3 Oclock P.M. and the Secretary was instructed
to give notice of the meeting to the absent members of the

Jas. D. Jones
B. Johnson Barbour
Rector pro tem of U. of Va.