University of Virginia Library



Called Meeting December 3rd 1867

A special meting having been ordered for this day, the
following members appeared and took their seats- B. Johnson
Barbour, Rector, W. E. M. Word, R. W. Hughes, Thomas L. Preston,
Thomas J. Pretlow, and John R. Woods.

The Board having been called to order by the Rector.

Resolved, that $25 be appropriated to the repair of Instruments
belonging to the School of Applied mathematics.

Resolved That the Faculty be authorized to contract with
any person or persons to erect a washing and bathing Establishment
below the University Pond on some more elegible point;
restricted to one acre of land- The Board reserving to itself
full control of the whole concern and the right of dismissal
in case of failure to comply with conditions and restrictions
and proper administration.- the lease to last ten
years- the property to revert to the University whenever the
lease ceases.

Resolved That the application of F. Hildebrand for leave
to occupy a room in the basement of Washington Hall building,
in order that students may carry on their gymnastic exercises
on rainy days, be referred to the favourable consideration
of the Proctor & Supt. of Grounds & Buildings.

Resolved That unless precedence shall be claimed by Prof.
Southall the first house within the precincts that shall become
vacant shall be assigned to Prof. Harrison, and that the
Executive Committee be invested with authority to assign him
one of the Dawson Row Buildings as soon as arrangements can
be made for its vacation by the students.



Resolved- That in view of the fact that there are now
three Professors ( and likely to be a larger number) unprovided
with houses, that they be invited to have appropriate
Dwellings constructed on the following conditions.

1. That such Dwellings be erected on the most eligible
sites of the University land- the location, construction,
architectual style and all other matters pertaining thereto
to be subject to the consideration of the Superintendent and
Faculty, and to the approval & decision of the Executive

2. That the cost of such houses shall not exceed $6000one
half to be advanced by the Professor and the other half
by the University- either in cash or bonds as may be most
convenient- with a bond (bearing interest from the completion
of the building) for the amount advanced by him.

Resolved- That until otherwise ordered by the Board the
Infirmary fund of the present University session be placed
under the control of Drs. Cabell, Davis & Harrison, who shall
disburse it as they may deem best for the interest of the
University and the preservation of the health of the students-Provided,
however, that the fund be so used and employed as
to make the Infirmary self sustaining- including repairs- and
that an annual report of receipts and disbursements be made
to the Board of Visitors.

Resolved- That the Infirmary fund be charged with the cost
of the new roof on the building.

Resolved- That the Board of Visitors recognize the vital



importance of establishing an Observatory at the University,
and that the Rector be instructed to solicit state and individual
aid for that purpose, and to renew the correspondence
with Lieut. Maury to enlist his cooperation in the Scheme,
and tendering him prospectively the position of Superintendent
of said Observatory, coupled with the Chair of Practical Astronomy,
Physical Geography and Climatology.

The Board adjourned till tomorrow morning at 9 oclock A.M.

Wm. Wertenbaker
B. Johnson Barbour
Rector of Univ. of Virg.

The Board met at 9 oclock A.M. pursuant to adjournment-Present
the same members as on yesterday.

Resolved- That the order made in reference to the Superintendent
of Public grounds whereby he was withdrawn from the
control of the Chairman of the Faculty, is hereby rescinded-and
it is further ordered that in both offices and in his
administration, the Proctor & Superintendent of Grounds &
Buildings, shall be subordinate to the Chairman, who shall be
regarded and respected as the Executive Chief of the University.

Resolved That the Rector be and he is hereby authorized
to effect a Loan of Ten Thousand Dollars on the Bonds of the
University at a rate of interest not exceeding ten per cent-the
proceeds to be applied to the enlargement, improvement &
completion of the water works of the University- and that
when completed a Tariff of water rates shall be established -



the whole of which (after deducting the ordinary expenses)
shall be pledged and devoted to the payment of the interest
and liquidation of said debt- Resolved That the Rector be
authorized and requested to confer with the authorities of
Charlottesville, to secure if possible, their cooperation in
the proposed enlargement and improvement of the waterworks of
the University-

Col. John E. Johnson personally appeared before the Board
and tendered his resignation of the Office of Proctor & Superintendent
of Grounds & Buildings- Whereupon, on motion

Resolved That Col. John E. Johnson's resignation of the
Office of Proctor & Superintendent of Grounds & Buildings be
accepted to take effect whenever his successor shall be ready
to enter upon the duties of his Office.

M. Green Peyton was then unanimously elected Proctor &
Superintendent of Grounds & Buildings in place of Col. John
E. Johnson resigned.

The Board then adjourned.

Wm. Wertenbaker
B. Johnson Barbour
Rector of Univ. of Va.