Board of Visitors minutes June 27, 1866 | ||
ANNUAL MEETING June 27th 1866
Present Thomas J. Pretlow, Marmaduke Johnson, B. Johnson
Barbour, John R. Woods, and R. W. Hughes.
On motion Hon B. Johnson Barbour was unanimously elected
On motion, Dr. John T. Woods was unanimously elected
President P.T. of this Board.
On motion, Col. Thomas L. Preston was unanimously elected
a member of the Executive Committee in place of Alexander Rives
The Rector appointed the following Committees.
Finance - Woods & Pretlow
Public Buildings & Grounds - Johnson & Hughes
Apparatus - Pretlow & Woods
Library - Hughes & Johnson
The Rector laid before the Board the Annual Communication
of the Faculty suggesting various subjects upon which they
recommend the Board to legislate and also the annual report
of the Librarian.
The Rector laid before the Board communications from
Professors Gildersleeve & Venable.
On motion the Board adjourned to meet again at 8 OClock
tomorrow morning.
Rector of Uni. Va.
The Board met according to adjournment, present the same
members as on yesterday.
Mr. Johnson submitted the following resolution which
was adopted.
Having heard with regret that Mr. Charles L. Mosby has
been detained from attending the meetings of the Board by
serious illness & from the same cause is now prevented from
Board do thereby resolved, that the causes which have detained
Mr. Mosby are deemed satisfactory and the Board are
glad to be informed that he will nereafter be able to be in
attendance and furnish the University with the benefit of his
valuable council.
The subject of additional office room for professors
was considered, and while it is apparent that additional room
for their libraries and for the performance of their duties,
is much needed, yet the Board deem it expedient for the present
to take no action on the subject in view of the loss of income
which any restriction of the number of dormitories for
students must entail.
On motion
Resolved that the application of Professor M Schele De
Vere for an appropriation of fifty dollars to enclose a part
of his porch so as to make it available for domestic pur-
poses, be granted.
The Rector laid before the Board the annual report of
the acting Proctor which was referred to the Finance Committee.
Resolved that Professor Venables proposition in reference
to the repairs and enlargement of his house be accepted with
the modifications herein after stated.- It is agreed that the
Board will appropriate $800 out of any unexpended balance with
the understanding that Professor Venable shall advance the
same amount from his own funds, with the obligation on the
part of the University to refund this amount when the condition
of its finances shall allow, with the further proviso
it essentially necessary to increase this amount to $1000
they shall have the authority to do so.
Resolved that a sum not exceeding $1000 be appropriated
to be used and expended in the most judicious manner for the
printing and advertising expenses of the University.
Resolved that the subject of fuel be left to the discretion
of the Chairman of the Faculty and Executive Committee.
Resolved that the subject of Board be left to the discretion
of the Chairman and Executive Committee with the single
instruction that if a student leave his Hotel before the expiration
of a quarter, he shall pay for the expired period
of the current quarter at the rate of fifty percent increase
on the ordinary rate. - provided that the sum shall not ex-
ceed the amount charged for the whole quarter.
Resolved that the offices of Proctor, Superintendent of
Public grounds and buildings be united and compensation fixed
at $1500 and house and usual quantity of ground with the privilege
of purchasing fuel on the terms at which it is sold to
students - with authority to employ a practical gardener upon
such terms as the Executive Committee may approve.
Resolved that two thousand dollars be appropriated for
binding and purchase of books for the Library.
Resolved that the Faculty be requested to make a revision
of the enactments of the University, and to report the same
to the Board at the next meeting.
Resolved that the Salary of the Demonstrator of Anatomy
student shall be required to pay five dollars.- the balance
to be paid from the University fund.
Resolved that the Salary of the Janitor be fixed at three
hundred dollars per annum and fuel.
Resolved that the compensation of Librarian, Secretary
of the Faculty & Secretary of the Visitors (the duties of which
offices to be performed by the same person) be fixed at eight
hundred dollars per annum.
Resolved that to prevent too great a tax on the hospitality
of the Faculty, the Proctor be requested to prepare at each
meeting of the Board of Visitors rooms and lodgings for their
accommodation and that the Executive Committee appropriate a
necessary sum to cover the expenses thereof.
Resolved that in regard to the subject of supplying the
University with water to the best advantage, the Chairman of
the Faculty be requested with the assistance of the Faculty
and such other aid as may be acessible to him, to ascertain
how and at what cost, water can be supplied in sufficient
quantity for all necessary purposes and report thereon to
this board at its next meeting in August.
Resolved that the Executive Committee direct that the
doors to the public rooms be so altered in their construction,
that they shall open on the outside.
Resolved that the Chairman be requested to have the
building required for the new Hotel properly cleansed and
thoroughly repaired at once.
Resolved that the subject of the inauguration of the statue
of Jefferson be referred to the Executive Committee who will report
to the next meeting of the Board what action had best be taken.
Resolved that the same Executive Committee be continued
for the next year with the substitution of Mr. T. L. Preston
for Alexander Rives Esq resigned.
Resolved that the Chairman of the Faculty be directed
to advertise in such papers as he may think best that the
Board of Visitors will hold an election at the University on
the 15th day of August, for a professor of Law, a professor
of Latin, for the office of Proctor and Superintendent of
Grounds & Buildings, specifying that the duties of the two
last are to be discharged by one person, and also for a Hotel
On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow morning
at 8 oclock.
Rector of U. of Va.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present the same
members as on yesterday.
Resolved that the salary of the Chairman of the Faculty
be fixed at five hundred dollars per annum.
Dr. Woods submitted the following report from the Committee
on Finance.
The Committee on Finance ask leave to make the following
report: that while they have not had time to examine very
minutely the books or accounts of the University as kept by
the Chairman of the Faculty acting as Proctor, still they are
after paying the current charges we find a small balance
in the treasury.
The expenditures have been eminently judicious, and we
take peculiar pleasure in testifying to the admirable manner
in which the Chairman of the Faculty has performed the very
arduous duties which have devolved upon him, reference is
made to his report for a full statement of receipts and expenditures.
On motion the report was adopted
As a substitute for a report from the Committee on Apparatus
Dr. Woods offered the following resolution which was adopted.
Resolved that the Professors of Natural Philosophy and
of the different Branches of Medicine be requested to report
to our next meeting, the additions which are necessary to
be made to the apparatus - plates &c for illustration in their
respective branches, and the probable cost of the same.
Resolved that the claim of Martin Tracy for pay as
Janitor from January 1st to July 1st 1865 be referred to the
Chairman of the Faculty.
Resolved, that it be referred to the Executive Committee
and Faculty to initiate proper measures for raising a subscription
from the Alumni and funds of the University looking to the
endowment of a Professorship of Analytical Chemistry & Technology
and the general subject of applied sciences.
Resolved that the Chairman under the sanction of the
Executive Committee be instructed to rent the rooms on Carr's
Hill if the probable increase of students shall require it.
Professor S. Maupin was unanimously reelected Chairman
of the Faculty for the ensuing year.
The subject of compensation to Dr. Maupin for use of his
wagon and horses was considered, but for want of time was
postponed till the meeting of the Board in August.
Mr. Johnson from the Committee on Grounds & Buildings
submitted the following report.
Report of Committee on Buildings, Grounds &c.
The undersigned appointed Committee as aforesaid beg
leave respectfully to report that they have given to the subject
of consideration such attention as they deem necessary.
In as much as the Board has already taken action on
several matters, the Committee think it proper only to report
That the opening of an additional hotel renders it necessary
that, that building be put in repair for use as early as practicable
- they have not been able however to procure any estimate
of the cost of the improvements or repairs, nor do they
deem it essential and respectfully recommend that the Chairman
of the Faculty, under the direction of the Executive Committee
proceed as early as practicable to have the hotel put
in proper serviceable condition.
Two of the Dawson buildings specially require roofing
and the Committee recommend that the Chairman receive the
same instructions in regard to them, subject however to the
The Privies in and about the University particularly demand
prompt attention. The drainage connected with them is
very imperfect and the Committee see no means by which an
adequate corrective can be made except by causing water to
be conducted to them. They are now in a very obnoxious condition
and but for the very abundant use of lime would be
absolutely insufferable. An Epidemic may at any time arise
from them and the Committee therefore recommend that a resolution
be passed referring the subject to the Chairman of the
Faculty with directions to repair and improve as soon as
The Board having referred the subject of Water, it is
unnecessary to make further mention of it.
For the accommodation of Professors & students very
many improvements & additions are desirable and would be
noticed further but for the exhausted state of the finances
of the University.
Specific action having been taken on other important
matters, the Committee do not deem it necessary to say more
than that they think the repairs may generally be done by
the Chairman under such instruction as the Executive Committee
may from time to time think proper to give.
In regard to the enlargement of accommodations for the
Washington Society, the Committee that they would be pleased
to favour the application, but that at present it cannot be
Respectfully submitted &c.
Marmaduke Johnson
R. W. Hughes.
On motion the report was adopted.
On motion the Board adjourned till Wednesday August 15th
at 5 oclock P.M.
Rector of U. of Va.
Board of Visitors minutes June 27, 1866 | ||