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A special meeting having been ordered for this day-the
following members appeared. Viz.

Alex: Rives, Rector, and Messrs Woods, Johnson, Hughes,
Pretlow, Tabb, Barbour & Lewis.

The Rector laid before the Board the following report
from the Executive Committee.

"The Executive Committee of the board of Visitors beg
leave to report that in pursuance of the authority given them,
they employed William Wertenbaker as the Secretary of the
board, at the Salary of his predecessor.

On examination of the recently erected dining rooms of
the two hotels at the Southern ends of the ranges, your Committee
found the roofs in too ruinous a condition, to admit



of repair and de med it essential for safety and permanency
to contract for the removal of them and the substitution of
roofs of a different Jescription to be covered with tin at
the expense of $500 for each house."

On motion

Resolved that the report of the Executive Committee be

On motion

Resolved that Charles S. Venable be appointed Professor
of Mathematics. (Nem: con:)

On motion

Resolved that the Board regret that the financial condition
of the University, puts it out of their power to grant the
prayer of the petition of Robert R. Prentis late Proctor &
Patron, to be restored to his former position, but that he be
allowed to occupy until the first of January next, the house
in which Wm. A. Pratt now resides.

Resolved that the limited financial resources of the
Commonwealth and the University, and the unsettled condition
of public affairs make it inexpedient at this time to inaugurate
the Statue of Thomas Jefferson the founder of this University;
but that the Board fully sensible of its duty in
this regard pledges itself to execute this high trust with
appropriate Cerimonies at the earliest practicable moment.

Resolved that in the judgment of the Board it is not
only temporarily inexpedient, but erroneous in principle to
establish a maximum of compensation to the Professors of the



Resolved that William Jeffries be appointed Hotel Keeper
in place of Dr. W. W. Hamner resigned and that he be allowed
to charge each student for board, the use of all necessary
room furniture & servants attendance one hundred & eighty
dollars a session payable in current funds.

Resolved that the subjects to which the attention of
the Board has been called in a communication from Prof. Minor
acting (in the absence of Dr. Maupin) as Chairman of the Faculty,
except such as have been already acted on by the Board,
be referred to the Executive Committee.

Resolved that the letter of William A. Pratt late Superintendent
of Grounds & Buildings and the claims preferred by
him against the University, be referred to the Executive Committee
confiding in the continuation of the annuity, which
has been granted for many years by the General Assembly of
the Commonwealth to the University; the Board of Visitors
advise the Faculty to receive State Students as heretofore.

On Motion—The Board then adjourned.

Alex: Rives, Rector &c.
Wm. Wertenbaker, Secretary