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The Rector having called a special meeting of the
Board of Visitors for Wednesday Septr 1st 1858, the following
members appeared. Col. T. J. Randolph Rector, Wm T.
Joynes, J. B. Baldwin, M. R. H. Garnett, and Wm J. Robertson

The Rector called the Board to order when the following
proceedings were had.

Messrs Baldwin & Joynes were appointed a Committee of

Messrs Garnett and Robertson were appointed a Committee
on the Library.

The official bonds of the Proctor and Patron and of the
Bursar, with evidence of the continued sufficiency of the
sureties thereto, were submitted to the Board and approved.

The Board proceeded to the consideration of various subjects,
but without coming to definite action on any of them,



adjourned until tomorrow morning at nine oclock.

Thursday Septr. 2nd. 1858

The Board met this morning pursuant to their adjourning
order of yesterday, present the same gentlemen.

When on the application of Addison Maupin for compensation
for buildings on the University grounds &c

Resolved that the said application be rejected except
so much of it as relates to the removal of the stable - as
to which the Board will hear any evidence Mr Maupin may have
to offer.

On the application of Dr Howard for a change in the
Pavilion occupied by him.

Resolved that the Executive Committee be authorized
to have the change made as proposed at a cost mot exceeding

Resolved that the Board of Visitors approve of the recommendation
of the Faculty that A. McGill Smith and R. J.
Freeman be allowed special examinations at the beginning of
the next session without charge or matriculation and that the
Faculty may upon such examinations confer the diplomas and
degrees proper under the circumstances.

Mr. John R. Tucker appeared and took his seat at the

Resolved That the Chairman of the Faculty be requested
to report to the Visitors as soon as possible 1st the hours
of instruction in each school of the University and the rooms
used in such instruction.



2. The number of rooms used for lectures or instruction
in the University, the hours for which each is used and for
what purpose.

Resolved That the Visitors approve of the suggestion
of the Faculty that No 3 of the Public rooms be adopted and
appropriated as a permanent Faculty room.

Resolved that it appears to the board that there is no
difficulty in finding sufficient accommodation in the present
lecture rooms, for all the classes of the University and that
there is no necessity for taking any of the dormitories for
any public purpose.

Resolved That the Visitors suggest the propriety of
allowing to Licentiates of the University the use of the
lecture rooms when not in actual use by the Professors -
excepting of course such rooms as are used as depositories
of apparatus &c.

Resolved that the action of the Executive Committee in
building the new Hotel at the South end of the Eastern Range
be approved.

The proceedings of the Executive Committee at the White
Sulpher Springs on the 7th day of August 1858 having been
laid before the Board, the same are natified and approved
and ordered to be spread upon the minutes.

The following is a copy of the proceedings of the
Executive Committee referred to above.

"At a meeting of the Executive Committee held at the
White Sulpher Springs on Saturday August 7th 1858. Present
William J. Robertson, Thos. J. Randolph and John B. Baldwin."



"There having been no quorum of the Visitors present
at the time appointed for the annual meeting it becomes necessary
for the Executive Committee to act upon some matters
not admitting of delay.

The erection of the new Dining Hall in connection with
the Hotel at present occupied by the Proctor as a residence
renders it necessary to furnish the Proctor another house.
He is therefore authorized to take possession of the house
recently occupied by Mrs McCoy as a Hotel.

The changes made in the Hotel occupied by Col Ward
rendering it unsuitable as a Hotel Col Ward is transfered to
the Hotel lately occupied by Mr Brock.

The Proctor is requested to report to the Visitors at
their meeting in September a plan for assigning the dormitories
to the three Hotels, giving to the new Hotel the number
formerly given to Mr Brock & Mrs McCoy together.

The committee having learned that the basement of the
Pavilion occupied by Dr McGuffy and that of the house occupied
by the Proctor are in a condition requiring more immediate
attention than any others in the University.

Resolved that Mr Pratt be requested to give his earliest
attention to them.

Resolved that the Proctor be requested to advertize
for applicants for the new Hotel the applications to be filed
before the meeting on the first of September.

That he give notice that the rent of the Hotel will be
$300 that the rooms formerly given to two Hotels will be given



to this one, that the Keeper of the new Hotel will not be
required to furnish the dormitories of the students boarding
with him but that there will be a deduction of $10 from the
board of all his boarders who furnish their own rooms and
$2.50 for washing their bedding and towels. That the Board
will be paid quarterly in advance the Hotel Keeper giving
bond and security in a sum sufficient to cover such advances
and for the discharge of his duties- And that the servants
of the Hotel will be required to attend upon the dormitories."

Resolved that the Keeper of the New Hotel now to be
appointed and his successors in office be required to give
bond in the penalty of $10,000 instead of $5000 as required
by the resolutions of June 27th 1857.

Resolved that the Keeper of the New Hotel be not required
to supply furniture to the dormitories occupied by
students boarding with him or to wash the bedding or towels
of such students but shall furnish attendance upon the rooms
and students as heretofore.

Resolved that each student boarding at the new hotel
be required to provide the furniture of his own room and the
washing of his bedding and towels, and that for such furniture
and washing he be allowed as an abatement of $12.50 per
session from his board.

Ordered that George W. Spooner be paid his bill amounting
to $160 for putting up cases for apparatus &c in the
lecture room of Prof. F. H. Smith.



Resolved that the Hotel Keepers of the last session
who claim indemnity for loss of boarders be requested to
furnish a list of the boarders upon whom the loss was sustained
- with such explanation as to each as they may deem
proper to show the time and cause of their leaving.

On motion Dr Maupin was appointed chairman for the
next session.

The Board then adjourned until tomorrow morning at
nine oclock.

The Board met again this morning at 9 oclock present
the same gentlemen as on yesterday.

Resolved that Professor Davis and Cabell be authorized
to employ Mr Scharff for the next session as heretofore.

The Committee on Finance &c submitted the following

The Committee to whom were referred the reports of the
Proctor, Bursar, and Commissioner beg leave to report that
they have given a careful examination to the said reports
and find them in all respects correct and satisfactory.

John B. Baldwin
Wm T. Joynes

Resolved that the Executive Committee be authorized
and requested to sell the "Dawson Farm" upon such terms as
they may deem best.

Resolved that a meeting of the Board be held on the



29th day of this month for the special purpose of fixing
regulations for the management of the Infirmary.

Resolved that Messrs Garnett & Baldwin be appointed a
Committee to revise and codify the Enactments with instructions
to report to the meeting of the Board to be held on the
29th inst.

Resolved that the Executive Committee be instructed to
execute Mr Ellets plan for supplying the University with
water with as little delay as practicable and that in the
execution of the work the Committee if practicable obtain
the advice and general direction of Mr Ellet.

Resolved that hereafter the Hotel Keeper shall be
appointed in the first instance for one year only.

The Board then proceeded to the election of a Hotel
Keeper for the New Hotel for the next year when Dr W.W.
Hamner was appointed.

Resolved that the Executive Committee be instructed
to submit the various plans for warming and ventilating the
public rooms of the University to Mr Ellet or to Capt Meigs
U.S.A. for their advice and if necessary to procure one of
them to visit the precincts and prepare a plan.

Resolved that the Executive Committee be instructed to
cause the Kitchen and cooking arrangements at the Hotel
assigned to Mr. Ward to be improved in such manner and to
such extent as they think necessary and proper.

On consideration of the memorial of the Columbian Society
it is ordered that the Proctor be authorized to cause



two of the rooms in the Hotel on the Eastern range lately
occupied by Mr Ward to be thrown into one in the case the
Society desire it, and that the Board decline to pay the
rent of a Hall for the said society for the last year.

A communication having been presented from Prof Gildersleeve
requesting to be allowed the use of an additional
dormitory it was

Resolved that inasmuch as Professor Gildersleeve is
already allowed the use of a dormitory as his office, and
inasmuch as there is such a scarcity of rooms in the University
that an additional dormitory cannot be conveniently
allowed to Prof Gildersleeve, the Board decline to grant
the request.

Resolved that the sum of $300 be appropriated for the
purchase of chemicals &c in the department of practical
Chemistry, to be expended upon the order of the Professor
of Chemistry.

The application on behalf of T. Henry Johnston, having
been read and considered by the Board; the Board of Visitors
in view of the gravity of the offence against the discipline
and laws of the University, and of the necessity of rigidly
enforcing the same for the prevention of the practice of
duelling among the students have.

Resolved that the application be rejected.

Resolved unanimously that Prof Holmes be reappointed
Professor of History and General Literature.

Col Baldwin offered the following resolution which was
seconded by Mr Robertson.



A letter from Prof Harrison was laid before the Board
stating his conviction that the interests of the School of
Latin and the progress of the members of the school in
scholarship require the appointment of an Assistant Instructor
in that School whereupon it was resolved.

1. That the arrangement made on the 27th day of June
1856 whereby the professor of Latin was allowed all the fees
from the students attending his classes was based upon the
understanding and expectation that the professor should without
assistance perform all the labor of instruction in that
school and that in the opinion of the Visitors if the professor
has found himself unable to fulfil this expectation - it is
proper that any assistance required by him shall be paid for
out of the fees allowed for the performance of the whole

2. That the Professor of Latin be authorized to appoint
an assistant Instructor in the usual manner and at the usual
salary - to be paid out of the fees which would otherwise go
to the said Professor.

Whereupon Mr Tucker offered the following resolution as
a substitute.

The application of Dr Harrison being read and considered
the Board

"Resolved, that until, and unless some general arrangement
shall be digested and agreed upon by the Board, in regard
to such an enlargement of the educational force, as is
suggested by Dr. Harrison for the School of Latin - the



Board deem it inexpedient and decline to grant the request
of Dr Harrison."

When Mr Joynes offered the following as an substitute
for Mr Tuckers substitute

"Professor Harrison having applied to the Board to allow
him an assistant in the school of Latin it was

"Resolved that insomuch as the allowance of an assistant
at the expense of the University as proposed, may involve the
necessity of modifying the existing arrangement of the School
of Latin, and of the fees and emoluments of Prof Harrison,
and the Board not being disposed in the absence of many of
its members to enter upon that subject, the Board decline
to take any further action at present upon the application
of Prof Harrison ."

The vote being taken on Mr Joynes substitute resulted
in the affirmative.

The ayes and Noes being demanded were as follows

Ayes, Messrs Robertson, Joynes, Garnett, Baldwin, Tucker,
and Randolph.

Noes, None.

The vote being then taken on Mr Joynes substitute in
place of Mr Baldwins resolution resulted in favor of Mr
Joynes substitute.

The ayes and noes being demanded resulted as follows.

Ayes Messrs Randolph Garnett Tucker & Joynes.

Noes Messrs Baldwin & Robertson.

The question then coming up upon Mr Baldwins resolution
as amended by Mr Joynes substitute it was adopted.



The Ayes and Noes being demanded resulted as follows.

Ayes Messrs Joynes Robertson Baldwin & Randolph

Noes Messrs Tucker & Garnett

Resolved that as there is no other room, at the disposal
of the Board for the use of their Secretary and the preservation
of their records they are unable to give Mr Massie the
apartment he asks for.

A communication from Mr A. Maupin in reply to the resolution
of the Board adopted on yesterday having been read,
it was

Resolved that no farther action on the subject is

Resolved that the Proctor be authorized to accept the
proposition of Messrs Hutchenson and Wickersham of New York
to send upon consignment and deliver at the University fifty
sets of Bed-room furniture upon the terms set forth in their
letter of August 18th 1858, viz $27.50 for each set and the
actual cost and charges of transportation to the University,
and that the Proctor be authorized to sell such furniture
to students of the University at its actual cost and to remit
the price to Messrs Hutchinson and Wickersham without
abatement. And the University will be responsible for the
faithful performance of the agency thus assumed.

The Proctors amended report upon the assignment of dormitories
among the three Hotels dated Sept 2nd 1858 giving
to Mrs Ross 48 students to Col Ward 48 students, and to Dr
Hamner 95 students was approved by the Board.



The Board then adjourned until tomorrow morning at
nine oclock.

The Board met pursuant to adjournment present the same
gentlemen as on yesterday, when the following proceedings
were had.

Mr. J. E. D'Alfonce having applied for permission to
erect at his own expense upon the lands of the University
vapor baths for the use of persons connected with the University
it was resolved.

1. That the Executive Committee be authorized to contract
with Mr D'Alfonce for the putting up of said baths-securing
to the University the following points.

1. That the permission is a personal privelege and
that no transfer of it shall be made except to a party approved
by the Board of Visitors.

2. That the Visitors shall have the absolute right
at their discretion and at any time to require the removal
of the buildings or to purchase them for the use of the University
- at valuation.

3. That the use of the baths shall be confined to
persons connected with the University.

4. That at the end of twenty years the entire establishment
shall belong to the University.

Resolved 2nd That the Executive Committee be authorized
to contract for such other provisions as in their judgment



may be proper to secure to the Visitors the control and police
of the baths.

On motion it was resolved that

Each Professor shall in addition to the weekly reports
now required by the enactments, preserve a synopsis in a
condensed form, of the instruction actually given in each
lecture of his course, to be submitted to the inspection of
the Board of Visitors at their regular annual meeting.

Mr. Garnett submitted the following resolutions which
were adopted.

1. There shall be three Assistant Instructors in the
School of Modern Languages, one for the French, one for the
German, and one for the Spanish and Italian Languages, whose
mother tongues are French German and Spanish respectively,
except that if such a person, properly qualified, cannot be
found for the Instructor of Spanish and Italian, an Italian
may be appointed to that place.

2. Their mode of appointment, compensation, duties and
relations to the Professor shall be the same as those of
other Assistant Instructors. The Professor shall exercise
a constant supervision over all the classes, and be responsible
for the entire instruction.

3. It shall be a primary object of this school to teach
the students not only to write, but to speak and converse
easily in the living languages taught, and to this end the
classes shall be thoroughly drilled in sections, or in such
other manner as the Professor may direct.



4. Modern History and Modern Geography are not required
to be taught in this School, but the Professor shall lecture
on the Literature of each language and especially on the
History of the language itself. He shall teach the general
principles of the formation and growth of languages, and of
comparative Grammar and Philology illustrating, especially
from the Modern Languages the laws which determine the origin
of new words, and of new gramatical forms when races speaking
different tongues intermix.

5. In the Anglo-Saxon class, the Professor shall teach
in addition to that language the History and laws of the
English language, giving full time and prominence to this
important subject.

6. From and after the commencement of the session of
1859-60 no one shall be allowed to graduate in the French,
German, Spanish or Italian languages who has not given satisfactory
evidence of ability not only to write but to speak
and converse easily and correctly in the language in which
he offers for graduation. But any one who may have graduated
in any of these languages prior to the commencement of the
session of 1859-60, and who may thereafter apply for the degree
of A. M. shall not be required in his review examination,
to exhibit any greater proficiency in such language, than
was required for the diploma when he graduated.

Resolved that there be allowed and paid to the Hotel
Keepers of the last session the following sums viz to Col
Ward $460, to Mrs McCoy $220, to Mr Brock $300, to Mrs.



Ross, $200, in full of all claims and demands against the
University in any wise growing out of the action of the visitors
or the Faculty in relation to the fever and the suspension
of lectures. These sums have been ascertained from the
best information accessible to the Visitors, and the allowances
must be received in full discharge of all demands.

Resolved that while the Board in consideration of the
special circumstances have made the allowances contained in
the foregoing resolutions, it must be distinctly understood
and is hereby declared that no Professor, officer, or employee
of the University has any claim to indemnity or compensation
for loss or damage resulting from a suspension of the exercises
of the University, or from the vacation injury or distruction
of any of the buildings or apartments, or from any
action whatever which the Board may deem it proper to take
in the controul and management of the University.

On the application of Dr Howard

Resolved that the Executive Committee be authorized to
have the privy on the lot occupied by Prof Howard removed to
some more suitable part of the lot.

Dr Cabell and Davis are hereby appointed Health Officers
of the University of Virginia and shall receive each a salary
of $       per annum as such.

It shall be the duty of the Health Officer of the University
at the commencement of each quarter in person carefully
to inspect and examine every room inhabited by a student
within or without the college buildings and to certify



to the Chairman of the Faculty whether such room is a safe
and healthy habitation for the number of students occupying
the same. Nor shall any student be permitted to remain in
any room, which is not certified to be such, under penalty
of any of the minor or major punishments at the discretion
of the Faculty.

It shall also be the duty of the Health Officers to report
from time to time to the Executive Committee and to the
Board of Visitors such measures as they may think necessary
for the health of the students, and with the consent of the
Executive Committee they may make any necessary sanitary regulations
to remain in force until the meeting next thereafter
of the Board of Visitors.

The salary is left blank, to be fixed hereafter by the
Board on consultation with the Health Officers and if the
Board of Visitors fails to meet on the 29th of September,
it shall be fixed for the next session by the Executive

Resolved that it shall be the duty of each Professor
to prepare and hand to the Chairman for incorporation in the
general report to the Board of Visitors a summary of the
whole number of lectures and examinations, the failures to
lecture and examine with the causes, the whole time of lectures
and Examinations &c according to the form hitherto in

The subject of Professor Smiths communication being
under consideration - The Board



Resolved that Dr Maupin be requested to furnish in
writing his views in reply to the communication of Prof Smith
and to furnish a copy to Prof Smith for any response, so
that the Board may have full information on the subject at
its called meeting on the 29th of this month.

Resolved that the Executive Committee are authorized
to continue with all practicable speed to complete the
drainage and purification of the University buildings and
grounds, and the other samitary measures, ordered by the
resolutions adopted in March last.

Resolved that the plan of Mr Pratt marked A for laying
off and improving the grounds be adopted to this extent, to wit

The ground colored green, with an extension of the same
in a belt 150 to 300 feet wide along the red line running
on the west side from the Lynchburg road to the Staunton road,
shall be suitably graded put in grass, and planted in trees
and shrubs, and roads and walks laid off therein as proposed,
the privies and stables and other unsightly buildings to the
south shall be removed to suitable places beyond the proposed
path grounds, and gardens and lots for the Professors laid off.
Put the road marked "east Precinct" shall not be opened until
further order.

The Executive Committee is authorized and instructed
to execute this order.

Reasonable time shall be given for the removal of the
Professors Gardens, and the enclosures shall be removed, at
the expense of the University.



Resolved that Messrs Robertson Randolph and baldwin be
appointed Executive Committee.

Resolved that the Board will now proceed to appoint a
superintendent of Buildings and Grounds for the year ending
July 1st 1859 at a salary of $1500 a year payable quarterly.

The duties of the said superintendent shall be those
prescribed by the 8th section of Chapter 1 S 2 of the enactments
and such other duties as may be required by the Executive
Committee or by the Board of Visitors - and he shall
be under the control of the Chairman of the Faculty.

Resolved that the clerk of the Proctor be dispensed
with after the 1st of October.

Wm. A. Pratt was appointed superintendent.

The plan of a catalogue of the Library adopted by the
Faculty on Dec. 1st 1857 is approved with the following

1. Where the title is long it may be abridged provided
so much of it is preserved, as may be necessary, to identify
the book, and in all cases the date and place of publication,
the edition, and the sise of the volume shall be indicated.

2. The catalogue into which the classified index is to
be divided, shall be fixed by the Faculty on consultation
with the Librarian.

Resolved that the Librarian be instructed to have bound
such of the books as the Faculty may approve upon his recommendation,
the said binding to be paid for out of the Library



All purchases for the Library shall hereafter be made
by the Librarian, but he shall buy only such books as may
be approved or directed by the Faculty. In addition to
the duty heretofore imposed on the several Professors and
the Faculty to recommend purchases for the Library, it shall
also be the duty of the Librarian to lay before the Faculty
from time to time lists of such books, as he may deem it advisable
to purchase.

Th. J. Randolph Rector
R. T. W. Duke Secretary

In pursuance of the resolution adopted on the 3d day
of September 1858 the following members appeared viz T. J.
Randolph Rector, J. B. Baldwin M. R. H. Garnett and Wm. T.
Joynes Visitors. No other members appearing, there was no
quorum present.

R. T. W. Duke Secretary