University of Virginia Library



On Wednesday June 25. 1851 the following visiters appeared,
viz: Jno. H. Cocke, Thomas Preston, and R. M. T. Hunter-the
Rector being absent from indisposition.

There being no quorum present the Board adjourned until
10 o'clock on Thursday morning, when the Rector Jos. C. Cabell
appeared. A quorum being then present the following proceedings
were had.

The rector appointed a Committee of Inspection to consist
of Messrs Cocke and Randolph - and also a Committee of Finance
to consist of Messrs Hunter & Preston.

Friday June 27. 1851 -

Col Randolph appeared and took his seat at the board.



On motion of the Rector it was ordered that the Proctor
pay C. M. Brand $26 67/100 for work done for the Hotel Kept
by Mr. A. Maupin, in the year 1850.

On motion of Mr. Randolph it was ordered that the application
of A. Maupin for an allowance for rent of dormitories
be rejected.

The letter of resignation of Alexander Garrett being taken
up, it was ordered that it be accepted.

On motion of Mr. Randolph it was resolved, That the board
in accepting the resignation of their Bursar Alexander Garrett
cannot refrain from expressing the feelings of confidence and
kindness which have arisen from an association of thirty years
in which the University have derived the benefit of his eminent
services, his strict integrity, and vigilant attention to its
pecuniary affairs- and tender him the assurance of their
continued confidence & esteem.

On motion of Mr. Hunter it was ordered that three assistants
shall be employed for the next scholastic year, to aid
in the schools of Mathematics and of Ancient and Modern Languages.
One of these Assistants shall be appointed by each of
the Professors in these schools with the advice and consent
of the executive committee of the board of Visiters. These
Assistants shall teach under the direction of the Professor
whom he aids, shall have nothing to do with the police of the
institution except to keep order in the Lecture rooms, or so
far as the faculty may think is indispensable to the proper



discharge of his duties, and to that extent the faculty shall
establish such rules from time to time as they may think necessary
for these purposes. Each of these Assistants shall be
entitled to a dormitory, and the use of the Library rent free,
and shall receive for annual compensation $700 each. These
Assistants however shall not be allowed to board at the Hotels
designed for the accommodation of Students.

On motion of Mr. Randolph, Mr. Wm. A. Bibb was appointed

On motion of Mr. Mason, it was ordered that the Bursar
be and is hereby authorised and directed to collect the interest
accrued and accruing on the certificate of State Stock
for $1500 invested on account of the legacy of James Madison
for the benefit of the Library of the University- which certificate
is dated May 18. 1848, and bears interest from that
date, to which end he is further authorized to execute such
receipts in the name of the Rector and Visiters, or otherwise
as may be required.

It appearing to the board, that the sum of $540 appropriated
by resolution of June 28. 1847, for arrears of interest due
from the University on this legacy, had not been withdrawn or
expended, as by said resolution directed, It is ordered that
said sum of $540, with the further sum of $90 for interest accrued
between the said order and May 1848, together with the
interest that has accrued to May 1851 in said certificate of
State Stocks, amounting in all to the sum of $900, be and the



same is hereby appropriated to the purchase of books of Standard
character and permanent value, as contemplated and directed by
resolution of the 4th of July 1843- That said books be selected
by the Faculty, subject to the approbation of the Rector.

Resolved, that the interest on such certificates accruing
after May 1851 be retained by the Bursar subject to future

Resolved that it shall be the duty of the Librarian to
designate the books so purchased, as well as others hereafter
purchased out of this Fund by stamping on the back of each
volume the words "Madison Donation", and that in future catalogues
of the Library there shall be stated in a note, the
number of volumes of the original donations, as well as future
additions accruing from said fund.

The Rector laid before the Board a letter from the Revd.
Wm. F. Walker, dated June 3d 1851 asking leave to withdraw
certain testimonials filed with his application for the chair
of Mathematics in the year 1841, whereupon it was resolved that
the Secretary be authorized to deliver said testimonials to
Mr. Walker.

The Rector laid before the Board a letter from Dr. Frank
Carr, communicating his resignation as Secretary of the Board
of Visitors, in consequence of ill health, whereupon it was
resolved by the Board to accept his resignation, and in doing so
to tender to him the expression of their sympathies and regret
on account of the cause of his resignation, and also of the
high respect and regard which they entertain towards him.



Mr. Cocke of the Committee of Inspection made a report,
which is filed among the Minutes of this Session, as No: 4.

On motion of Mr. Cocke it was ordered that the sum of
$500 be and is hereby appropriated to purchase for the use of
the University, the collection or Cabinet of Specimens of
Materia Medica, and coloured engravings of Medicinal plants,
acquired by Professor Robert E. Rogers, & described in his
letter of this date, reported by the Committee of Inspection,
and that the same be placed in charge of that Professor.

Resolved, that the sum of $25, be annually appropriated,
for the purchase of specimens of Materia Medica, to be expended
by Professor R. E. Rogers for the use of his school-

On motion of Mr. Mason, it was ordered that the Proctor
do cause three additional cisterns to be constructed, similar
to those now at the University.

Saturday June 28. 1851-

On motion of Mr. Mason, resolved that the Proctor continue
the arrangement made for the State Students on June 29. 1850,
for the ensuing year, and that he be particularly desired, to
make the farm and garden attached to the premises, tributary
as far as practicable to the support of that Hotel.

On motion of General Cocke, resolved that Dr. Cabell be
allowed, at the pleasure of the Board to occupy the lot, attached
to the building occupied by the Societies and the moot
court, and for that purpose to open a communication between his
garden & said lot. But the University to be subjected to no
expense by the arrangement.



It being stated to the Board, on behalf of Professors
Wm. D. Rogers, and Robert E. Rogers that their engagements in
occupations connected with their duties at the University, may
make it particularly inconvenient to comply with the order of
the Board in September last, requiring the Professors to be at
the University for one week before the commencement of the
course, It was ordered on motion of Mr. Mason, that from the
circumstances stated, an exemption from this will be granted
to the Professors named, in regard to the ensuing vacation-

A communication was received from the Faculty in the
following words, viz:

"At a meeting of the Faculty June 28, 1851- Whereas Mr.
Joseph B. Day who last session passed successfully examinations
for graduation in two of the classes of modern languages,
but failed to obtain degrees, in consequence of
being unsuccessful in his examination on the English
Language, and having during the present session, not only
passed the English Examination, but also examinations
for graduation in three schools and being withal a most
meritorious student, Resolved that it be recommended to
the Board of Visiters to allow him the benefit of his
successful examinations in modern Languages last session.

Copied from the minutes

Wm. Wertenbaker

Secretary of Faculty"

Whereupon it was resolved that the recommendation of the
Faculty in regard to Mr. Day is approved-



On motion of Mr. Mason resolved, that Professor Harrison
be appointed Chairman of the Faculty for the ensuing year.

The hour for the public exercises at the Rotunda, having
arrived, the board adjourned until Saturday evening, in order
to be present at the Exhibition.

Saturday Evening June 28. 1851.

The committee of Finance submitted the following Report, viz:

The committee of Finance have examined the matters submitted
to their consideration and report as follows.

They have found the Accounts of the Proctor & Bursar duly
audited & examined by Wm. A. Bibb, to whom that duty was entrusted
by order of the Visiters. He has certified the Accounts
to be correct, and the Committee have considered that
certificate as evidence of the fact.

The receipts during the present Fiscal year, as appears
by the Proctors report were $27522.80. To this must be added
$5556 in the Patrons hands, as the surplus of Professors fees
assigned to the uses of the University, thus making the amount
of the entire receipts of the institution $33078. From this
is to be deducted $23096.91 the entire disbursments of the
year, which leaves the sum of $9981.19 as a surplus applicable
to the service of the ensuing Fiscal year. During that year
the demands on the funds of the University are likely to be
very large on account of the Building which it was deemed indispensable
to erect. In view of this necessity the committee
have endeavoured to make with the aid of the Proctor, an estimate
of the expenses to be founded on the most rigid system
of economy. According to this estimate made by the Proctor



upon the scheme of postponing some of the usual expenditures
another year, although at some inconvenience to the institution,
the ordinary disbursments will amount to $18925 - To this must
be added appropriations made by special resolution of the
present board, for satisfying the trust under the Madison Legacy,
and repairs and additions about $1800, also $2100 for
three Assistants in the Schools of Mathematics & of Ancient
and Modern Languages, and also $3300 for additions to Professor's
houses & $10,000 for an addition to the Potunda. These several
sums making a total of $36125. To meet this we should have,
if the ensuing session be as prosperous as the last $28300 which
added to the surplus of $9981.19 would make an available sum
of $38281.19 which would leave a surplus over the expenditure
of $2156.19, which is perhaps as great a reduction in the usual
surplus, as would be safe and conveneient. In the ensuing
fiscal year, which would terminate in June 1853, we should have
to provide for a second and last payment of $20000 on Jany 1.
1853 for the addition to the Rotunda & this sum in addition to
the usual and necessary expenses of the Institution would probably
far transcend the receipts of the University and make a
loan necessary. What should be the amount of that loan this
committee is unable to ascertain with an approach even to accuracy.
The Building Committee have made no report as to the
contracts and liabilities for the addition to the Rotunda, but
the Finance Committee are informed by Mr. Spooner the Superintendent
that the new building will cost $30000, of which
$10000 are probably to be paid on Jany 1. 1852, and $20000



are probably to be paid Jany 1. 1853. The Committee on Finance
are at a loss upon information so imperfect how to make an
estimate as to the probable demands on the funds of the University
for the year ending June 29. 1853. It is not usual
for buildings of this sort, to be completed for the estimated
sums, and there is also a doubt as to the future receipts of
the University- A disastrous session might curtail so much the
receipts of the Institution as to disappoint any calculation
which might be made upon a supposed estimate of receipts. But
if the Institution should maintain its present number of students,
and its present condition as to demands for disbursments,
the Committee are of opinion that a loan of $20000 would probably
suffice. To provide however, against all contingencies
the Committee would recommend the Board to petition the Legislature
to authorize them to borrow a sum of money not exceeding
$25000 upon the terms and on the conditions prescribed in
the Act of March 7th 1827 entitled "An Act altering the stated
meetings of the Visiters of the University and for other purposes."
The Committee hope however that it may not be necessary
to borrow more than $20000, or perhaps a less sum.

The Committee have also considered the application of
the Proctor to be allowed a salary of $500 pr annum for a
Clerk. It is represented to them that the increased services
in the office of Proctor & Patron required by the increased
number of Students are such as to justify such a salary to the
Clerk in the Office. Under the circumstances it would seem
to be expedient to make such an allowance during the ensuing



year. To carry out these views the Committee submit the following

Resolved that the Rector in the name of the Board of Visiters
present a petition to the next Legislature of the State of Va.
for authority to contract a loan of $25000 upon the same terms
and in the same manner as were authorized in the Act entitled
"An Act altering the stated meeting of the Visiters of the
University & for other purposes," passed March 7. 1827, with
an additional provision that the interest be paid at the Treasury
of the State out of the Annuity.

Resolved that an allowance of $500 per annum be made to
the Clerk of the Proctor, for the present and future fiscal


Thos. L. Preston

Whereupon the resolutions submitted by the Finance Committee
were adopted.

On motion of Mr. Randolph it was ordered that in all
cases where it becomes the duty of the Proctor to have the
privies of the Professors or Hotel Keepers cleansed it shall
be done at the expense of the Professor or Hotel Keeper respectively
in whose occupancy the privy is - - - -

On motion of the Rector -

Resolved that James P. Holcombe be appointed adjunct
Professor in the School of Law in the University, charged
with the duty of giving instruction on the subjects of Equity
& Commercial law, subject to like regulations as other professors.



That he have a room assigned him in the precincts, and
enjoy the use of the Library on like footing with other professors,
but receive no salary or other emoluments from the

That his compensation be derived exclusively from the
fees paid by the Students in the school of Law, after those
fees, shall have been augmented to the maximum allowed by
the present laws of the University to the Professor of law,provided
that when the compensation of the adjunct Professor,
should reach the sum of $2000, any further fees in the school
should accumulate and be invested with a view to a more permanent

That the fees in the school of law be for those who attend
only the junior class the same as at present, (namely $25 if
three Professors be attended, $30 if two, and $50 if one only,)
for those who attend the intermediate class $60, and for those
who attend the Senior Class $75, the payment of the higher
fee, in either case giving admission to any lower class.

Ordered that St. George Tucker be appointed Secretary to
the Board of Visiters in lieu of Dr. Carr, who has resigned.

On motion of Mr. Mason it was ordered that the sum of
ten dollars required as a deposit by students to cover contingent
charges and assessments against him for injuries done
to the buildings & other property of the University shall be
liable for any injuries or damage done to the furniture in
the dormitories.

Ordered that the Board do now adjourn sine die.



Monday June 30. 1851

It having been ascertained since the adjournment on
Saturday the 28th Inst: that the Board had omitted to appoint
the Executive Committee and Building Committee, & it appearing
that a quorum was still at hand the Rector deemed it proper
to call a meeting, whereupon the following gentlemen appeared
viz: Jos: C. Cabell, Genl John H. Cocke, Col Thos J. Randolph
& Thomas L. Preston.

The following resolutions were then offered and passed.

Resolved that Mr. Stevenson, Col Randolph & Genl Cocke
be appointed Executive Committee for the ensuing year.

Resolved that Mr. Stevenson & Col Randolph be appointed
the building committee for the ensuing year.

Resolved, that the Proctor under the direction of the
Executive Committee be instructed to make arrangements for
enlarging the dissecting room.

Resolved, that permission is hereby granted to erect by
voluntary contribution, on such site upon the grounds of the
University, as the Executive Committee shall approve, a house
for the residence of the Chaplain, biennially chosen by the
Professors & supported by the Professors & Students. Provided
however that this house shall at all times be under the control
of the Board of Visiters & held as the property of the University.

Ordered that James W. Saunders be appointed to state and
settle the Acts of the Bursar & Proctor, with the compensation,
heretofore allowed, and in the event of his failure to act,
that the Executive Committee appoint another in his place.



Ordered that the Board do now adjourn sine die.

St G Tucker
Joseph C. Cabell. Rector