University of Virginia Library



At a meeting of the Visitors of the University, at the University
on Monday the 4th. of October 1824. at which were present Thomas Jefferson,
James Madison, James Breckenridge, John H. Cocke, George Loyall and
Joseph C. Cabell.

Resolved that the board ratify two purchases of land in front of
the Rotunda purchased of Daniel A. Piper, and Mary A. F. his wife.

Resolved that permission be given to Francis W. Gilmer, now on his
mission to Great Britain for the purpose of engaging Professors for the
University, to use for his expences six or seven hundred dollars of the
6000.D. put into his hands for the purchase of books and apparatus.

Resolved that it is the opinion of the board that if the arrearages
of subscription should not be sufficient to pay for the articles
of marble contracted for in Italy, it will be proper to supply the deficiency
from the annuity of the year 1825.

Resolved that the Bursar be authorised to enter into negociation
with any one of the banks for the purpose of procuring an advance of
the sperate part of the arrears of subscription, with an understanding
that the University shall not be called on for the reimbursement of the
monies till such time as they shall be paid by subscribers, or within
such other time as shall be reasonable.

Resolved that the rent for the hotels be fixed at 200.D. per annum.

The board then proceeding to consider of the regulations necessary
for constituting, governing and conducting the Institution in addition



to those passed at their last session, agreed to the following supplementory

Each of the schools of the University shall be held two hours of
every other day of the week: and that every student may be enabled to
attend those of his choice, let their sessions be so arranged, as to
days and hours that no two of them shall be holden at the same time.

M.  Tu.  Th.  Sa. 
7-30  7-30  7-30  Antient
9-30  9-30  9-30 
7-30  7-30  7-30  Modern
9-30  9-30  9-30 
9-30  9-30  9-30  Mathematics 
11-30  11-30  11-30 
19-30  19-30  19-30  Natural
11-30  11-30  11-30 
11-30  11-30  11-30  Natural
1-30  1-30  1-30 
11-30  11-30  11-30  Anatomy
1-30  1-30  1-30 
1-30  1-30  1-30  Moral
3-30  3-30  3-30 
1-30  1-30  1-30  Law 
3-30  3-30  3-30 

The school of Antient languages shall occupy from 7-30 to 9-30 A.M.
on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ............

That of Modern languages shall occupy the same hours on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays.

That of Mathematics shall occupy from 9-30 to 11-30 A.M. on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays



That of Natural Philosophy the same hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Saturdays

That of Natural history shall occupy from 11-30. A.M. to 1-30. P.M.
on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

That of Anatomy and Medicine the same hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Saturdays.

That or Moral Philosophy shall occupy from 1-30. to 3-30. P.M. on
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

That of Law the same hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
The Visitors of the University shall be free, severally or together,
to attend occasionally any school, during it's session, as Inspectors
and judges of the mode in which it is conducted.

Where the instruction is by lessons, and the class too numerous
for a single instructor, Assistant tutors may be employed, to be chosen
by the Professor, to have the use of two adjacent dormitories each,
rent-free, and to divide with the Professor the tuition fees, as shall
be agreed between them.

The Professors, tutors, and all officers of the University shall
reside constantly in the apartments of the University, or of it's precincts,
assigned to them.

At meetings of the Faculty of Professors, on matters within their
functions, one of them shall preside, by rotation, for the term of one
year each. a majority of the members shall make a Quorum for business.
they may appoint a Secretary of their own body, or otherwise, who shall
keep a journal of their proceedings, and lay the same before the board
of Visitors at their first ensuing meeting, and whenever else required.
The compensation to such Secretary shall be 50.D. yearly, payable from
the funds of the University.



Meetings of the Faculty may be called by the presiding member of
the year, or by any three of the Professors, to be held in an apartment
of the Rotunda, and the object of the call shall be expressed in
the written notification to be served by the Janitor. but, when
assembled, other business also may be transacted.

The Faculty may appoint a Janitor, who shall attend it's meetings,
their several schools while in session, and the meetings of the Visitors;
and shall perform necessary menial offices for them, for which he shall
recieve 150. Dollars yearly from the funds of the University, and be
furnished with a lodging room.

No student is to be recieved under 16. years of age, rigorously
proved. None to be admitted into the Mathematical school, or that of
Natural philosophy, who is not an adept in all the branches of numerical
arithmetic; and none into the school of antient languages, unless
qualified, in the judgment of the professor, to commence reading the
higher Latin classics; nor to recieve instruction in Greek, unless
qualified in the same degree in that language.

No one shall enter as a Student of the University, either at the
beginning, or during the progress of the session, but as for the whole
session, ending on the 15th. day of December, and paying as for the

The Dormitories shall be occupied by two Students each, and no
more, at 15.D. yearly rent to be paid to the Proctor at or before the
end of the session, one half by each occupant, or the whole by one,
if there be only one. and every student, within the same term, shall
pay to the Proctor, also, for the University, 15.D. annually for his
participation in the use of the public apartments, during the session.



The Students shall be free to diet themselves in any of the
Hotels of the University, at their choice, or elsewhere, other than
in taverns, as shall suit themselves, but not more than 50. shall
be allowed to diet at the same Hotel.

No keeper of any of the Hotels of the University shall require
or recieve more than 100.D. for dieting any student and for performing
the necessary offices of his Dormitory, during the session of ten
months and an half, nor shall suffer ardent spirits or wine mixed or
unmixed, to be drank within his tenement, on pain of an immediate determination
of his lease, and removal by the Faculty; nor shall any
person boarding elsewhere than with their parents, in any house, and
using wine or ardent spirits, mixed or unmixed, within such house, or
it's tenement, or paying more than 120 Dollars, for diet, lodging, and
other offices and accomodations of the house and tenement, during a
like term, be admitted to any school of the University.

Every student shall be free to attend the schools of his choice,
and no other than he chuses.

There shall be one vacation only in the year, and that shall be
from the 15th. day of December to the last day of January.

Examinations of the candidates for honorary distinctions shall
be held in the presence of all the Professors and Students, in the
week preceding the commencement of the vacation. at these examinations
shall be given, to the highly meritorious only, and by the vote of a
majority of the Professors, Diplomas, or premiums of Medals or books,
to be provided by the University, to wit, Diplomas to those of the
highest qualifications, medals of more or less value, to those of a
2d. grade of acquisition, and books of more or less value to those of



a 3d. these Diplomas shall be of two degrees; the highest of Doctor,
the second of Graduate, and the Diploma of each shall express the particular
school or schools in which the Candidate shall have been declared
eminent, and shall be subscribed by the particular professors
approving it. but no Diploma shall be given to any one who has not
passed such an examination in the Latin language as shall have proved
him able to read the highest classics in that language with ease, thorough
understanding, and just quantity. and if he be also a proficient
in the Greek, let that too be stated in his Diploma. the intention being
that the reputation of the University shall not be committed but to
those who, to an eminence in some one or more of the sciences taught in
it, and a proficiency in these languages which constitute the basis of
good education, and are indispensable to fill up the character of a
`well educated man'.

Punishments for major offences shall be Expulsion, temporary suspension,
or Interdiction of residence or appearance within the precincts
of the University. the Minor punishments shall be Restraint
within those Precincts, within their own chamber, or in diet; Reproof,
by a Professor privately, or in presence of the school of the offender,
or of all the schools, a seat of degradation in his schoolroom of
longer or shorter duration, Removal to a lower class, Dismission from
the schoolroom for the day, imposition of a task, and insubordination
to these sentences shall be deemed & punished as Contumacy.

Contumacy shall be liable to any of the minor punishments.

The Precincts of the University are to be understood as co-extensive,
with the lot or parcel of it's own grounds on which it is situated.



The major punishments of expulsion from the University, temporary
suspension of attendance and presence there, or interdiction of residence
or appearance within it's precincts, shall be decreed by the professors
themselves. Minor cases may be referred to a board of six Censors,
to be named by the Faculty, from among the most discreet of the
Students, whose duty it shall be, sitting as a Board, to enquire into
the facts, propose the minor punishment which they think proportioned
to the offence, and to make report thereof to the Professors for their
approbation, or their commutation of the penalty, if it be beyond the
grade of the offence. these Censors shall hold their offices until
the end of the session of their appointment, if not sooner revoked by
the Faculty.

In attendance on school, inattention to the exercises prescribed,
and misbehavior or indecorum in school shall be subject to any of the
minor punishments; and the professor of the school may singly reprove,
impose a task, or dismiss from the room for the day.

Habits of expence, of dissoluteness, dissipation, or of playing
at games of chance, being obtructive to the acquisition of science by
the student himself and injurious, by example to others, shall be subject,
in the first instance, to admonition and reproof to the offender,
and to communication & warning to the parent or guardian; and, if not
satisfactorily corrected, to a refusal of further continuance at the

No Student shall make any festive entertainment within the precincts
of the University, nor contribute to, or be present at them
there or elsewhere, but with the consent of each of the Professors
whose school he attends, on pain of a minor punishment.



No Student shall admit any disturbing noises in his room, or make
them any where within the precincts of the University, or fire a gun
or pistol within the same, on pain of such minor sentence as the faculty
shall decree or approve. but the proper use of musical instruments shall
be allowed in their rooms, and in that appropriated for instruction in

Riotous, disorderly, intemperate or indecent conduct of any student
within the precincts shall be punished by interdiction of a residence
within the precincts; and repetitions of such offences, by expulsion from
the University.

Fighting with weapons which may inflict death, or a challenge to
such fight, given or accepted, shall be punished by instant expulsion
from the University, not remissible by the Faculty; and it shall be the
duty of the Proctor to give information thereof to the civil magistrate,
that the parties may be dealt with according to law.

Offences cognisable by the laws of the land shall be left to the
cognisance of the civil magistrate, if claimed by him, or otherwise to
the judgment of the Faculty: all others to that of the Faculty. and
such of these as are not specially designated in the enactments of the
Visitors may be subjected by the Faculty to any of the minor punishments
permitted by these enactments.

Sentences of expulsion from the University (except in the case of
challenge or combat with arms) shall not be final until approved by the
board of Visitors, or, when they are not in session, by a majority of
them, separately consulted. but residence within the precincts, and
attendance on the schools may be suspended in the mean time.

No Student shall, within the precincts of the University, introduce,



keep or use any spirituous or vinous liquors, keep or use weapons
or arms of any kind, or gunpowder, keep a servant, horse or dog, appear
in school with a stick, or any weapon, nor, while in school, be covered
without permission of the Professor, nor use tobacco by smoking or chewing,
on pain of any of the minor punishments, at the discretion of the
Faculty, or of the board of Censors, approved by the Faculty.

All damages done to instruments, books, buildings, or other property
of the University by any student, shall be made good at his expence;
and wilful injury to any tree, shrub, or other plant, within the
precincts, shall be punished by fine, not exceeding ten dollars, at the
discretion of the Faculty.

When a Professor knocks at the door of a student's room, any person
being within, and announces himself, it shall be opened, on pain
of a minor punishment; and the Professor may, if refused, have the door
broken open; and the expences of repair shall be levied on the Student,
or Students within.

At the hour appointed for the meeting of every school, the roll of
the school shall be called over, the absentees, and those appearing
tardily, shall be noted, and if no sufficient cause be offered, at the
rising of the school, to the satisfaction of the Professor, the notation
shall stand confirmed, and shall be given in to the Faculty, the presiding
member of which for the time being shall, on the 15th. days of May,
August, and December, or as soon after each of these days as may be,
transmit by mail a list of these notations to the parent or guardian
of each delinquent.

When testimony is required from a Student, it shall be voluntary,
and not on oath, and the obligation to give it shall be left to his own
sense of right.



Should the religious sects of this state, or any of them, according
to the invitation held out to them, establish within, or adjacent
to, the precincts of the University, schools for instruction in the
religion of their sect, the students of the University will be free,
and expected to attend religious worship at the establishment of their
respective sects, in the morning, and in time to meet their school in
the University at it's stated hour.

The Students of such religious school, if they attend any school
of the University, shall be considered as Students of the University,
subject to the same regulations, and entitled to the same rights and

The room provided for a schoolroom in every Pavilion shall be
used for the school of it's occupant Professor, and shall be furnished
by the University with necessary benches and tables.

The upper circular room of the Rotunda shall be reserved for a

One of it's larger elliptical rooms on it's middle floor shall
be used for annual examinations, for lectures to such schools as are
too numerous for their ordinary schoolrooms, and for religion worship,
under the regulations allowed to be prescribed by law. the other
rooms on the same floor may be used by schools of instruction in drawing,
music, or any other of the innocent and ornamental accomplishments
of life; but under such instructors only as shall be approved
and licensed by the Faculty.

The rooms in the Basement story of the Rotunda shall be, one of
them for a Chemical laboratory; and the others for any necessary purpose
to which they may be adapted.



The two open apartments, adjacent to the same story of the Rotunda,
shall be appropriated to the Gymnastic exercises and games of the Students,
among which shall be reckoned military exercises.

A military Instructor shall be provided at the expence of the University,
to be appointed by the Faculty, who shall attend on every Saturday
from half after one oclock, to half after three P.M. and shall
instruct the Students in the Manual exercise, in field evolutions, maneuvres
and encampments. the Students shall attend these exercises, and
shall be obedient to the military orders of their Instructor. the roll
shall be regularly called over by him at the hour of meeting, absences
and insubordinations shall be noted, and the list of the delinquents
shall be delivered to the presiding member of the Faculty for the time
being, to be animadverted on by the Faculty, and such minor punishments
imposed as each case shall, in their discretion, require. the school
of Modern languages shall be pretermitted on the days of actual military

Substitutes in the form of arms shall be provided by the Proctor,
at the expence of the University; they shall be distinguished by numbers,
delivered out, received in and deposited under the care and responsibility
of the Instructor, in a proper depository to be furnished him; and all
injuries to them by a student shall be repaired at the expence of such

Work-shops shall be provided, whenever convenient, at the expence
of the University, wherein the Students, who chuse, may exercise themselves
in the use of tools, and such mechanical practices as it is convenient
and useful for every person to understand, and occasionally to
practice. these shops may be let, rent-free, to such skilful and orderly
Mechanics as shall be approved by the Faculty, on the condition



that they will permit the use of their tools, instruments and implements,
within the shop, to such students as shall desire and use the permission
discreetly, and under a liability for any injury they may do them; and
on the further condition, if necessary, of such Mechanic's recieving instruction
gratis in the mechanical and philosophical principles of his
art, so far as taught in any of the schools.

The Board then proceeded to consider the draught of a Report to be
made, as required by law, to the President and Directors of the Literary
fund, and before concluding it finally they adjourned to tomorrow morning.

Tuesday October 5th. 1824.

The board met presuant to adjournment, present Thomas Jefferson,
James Breckenridge, John H. Cocke, and Joseph C. Cabell.

On motion, Resolved that the Proctor be authorised and required.
after the 15th. day of November next, to lease the Hotels of the University
to such persons, offering, of worthy and proper character, as he
shall approve; that the leases shall not be of a longer term than one
year; and that he cause to be inserted therein such covenants as he
shall deem necessary as to the preservation of the houses, inclosures,
and appurtenances of the tenements, and observance of the preceding
regulations and that this be published without delay, that all persons
may have notice who may desire to apply.

And the Board, having concluded, and agreed to the Report to be
made to the President and Directors of the Literary fund, adjourned
without day




Which Réport is in the words following.

To the President and Directors of the Literary fund.

In obedience to the law requiring that the Rector and Visitors of
the University of Virginia should make report annually to the President
and Directors of the Literary fund (to be laid before the legislature
at their next succeeding session) embracing a full account of the disbursements,
the funds on hand, and a general statement of the condition
of the sd University, the sd Rector and Visitors make the following

To the President and Directors of the Literary fund.

In obedience to the law requiring that the Rector and Visitors of
the University of Virginia should make report annually to the President
and Directors of the Literary fund (to be laid before the legislature
at their next succeeding session) embracing a full account of the disbursements,
the funds on hand, and a general statement of the condition
of the sd University, the sd Rector and Visitors make the following

In that of the preceding year it was stated that the buildings
for the accomodation of the Professors & Students were in readiness
for their occupation, and that the walls of the larger building, intended
for a Library and other purposes, were compleated! in the
course of the present season this building has received it's roof, and
will be put into a condition for preservation and use, although it's
interior cannot be compleated. it was then also stated that, without
awaiting that completion, the institution might be put into operation
at the close of this present year were it's funds liberated from the



incumbrances with which they were charged. this obstacle was removed
by the act of the legislature of January 27. of the present year concerning
the University of Virginia.

In consequence of this liberation, the board of Visitors at their
ensuing meeting, on the 5th. of April last, proceeded to take such preparatory
measures as could be taken at that time to carry the views of
the legislature into effect with as little delay as practicable. from
the accounts and estimates then rendered by the Bursar and Proctor, it
appeared that on the last day of the preceding year, 1823 the funds in
hand and due to the University, of the last loan, and of the arrearages
of subscriptions, would be sufficient, when recieved, to pay all debts
then existing on any account, and to leave a sum of about 21,000.D. applicable
to the building of the Library, which with the sum of 19,370.40½
already paid or provided for that edifice, would put it into a state of
safety, and of some uses, until other and more pressing objects should
have been accomplished. they considered the University therefore as
having had in hand, on the 1st. day of the present year 1824. the annuity
of this year (clear of all prior claims) as a fund for defraying the
current expences of the year, for meeting those necessary towards procuring
Professors, paying any commencements of salaries which might be
incurred to the end of the year, and to leave a small surplus for contingencies.

They found, from a view of the future income, consisting of the
annuity, and such rents for buildings as may be reasonably required,
that it would not be adequate to the full establishment of the 10. Professorships
contemplated by the legislature in their act of Jan. 25.
1819. for establishing the University; but that it might suffice for



instituting 8. professorships, for the present, and that the branches
of science proposed to be taught in the University might be arranged
within the competence of that number, for a time, and until future &
favorable circumstances might enable them to add the others, and to
lighten duly the professorships thus overcharged with duties.

They proceeded therefore to settle the organisation of the
schools, and the distribution of the sciences among them, and they
concluded on the same as follows.

In the University of Virginia shall be instituted eight professorships,
to wit, 1st. of Antient languages; 2dly. Modern languages;
3. Mathematics; 4. Natural philosophy; 5. Natural history; 6. anatomy
and medecine; 7. Moral Philosophy; 8. Law.

In the school of Antient languages are to be taught the higher
grade of the Latin and Greek languages, the Hebrew, rhetoric, belles
lettres, antient history & antient geography.

In the school of Modern languages are to be taught French, Spanish,
Italian, German, and the English language in it's Anglo-Saxon
form; also Modern history, & modern geography.

In the school of Mathematics are to be taught Mathematics generally,
including the higher branches of Numerical arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry,
plane and spherical, geometry, mensuration, navigation, conic
sections, fluxions or differentials, military and civil architecture.

In the school of Natural philosophy are to be taught the laws and
properties of bodies generally, including mechanics, statics, hydrostatics,
hydraulics, pneumatics, acoustics, optics, and astronomy.

In the school of Natural history are to be taught, botany, zoology,
mineralogy, chemistry, geology, and rural economy.



In the school of Anatomy and medecine are to be taught anatomy
surgery, the history of the progress and theories of medecine, physiology,
pathology, materia medica and pharmacy.

In the school of Moral philosophy are to be taught mental science
generally, including ideology, general grammar, and ethics.

In the school of Law are to be taught the Common and Statute law,
that of the Chancery, the laws Feudal, civil, mercatorial, maritime
and of Nature and Nations; and also the principles of government &
Political economy.

But it was meant that this distribution should give way to occasional
interchanges of particular branches of science, among the
professors, in accomodation of their respective qualifications.

The Visitors were sensible that there might be found in the
different seminaries of the US. persons qualified to conduct these
several schools with entire competence; but it was neither probable
that they would leave the situations in which they then were, nor
honorable or moral to endeavor to seduce them from their stations:
and to have filled the professional chairs with unemployed and secondary
characters, would not have fulfilled the object, or satisfied the
expectations of our country in this institution. it was moreover believed
that, to advance in science, we must avail ourselves of the
lights of countries already advanced before us. it was therefore
deemed most advisable to resort to Europe for some of the professors,
and of preference to the countries which speak the same language, in
order to obtain characters of the first grade of science in their
respective lines. and, to make the selection with proper information,
caution and advisement, it was necessary to send an agent of science



and confidence. Francis W. Gilmer, a learned and trustworthy citizen
of this state, was appointed, and has proceeded on the mission; and
should his objects be accomplished as early as expected, we count on
opening the institution on the 1st. day of February next.

Could the donation of the last legislature, out of the debt due
to this state from the US. have been obtained for the purposes of procuring
a library and the apparatus necessary for the several schools
the opportunity would have been highly advantageous of having them
chosen by this agent, while in Europe, with the advice and assistance
of the respective professors. but the application was not in time to
be acted on before the adjournment of the late Congress. yet some
books were indispensible, and some apparatus to make even an imperfect
commencement, to procure these articles therefore, & to defray the expences
necessary for the other objects of the mission, the board was
under the necessity of applying to these purposes a sum of 10,500.D. of
the annuity of the present year, and to leave the internal finishing of
the Library, however much to be regretted, until some opportunity of
greater convenience should occur.

There is some reason to doubt, from the information recieved
whether our agent will be able to effect his objects at as early a day
as we had expected. but of this more will be known in time for it's
communication by the Rector with this Report. were it still possible
to obtain from the US. a settlement of so much of the claim on them
as was appropriated to this institution, in time to find our agent and
professors yet in place to invest it, our University would open under
auspices highly propitious in comparison with those to which it will
be subjected by this unfortunate delay.


The success of our Collector in his applications for the arrearages
due from subscribers, has not been as great as it has been in further
securing the sums which had not yet been secured. the reciepts
from this resource, since the date of our last Report have amounted to
2069.88½ - and the sums deemed sperate and still to be recieved amount
to 7468.92½

The accounts of the reciepts, disbursements, and funds on hand for
the year ending with the last month of September, as rendered by the
Bursar and Proctor, are given with this Report as is required by law.