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Mr. Leonard Sandridge, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, reported on the following actions taken by the Executive Committee at its meeting on February 25, 1998:


  • WHEREAS, the University wishes to acquire a drainage easement under and across the Norfolk Southern railroad tracks and property along the south side of University property in the Health Sciences Center's East Precinct in support of the Health Sciences Center Parking Garage for 600 Vehicles project; and
  • WHEREAS, in 1996 the General Assembly authorized the construction of the Health Sciences Center Parking Garage project;
  • RESOLVED that the acquisition of a drainage easement under and across Norfolk Southern property is approved by the Executive Committee for the Board of Visitors.
  • RESOLVED FURTHER that the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer is authorized to execute any and all easements, contracts or documents pertaining to the acquisition of the aforementioned.


  • WHEREAS, the Campaign for the University of Virginia was launched on October 6, 1995, with a goal of $750 million; and
  • WHEREAS, the Campaign has made progress ahead of schedule, attracting to date more than $600 million in gifts and pledges from alumni, parents, friends, corporations, and foundations; and
  • WHEREAS, generous donors have demonstrated a willingness to support transformational improvements to the University that will define its future; and
  • WHEREAS, new priorities have emerged during the course of the Campaign, and the University's schools and programs have raised their respective campaign goals to address these needs; and
  • WHEREAS, donors have shown exceptional vision by responding generously to the new campaign initiatives identified during the course of the Campaign; and
  • WHEREAS, a number of critically important needs still remain unmet, including funds for facilities, the libraries, new technology, and the arts;
  • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the goal for the Campaign for the University of Virginia be increased to $1 billion, including outright gifts and future support, to be raised through December 31, 2000.


The following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED that the following statement of the Governor of Virginia identified as Executive Order Number Two (98) be adopted as an official policy of the University of Virginia:
  • Executive Order Number Two (98)
  • By virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor, I hereby declare that it is the firm and unwavering policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia to assure equal opportunity in all facets of State government.
  • This policy specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, or political affiliation, or against otherwise qualified persons with disabilities.
  • State appointing authorities and other management principals are hereby directed to take affirmative measures, as determined by the Director, Department of Personnel and Training, to emphasize the recruitment of qualified minorities, women, disabled persons, and older Virginians to serve at all levels of State government. This directive does not permit or require the lowering of bona fide job requirements, performance standards, or qualifications to give preference to any state employee or applicant for state employment.
  • Allegations of violations of this policy shall be brought to the attention of the Office of Equal Employment Services of the Department of Personnel and Training. No state appointing authority, other management principals, or supervisors shall take retaliatory actions against persons making such allegations.
  • Any state employee found in violation of this policy shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
  • The Secretary of Administration is directed to review annually state procurement, employment and other relevant policies for compliance with the non-discrimination mandate contained herein, and shall report to the Governor his findings together with such recommendations as he deems appropriate. The Director, Department of Personnel and Training, shall assist in this review.
  • This Executive Order supersedes and rescinds Executive Order Number Two (94), Equal Opportunity, issued by Governor George Allen on January 15, 1994.
  • This Executive Order shall become effective upon its signing and shall remain in full force and effect until amended or rescinded by further executive order.
  • Given under my hand and under the Seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia this 17th day of January, 1998.
  • James S. Gilmore
  • `Governor


  • The following resolution was adopted:
  • WHEREAS, Edgar Finley Shannon, Jr. was born in
  • Lexington on June 4, 1918; and
  • WHEREAS, Mr. Shannon took a B.A. summa cum laude from Washington and Lee University in 1939, an M.A. from Duke University in 1941 and, after distinguished and heroic service in the United States Navy during the Second WorldWar, another M.A. from Harvard University in 1947; and
  • WHEREAS, as a Rhodes Scholar, Mr. Shannon was a Member of Merton College, Oxford University, from which he took the D.Phil. in 1949; and
  • WHEREAS, in 1996, Oxford University awarded Mr. Shannonits highest honorary degree, the Doctor of Letters; and
  • WHEREAS, Mr. Shannon joined the faculty of the University of Virginia in 1956 as an associate professor of English; and
  • WHEREAS, Mr. Shannon was elected the fourth President of the University in 1959; and
  • WHEREAS, during his presidency, the University grew
  • in size and stature, opening wider its doors to women and minorities, attracting a renowned faculty and enlarging and improving its physical facilities; and
  • WHEREAS, Mr. Shannon retired from the presidency in 1974 and returned to full time teaching and research as Commonwealth Professor of English, enhancing a reputation he had already established in this country and abroad as a leading Tennyson scholar; and
  • WHEREAS, Mr. Shannon continued to serve the University, Virginia, and the nation as a member of numerous boards and commissions; and
  • WHEREAS, Mr. Shannon died in Charlottesville on August 24, 1997;
  • RESOLVED that the Board of Visitors notes with sorrow the death of Edgar Finely Shannon, Jr. and expresses its appreciation and admiration of his life and service, and for his contributions to the University of Virginia.


The following resolution was adopted:

  • WHEREAS, certain property and improvements (hereinafter "Kenwood") containing 78.5 acres, more or less, in Albemarle County, Virginia, was devised by will to The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia; and
  • WHEREAS, the Board of Visitors approved the acceptance of the terms of the Kenwood gift at its June 2, 1972 meeting; and
  • WHEREAS, said property has been leased in part to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation (TJMF) for purposes of housing the International Center for Jefferson Studies, a joint educational and research venture. The Center offers courses, seminars, conferences, talks, and lectures and provides research opportunities and fellowships for visiting scholars; and
  • WHEREAS section 4-4.01q. of the 1996 Virginia Acts of Assembly authorizes the Governor of Virginia to approve transfers of real estate to the affiliated real estate foundations of the public institutions of higher education in Virginia where he finds that the property was acquired with local or private funds or by gift or grant to or for the institution;
  • RESOLVED, upon and subject to the approval of the Governor of Virginia as aforesaid, that The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia hereby authorize the transfer and conveyance of the said Kenwood property to the University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation for management on behalf of the University in accordance with the terms of the will and bequest of Mrs. Frances Nash Watson (Albemarle Circuit Court Book, 46, pages 475-484) and with the further stipulation that the said property may not be sold, mortgaged, liened, or hypothecated without the concurrence of the Board of Visitors for the University of Virginia, and that any sales proceeds shall be applied in accordance with the will or as may be directed by the Board of Visitors. Furthermore, the deed of conveyance shall additionally stipulate that the property shall be disposed of as may be further directed by the Board of Visitors; and
  • RESOLVED FURTHER that the Executive Vice President and
  • Chief Financial Officer for the University of Virginia is authorized, upon securing the approval of the Governor of Virginia as aforesaid, to execute the appropriate deed or other documents approved by General Counsel necessary to effectuate the foregoing transfer and conveyance. The Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer is further authorized
  • to approve and agree to such other terms and conditions regarding the Foundation's management of the Kenwood property and lease thereof to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, including a fair and appropriate management fee to the University of Virginia Foundation for the care and oversight of the Kenwood property, the disposition of any rental income or leasing of the property within delegated authority, and providing for the payment of taxes and other reasonable and necessary carrying charges; and
  • RESOLVED FURTHER that the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer is authorized to enter into agreements with the University of Virginia Foundation, and the University of Virginia Foundation in turn with the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, to effect a lease of such land as may be necessary to allow the construction of a library facility by the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation consistent with the conditions outlined below:
  • The current lease, dated December 30, 1992, will likely be subsumed in the new agreement and the term extended.
  • The term of the new lease will likely be 35 years. The lease may be extended as provided in the current lease at the end of any five-year period for an additional five years up to a maximum of 99 years.
  • The revised lease will include a commitment by the TJMF that the proposed library will not compete with the Alderman Special Collections Library.
  • TJMF will be solely responsible for the proper maintenance and upkeep of the leased premises, as required in the lease agreement of December 30, 1992. Appropriate provisions for inspection of the premises will be provided in the new lease.
  • RESOLVED FURTHER that the Board of Visitors may, at its discretion, invest funds in the improvement and repair of the property as may be necessary or advisable.


The Rector announced that the date for the Board Retreat has been set tentatively for July 9th. The Health Affairs Committee would meet on the preceding afternoon, July 8th.