![]() | Board of Visitors minutes November 7, 1997 | ![]() |
- Buildings and Grounds / Parking
- Buildings and Grounds / Planning and Design / Vision Statement
- Compensation / Faculty
- Faculty / Mortgage Loans
- Insurance / Students / Health
- Investments / Endowment Fund / Piedmont Virginia Community College
- Students / Registration / Charges
Buildings and Grounds
Policy Location: Board Minutes, April 12, 1997
Title: Delegation of Authority to Establish Parking Fees
Action Text: RESOLVED by The Board of Visitors that the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer be authorized to establish parking rates for faculty, staff, students, vendors and other persons purchasing parking permits on University Grounds; RESOLVED FURTHER that the Board of Visitors ratifies all existing parking rates; RESOLVED FURTHER that this resolution shall supersede any and all previous resolutions pertaining to this matter.
Adopted By: Full board
Delegation(s) To: Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Delegated Authority: See above Action Text
Recommended By:
Supersedes: All previous policies
Notes: Category A
Buildings and Grounds
Planning and Design
Vision Statement
Policy Location:
Title: A Vision Statement for the Planning and Design of the University of Virginia Building and Grounds
Action Text: The following statement expresses the basic intention of the Vision Statement:
There is one distinct goal: to restore the Founder's vision of the reciprocity between the academic and the physical plan of the University. Mr. Jefferson's vision for the University was based on the premise that the principles guiding the physical design and character of the institution are the same as those affecting its academic undertakings.
What can be said of the physical elements can also be said of the academic components... the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. And the composition is reworked as new circumstances and opportunities arise, but always according to criteria of rationality and clarity of purpose. When the parts fit together and create a recognizable whole, they form a university setting that is designed to enhance the academic experience."
Mr. Jefferson based his vision on the premise that the principles guiding the physical design and character of the University are the same as those affecting its academic undertakings. These principles produced a physical and academic program that were in a reciprocal relationship to one another. It is valued now as it was then as a remarkable arrangement of buildings and grounds supporting clear academic intentions. The rotunda, the pavilions, the hotels, the ranges, the alleys, gardens, lawn and terraces fit together to function efficiently and provide an inspiring setting. Each of these elements has a role to play in the overall scheme of things. It is not a collection of individual buildings. It is a composition, an ensemble, of buildings and the spaces between, all of them completely interdependent.
As it is with the physical setting so too is it with the academic scheme; Schools, degree programs, academic departments, research programs, courses, and tutorials; the classrooms, student residences, libraries, research laboratories, studios, and athletic fields; the faculty appointments, administrative officers, and staff -- all these are brought into a thoughtfully composed unity to serve the purposes, both largest and most various, of the university.
What can be said of the physical elements can also be said of the academic components: the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Both the academic ensemble and the ensemble of facilities are composed of discrete units capable of being justified by citing the contribution each one makes to the purpose of the whole. And the composition is contrived, revised and reworked as new circumstances and opportunities arise, but always according to criteria of rationality and clarity of purpose.
All the parts fit together and create..a recognizable whole, and they form a university setting which is clearly designed to enhance the academic experience, to stimulate study and thought and research and collegiality, to foster the exchange of ideas and the discovery, protection, and dissemination of new knowledge.
Adopted By: Full Board
Delegation(s) To:
Recommended By:
Supersedes: Statement of April 19, 1991
Notes: Category A
Policy Location: Finance Committee Minutes, December 4, 1996
Title: Planning for Faculty Salary Increases
Action Text: RESOLVED by the Finance Committee of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer is authorized to implement the financial plan for faculty salary increases.
Adopted By: Finance Committee
Delegation(s) To: Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Delegated Authority: See above Action Text
Recommended By: Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Notes: Category A
Mortgage Loans
Policy Location: Investment Subcommittee Minutes, April 2, 1996
Title: Approval of Termination of Faculty Mortgage Loan Program
Action Text: RESOLVED by the Finance Committee of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that the Faculty Mortgage Loan Program is hereby terminated, effective this date, in accordance with the [following] recommendations...
l. The Program will no longer be offered to new hires.
2. Faculty members who currently hold mortgages would not be affected by any changes.
3. Refinancing of loans at the end of 20 years would no longer be available to anyone.
4. Current faculty members who meet the basic eligibility requirements, and who are still within the four year (from their hire date) window of eligibility, would still be able to obtain a loan, but at a full market interest rate.)
Adopted By:Finance Committee.
Authorization: ????
Delegation(s) To:
Recommended By:
Supersedes: All previous policies
Notes: Category A
Policy Location: Board Minutes, March 31, 1989
Title: Health Insurance for Students
Action Text: RESOLVED that effective September 1, 1989, it shall be the policy of the University to require all University of Virginia students (except those enrolled in the Division of Continuing Education) and all Clinch Valley College students to carry health insurance and that, in selecting an insurance plan, the student shall have a choice between an insurance plan sponsored by the University of Virginia Student Council or one that the student or his/her parents considers comparable to that plan.
Adopted By: Full board
Delegation(s) To:
Recommended By:
Notes: Category A
Endowment Fund
Piedmont Virginia Community College
Policy Location: Investment Subcommittee Minutes, April 2, 1996
Title: Approval of the Investment in the University Endowment
Action Text: RESOLVED by the Finance Committee of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer is authorized to enter into an Agreement with the Piedmont Virginia Community College Educational Foundation (the PVCC Foundation) to allow the PVCC Foundation to invest its endowment funds in the University endowment.
Adopted By: Finance Committee
Delegation(s) To: Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Delegated Authority: See above Action Text
Recommended By:
Notes: Category A
Policy Location:
Title: Change in University Regulations Concerning Registration and Payment of Charges
Action Text: Students who do not enroll at the University for a semester or more and who are not on an educational leave of absence, must be formally readmitted, regardless of whether they were on an approved leave of absence or not. In order to accomplish this readmission, they must be cleared by their academic dean, the department of student health, and the office of the dean of students. Application for readmission must be made to the academic dean's office of the student's school at least 60 days (30 days in the College of Arts and Sciences) (see Commerce for specific dates) in advance of the next University registration period. Students in the College will include with their applications (available in Garrett Hall) a statement that (1) addresses their readiness to return to full-time study, in light of any serious difficulties during their most recent enrollment (e.g. financial hardship, medical, personal); and (2) outlines over the remaining semesters those courses leading to the degree.
Students must complete final registration via the ISIS Telephone System in order to be considered duly enrolled students. Specific instructions are available each semester in the Course Offering Directory and on the World Wide Web (http://www.virginia.edu). The late registration period begins the day after the end of regular registration. Students who pre-enroll in courses but who do not complete the registration process will lose their places in these courses on the Friday immediately following final registration. The final deadline for registration is seven weeks after the first day of classes. Students who have not completed registration by this date will not be allowed to register for the semester, receive credit for the semester, or receive a degree during the semester. No student will be permitted to register after this time except m cases where the delay in registration was a result of University actions. Inability to pay tuition and fees by the deadlines imposed by the University bursar does not constitute an acceptable reason for registering late.
A late registration fee of $25 is charged to students who register after regular registration through the end of the 10th class meeting day of the semester. After the 10th class meeting day, a $50 late registration fee is charged.
Payment of tuition and fees is considered to be part of the registration process. Failure to pay tuition and fees by the dates established by the University Bursar will result in suspension from the University. See the section of this catalog on tuition and fees. Any student who registers assumes thereby an obligation to pay for that semester's tuition and fees.
All suspensions - financial, disciplinary, or academic - must be cleared before a student is permitted to register at the University. Students who are terminated for non-academic reasons during the semester and who seek reinstatement in the same semester are readmitted and reregistered by the Registrar in coordination with the student's dean's office. The student is required to present the termination clearance form approved by the termination authority to the Registrar prior to the tenth class day before the last day of scheduled classes. Students are not allowed to be readmitted or re-registered after this deadline and are not allowed to receive credit for that semester or to receive a degree in that semester.
Students who fail to register are not considered to be students at the University and are not certified as being enrolled at the University for any purpose. Students who register must enroll in at least the minimum of credits required by the pertinent school or have the registration canceled.
Repeated Courses
Courses may be repeated for credit only with the permission of students' dean's offices. The original course continues to appear on the official academic record and counts in the calculation of the grade point average. Regulations which apply to repeated courses may be found in the specific regulations for each school.
Adopted By:
Delegation(s) To:
Recommended By:
Supersedes: Policy of June 1, 197?
Notes: Category A
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes November 7, 1997 | ![]() |