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The Rector asked Mr. Sandridge, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, to present the last item on the Agenda.

Referring to material distributed previously to the Board, Mr. Sandridge noted that Board in June had agreed to a one-year "pilot" program during which University employees could subscribe either to the QualChoice or the Key Advantage health care plans. At the end of the year, the Administration was to evaluate the results of the pilot program and decide which plan would be the sole plan offered to its employees. The dates of the pilot program — July 1, 1995 - June 30, 1996 — were predicated on the fiscal rather than the calendar year.

Subsequently, the Commonwealth has decided to put health care plans on the calendar rather than the fiscal year; a decision therefore must be made earlier so that University employees can be enrolled by January 1, 1996. The University, Mr. Sandridge said, proposes that the Executive Vice President, with the concurrence of the President, be authorized to decide which plan should be offered to University employees. The November Board meeting would be late for making the decision; ideally, it should be done in September.

The following resolution was adopted:

  • WHEREAS the Board of Visitors and the State authorized the University to implement a self-insured health care plan on July 1, 1995, with QualChoice of Virginia, Inc., for all full-time salaried faculty and classified employees who chose to enroll; and

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  • WHEREAS this plan was authorized by the State as a one-year pilot program to coincide with the State's health care plan year, which at the time ran from July 1, 1995, to June 30, 1996; and
  • WHEREAS it was understood that the University would select one of the plans to be its permanent health care plan at the conclusion of the pilot period; and
  • WHEREAS the State has advised the University that its health care plan year will be changed to a calendar year effective January 1, 1996;
  • RESOLVED that the Executive Vice President assess the feasibility of concluding the pilot period effective January 1, 1996; and
  • RESOLVED FURTHER that the Executive Vice President, with the concurrence of the President, is authorized to decide which one of the two existing health care programs will be offered permanently to all eligible University employees; and
  • RESOLVED FURTHER that the Executive Vice President notify the Board of Visitors of these decisions not later than November 10, 1995.

On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 12:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Alexander G. Gilliam, Jr. Secretary
