![]() | Board of Visitors minutes May 28, 1976 | ![]() |
- The following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the leave policy for the Research Laboratory for Engineering Sciences (RLES) be and it is hereby approved as follows, effective May 28, 1976: - The various forms of leave have been established for definite purposes. RLES policies are designed, within the general University framework, to give maximum possible recognition to each, not only as a "benefit" to the employee, but equally important, as a benefit to the organization's operations: annual leave to permit necessary rest and recuperation; sick leave to safeguard the health of both the individual and his fellow workers; compensatory leave or overtime payment for "extra" work, as appropriate, when operations require extra work.
A. The responsibility for properly administering leave policies is three-fold with that of the University Personnel Office being to handle the routine of recording and accounting. The most important responsibilities lie with the individual and his supervisor in seeing that annual leave is scheduled and utilized to the advantage of both the employee and the work program; that sick leave is utilized when necessary to the health of the employee and/or his fellow workers; and that compensatory leave for extra work requested by the supervisor is provided.
B. No leave allowances are provided for service of less than 15 calendar days. One-half working day leave credit is allowed for 15 or more calendar days, but less than one calendar month of service. Leave credits are in working days, not calendar days.
C. No credits for leave with pay shall be made for an employee holding a temporary appointment or employed on a piece work, hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly rate agreement.
D. A person who is re-employed will accrue leave for continuous service only beginning with the latest date of re-employment.
E. The maximum allowances for leave are for full-time permanent employees and for those holding a restricted appointment. Part-time permanent employees are credited with leave in proportion to their actual hours worked.
F. A person who is reinstated shall be credited with all unused balances of leave (except annual and compensatory leave) held as the date of previous separation, and shall have all creditable service before that date considered in determining the rate of accrual; a person who is reinstated on return from military leave shall receive, also, a full benefit of the period of military service in determining the rate of accrual.
G. No leave of absence with pay shall be granted in anticipation of future leave which will be accumulated. That is, an employee must have completed a period of work before taking the leave he would have accumulated.
H. Kinds of Leaves of Absence:
1. Annual Leave
- For purposes of accrual of annual leave and use thereof, the personnel of RLES are divided into these categories:
- a. Research Directors
- b. Principal Scientists/Engineers and Senior Scientists/Engineers
- c. All other RLES employees except hourly employees and students.
Note: Hourly employees and student personnel do not accrue annual leave.
- The rate of accrual for each of the above categories is as follows: (See attached summary chart)
- a. Research Directors - 16 hours per month
- b. Principal Scientists/Engineers and Senior Scientists/Engineers - 16 hours per month
- c. All other RLES employees except hourly employees and students - the rate of accrual for this category is identical to that of the University and is as follows:
- First 5 years of service - 8 hours per month
- Sixth through 10th year of service - 10 hours per month
- Over 10 years of service - 12 hours per month
RLES annual leave will be accrued on a yearly basis beginning January 1.
Annual leave accrual rates will apply when an employee is on annual leave provided his length of absence on annual leave does not exceed 60 consecutive calendar days.
- Limits of accrual of annual leave for the purpose of carrying over into the next leave accrual year are also divided into the same categories of employees. The following are the limits of leave credits which may be carried into the next accrual year:
- a. Research Directors, Principal Scientists/Engineers and Senior Scientists/Engineers - 60 days
- b. All other RLES employees (except hourly employees
and students) will be allowed accrual accumulations
and carry-overs as follows:
1-5 years of service 24 days 6-10 years of service 30 days Over 10 years of service 36 days - c. An RLES staff member accepting a faculty appointment must accept a cash settlement for his accrual leave credits as of his appointment date, as a condition of his new status.
- d. A terminating RLES employee will be paid in a lump sum for the total of his accrual, not to exceed 30 days, which will be equivalent to his then rate of pay times the total accrual of days or hours as the case may be.
Credit toward five or ten years of changes in the accrual rate will not be given for any period in which the employee was off the payroll. The only exception shall be for military leave without pay.
Employees who have separated and are re-employed will not receive credit for prior service in determining the rate of accrual for annual leave.
The annual leave credits provided may be used, at option of the employee, to provide paid absences for vacation and other personal purposes (including sickness), or for absences in excess of the credits available for other kinds of leave.
No annual leave credit shall be provided for service less than a full semi-monthly pay period, or fifteen calendar days, whichever is less; the credit for full semi-monthly pay period, or more than fifteen calendar days but less than one calendar month shall be one-half the monthly accrual rate. No annual leave credit shall be provided during any period of absence immediately following an absence of sixty calendar days.
2. Sick Leave
The RLES policy concerning sick leave is the same as that of the University. It applies to all RLES employees except hourly employees and students.
- The rate of accrual for sick leave is 10 hours per month. There is no limit to the accumulation of sick leave. For record-keeping purposes the annual accumulation period will be the calendar year. The employee is not entitled to compensation for unused sick leave upon termination. No sick leave allowance is provided for service of less than 15 calendar days.
- Sick leave may be used only for the following:
- a. Illness or injury incapacitating an employee to perform his duties. Sick leave may not be used for absences which are determined to be the result of non-RLES employment.
- b. Time off for doctor or dental appointments may be charged to sick leave with the approval of the supervisor, when such appointments cannot reasonably be scheduled during non-duty hours. Such time off should not exceed 16 hours per calendar year.
- c. If an employee has a contagious disease and his presence would jeopardize the health of his fellow workers or the public, he is allowed sick leave to absent himself until it is determined that his illness is no longer communicable.
- d. Illness or death in the immediate family requiring the employee's attendance, for not more than six (6) days in any one year. Immediate family is defined as husband, wife, father, mother, child, brother, sister, wherever they reside, or any other relative (specify) living in the household of the employee. The period of absence which may be charged against sick leave in this instance may not exceed three days for an illness of one cause, for an injury, or for a death, and may not exceed a total of six days in a calendar year because of illness in the immediate family.
Sick leave may not be taken in advance. In those instances where an individual is absent due to sickness and has no sick leave accrued, the absence is charged to annual leave or accrued compensatory time. Lacking either of these alternatives, the absence then becomes leave without pay.
Sick leave for more than 60 days requires presentation to the RLES Director of a physician's certificate at that time and monthly thereafter.
An individual who may lose annual leave at the time of the December 31 audit may elect to substitute annual leave for sick leave charges for illness.
3. Leave as a Result of Injury on the Job
Workman's Compensation leave with full pay is allowed for 92 calendar days plus 60 work days. Accrued sick leave, then annual leave is used, after which the individual goes on leave without pay, but continues to receive Workman's Compensation direct.
4. Leave Without Pay
Leave without pay must be approved by the Director and may be granted for vacation and sick time beyond that authorized with pay and for certain other purposes, such as pursuit of courses of study related to the work the employee performs. Leave without pay in excess of 30 days will be granted only if RLES will benefit substantially from such leave. All annual leave and compensatory leave, and sick leave if the employee is absent for illness, must be used before going on leave without pay - such other leave cannot be "saved" until return from leave without pay.
Annual or sick leave are not earned while on leave without pay.
Any employee returning from leave of absence without pay during, or at the end of, the period for which the leave was granted shall be entitled to reinstatement under the conditions provided elsewhere in these rules. If an employee fails to return to work at the end of the period for which leave was granted, he shall be treated as having resigned.
5. Exchange of Leave Credit between State & Local
a. Transfer from special fund positions to State-paid positions - Service with University departments in positions paid by non-State funds may be counted as creditable service for annual, compensatory and sick leave purposes upon transfer to a State-paid, permanent position provided (1) credits for and charges against leave in the departmental position were made in accordance with the provisions of this manual and (2) the department head of the receiving department agrees to accept the leave.
b. Transfer from State-paid positions to special fund positions - Balance for annual, compensatory and sick leaves may be transferred from a State-paid position to a special fund position provided the Director of RLES agrees to accept the leave. The decision regarding transfer of leave must be made prior to the transfer and should be stated on the Personnel form reporting the appointment of the employee. Once the decision is made and the employee is transferred, there will be no change in the agreement.
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes May 28, 1976 | ![]() |