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The following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the following persons shall receive the salary indicated:
  • Mr. James H. Croushore, Professor and Associate Dean of the College, at a salary of [OMITTED] effective 1 July 1968.
  • Miss Mildred A. Droste, Associate Professor and Assistant Dean of Students, at a salary of [OMITTED] effective 1 July 1968.
  • Miss Margaret Hargrove, Professor and Dean of Students, at a salary of [OMITTED], effective 1 July 1968.
  • Mrs. Emily A. Holloway, Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean of Students, at a salary of [OMITTED], effective 1 July 1968.
  • Mr. Michael Houston, Associate Professor and Administrative Assistant to the Chancellor, at a salary of [OMITTED] effective 1 July 1968.
  • Mr. Albert Ray Merchent, Associate Professor and Director of Admissions, at a salary of [OMITTED] effective 1 July 1968.
  • Mr. Reginald W. Whidden, Professor and Dean of the College, at a salary of [OMITTED] effective 1 July 1968.
  • Mr. Richard T. Wilfong, Instructor in Biology, at a salary of [OMITTED] effective 1 September 1968.