University of Virginia Library



The subjects taught in this school are:

1. The French, Italian, Spanish and German languages.

2. The Literature of these languages, and the History of each
idiom, embracing the general principles of the formation and growth
of languages, and of Comparative Grammar and Philology.

3. The Anglo-Saxon language, and, in connection with it, the
History and Laws of the English language.

Graduation in French and German are required for the degree
of A. M.

Text Books.French—Junior Class—The Professor's Grammar
and First Reader, Télémaque, Charles XII.

Senior Class—The Professor's Advanced Reader, Molière,
Racine, Voltaire, Saintine's Picciola, Spiers and Surenne's Dictionary.

German—Junior Class—Tiark's Grammar, small Dictionary,
Rœlker's Reader, Schiller's William Tell.

Senior Class—Adler's Dictionary, Schiller's Works, Gœthe's
Autobiography, Jean Paul's Walt and Vult.

Spanish.—The Professor's Grammar, Seoane's Dictionary, Velasquès'
Reader, Don Quixote, Cervantes' El Principe Constante.

Italian.—Bacchi's Grammar, Monti's Reader, Manzoni's I Promessi


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Sposi, Tasso's Gerusalemme Liberata, Pellico, Le Mie Prigi
ni, Dictionary.

Anglo-Saxon.—Klipstein's Series, The Professor's Studies in