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The Principles of Medicine, as taught in this school, comprise
General Pathology, and a brief view of General Therapeutics;
also Etiology, Nosology, Semeiology, Diagnosis, and Prognosis.
The nature and division of causes are first considered, which introduces
the student to their effects—diseases. Pathology proper
is next considered under the two forms, Functional and Structural
diseases. Functional diseases, being composed of elements, ultimate


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and proximate, are analyzed into their constituent parts, and
the elements considered separately before they are contemplated in
combination. Structural diseases being rarely confined to one
anatomical element, cannot be strictly distinguished into ultimate
and proximate elements, and are therefore arranged under the three
heads, increased, diminished, and perverted nutrition. After the
student thoroughly understands the nature of the causes of diseases,
their divisions, modes of operation, and the resulting effects upon
function and structure in the ultimate and proximate elements of
disease, a general view is given of the influences that can be
brought to remove or counteract their elements. And the course
on the Principles is then concluded by the consideration of nosology,
semeiology, diagnosis, prognosis, and the different modes of
death. Text-book—Wood's Pathology.