University of Virginia Library

Note to page 60.

The capture attributed to the 27th Virginia is probably a mistake
The honor claimed for that regiment has since been ascribed t
Fisher's 6th North Carolina regiment. In the excitement of t
occasion, the writer of the letter may have been misinformed. Th
author is glad to make the correction. All honor is certainly due
the noble "Old North State," which, it has always been said, sent
larger number of troops to the field, in proportion to its population
than any other State in the Confederacy, and which buried so man
thousands of its gallant sons, in defence of our "lost cause."

Note by the Publishers.—Both the statements are probab
true, to some extent. We have unquestionable evidence that Fishe
regiment captured one section of Sherman's battery just before C
Fisher received his mortal wound. But the same evidence shows th
there was another section (both under Captain Ricketts) which w
captured by other troops; our friend does not know what troops, b
no doubt the 27th Virginia.