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CCCXVI. Thomas Passmore. Petition to Governor Wyatt Between April and September, 1623

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CCCXVI. Thomas Passmore. Petition to Governor Wyatt
Between April and September, 1623

Manuscript Records Virginia Company, III, pt. ii, p. 59
Document in Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
List of Records No. 453

The Humble Petition of Thomas Passmore

To the right worll͠ Sr Francis Wyatt knight &c.

Moste humblie sheweth that whereas Mathew Brocbanke of Wapping in
ye County of Middlesex, whoe Dyed at sea Coming ou9 into this Cuntry,
& made Mr William Douglas Mr of ye Magaret & John his ou9seer, the
said Mathew Brockbanck bringing ou9 wth him one Valentine Osserby his
Couenant seruant for three yeeres, as by his indentures appeareth. Now
the sd Valentine Osserby for and in Consideration of ye some of 200lb
waight of Tobacco to be paid by yor petition9 to Mr Wm Douglas for his
tyme as also for & in Consideration of 150lb weight of Tobacco to bee
likewise paid by yor petitioner to the said Valentine, at the End & exspira-
tion of his tearme and time of seruice mentioned & expressed in his Inden-
tures did fully & absolutely bargaine Couenant & agree, to dwell wth &
to serue yor petitioner as his true couenant for & during ye terme expressed
in his indentures, & to bind himselfe to p̱forme this his Bargaine & agree-
ment, hee toke & [illegible] a Cloake of yor petitioner & entred p̢sentlie
into yor petitioners seruice & wrought wth him as his Couenant seruant,
where hee appointed & Dyrected him, yor petitioner receauing payment &
satisfaction for his work all wch deliuerid herein by yor petitioner by good
& suffitient wittnesses before yor Worp: shalbe approued


Now it is yt ye sd valentine of late hath forsaken yor petitioner seruice &
refuseth to serue him any longer to ye great losse & hindrance of yor
petitioner, whoe relyeing vppon the sd valentines seruice did vndertake
much worke of other men, wch now hee Cannot p̱forme, but shalbe much
indemnified thereby. In Consideration wherof yor petitioner most
humbly beseecheth yor good Worp, to Cause the sd Valentine to come
before you, to Answer ye wrong hee hath & yett doth to ye petition9, &
hee shall eu9 &c

It was first ordred, because ye bargaine was not Compleate but referrd to
wrighting yt osserby wthin one moneth should Discharge pasemore of his
bound of 200ɫ weight of Tob. to Mr Douglas, & loose his wages for the
tyme of his seruice past, wch pasmore in lew of Damages after Osserby
not being able to Discharge Passmore of yt bound was Compelled to

See Petition: 18