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CCCLXXIV. Sir Nathaniel Rich. Draft of a Proposition for Resettling the Estate of Virginia June 23, 1623

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CCCLXXIV. Sir Nathaniel Rich. Draft of a Proposition for
Resettling the Estate of Virginia
June 23, 1623

Manchester Papers, No. 379
Document in Public Record Office, London
List of Records No. 524


  • That th' elecc̃on of Officers for Virginia may be putt of to Wedsonday
    come fortnight, wch may haue a deriuatiue power from the Quarter Court
    for that purpose.

  • 2.

  • That it would please his Matie forthwth to thinke of some Comrs to be
    sent into Virginia, who may thoroughly examine and informe his Matie of
    the greiuances of the people and of the whole state of the Colonye: We
    shall find three or 4 able gentlemen that will goe vpon their owne charge
    if their seruice herein may be acceptable to his Matie and that the Shipp
    wch they shall goe in may bring home all the Tobacco th * * ish of the
    next Cropp att the Rate that heretofore hath ben vsuallie payed.

  • 3.

  • That if it fall out vppon the Certificate of the Comrs that who are now
    employed in th' examinac̃on of those businesses that the liues of his Maties
    Subiectℯ haue ben §heretofore§ negligentlie cast away and the cost &
    labour bestowed on that plantac̃on to hath prodduced nothing but des-
    perate miserie and §so§ that the whole worke is as good as in a manner
    wholie ou9throwne: That then the p̢nt Managers of the affaires of the
    Plantac̃on may be dismissed from eu9 further medling wth it: And if it
    shall please his Mate to publish some declarac̃on how he findℯ the p̢nt estate
    to be inten and graciouslie inuite all the old Aduenturers especially the
    mrchantℯ and Citizens of London to make a new subscription for restoring
    this Action: and that none shall haue voyce in the Court of but such as
    shall §co betweene this & Bartholmewtide nex§ vnderwrite xxli p̱ Añ for 4
    yeares: It is conceaued that by this meanes a new the Action may be
    vpheld and all the p̢nt disorders reformed, especially if it shall please his
    Matie to restrayne the power of electing all Officers both for the Colony &
    the Company to the greater §maior§ p̱te of these new Aduenturers: And
    that a Coun if elect Counsell may.

  • 242


  • That the Gouernor and other Principall Officers for the Som̄er Ilandℯ
    may be yearelie chosen out of some of the deepest Aduenturers, otherwise
    that Plantac̃on wch is almost brought to p̱fection will shortlie be brought
    to the same estate that the other of Virginia is: And therefore that his
    Matie be earnestly mooued to preuent it in tyme, wch must cheifelie be by
    this meanes for in these businesses experience shewes that men are more
    or lesse carefull and circumspect according to their p̱ticular Interests &

[Indorsed:] Proposic̃ons for resetling th' estate of Virginia deɫ my L.
Thr̃er 23 June 1623