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Virginia Court held the 8th of May i622

Virginia Court held the 8th of May i622


Sr Io: Dauers.  mr Widdowes.  mr Leigh. 
mr Dep: ffarrar.  mr Robertℯ.  mr Peirs. 
mr Io: Wolstenholme.  mr Swinhowe.  mr Barbor
mr Gibbs.  mr Mellinge.  mr Geo: Smith. 
mr Wrote.  mr Hackett.  Capt: Tucker. 
mr Mole.  mr Moorer.  mr Robertℯ. 
mr Ro: Smith.  mr Woodall.  mr De Lawne. 
mr Nicho: ffarrar.  mr Newport.  mr Moorer. 
mr Rogers.  mr Tomlins.  mr Iadwin. 
mr Copland.  mr Barkham.  with diuers others. 
mr Caswell.  mr Wynn. 
mr Binge.  mr Martin. 

The Court beinge moued to take some order about the Tobacco brought
home by the George lately returned from Virginia hauinge entreated
mr Bland mr Caswell mr Geo: Smith and mr Mellinge to take vp out
of the Custome howse & to sell and dispose of all the Tobacco come
home in the said Shippe aswell from the Colledge Tenantℯ as from
the Treasuror and Capt: Nuce or any other way belonginge to the
seuerall Companie, they were also entreated to discharge and satisfie
aswell the fraight of the said Tobacco to mr Ewens as also the Custome
and other charges of it.

And further they were entreated to vse all convenient diligence in the
sellinge of the said Tobacco that wthall expedic̃on money might be
made of it the price and manner of Sale was wholly referred to their
fidelity and discrec̃on. And it was by a generall ereecon of hands
∥consent∥ ordered that out of the proceed of the said Tobacco they
should first satisfie themselues for all such charges as they should
be at §lay out§ or engage themselues for in this buissines and the


Remainder of money that should arise by the sale of the Tobacco
should by mr Bland mr Caswell mr George Smith and mr Mellinge be
paid ouer vnto mr Deputy ffarrar and mr Nicho: ffarrar his Brother
towardℯ the payment and satisfyinge of such bondℯ and Debtℯ as they
haue engaged themselues for vpon the Companies buissines.

Mr Deputy obseruinge some of the Magazine Aduenturers to be nowe
present that were not at yesterdayes meetinge in the Afternoone at
the end of the Sum̃er Ilands Court when they treated about the Tobacco
brought home by mr Peirce in the Concord ∥being∥ about—11000
waight [351] wch he estimated ∥esteemed∥ would come to about 1700li
he tooke occasion to acquaint them wth what had bin then ordered vizt
that they had entreated mr Bull and mr Caswell to take vp the said
goodℯ and to cleare the Custome, and hauinge tryed the markettℯ and
vnderstood of the best price that will be giuen for it they are to
acquaint the Magazine Aduenturers therewith, and out of the proceed
of the said Tobacco it is intended that order shalbe taken for satisfy-
inge of them the charges they are §at§ or shall stand engaged for, the
rest of the mony beinge ordered to be reserued in Cash vntill the said
Aduenturers shall appoint when and howe the diuident shalbe made
vnto each of them: The Court beinge moued to graunt a Patent §for
a p̱ticuler Plantac̃on§ to mr Edmond Wynn an auncient Aduenturer
gaue order for makinge it ready against the next Quarter Court.

Vpon informac̃on giuen of Iames Hooper §Porter§ his deceitfull deal-
ing wth the Companie in the trust they reposed in him beinge taken
with much Tobacco thrust into his hose wch he had out of the Ware-
howse, whereby it was suspected he had often vsed this manner of
purloyninge, it was agreed and ordered that he should be put out of
his place and no longer imployed as their Porter, and for better
caution hereafter against the like attempt It is likewise ordered that
whomesoeuer shalbe admitted into that place shall giue good security
for his faithfull dealinge with the Companie and shall stand aun-
sweareable to make good whatsoeuer he or any other that he shall
imploy can be iustly charged with to haue binn imbeselled besidℯ the
forfeiture and losse of his owne place ipso facto.


Wherevpon the Companie beinge resolued to choose another in his
Roome in reguard of the present imployment they had of a Porter to
looke vnto ∥take vpp∥ the Companies goodℯ nowe come home a moc̃on
was made in the behalfe of one Robert Peasly who was well knowne
to diuers of the Companie to be sufficient for the place and one that
proffered good security for his truth vpon wch good report and promise
of Security the Companie haue entertayned the said Robert Peasly
for their Porter intendinge to confirme ∥the sd place vnto∥ him at the
next Quarter Court and for his better encouragement haue all thought
fitt to allowe him a marke a yeare for his Salary. [352]

Iohn Martin the Persian makinge humble suite for the Companies
fauor to the ffarmors of his Mats Custome to free him from payinge
double Custome wch they required of him beinge a Stranger notwith-
standinge he was made a freeman in Virginia by Sr Geo: Yeardley
then Gouernor as by Certificate vnder the Collonies Seale appeared
Answeare was made touchinge his freedome that none but the Kinge
could make him a free denizon of England, and for the Custome
demaunded the ffarmors themselues could not nowe remitt in reguard
they had already entred the parcell into their bookℯ and charged it
vpon Account, wherevpon it beinge taken into considerac̃on howe he
might be releiued, he was at length aduised to petic̃on vnto my Lo: Tr̃ear
for remittinge the said imposic̃on in reguard he was a freman of Vir-
ginia and intended to returne thither againe wth some servantℯ out of
the proceed of that smale parcell of Tobacco he had ∥here∥ brought
ouer to supplie his wantℯ.

Vpon the humble petic̃on of Elizabeth Smalley widdowe it is ordered
that shee shall haue the porc̃on of land that is due vnto her and
touchinge her clayme of twoe yoake of Oxen and other Cattle remayn-
inge in Virginia that Shee desires to sell the Court not knowinge of
any Cattle that Shee hath there hath giuen her leaue to make what
sale of them shee can.

Mr Waterhowse mouinge to carry the Rollℯ of subscription to such
lordℯ and others as made question of ye Som̃es they had vnderwritten


beinge longe since and out of yor §their§ memories the Court gaue
order to ye Secretary to let him haue them as occasion required tak-
inge a note vnder his hand of the deliuery of them.

Mr Paulson moued yt whereas he had aduentured 50li[1065] in ye old Maga-
zine ioynt Stocke, and cominge to mr Essington for order to take out
his money as others did he Deenied[1066] the same vnlesse he would pay
for the transport of two men sent ouer wth mr Crosse of wch two men
mr Paulson said the Companie had giuen them their transport in
requitall of his paines in ye settinge out of ye first two Shipps for ye
Magazine yet neuertheles mr Peirs not findinge these 2 mens trans-
portℯ satisfied by reason yt Crosse died by ye way did therefore make
stay of his goodℯ for their said transport but mr Peirs beinge nowe
p̢sent acknowledged he had afterward satisfacc̃on from mr Crosse his
Executors: Wherevpon the Court ordered that mr Paulson should
haue out his Aduenture as others had, and for ye allowance of his two
mens transportℯ giuen ∥him∥ he was to make proofe thereof at the
next ∥Magazine∥ Court. [353]

Vpon the humble petic̃on of Vrsula ffrench widdowe a verie poore
woman cravinge some allowance towardℯ her mayntenance out of
Elias Longs estate beinge her Apprentice and nowe imployed in the
Companies seruice in Virginia, the Court hath ordered that it shalbe
recomended to the care of the Gouernor there to cause the said Elias
Longe to send her 100 waight of Tobacco as shee desires.

Martha Paules petic̃oninge to haue her Tobacco freed of Custome
beinge but a smale parcell is willed to repaire to the Customers in
whose power it is to releiue her.

Adam Dixon petic̃oninge for the remaynder of his wages due vnto
him by Contract with the Companie as he pretendℯ some 12 yeares
since who went with Sr Thomas Dale in his voyadge to Virginia for-
somuch as this present ∥pretended∥ contract was vnknowne to the
Company nor did it any way appeare likely to be true he was willed


to come better prepared with his proufes, there beinge some in Court
that reported he was longe agoe satisfied.

The Aunsweare of Captaine Iohn Martin to a former order of Court
graunted vpon the petic̃on of the widdowe read beinge nowe pre-
sented and read, forsomuch as the said Aunsweare seemed to con-
tradict a former Letter wch he had sent vnto the said widdowe from
Iames Towne in Virginia dated the 19th of Nouember i610 wherein
he promised to giue her satisfacc̃on for her Husband goodℯ to the full
value wch were prized at 5li 19s as he informeth by his said letter the
Court hath ordered that a Coppie of the said letter together with his
aunsweare vnder the attest of the Secretaries hand shalbe sent to the
Gouernor and Counsell of Virginia whoe are entreated to examine
this perticuler buissines and therein to proceed accordinge to equity
and good conscience for the releife of the peticoner.

Mr Clement Wilmer of Stratford Bowe vpon request passed his two
shares of land in Virginia to George Wilmer of the said place with
the allowance of the Auditors and approbac̃on of this Court.

ffrauncis Carter also passed one share of land in Virginia to mr Henry
Wentworth of London Skinner parcell of the later 40 assigned vnto
him by the Right Honoble the Lady Lawarr. [354]

Mr Staples Minister recomended by mr Abra: Chamberlen and by
Certificate vnder the handℯ of well neare 20 Diuines continuinge still
his earnest request vnto the Companie for some allowance towardℯ
the transport and furnishinge out of himselfe his wife and Child to
Virginia where he hath a Brother lyvinge wch moues him the rather
to goe, for wch allowance he is contented to put himselfe wholly [upon]
their free bounty, the Court takinge it into considerac̃on did at length
agree that although their Stocke was spent they would strayne them-
selues to giue him 20li to pay for their ∥his∥ said passage and to fur-
nish him with necessaries and for that it was moued that he might
giue some testimony of his sufficiencie by a Sermon as is vsuall he
was desired to preach vpon sonday come sennight in the Afternoone
in St Scyths Church wch he promised to performe.


Mr Deputy havinge acquainted the Court with the notice that Capt:
Martin had giuen him by two seuerall letters of a meetinge at Sr Tho:
Smiths of certaine Honoble Lords and Knightℯ appointed Com̃ittees by
his Matie to take hearing of ye difference between him and the Vir-
ginia Companie, it beinge nowe taken into considerac̃on §considera-
c̃on after some deliberac̃on§ had therevpon the Court entreated mr
Deputy mr Tomlins mr Wolstenholme mr Iermynn mr Nicho: ffarrar
mr Caswell mr Roberts or any 3 of them to repaire to Sr Tho: Smiths
howse to morrowe about two of the Clocke in the Afternoone accord-
inge to the appointment to attend the said Com̃ittee and havinge
vnderstood Capt: Martins propositions and matter of charge they
after ∥are∥ to desire a Coppie thereof, and acquaint the Company
therewth from whome they shall receaue as is hoped a satisfactory
Aunsweare. [  ][1067]

Memorandũ that wee Edward Waterhouse and Edward Collingwood
Secretaries of the Companies for Virginia and the Sumer Ilands haue
examined and compared the Booke going before conteyning one hun-
dred, seaventy, seven leaues from Page 1 to Page—354 with the
originall Booke of Courtℯ itself: And doe finde this Booke to be a true
and p̱fect Copie of the said originall Courte booke: Savinge that there
is here wantinge in the Copie certaine ∥of one∥ Courte from ∥of∥ the
20th of May 1620 to and ye begining of ye Qr Crt ∥held∥ 22th but as
farre as is here entred in this Copie, doth truely agree with the orig-
inall itself. And to euery Page I Edward Collingwood haue sett my
hand, and both of vs do hereby testifie as aboue that it is a true Copie.
Ian. 28 1623.

Edw: Waterhouse. Secrẽ

Ed: Collingwood Secrẽ


Written over the number "30" by the reviewer.


Written over the word "deemed."


The following certification is written on an unnumbered page of the manuscript following page 354.