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At a Court helde 24 Iulij 1621

At a Court helde 24 Iulij 1621

Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Nicho: Ferrar.  mr Wyddowes. 
mr Deputie.  mr Shepparde.  mrBaynam. 
mr Wroth.  Capt Bargraue.  mr Couell. 
mr Gibbs.  Capt Martin.  mr Edwardℯ. 
mr Wrote.  mr Barbor.  mr Harte. 
mr George Sandys.  mr Blande.  mr Moorewood. 
Doctor Gulstone.  mr Bull.  mr Taylor. 
Doctor Winstone.  mr Swinhoe.  mr Georg Smith 
Doctor Anthony.  mr Casewell.  mr Martin. 
mr Keightley.  mr Darnelly.  wth others. 

Mr Wrote signified to the Company that hee had receaved informac̃on
from a frend of his by letter that the Collection monny wch was gath-
ered in the Countie of Norfolke towards ye buildinge [261] of a Col-
ledge and Church in Virginia was payd ouer vnto mr Doctor Ieggon
then Bp: of Norwich who dyed soone after wherby itt is conceaved
that all that monny remaynes still in the hands of his executors vnac-
coumpted for whervppon the Court ordered that the Secretary for the
Company should repayre to the Prerogative Office to search who those
were that were appoynted executors by the sayd Bp:

The Secretary to
repaire to ye Pre-
rogatiue Office to
search who was
executor of Doct:
Ieggon Bp: of Nor-

Itt was likewise signified that one mr Anthony Wythers out of an
earnest desyre to further the Plantac̃on had vndertaken to p̳cure out
of ye Low Countries a very rich Comoditie to be planted in Virginia
as allsoe men skillfull for the orderinge therof wch if itt tooke that
effect as was hoped, would exceedinglie advance the Plantac̃on in
matter of p̳fitt Itt was therfore moved that in gratificac̃on of his
good endeavors herein the Court would please to admitt him a free
brother of the Company wch request was thought very reasonable and
beinge putt to the Question was assented vnto by erecc̃on of hands;


And for that itt was moved that this Comoditie might be one of those
that were thought fitt to be appropriated onely to the Company.
a Rich Comodity
p̳cured of the Low
Countries by mr
mr Withers made

Itt was referred to the Comittee formerly appoynted for this p̱ticularr
buisines to take itt into their considerac̃on and certifie their opinions
touchinge the same.

Itt was allso moved that for so much as mr Sachiuerell who went ou9
heretofore to Virginia att the Companies charge had now againe
repayde the Company as well for the charge of his passage wch was 6li
as allso for the charge of his settinge outt wch was 20 nobles that ther-
fore hee might be sett free and att liberty to dispose of himselfe,
The Courte conceivinge this to be a sute very reasonable graunted his
request accordingly.

mr Sachiuerell to
be at liberty to dis-
pose of himselfe.

The three Comissions formerly ordered to be graunted to the Gouer-
nor, Thr̃er, and Secretary of State in Virginia, as allso the Instrucc̃ons
and one other Comission for the place of Vice Admirall graunted to
mr Iohn Pountice beinge now presented to the Courte were read and
approved and order given to mr Deputy to affix the seale vnto everie
of them, and further ordered that Duplycates of each of them should
be sent by the next Shipp.[995]

The 3 Comissions
for ye Gouernor
Threr & Secr: Cr
1 other Comission
to mr Pountice or-
dered to be sealed

The Comitteee app appoynted to hear the diffirence between Capt:
Bargraue, and Captaine Martin haveinge now made reporte of their
p̳ceedings touchinge the same, Itt was signified that my Lord of South-
ampton beinge desirous to accorde the differences had been pleased to
appoynt that Capt Bargraue should make choyse of 2 for his p̱t to
debate the said cause [262] before him, and himselfe would be Vmpyer
therin, The Courte conceavinge this to be the fayrest and likelyest
course that could be propounded to give a fynall end thervnto they
∥hath∥ therfore left it wholly to that course his Lp: had p̳pounded.

Captaine Bargraue
and Capt Martine.
My Lo: of South:
pleasure yt Capt
Bargraue choee 2
to debate yte cause
and he to be Vm-

Mr Deputy signified that haveinge p̢sented to the Ea of Southampton
the 4 Rollℯ of p̱chment whervnto divers had subscribed testifyinge
therby their Zeale and constant resoluc̃on to advance the Plantac̃on
(notwithstandinge the many discourragmentℯ they had receaved) as


allso acquainted his Lop: with the 5 Rollℯ proposed since for sendinge
Shipwrightℯ, and other principall ∥worke∥ men for makinge Ships,
Boatℯ and other Vessellℯ wherof the Collony had great need growinge
now to be populus and haveinge plenty of materialls for Shippinge,
soe as they onely wanted Artistℯ to make vse of the same; Itt pleased
his Lop: in furtherance of soe worthie Proiectℯ to subscribe for pay-
ment of no less then 200li for his Lops p̱t, wch Rollℯ beinge presented
likewise to Sr Edwin Sandys itt pleased him allso to subscribe for
payment of the like Sum̃.
My Lo: of South-
ampton sub-
scribed, 200li to ye
Sr Edwin Sandys
ye like sum̃

Mr Doctor Gulstone moved in the behalfe of Doctor Pottℯ chosen for
the Phisicions place vppon his recomendac̃on that the Compa: would
further please att his request to bestowe vppon him some 10li for his
necessary provision for the present Voyadge wch the Courte takinge
into considerac̃on was pleased to allowe him his Demaund the better
to encourrage him to p̱forme the service hee hadd vndertaken for the
generall good of the Collony.

10li allowed to
Doct: Pott

A request beinge made in the behalfe of mr Richard Toppinge Cittizen
and Brownebaker of London that the Court would please to take into
their Custody an acquittance vnder his hand and Seale for a Debt due
vnto him in Virginia from mr Iohnn Pollington, and to send him the
said Pollyngton a true Coppie therof vnder the hand of mr Deputy
Ferrar: This Courte herevppon appoynted the Secretary to keep in
saffty ye originall acquittance and to vnderwrite their order to the
Coppie of the said acquittance vnder mr Deputies hand for the better
sattisfyinge as well of mr Toppinge (least the acquittance vnder his
hand might miscarry) as allso of mr Pollyngton that theris no ill
meaninge towards him in retayninge the Originall and sendinge butt
the Coppie therof vnto him. [263]

A request in ye be-
halfe of mr Rich-
ard Toppinge

Vppon mr Carters moc̃on the Court p̱mitted him to passe ouer two
shares of Land in Virginia the one vnto Rowland Trueloue of London
Clothworker The other vnto Tobias Coop̱ of London Clothier the said
Shares beinge p̱cell of the 40 Shares assigned vnto him by the Lady
Lawarr with the allowance of the Auditors and the approbac̃on of a
Preparatiue Courte held for Virginia the 30th of Aprill last past 1621

mr Carter 1: share
to Rowland Tru-
loue —1:share to
Tobias Cooper.


Itt was now moved that for soe much as divers gentlemen were gone
into the Country (accordinge to their vsuall manner att this time of
the yeare) and for that the Compa: had now ouercom the greatest p̱t of
their buisines that therfore the ordinary Courtℯ might be putt of and
suspended till Michalmas wch beinge putt to the question was generally
assented vnto Provided nevertheless that if ther should be cause to
call an extraordinary Court itt might be p̱mitted, As allso itt was held
fitt yt ye Comittee should have power to treat and conclude wth such
Mynisters as should offerr themselvs to goe for the service of the Col-
lony vppon the same tearms and condic̃ons as others formerly had

Ordinary Courtℯ

Vppon moc̃on order was given to mr Deputy to seale such Com̃isions
as were to be graunted to Maisters of Ships bound for Virginia.


These Instructions and a letter to the Governor and council in Virginia are mentioned in List of
Records, Nos. 261 and 262, page 149, ante.