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Att an Extraordinary Court held for Virginia the 12 of May 1621

Att an Extraordinary Court held for Virginia the 12 of May 1621


Sr: Iohn Dãuers.  mr Gibbs.  mr Casewell. 
Sr Henry Rainsford.  Capt Wm: Newce.  mr Edwards. 
mr Deputy fferrar.  mr George Sandys.  mr Wheatly. 
mr Iohn Wroth.  mr Iohn Smyth.  mr Melling. 
mr Wrote.  Capt. Tucker.  mr Cuff. 
mr Combe. 

Whereas at the last Quarter Court held the second of this p̢sent
Moneth order was given to Certain Comittees for drawing vp of a
Comission against the next Quarter Court for Captain William Newce
appointed Marshall of Virginia for three yeares the said Comission
being now presented and read and afterwardℯ put to the question
was by a generall erecc̃on of handℯ confirmed and ordered to be sealed
(authority being given by the last Quarter Court vnto this present
Court vpon their approbac̃on to seale the same).

Captain Wm:
Newce his Comis-
sion to be Sealed.

Mr Berkly having been formerly treated wth (by the Comittees
appointed by Order of the last Quarter Coort) touching his demaunds
for p̱form̃nce of the service he vndertakes for advancing the Iron
workℯ in Virginia: and having then desired some time to consider of
that offer, that was made vnto him, did now declare him sellf willing
to goe vpon the same condic̃ons, as mr Blewett lately deceased had
donn, (exceptinge some fewe perticulars,) & to p̳cure and carry over
wth him twenty p̱sons well [225] experienced in those kinde of workℯ,
whereof .8. should be imployed vpon the ffurnace vizt .2. Founders,
2. Keepers, 2. ffilers, 2. Carpenters. and 12. others vpon the fforge
namely, 4. ffyners, 2. Servantℯ, 2. Chaffery men, 2 Ham̃er men and
their 2 Servantℯ. bsides his owne sonne and .3. Servantℯ of his pri-
vate ffamily all wch should be ready at the Ile of Wight to take ship-
ping the 25th of Iune next: In considerac̃on whereof it was thought
∥fitt∥ to allowe mr Berkly 20li: to defray the Charge of procuring and


bringing the said workemen out of the Country to the Ile of Wight as
also 30li: more towardℯ the charge of his owne provisions and neces-
saries for that voyadg.
mr Berklyes offer.

And besides to give him the free transporte of his sonne and his .3.
servantℯ wth wch he was contented, and wth much thankfullnes
accepted of the offer.