University of Virginia Library

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The University of Virginia Record:

  • No. 1, December 15: Department of Engineering: Announcements.

  • No. 2, January 15: Department of Law: Announcements.

  • No. 3, January 15: Summer Quarter: Preliminary Announcement.

  • No. 4, February 15: General Catalogue.

  • No. 5, March 1: Department of Medicine: Announcements.

  • No. 6, March 1: Catalogue of the Summer Quarter.

  • No. 7, March 15: Academic Departments: Announcements.

  • No. 8, April 1: Department of Education: Announcements.

The University of Virginia Record, Extension Series, published ten times
a year.

The Alumni Bulletin of The University of Virginia, published five times
a year: October 1, January 1, April 1, July 1, August 1.

The Alumni News, published by the Alumni Association twenty times a
year, appearing bi-weekly throughout the session.

The Virginia High School Bulletin, published quarterly, in November, February,
May and August.

Bulletin of The University of Virginia Library, published at intervals during
the session.

The Virginia Law Review, published by the Virginia Law Review Association
monthly from October to May.