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Art B-2. Free Hand Drawing.—First Term. 10:30, Art Studio,
Cabell Hall. Fee $15.00. Credit, one session hour. Mr.

Expression of form by line and by light and shade. The practice in drawing
from the case in pencil and in charcoal; geometrical forms, ornament, the figure.
Sketching out of doors in pencil, paint, and wash.

Art B-3. Painting.—First Term. Hours to be arranged. Art Studio,
Cabell Hall. Fee $15.00. Credit, one session hour. Mr. Makeilski.

Art B2 prerequisite. The rendering of color and form. Practice in painting
from still life and from nature in whole colors and in oils.

THE SUMMER SCHOOL OF ART.—The summer School of Art
was founded a number of years ago under the direction of the famous
illustrator and alumnus of Virginia, Mr. F. Graham Cootes, who conducted
it successfully five summers. He was succeeded by Mr. Duncan
Smith, of New York. This year the school will be in charge of


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Miss Virginia H. Wood, of New York. The classes will be held in
the basement room of the Chemical Laboratory from 9:30 to 11:00
and in the afternoon pupils will work out of doors. Classes
in portraits, in oils, charcoal, still life in any medium, out-door
sketching, charcoal and colors, and japanese brush work especially
for teachers will be given by Miss Wood.

A class in Etching and printing of Etchings, if a sufficient number
apply for it, will be organized. Criticism three times a week in each
class or oftener if needed.

At the end of the term an exhibition of the work done by the students
will be held in the Art Studio.

Miss Wood is an artist of experience and has been an exhibitor
in four of the big art shows in the country during the past year.
She also exhibited in Paris, where she studied in addition to her
training in New York.

Rates: $15.00 per month, one-half day; $25.00 per month, full day;
$30.00 for all classes.

It is probable that a scholarship in one of the best art Schools in
New York will be offered to the best worker in the Summer Quarter
this year.