University of Virginia Library

Courses for First Year Students.

1. Sight Reading—A. This is an elementary course. The requirements
for the completion of this course include the ability to read
at sight simple music, such as is taught in the first four grades of
the public schools, using Latin syllables.

Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 8:30 to 9:30. Professor
—. Madison Hall.

2. Dictation—A. (Study of tone and rhythm). This course covers
the first four grades of public school music. The subject matter
of music is presented first to the sense of hearing. In this course
the student gains power to think tones and to sense rhythms, and
at the same time acquires a practical knowledge of scale relations
and the application of the Latin syllables used in sight reading.

Daily, from 9:30 to 10:30. Mrs. Waterman. Madison Hall.

3. Material—A. This course is devoted to the material for the
kindergarten and the first four grades in music. It also includes the
presentation of material, and the methods of teaching rote songs.
This course provides intimate acquaintance with the best presentation
of the subject of public school music in charts and books, taking
up for detailed study each fundamental principle as it occurs.
Some practice in reading and interpretation is included in this course.

Daily, from 10:30 to 11:30. Mrs. Waterman. Madison Hall.

4. Methods—A. This course is devoted to the pedagogy of music
from the kindergarten to the fourth grade, inclusive. The work
of each year is taken up in detail, and all the problems which confront
the grade teacher and supervisor are thoroughly discussed.
Plans and methods of schoolroom work, and general supervision
are carefully presented.

Daily, from 12:15 to 1:15. Mrs. Waterman. Madison Hall.

5. Rudiments of Music—A. This course provides instruction in
the elements of music. The following are taken up for study: clefs,
signification and origin; names of pitches as established by the
G-clef and F-clef; construction of major scale (without key-signature),
note-values, and rhythm (different rhythms with the same
meter), normal, harmonic, and melodic minor scales (without key-signatures);
key-signatures; notation of chromatic scale with each
key-signature; intervals; definitions of terms most frequently used
in music.

Thursdays and Fridays, from 8:30 to 9:30. Professor —.
Madison Hall.