University of Virginia Library


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The University of Virginia is indebted for the establishment of
the Barbour-Page Foundation to the wisdom and generosity of Mrs.
Thomas Nelson Page, of Washington, D. C. In 1907, Mrs. Page
donated to the University the sum of $22,000, the annual income of
which is to be used in securing each session the delivery before the
university of a series of not less than three lectures by some distinguished
man of letters or of science. The conditions of the foundation
require that the Barbour-Page lectures for each session be
not less than three in number; that they be delivered by a specialist
in some branch of literature, science, or art; that the lecturer present
in the series of lectures some fresh aspect or aspects of the
department of thought in which he is a specialist; and that the entire
series delivered each session, taken together, shall possess such
unity that they may be published by the Foundation in book-form.


1910. Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury, LL. D., of Yale University.
Subject: The Early Literary Career of Robert Browning.

  • 1. November 15—"Pauline." "Paracelsus."

  • 2. November 16—"Strafford." Browning as a Dramatist. "Sordello."

  • 3. November 17—"Bells and Pomegranates." "Pippa Passes."
    "A Blot in the Scutcheon."

  • 4. November 18—"Bells and Pomegranates." "A Soul's Tragedy."
    Browning's Career of Unpopularity and the Causes
    that brought about his Popularity at the Close of his Life.

1911. William Henry Welch, M. D., LL. D., Baxley Professor
of Pathology in the Johns Hopkins University.