University of Virginia Library


Page 7

The Y. M. C. A.

The following extracts from the annual
report of the president of the Young
Men's Christian Association, made April
1, will be read with interest.

"Up to the present time our membership
is 476, which is an increase of 46
over last year. With this large increase
in our membreship there has been a corresponding
increase in our average attendance
at our Wednesday evening meetings.
The average attendance up to date
this year has been 54, while the average
attendance last year was 39.

"The committee chairmen will tell you
what has been accomplished by the various
committees during the present year.
Our Bible study department has failed to
come up to the higher standard set last
year, but we feel that this is largely accounted
for by the numerous changes of
administration during the year. The
present Chairman has accomplished wonders
in the short time that he has had
charge of the work. Our plan since
the first of January has been not so much
to gain a large enrollment in Bible classes
as it has been to prepare for the work
next session by the creating of interest
in the work and the training of leaders
for the classes.

"We feel that the year just closing has
been one of distinct advance in Association
work here at the University. More
and more the Association has identified
itself with the various college activities.
Men prominent in college life have taken
an active part in the Christian work of
the Association, and have demonstrated
that the principles of the Christian religion
can be carried into all college activities
and are an absolute necessity for
the production of a well-rounded character.

"The home of the Association, Madison
Hall, has become more and more the acknowledged
meeting place, not alone of
the Publication Boards and the Athletic
Committees but also of musical organizations,
state clubs, fraternities, debating
teams and other student organizations.
The Reading Room has been more largely
used than ever before, and the Biblical
and Mission Libraries have been in constant