University of Virginia Library


The attempt is made, and we believe it is attended with unusual
success, to procure the most able specialists in their respective subjects
as instructors. Few American summer schools will show a
larger percentage of men of full professorial rank in their faculties.
Especial attention is called to the strong faculties in the standard
studies usually pursued in high schools and the first few years of college
instruction. The following courses are offered:

  • Agriculture (Two Courses).

  • Art.

  • Biology (Four Courses).

  • Botany.

  • Chemistry (Two Courses).

  • Civil Government (Two Courses).

  • Drawing (Six Courses).

  • Domestic Science (Three Courses).

  • Education (Five Courses).

  • English (Seven Courses).

  • French (Two Courses).

  • Geography (Five Courses).

  • German (Two Courses).

  • Greek (Three Courses).

  • History (Six Courses).

  • Latin (Six Courses).

  • Logic.

  • Manual Training (Three Courses).

  • Mathematics (Seven Courses).

  • Music (Two Courses).

  • Nature Study.

  • Philosophy.

  • Physics (Four Courses).

  • Physiology (Two Courses).

  • Physical Training (Two Courses).

  • Primary School Work (Two Courses).

  • Psychology.

  • Reading.

  • School Gardening.

  • Story Telling (Two Courses).

  • Teachers' Training Class.

  • Writing.


Professor Davis.

1. Elementary Agriculture.—The following topics will be
treated: Corn selection; production of good seed corn, 229, 272, 313;
testing seeds for vitality, 25; butt, middle and tip kernels of seed
corn; conditions for germination; treating soils for acidity, soils and


Page 13
their characteristics; the office of root hairs on plants; saving soil
moisture, 266; poison in soils, 257; rotation of crops; study of nodules
on legume roots, 278; renovation of worn-out soils, 245; clover and
alfalfa seed, 194, 260, 306; alfalfa in the eastern states, 215; roots of
the corn plants, 199; curing clover hay; weeds and how to kill them,
28; cotton seed and its products, 36; uses of soiling crops, 242; catch
crops and cover crops, 278; cuttings for house plants, 157; layering
and plant division, 157; budding peach trees; pruning a fruit tree,
181; the home garden, 255; the school garden question, 218; varieties
of chickens, 51; breeds of cattle, 143, 106; breeds of swine, 205. Substitute
lessons; Types of horses; gluten in flour; souring of milk,
29. Numbers refer to United States Farmers' Bulletin. Lessons are
subject to change.

Daily, from 2:30 to 3:30. West Range Laboratory.

2. Agriculture for High Schools.—The following topics will
be treated: The farmers' interest in good seed, 111; corn judging
(with score card); doubling the cotton crop, 285, 302; soil moisture
and dust mulch, 266; enemies of cotton, 209, 211, 212, 216, 217, 290;
the coddling moth, 171, 247; the plum curcullo; scale insects; uses of
insecticides, 243; making Bordeaux Mixture, 127; prevention of
potato scab; prevention of grain smut, 250; pruning a grape vine, 118,
156; a collection of economic seeds for school use; nutritive value of
foods; 142; plant food in bones; value of wood ashes for soils; testing
soils for fertility; experiments to show capillarity in different soils;
some principles of drainage, 187; plowing under green crops, 278;
inoculation of legumes, 240, 315; legumes as food, 121; testing milk
and cream for butter fat; improving dairy herds by culling; winter
forage crops, 147; testing for tuberculosis; poultry raising on the
farm, 141; winter production of eggs; eggs and their uses as food;
hog raising, 100; fundamental principles of forestry, 173, 228. Numbers
at right refer to United States Farmers' Bulletins. Lessons subject
to change.

Daily, from 9:45 to 10:45. West Range Laboratory.


Professor Tuttle.  Professor Kepner. 

General Statement.—The summer work in Biology at present
offered makes provision for the study of each of the great divisions
of the organic world: separate courses being offered in Botany and
in Zoology. The object in either case is, first of all, to familiarize
the student with the methods involved in the systematic study of the
organization of plants or of animals; and to give such opportunity for
individual work by such methods on the part of each student, under
the guidance of the teacher, as will enable him or her to carry on similar
work elsewhere independently with confidence and accuracy. A
second object of equal importance is to give to the student a clear
conception of the vegetable or the animal kingdom (as the case
may be) as a whole, in such manner as to impart a clear idea of the
relations and significance of any particular group that may be at any
time the subject of special interest.

These ends are sought in each case by the presentation in the
laboratory of a series of representative forms, each of which is in
turn made the subject of careful study as to its organization, activities,
and life-history: and by accompanying lectures, in which the
results of the work in the laboratory are explained and supplemented,


Page 14
and the relations of the organism in question to the other forms
studied and discussed. While the lecture and laboratory courses may
be taken separately, they will in each case be most profitably taken
together, and the examinations at the close of the session in either
Botany or Zoology will cover both the lectures and the laboratory
work in the subject in question.

The Biological Laboratory is admirably equipped with simple
and compound microscopes, microtomes and other appliances for cutting,
staining, and mounting sections for microscopic study, etc.;
and while the prime object of the course given will be to teach students
to observe accurately, to record their observations with precision,
and to make correct inferences therefrom, care will be taken
to make them familiar in large measure with the principles of microscopical
and other biological technic.

1. Structural Botany: Use of the microscope; simpler microscopical
technic. Practical study of: A Seed-plant—anatomy, histology,
development from the seed; Fern-like plants—a fern, an equisetum, a
clubmoss; moss-like plants— a liverwort, a true moss; Plant-cells—
structure, growth, modification, the methods of cell-division; Algae—a
representative brown alga, a red alga, green algae, especially the more
abundant fresh water forms; Fungi—a mushroom, a cup-fungus, the more
important parasitic fungi, moulds and mildews, yeast; Fission plants: the
fission algae, the bacteria. Work in the laboratory will at times be replaced
by the field work in which the class will be taught to locate and
identify the types studied. Laboratory work will be followed by a half
hour quiz.

Daily, from 10:15 to 12:15. Professor Tuttle. Cabell Hall, Room 12.

2. Systematic Botany: A synoptical course of lectures upon the
vegetable kingdom, parallel with the laboratory course above outlined,
and dealing largely with the lower plants not usually fully
discussed in the text-books and the other literature commonly accessible.

Daily, from 8:45 to 9:45. Professor Tuttle. Cabell Hall, Room 12.

3. Structural Zoology: Use of the microscope; simple microscopical
technic. Practical study of: Protozoa—amoeba, paramecium;
Coelenterates,—hydra and others; Flatworms: Threadworms,
animal parasitism; annelids—earth-worms, nereis; mollusks—mussel
or clam; Echinoderms—starfish, sea urchin; Crustacea—"water fleas,"
shrimps, crayfish, crabs; Insects—grasshopper, beetle, bee; Vertebrates—amphioxus,
dogfish, frog; the fundamental tissues of animals—
the animal cell, cell-division, maturation of the ovum, segmentation
and development. Work in the laboratory will sometimes be replaced
as indicated under course 1A.

Daily, from 3:30 to 5:30. Professor Kepner. Cabell Hall, Room,

4. Systematic Zoology.—A synoptical course of lectures upon
the animal kingdom, chiefly upon the invertebrates, parallel with
laboratory course above outlined.

Daily, from 2:30 to 3:30. Professor Kepner. Cabell Hall, Room

Credit.—A student who passes the examinations in the two courses
in Botany and the two courses in Zoology either in the same or in consecutive
sessions will, on complying with the requirements for admission
to the University, be entitled to credit for Course 1B in Biology (See
catalogue of the University of Virginia) or for the requirements in that
subject for admission to the Department of Medicine.


Page 15


Professor Lambeth.

The outline projected is intended to give to the student a systematized
course of study, making it an easy and agreeable task for him
to identify the various plant families in his locality and acquire
methods of study by which children may identify and become familiar
with the individual plants of their neighborhood.

At the beginning of the course attention will ge given to plant
morphology and physiology, but the course will be of a practical
character and performed in the fields and forests near the University
where the plant life is diversified and rich in both indigenous and
imported varieties, furnishing exceptional opportunities for the purpose.

During the term each student will, under direction, collect, identify,
mount, and preserve, characteristic types, so that he will have
commenced the accumulation of an herbarium for use in his teaching,
and to which he can continually add specimens from his own
locality or that in which he is teaching.

The results of the work contemplated would be of great value
to the State, not only for its educational influence, but also for its
economic importance as well. It would be fair to assume that with
the teachers followed by their pupils working out the plants of all
parts of the Commonwealth, it would only be a brief period until,
from the collaboration of these collections, a complete and systematic
symposium of Virginia's Flora would be available, and the information
now limited to a few, and possessing only scientific importance,
would become common knowledge and acquire economic value,
influencing agriculture, horticulture, and many important manufacturing

The hours for daily excursions will be arranged as far as possible
so that they will not conflict with other courses taught in the Summer

Daily, from 4:30 to 5:30. Rotunda, S. E.

Text-Book.—Dana's Manual of Botany.


Professor Bird.  Mr. Sloan. 

1. Lectures.—Thirty lectures upon the principles of General
Chemistry—Inorganic, Organic and Physical. This course will deal
more with the nature and laws of chemical change in matter than
with detailed descriptions of chemical compounds themselves.
Chemical reactions are classified and discussed from the standpoint
of the more recently accepted theories, and the modern trend of
chemical thought and investigation is dwelt upon as far as occasion
and time permit.

Daily, from 8:45 to 9:45. Professor Bird. West Range Laboratory.

Experimental.—The instruction in this course is suited to the
individual needs or desires of the members, who may take course 1
or not as they see fit. It is offered to teachers of chemistry who
desire coaching in experiments that are suitable for their lecture demonstration
or the laboratory exercises of their pupils (they may use
their own text-books or laboratory manuals); to candidates for admission
to medical and other courses, offered here or elsewhere,
requiring a laboratory course in General Chemistry; and to those
who desire experience in the analytical methods used in industries


Page 16
they contemplate entering, or who are preparing for civil service
examinations for chemical positions.

Those who register as candidates for admission to medical courses,
etc., will be required to attend the lecture course and spend four or
five hours each day, including Saturday, in the laboratory. They will
not be permitted to take any other courses offered in the Summer

The laboratory will be open from 9:00 to 1:30 daily. It is new
and thoroughly equipped to do all the work offered.

In addition to the regular tuition, those who take courses 2 are
charged a laboratory fee of five dollars ($5.00). Apparatus and chemicals
are charged for at cost.

For the benefit of teachers in high schools and academies there
will be on exhibition the apparatus necessary for such courses, together
with catalogue numbers, prices, etc.

Daily, Prof. Bird and Mr. Sloan. Hours to be arranged. West
Range Laboratory.

Credit.—Students who have fulfilled the conditions stated on
pages 9 and 10 and who have completed successfully thirty hours per
week for six weeks in course 2 in Chemistry will be excused from the
laboratory work in Chemistry 1 B of the University course, and need
complete in the winter term only the lectures and examination to
received full credit for Chemistry 1B. Course 1 above and thirty
hours per week of course 2 successfully completed will meet the
entrance requirements to the Medical School of the University.


Miss Charlton.

1. Sanitation of Foods.—Comprising the following general subjects:
Household bacteriology—Study of bacteria, yeasts and molds;
sanitation—heating, ventilation and removing of wastes; physiology
and hygiene—organization of the body, process of digestion and circulation,
secretion and excretion, relation of food to disease, care of
the skin, home nursing; foods and nutrition—composition of foods,
principles of nutrition, adulteration and inspection, preservation,
dietaries in health, sickness, old age and childhood, cookery—methods
of cooking, preparation of food.

Daily, from 3:30 to 4:30. Madison Hall.

2. Household Management and Home Decoration.—Building materials;
arrangement of rooms; finishing woodwork, floors and walls;
furnishing; care and selection of utensils, silver and china; carpets and
rugs; library; labor saving devices in housework; household accounts;
entertaining; household service; instruction to waitress.

Daily, hours to be arranged. Madison Hall.

3. Sewing.—Textiles and fabrics; sewing methods; drafting for
patterns for underwear and shirt waist, illustrating different stitches
on plain garments; care and use of sewing machines.

These courses will be made as practical as possible and in such
a manner as to be of immediate use to the students attending the
Summer School.

Daily, 12:15 to 1:15. Madison Hall.


Professor Augsburg.  Professor Blair. 

1. Drawing for High School.—Historic ornament and design;
course in architecture; water color and wash drawing from nature.


Page 17
Informal talk each day on Art,—the great paintings of the world,
the appreciation and enjoyment of pictures, etc.

Daily, from 12:15 to 1:15. Professor Blair. Mechanical Laboratory.

Materials.—Sketch book, drawing books, soft pencils, and art
note book for lectures, etc.

2. Advanced Course.—To be arranged, according to demand.

Daily, 3:30 to 4:30. Professor Augsburg and Assistant. Mechanical
Building, Room 1.

Remark.—Mechanical Drawing will be provided if there is a sufficient
demand. Application should be made to Director of Summer


Professor Heatwole.  Professor Rudiger. 
Professor Payne. 

1. Educational Psychology.—This course will begin with a consideration
of the function of education in the social organism but
the major part of the time will be devoted to the application of the
principles of psychology to teaching. Among the topics studied will
be the fundamental instincts and capacities, individual differences,
habit formation, apperception, inductive and deductive methods, fundamental
types of lessons, moral training, motor training, formal

Daily, from 10:45 to 11:45. Professor Ruediger. Cabell Hall,
Room 3.

Text-Books.—The course will be based primarily upon Thorndike's
Principles of Teaching, but Bagley's The Educative Process and James's
Talks to Teachers will also be extensively used.

2. School Management.—The course will cover the following
topics: Brief sketch of the development of the American school
system, American public school ideals, significance of life, the teacher,
her function and growth; physical conditions—school buildings,
grounds, lighting, heating, ventilation, sanitation, and hygiene; organization
of school—classes, grading and promotion; government—
school virtues, character and purpose of discipline, self-control,
school incentive, the incorrigibles; the curriculum—daily program,
number of classes, recitation and the study period, training to think,
reviews and examinations; moral education, the school and the home,
decoration in the school room, the library; affiliated interests—athletics,
literary societies, clubs, school paper; relation of the teacher
to the board of education and to the principal; school ethics; physical
education—nervous strain, defects of sight and of hearing.

Daily, from 9:45 to 10:45. Professor Heatwole. Cabell Hall,
Room 3.

Texts.School Management, by Dutton.

3. High School Problems.—This course will begin with a brief outline
of the history of the curriculum, organization, and administration
of secondary education in America, followed by a consideration of
the function of secondary education, recent tendencies in public high
school, and adolescence. High school discipline, relation of High School
work to Elementary School and College, especially College preparation
and preparation for life will receive adequate discussion. The major portion
of the time will be devoted to a detailed examination of the educational
value and methods of presentation of the high school branches


Page 18
and to the organization of courses of study. Lectures, reports, and discussions.

Daily, from 3:30 to 4:30. Professor Ruediger and Professor Payne.
Cabell Hall, Room 5.

Text-Books.—The N. E. A. Reports, periodical literature, Longman's
American Teacher Series and courses of study will be drawn upon for

Remark.—Education 5 is open to all registered students free of


Professor Henneman.  Professor Mims. 
Professor Kent.  Professor Smith. 

Rhetoric and English Literature.

A. For present or prospective High School Teachers. To meet
the needs of this class, the course will not only cover the subject
matter of a good text-book in Rhetoric and a good text-book in
English Literature, but will also give outlines and exercises designed
to suggest methods of teaching these subjects.

B.—For Professional or Technical Students, Deficient in English.
There are many students who enter upon their professional
courses and later become convinced that their English training is
so defective as to interfere greatly with the prospects of success in
their chosen profession. This course will enable such students to
strengthen materially their English training, and to procure some
systematic practice, under careful instruction, in writing English.

C.—For students Preparing for College Entrance Examinations.
The increased entrance requirements at the University of Virginia
will make it necessary for some students who wish to enter, to do
some special work in preparation for these examinations. The pursuit
of the courses offered in the University Summer School, and the
completion satisfactorily of these courses will exempt the student
from certain parts of the entrance examination.

D.—For Students Conditioned on their Entrance Examinations,
or at other institutions, in their College Courses. These courses in
Rhetoric and English Literature afford an excellent opportunity for
students who have conditions to make up at the fall examinations, or
who in Curriculum Colleges, have fallen behind in their Freshman
and Sophomore work, to make up these deficiencies.

E.—For College Professors and Instructors. There are many
college professors and instructors who, without needing a particular
review of the subject matter of these courses, might be interested in
learning the methods used in teaching these subjects in the University
of Virginia. For such professors and instructors, this course,
supplemented by full courses in reading which will be assigned as
optional work along with the work required of the class, would prove
distinctly beneficial.

1. Rhetoric.—The purpose of the course in Rhetoric will be threefold:
first, to master as far as possible the subject matter of the textbook,
and in doing this to emphasize particularly accuracy and correctness
in writing; second, to indicate the best methods of teaching
this subject in the schools, so as to interest the pupils and induce them
to take advantage of local material and opportunities; third, to encourage
good reading both for its own sake and specifically for the sake of
mental discipline. There will be daily original exercises.


Page 19

Daily, 9:45 to 10:45. Professor Kent (two weeks) and Prof. Henneman
(four weeks). Cabell Hall, Room 4.

Text-Book.—Lamont's Rhetoric.

2. English Literature.—The course in English Literature is designed,
first, to give a general and comprehensive oversight of the
field of English Literature; second, to sub-divide it into periods for
convenient study; third, to handle with reasonable completeness
certain select authors; fourth, to acquaint the students with the salient
facts in the development of English Literature; and fifth, to indicate
some valuable methods of teaching English Literature so as to lend it
liveliness and interest. Parallel reading will be assigned, and as far
as the time allows, there will be made a special study of College

Daily, from 8:45 to 9:45. Professor Kent (two weeks) and Professor
Mims (four weeks). Cabell Hall, Room 4.

Text-Book.—Painter's Introduction to English Literature (Rev. 1906).

3. English Grammar.—Talks on English Grammar and composition,
designed especially for high school teachers. No subjects in
the high school curriculum are more unsettled than those of grammar
and composition, both being in a transitive stage. The multiplication
of high schools in the South has called attention afresh to the importance
of English but there is still little uniformity in methods or
standards. The members of the class are requested to bring with
them any English grammars that they may be using.

Daily, from 10:45 to 11:45. Professor Smith (two weeks,) Professor
Henneman (four weeks). Cabell Hall, Room 4.

Text-Book.—Smith's Our Language, and Studies in English Syntax.

4. American Literature.—After a discussion of the definition and
a division into periods, the periods will be studied in turn, with
special attention to nineteenth century authors.

Daily, from 12:15 to 1:15. Professor Smith (two weeks) and
Professor Mims (four weeks). Cabell Hall, Room 4.

Text-Book.—Page's Chief American Poets; Houghton, Mifflin & Co.),
and Abernethy's History of American Literature.

Credit.—Any student who fulfills the conditions set forth on
pages 9 and 10 and who completes successfully the four courses in English
outlined above will be credited with course 1 A in English Literature.

Remark.—The two courses in story telling (See School of Methods)
should be interesting to students of English. No charge is
made for these courses.


Professor Dey.

1. Elementary French.—Grammar, through the regular verbs;
exercises and dictations; the principles of pronunciation are insisted
upon; four hundred pages of modern French prose are read.

Daily, from 10:45 to 11:45. Rotunda, Room 2.

Text-Books.—Fraser and Squair's Grammar (Heath); Dumas,L'Evasion
du Duc de Beaufort
(Heath); Merimee, Columba (Holt); Malot,
Sans Famille (Holt).

2. Advanced French.—Grammar: Syntax and irregular verbs.
Oral and written exercises, and dictation. The French play will be
interpreted; seven hundred pages will be read.

Daily, from 12:15 to 1:15. Rotunda, Room 2.

Text-Books.—Gasc's French Dictionary (Holt); Labiche and Martin,


Page 20
Poudre aux yeux (Heath); Meilhac et Halévy, L'Eté de la St.Martin
(Heath); Pailleron, Le Monde où l'on S'ennuie (Heath); Musset,
Trois comédies (Heath); Molière, Le bourgeois Gentilhomme (American
Book Co.); Racine, Esther (Heath); Corneille, Le Cid (Holt).

Credit.—Students having fulfilled the conditions on pages 9 and 10 and
having completed both these courses and passed the corresponding
examinations in each will be considered as having absolved the requirements
of French 1A, and will be admitted to French 2B (See
catalogue of the University of Virginia, page 117) of the University's
college course.


Professor Milledge.

3. Physical Geography.—Series of field lessons illustrating erosion,
corrosion, valley development, river basins, sedimentation, etc.
(Indispensable as insuring vitality to the course.)

Physical relief of continents illustrated by chalk modeling and
land maps: resultant continental drainage: volcanoes and earthquakes
in connection with mountain building.

Relation of the earth to the Sun. Brief synopsis of mathematical

Theory of the Winds, directly based on the preceding paragraph:
regions of rainfall, deserts and belts of vegetation on the earth in connection
with winds.

The Ocean,—its currents, tides, etc.

Glaciers,—Ice Age, with especial reference to North America.

Daily, from 2:30 to 3:30. Rouss Laboratory, Room 3.

Texts.—Any good manual, Davis' Elementary Physical Geography.

Professor Milledge.

4. Commercial Geography.—Brief discussion of stages of man's
growth from savagery through the pastoral and agricultural to the
present age. Potamic and Tholassic civilizations compared.

Historical review of the commerce of antiquity;—Babylonia, Phoenicia,
Greece, Carthage, and Rome: Scene,—the Mediterranean, with
Indian Ocean and enclosed seas of Western Europe.

Commerce of Middle Ages,—Italian Republics and the Hanseatic

Discovery of America and Ocean Route to the East.

Era of colonization and rise of Spain and Portugal, later of Holland,
England, and France. Entry of Germany and the United States
upon the stage.

Areas of production of the world's great staples, (a) Agricultural,
(b) Mineral, (c) Forest Products, (d) Fisheries.

Means of transportation, roads, rivers, canals, railroads, steamships,
and sailing vessels: Discussion of freights.

Significance of the Suez and Panama Canals.

Manufacturing centers of the world;—discussion of the determining
causes of development.

Problems of the future, consequent upon exhaustion of old fields
and the development of new.

Daily, from 3:30 to 4:30. Rouss Laboratory, Room 3.


Page 21


Professor Faulkner.

Two courses in German are offered, six hours lectures a week in each
course. In the course for beginners no previous knowledge of German
is required. In preparation for the advanced course, at least two years'
high school work in German or its equivalent is necessary. As the work
in both courses is arranged on the supposition that the student in either
course will devote at least eighteen hours a week outside of lectures to
the preparation for lectures and to parallel reading, students taking either
course are strongly urged to enroll themselves for not more than one
other course in the Summer School.

Students attaining a grade of 75% in either course will be given
a certificate of successful completion of the course in question. In
computing this grade, class standing is based on a daily written test
during the first fifteen minutes of the hour, covering the subject-matter
of the preceding lecture, and the other written work of the class will
be reckoned at 50%; and examination standing at 50%. Unexcused absences
are graded as zero. Excused absences may be made up by taking
in some other hour than that of the regular lecture a written class test
covering the regular class test for the day on which the absence was

1. Course for Beginners.—Pronunciation, dictation exercises, elements
of German grammar (eighteen hours); reading of simple German
(prose and poetry)—conversation on matter read (eighteen hours); parallel
reading to be assigned.

Daily, from 8:45 to 9:45. Rotunda, S. W.

Text-Books.—Bierwirth's Beginning German; Mueller and Wenckebach's
Gluk Auf.

2. Advanced Course.—Geography and history of Germany;
German folklore; selections from Goethe's lyrics and ballads, in
chronological order; advanced exercises in pronunciation and dictation;
grammar and prose composition; parallel reading to be assigned.

Daily, from 9:45 to 10:45. Rotunda, S. W.

Text-Books.—Schweitzer's Deutsches Lesebuch und Sprechuebungen,
fuer Quarta und Tertia;
or Stern's Geschichten von deutsch en Staedten;
Von Klenze's Deutsche Gedichte; Bierwirth's Elements of German; Wells's
Modern German Literature.

Credit.—The Beginner's Course is exactly equivalent to the first
term's work in German 1A in the regular session of the University,
and corresponding credits will be granted therefore by the Dean of the
University, to those students fulfilling the conditions set forth on pages
9 and 10.

The advanced course in German is exactly equivalent in character
and scope to the first term's work in German 2B in the regular
session of the University, and has been approved as such by the Academic
Faculty of the University. Corresponding credits therefore will
be granted by the Academic Faculty to the students successfully completing
this course, who have fulfilled conditions set forth on p.


Professor Montgomery.

1. Beginners Course.—Special comparison of forms with those
of Latin for aid of teachers. Daily written exercises. Xenophon's
Anabasis begun.


Page 22

Daily. Hours to be arranged. Prof. Montgomery. Cabell Hall,
Room 1.

Text-Book.—White's First Greek Book.

2. Xenophon's Anabasis, four books.—Review of forms. Grammar
work. Prose exercise work based on text read. Parallel reading
on kindred literary and historical topics.

Daily. Hours to be arranged. Prof. Montgomery. Cabell Hall,
Room 1.

Text-Books.—White's Edition of Goodwin's Anabasis; Goodwin's

3. Gospel of St. Luke and Acts of the Apostles.—New Testament
grammar, with special attention to comparison of New Testament
and Attic usages.

Three hours per week, to be arranged. Prof. Montgomery. Cabell
Hall, Room 1.

No course in Greek will be given to less than five applicants.
The fee for each course will be $10.


Professor Mitchell. 
Professor Heatwole.  Professor Page. 

1. Ancient History.—The work in this course, after a brief notice
of the oriental nations, will be concentrated upon Greece and Rome.
In the former, a special study will be made of the Age of Pericles;
in the latter, the corresponding Age of Augustus will be emphasized.
Students who wish General History will be allowed to do advanced
work in this course.

Daily, from 3:30 to 4:30. Professor Heatwole. Cabell Hall,
Room 6.

2. Medieval and Modern History.—After a brief survey of the
Middle Ages, in which the papacy and the Holy Roman Empire will
form the chief topics of discussion, the leading events in the modern
world will be grouped around the Renaissance, the Reformation, and
the French Revolution. Lectures, collateral reading and reports by
members of the class.

Daily, from 12:15 to 1:15. Professor Mitchell. Rotunda, Room 3.

Text-Books.—Schwill's Political History of Modern Europe (Scribners).
As a source-book, Robinson's Readings in European History will
be invaluable to students in this course. A Source-Book for Medieval
by Thatcher and McNeal, is likewise recommended.

3. English History.—While the social, economic, and intellectual
factors in the development of the English people will receive attention,
the main emphasis in this course will fall upon the origin and
growth of Parliament, the parent of representatives assemblies in the
modern world. Lectures, collateral readings and reports by members
of class.

Daily, from 10:45 to 11:45. Professor Mitchell. Rotunda, Room 3.

Text-Books.—Tout's Advanced History of Great Britain (Longmans,
Gree & Co.); The following source-books may be recommended: Kendall's
Source-Book for English History (Macmillan); Colby's Selections
from the Sources of English History
(Longman); and Lee's Source-Book
of English History.

4. History of the United States.—This course is intended to cover
the general history of the United States. The lectures will deal in
large measure with the economic and social growth of the nation;


Page 23
while the discussions and assigned readings will bear mainly on constitutional
and political development.

Daily, from 8:45 to 9:45. Professor Page. Rotunda, Room 3.

Text-Book.—Student should bring Doub's History of the United
or any modern text in history.

5. Civil Government in the United States.—In this course, students
will be guided in a study of the structure and working of the Federal,
State, and local governments in the United States. A special effort will
be made to familiarize the student with the literature of political theories,
the growth of political parties, and the present problems of American
government. Instruction will be given by assigned readings, discussions,
and lectures.

Daily, from 9:45 to 10:45. Professor Page. Rotunda, Room 3.

Text-Book.—Students should bring any modern text in government.


Professor Fitzhugh.  Professor Montgomery. 

General Statement.—It will be the aim of the School of Latin to
open to all teachers and students of Latin the advantages of University
instruction in that subject. The study of Latin is the study
of the language, literature, and life of the Romans. Every course will
therefore have due regard to each of these interests. Course 1 is
preparatory; thereafter the work is organized in all courses as follows:

A. The Latin Language: Systematic study of Latin grammar,
with oral and written exercises in prose composition. Two hours
a week in each course.

B. Latin Literature: Systematic study of the Latin authors in
culture-historical sequence. Three hours a week in each course.

C. Roman Life: Systematic study of Roman culture-history in
English, in conjunction with the reading of the authors. Three hours
a week in each course (coincident with B.).


Courses 1-4 are intended to illustrate the teaching of Latin in the
Secondary school, and to offer to teachers in high schools and academies,
and to students preparing for college, the opportunity of
special instruction in the subjects taught in the four years of Latin

The First Year of the High School.

1. Beginners' Course.—For teachers in high schools and
academies, for college preparation, and for students of Latin at large.

This course is devoted to the Beginner's Book in Latin and concludes
with elementary Latin reading. It involves: the Roman pronunciation;
careful study of accent and quantity; thorough drill in declensions
and conjugations; the fundamental principles of the syntax
of the cases, tenses, and moods; accusative and infinitive, relative and
conditional sentences; the fundamental uses of the subjunctive; and
the main laws of indirect discourse. These grammatical principles
are illustrated in systematic exercises in translating easy detached
sentences into Latin. Translation into English of simple Latin prose
preparatory to Caesar.

Daily, from 8:45 to 9:45. Professor Montgomery. Cabell Hall,
Room 1.

Text-Book.—Bennett's Foundations of Latin.


Page 24

The Second Year of the High School.

2. Caesar Course.—For teachers in high schools and academies,
for college preparation, and for students of Latin at large.

This course involves Caesar's Gallic War, Books I-IV, with collateral
readings in Viri Romae, and the fundamental outlines of Roman
culture-history; the study of the author will be not only grammatical
but literary and culture-historical. Constant practice in sight reading.
Systematic study of high school Latin Grammar, with accompanying
prose composition based on Caesar.

(a) Grammar and Prose Composition: High school grammar and accompanying

Tuesday and Thursday. Professor Montgomery.

(b) Literature and Life: Caesar, varied with Viri Romae; the
broad outlines of Roman culture-history.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Professor Fitzhugh.

Daily, from 3:30 to 4:30. Cabell Hall, Room 1.

Text-Books.—Bennett's Latin Grammar and Preparatory Latin
Caesar's Gallic War; Viri Romae; Abbott's Short History of
Rome; Botsford's Story of Rome.

The Third Year of the High School.

3. Cicero Course.—For teachers in high school and academies,
for college preparation, and for students of Latin at large.

This course involves Cicero's Four Orations against Catiline, the
Manilian Law and Pro Archia, with collateral readings in Nepos'
Lives; the private and public life of the Romans. The study of the
author will be grammatical, literary, and culture-historical. Constant
practice at sight reading. High School Latin grammar continued, with
accompanying prose composition based on Cicero.

(a) Grammar and Prose Composition: High school grammar and
accompanying exercises.

Tuesday and Thursday. Professor Montgomery.

(b) Literature and Life: Cicero, varied with Nepos; the private
and public life of the Romans.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Professor Fitzhugh.

Daily, from 12:15 to 1:15. Cabell Hall, Room 1.

Text-Books.—Bennett's Latin Grammar and Latin Composition; Cicero's
Orations; Nepos' Lives; Johnston's Private Life of the Romans;
Gow's Companion to School Classics, sections on the Public Life of the

The Fourth Year of the High School.

4. Vergil Course.—For teachers in high schools and academies,
for college preparation, and for students of Latin at large.

This course involves Vergil's Aeneid, Books I-VI with collateral
readings in Ovid's Metamorphoses; the principles of Latin versification
with scansion of the dactylic hexameter; the mythology of the
Greeks and Romans. The study of the author will be grammatical,
literary and culture-historical. Constant practice in sight reading.
High school grammar concluded, with accompanying prose composition.

(a) Grammar and Prose Composition: High school grammar and
prose composition.

Tuesday and Thursday. Professor Montgomery.

(b) Literature and Life: Vergil, varied with Ovid; the mythology
of the Greeks and Romans.


Page 25

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Professor Fitzhugh.

Daily, from 9:45 to 10:45. Cabell Hall, Room 1.

Text-Books.—Bennett's Latin Grammar and Latin Composition; Vergil's
Aeneid; Ovid's Metamorphoses (Miller); Fairbank's Mythology of
Greece and Rome;
Bulfinch's Age of Fable.


Courses 5 and 6, offered to as many as five applicants in each,
are intended to open up to teachers and summer students the more important
fields of college Latin. They are devoted to the broad cultural
study of the language, literature, and life of the Romans. Roman
civilization is the link between the Hellenic and the modern: the instruction
will aim, therefore, to exhibit this relation, and so, to emphasize
the unity and continuity of all human culture. The desirability
of a knowledge of Greek and of at least one Romanic language
is especially commended to all who would reap the full cultural and
scientific benefit of the college course in Latin: the Greek illumines
incomparably all parts of Latin study, which in turn bears fascinatingly
upon the Romanic.

5. Livy Course (one third College course).—For teachers in colleges,
for college students, and for students of Latin at large.

This course is identical with that of the first term of 3B in the
catalogue of the University of Virginia. It involves Livy's Hannibalic War,
Books XXI-XXII, with collateral reading in Tacitus' Germania,
and the private and public life of the Romans. The study of the
author will be grammatical, literary, and culture-historical. Constant
exercise in sight reading. College Latin grammar and exercises
based on Livy.

(a) Grammar and Prose Composition: College Latin grammar and
prose composition (ten entire exercises in Nutting, beginning 6, 16, etc.).

Wednesday and Friday. Professor Montgomery.

(b) Literature and Life: Livy and Tacitus; the private and public
life of the Romans.

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Professor Fitzhugh.

Daily (except Monday), from 2:30 to 3:30. Cabell Hall, Room 1.

Text-Books.—Gildersleeve-Lodge, Larger Latin Grammar and Nutting's
Advanced Latin Composition; Livy's Hannibalic War, Books XXI-XXII;
Tacitus' Germania; Johnston's Private Life of the Romans; Gow's
Companion to School Classics, sections on the Public Life of the Romans.

6. Horace Course (One third College course).—For teachers in
colleges, for college students, and for students of Latin at large.

This course is identical with that of the second term of 3B in the
University of Virginia catalogue. It involves Horace's Odes and
and Vergil's Bucolics; the rythm of lyric and idyllic verse;
the outlines of the art life of the Greeks and Romans; college grammar
and prose composition.

(a) Grammar and Prose Composition: College grammar and
Latin prose composition (ten entire exercises in Gildersleeve-Lodge,
beginning with 6, 18, etc. in Part I and with 72, 84, etc. in Part II).

Wednesday and Friday. Professor Montgomery.

(b) Literature and Life: Horace's Odes and Epodes; Vergil's
the history of the Greek and Roman Art.

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Professor Fitzhugh.

Daily, (except Monday) from 10:45 to 11:45. Cabell Hall, Room 1.

Text-Books.—Gildersleeve-Lodge, Larger Latin Grammar and Latin


Page 26
Composition; Horace's Odes and Epodes; Vergil's Bucolics; Tarbell's
History of Greek Art; Goodyear's Roman Art.

Remark.—Any standard grammar or approved text will be adequate
to the purposes of the work. For those who desire to purchase,
special editions will be available at the University book stores.

Credits.—Any student who fulfills the conditions set forth on
pages 9 and 10 and who completes successfully courses 5 and 6 will be given
credit for the first and second terms work respectively of Latin 3B
(See Catalogue of University of Virginia).


Professor Lefevre.

After a brief survey of the history of the science of Logic, the
class will be engaged with a study of either Deduction or Induction,
according to the demand and need of the students electing the course.
The lectures will deal also with the general character of the thinking
process, its laws of development, and the methods by which thought
actually proceeds to solve the problems presented to it. Special attention
will be directed to the analysis of logical arguments and to
the detection of fallacies in reasoning.

Daily, from 9:45 to 10:45. Rotunda, S. E.

Text-Book.—Creighton's Introductory Logic.

Credit.—Any student who fulfills the conditions set forth on
pages 9 and 10 and who completes successfully the summer course
in Logic will receive credit for the corresponding term in Philosophy
1B. (See Catalogue of University of Virginia).


Professor Crawford.

2. Wood-working for High Schools.—A course employing a comprehensive
set of bench tools, dealing with the principles of wood
construction in a set of graded models; the action of cutting tools,
their uses and care, and the application of wood finishes. Practical
work, methods of presentation, and execution.

Daily, hours to be arranged. Mechanical Laboratory.

3. Constructive Design.—An abridged course for the study of the
principles of design with special reference to application in Handicraft.
Problems are considered from the standpoint of function,
structure, material, form, and decoration.

Daily, hours to be arranged. Mechanical Laboratory.


Professor Page.  Professor Echols. 

1. Advanced Algebra.—The work begins with the Progressions
and proceeds with the study of the Binomial Formula, Convergence
and Divergence of Series, with special study of the Binomial, Exponential
and Logarithmic Series. The study of Inequalities and
Determinants prepares for the Theory of Equations with which the
course is closed.

Daily, from 9:45 to 10:45. Professor Page. Cabell Hall, Room 8.

Text-Book.—Charles Smith's Treatise on Algebra.

2. Plane Geometry.—This course is designed for students wishing
to review this subject or to repair deficiencies, for teachers and those


Page 27
who are preparing for college examinations. It is presumed that
students attending the course have had a previous knowledge of the
subject as a whole or in part. The lectures and quizzes will be framed
therefore with the view of strengthening and harmonizing the knowledge
of plane geometry. There will be discussed for historical development,
the logical connection of the theorems and processes of
elementary geometry; the definitions of the fundamental geometrical
concepts; the axioms of geometry and the nature of geometrical proof;
the systematic study of the original solution and methods of attack
of geometrical problems; the theory of geometric graphical solution,
and the problems of quadrature of the circle.

Daily, from 10:45 to 11:45. Professor Echols. Cabell Hall,
Room 8.

3. Solid Geometry.—The course presupposes a knowledge of
Plane Geometry as given in the previous course and in the current
text books. Especial attention is given to the logical development of
the subject and to the dependent relationship between the propositions.
The scientific and pedagogic aspects of the theory of limits
will be treated in detail. The problems of geometrical mensuration
for space are carefully worked out to conclusions.

Daily, from 12:15 to 1:15. Professor Echols. Cabell Hall,
Room 8.

Text-Book.—Venable's Elements of Geometry.

The method of presentation in the courses of both Plane Geometry
and Solid Geometry will be by lectures and text references, with
frequent quizzing and blackboard exercises by the student. Students
are requested to bring with them such texts as they have studied and
have used for teaching. A collection of modern texts in English and
foreign languages will be used for purposes of comparison and in illustration
of the different methods of presenting the subject in this
and other countries.

4. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry.—The course in Plane Trigonometry
begins with the definitions of the six trigonometric functions
as ratios, and embraces all topics usually covered in the standard
text-books,—including the use of logarithms. In Spherical Trigonometry,
the course ends with the solution of oblique spherical triangles.

Daily, from 8:45 to 9:45. Professor Page. Cabell Hall, Room 8.

Text-Books.—Laney's Trigonometry, Part I; Murray's Spherical
Murray's Five-Place Tables.

Credit.—Those students completing courses 1, 3 and 4 will be
credited with course 1A given in the session; provided the conditions
set forth on pages 9 and 10 have been fulfilled.


Miss Hofer.  Mrs. Starke. 

1. Music for Upper Grades and High Schools.—Songs illustrating
the more difficult problems of music and sight singing; two and three
part music; bass singing. Advanced vocal training, treating of boy's
voices; how to get most effective results from class and chorus work.
Program making for festivals and entertainments; social and aesthetic
uses of music; selected folk and national songs for illustrating literature,
history, geography.

Daily, (Hours to be arranged). Auditorium.

Text-Books.Modern Music Series, Books, II, III and IV. High
School books.


Page 28

Games.—A short course in schoolroom games and exercises, singing
games, folk games and dances for the playground will be offered to those
interested in this work. Bibliography of games and exercises given.
Printed outlines and lists of songs supplied.

Remark.—Course 2, School of Music, (see School of Methods) is
open to all students free of charge.


Professor Lefevre.

This course is designed as an introduction to the study of Philosophy
to meet the needs of students who desire to learn the historical
development of the problems and systems of modern philosophy.
The lectures will follow the narrative of philosophical speculation from
the Renaissance to the present time. The endeavor will be made to
represent the various theories in their relation to the science and
general civilization of the ages to which they belong, and to estimate
their social, political and educational significance.

Daily, from 10:45 to 11:45. Rotunda, S. E.

Text-Books.—Roger's Students' History of Philosophy; Royce's
Spirit of Modern Philosophy. Collateral reading to be assigned.

Credit.—Any student who fulfills the conditions set forth on
pages 9 and 10 and completes successfully this course will be given credit
for one term's work in Philosophy 4C (see catalogue of University of
Virginia) as an elective at large for the B. A. degree.


Mr. Peck.

1. Gymnastics for Men.—Course in Calisthenics and light gymnastics,
for men. This course will involve free exercises without apparatus;
exercise with bells, clubs, and wands arranged for concerted
or individual action.

Daily, from 5:30 to 6:30. Fayerweather Gymnasium.

2. Gymnastics for Women.—Same as course No. 1 for women.
These two courses contain all that either sex needs for the perfect development
of the body, and are adapted to public schools.

Daily, from 4:30 to 5:30. Fayerweather Gymnasium.

Remark.—No fees are charged for these courses.


Professor Clo.  Professor Anderson. 

Four of the six courses outlined below will be given according
to demand, and grouped in one of the following ways: (a) 1, 2, 3, 4;
(b) 1, 2, 5, 6; (c) 3, 4, 5, 6. The student is expected to take them in
pairs; either 1 and 2, 3 and 4, or 5 and 6.

1. Lecture Course.—This course is intended primarily for (a)
those teachers who have been teaching physics or who intend to teach
physics, and (b) those persons who wish to prepare themselves for
more advanced work in the University.

The instruction will consist of lectures along the line of some
standard text. The splendid equipment of Rouss Physical Laboratory
gives the student every opportunity to see thorough and comprehensive
demonstrations of the phenomena of physics. In addition
a study will be made of the simple and less expensive demonstration


Page 29
apparatus desirable for high school work. Opportunity will
be given the student to ascertain the nature and cost of an equipment
of a good high school course. This course includes mechanics, heat,
sound, light, electricity, and magnetism. Preparation in trigonometry
is not essential.

Daily, from 8:45 to 9:45. Prof. Clo. Rouss Physical Laboratory,
Room 1.

2. Laboratory Course.—To be taken with course 1. About
sixty experiments will be performed by the student under the direct
supervision of the instructor. The nature of these experiments will
be fixed but no special laboratory text will be followed. Persons preparing
to teach will be allowed to use the manual which they intend
to adopt.

Two or three hours daily, hours to be arranged. Prof. Clo.
Rouss Physical Laboratory.

3. General Physics.—Covers the topics of Mechanics, Sound and
Light. Lectures, experimental demonstrations and problems.

Daily, 10:45 to 12:00. Prof. Anderson. Rouss Physical Laboratory.

Text-Book.—Carhart's University Physics, Part I.

4. Laboratory work to accompany course 3.

Daily, 2:30 to 5:30. Prof. Anderson. Rouss Physical Laboratory.

Text-Book.—Ames and Bliss, Manual of Experiments in Physics.

5. General Physics.—Lectures, experimental demonstrations and
problems covering the topics of Heat, Electricity, and Magnetism.

Daily, Rouss Physical Laboratory.

Text-Book.—Carhart's University Physics, Part II.

6. Laboratory work to accompany Course 5.


Text-Book.—Ames and Bliss, Manual of Experiments in Physics.

The number of hours daily required for Courses 3, 4, 5, 6, will
depend somewhat upon maturity and previous training on the part
of students. A knowledge of logarithms and of plane trigonometry
through the right triangles is essential. Further, to take more
than two courses, at one time, an additional previous training, both in
a text-book on physics and in a laboratory is essential.

Credit.—Courses 3, 4, 5, and 6, outlined above, will, when successfully
completed in the aggregate, entitle the student who has fulfilled
conditions stated on pages 9 and 10, to a credit for the college
year's course in physics given in the University during the regular session,
namely, Course 1B.


Professor Ruediger.

General Psychology.—It will be the aim of this course to lead the
student into a systematic knowledge of the chief facts and principles
of psychology. Especial emphasis will be laid upon those phases of
the science that bear on educational theory and practice. Experimental
demonstrations and concrete illustrations will be freely introduced.

Daily, 8:45 to 9:45. Rotunda, Room 1.

Text-Books.—Thorndike's Elements of Psychology will be used as a
text supplemented by references to other standard texts. It is suggested
that students bring with them any psychological texts they may have.

Credit.—Any student who fulfills the conditions set forth on


Page 30
pages 9 and 10 and who completes successfully this course will be given
credit for one term's work in Philosophy 3B.


Supt. E. C. Glass, Conductor.

[The University considers itself fortunate to be able to continue
this valuable school under the management of Professor E. C. Glass,
Superintendent of the City Schools of Lynchburg, Virginia. Its record
for the training of efficient teachers in Virginia is superior to that of
any other Summer School. In fact, it is in a way the pioneer in the
field. The number and efficiency of the teaching staff have been greatly
increased for the present session. Especially is this true of the subject
matter courses. Every subject taught in the primary and grammar
grades will be taught in the School of Methods by instructors
of great strength and ability. It is believed that no better opportunity
exists in the South for the preparation of teachers for the State Board's
examinations than is found in this school.]

A fee of $3.00 for Virginia teachers and $5.00 for teachers outside
of the State will pay for all the courses offered in the School of Methods,
and teachers will not be restricted in the number of courses selected.
Virginia teachers are given the reduced price on account of
the Contribution by the State toward the expenses of this school.


Professor Augsburg.  Professor Blair. 
Miss Green. 

3. Drawing for Primary Grades.—The following topics will be treated: Objects;
still life; poses; Nature; creative imagination; plans, to be used in constructive
work; analysis; composition; decoration; illustration. Two lessons each week will be
given to construction work, basketry, and weaving.

The three mediums in drawing,—pencil, crayons, and water colors, will be used
in all classes.

Daily, Hours to be arranged. Miss Green.

4. Drawing for Grammar Grades.—Free hand drawing with chalk, pencil,
charcoal and pen and ink; practical drawing from nature especially adapted to
schoolroom work; outdoor sketching; blackboard illustrating; map drawing.

Daily, from 2.30 to 3.30. Professor Blair. Mechanical Laboratory.

5. Free Hand Drawing.—This course is fundamental in character and aims
to show in a direct manner: How to draw; how to teach drawing; and how to use
drawing. Special attention is given to blackboard drawing, chalk modeling, and
how to draw nearly all common objects that are and can be used to advantage
in the classroom. Primary and grammargrade drawing are special features of this
course. Under these heads will be given drawing from memory and the imagination,
action drawing, two-handed drawing; the drawing of trees, birds, animals, the
human head and figure, as well as methods of teaching each one.

Daily, from 9.45 to 10.45. Professor Augsburg, and Assistant. Mechanical

6. Color Work.—The course in water colors includes brush drawing and wash
drawing. In general this subject will be divided into three lines of work: learning
color; painting objects; picture making.

(a) Learning Color.—The only way to learn color is to work in color—to use
color. This is done systematically through a progressive series of washes which,
in addition to the teaching of color, at the same time includes all the mechanical
difficulties of working in color.

(b) Painting objects is simply what the name implies, painting or making studies
of the common objects which can be used in the class-room to the best advantage
such as: Fruits,—apples, pears, plums, grapes and cherries; vegetables,—radishes,
carrots, cucumbers, pumpkins and gourds; flowers,—sweet peas, poppy, marguerites,
pansy, rose, daffodil, and violet; grasses,—clover, sorrel, flax, etc.; trees,—especially
the oak, poplar; buds and leaves of the most simple and common kinds; pottery of
simple form and bright colors; birds in the form of mounted specimens, also butterflies;
bits of landscape, such as a stump, log, large stone, gate, etc.


Page 31

(c) Picture Making.—Under this head will be taken up: How to make pictures,
the composition, light and shade, color values, shade values, and by keeping these
separate, show, by actual demonstration, how each one may be represented.

Daily, from 4.30 to 5.30. Professor Augsburg and Assistant. Cabell Hall,
Room 4.


Professor Glass.  Professor Payne. 
Professor Heatwole. 

4. Theory and Practice of Teaching.—For teachers in elementary schools.
The class will be required to select and arrange lessons from the various subjects
taught in the public school. Plans of such subject matter will be made upon the
principles discussed in class. These principles are such as interest, attention,
correlation, the art of questioning, aims and methods of instruction in the various
elementary school subjects; value of type-studies, written work, study periods,
excursions; method of discipline; schoolroom activities. Special method in history,
geography, arithmetic, and language will be developed.

Daily, from 12.15 to 1.15. Professor Heatwole and Professor Payne. Cabell
Hall, Room 3.

Text-Books.—McMurry's Method of the Recitation; McMurry's Special Method
in History, Geography, and Arithmetic;
Dewey's School and Society.

5. Organization and Administration of Schools and School Systems
(Round Table).—
This course is intended for superintendents, principals, and for
teachers of experience who desire to study the problems of grading, promotion,
administration, etc., from a practical point of view. The work will be done by
the instructor in charge, assisted by various members of the Faculty who have
had experience in the various topics. The method will be that of the round table
conference, opportunity for questions and discussions will be afforded. The powers,
privileges, and relations of teachers, principals and superintendents will be discussed.
The course of study in elementary and high schools, together with approved methods
of school work and community work will receive attention.

Daily, from 4.30 to 5.30. Professor Glass. Cabell Hall, Room 5.


Miss Andrews.

5. Intermediate Language Work.—This course is designed to give teachers
in the elementary schools the essentials of matter and method for the language work
of the four intermediate grades, third to sixth. The topics discussed will include
the following: purpose and plan of language study; language environment; relation
of language to other subjects; language and character; the teacher of language;
importance of oral language; types of oral language lessons; conversation lessons,
picture lessons, lessons on stories and poems, memorizing, lessons in usage, word
study; the function of written work; incidental grammar of the intermediate grades.

Teachers possessing several series of language books and professional works
on teaching language, are advised to bring them for reference.

Daily, from 8.45 to 9.45. Cabell Hall, Room 2.

Text Book.—Hyde's Two-Book Course in English, Book I.

6. Elementary Grammar.—This course will cover the work of the seventh
and eighth grades, aiming primarily at giving teachers a deeper, surer knowledge
of the subject matter of grammar, with especial emphasis upon the more difficult
points.—the abstract noun, the comparison of adjectives, the function of case,
the personal pronoun, analysis, and, above all, the verb and the verbals. There will
be, in addition, such discussions of methods as will prove most helpful to the

Those expecting to take this course should bring all the good grammars in their
possession for broader reference work.

Daily, from 2.30 to 3.30. Cabell Hall, Room 2.

Text-Book.—Hyde's Two-Book Course in English, Book II.


Professor Milledge.  Miss Haliburton. 

1. Primary Geography.—Lessons on uses and forms of water—lesson on rain,
study of brook in field work, springs, slopes, hills, and valleys, ponds and lakes,
river basins in miniature, rills and gullies, soil—how made, erosion, transportation
and sedimentation, deltas, flood-plains, forms of land and water in miniature,
direction; weather observation and records—study of clouds, observation of path


Page 32
of sun, study of shadows cast by sun, observation of moon and stars; stories
about Indians, Esquimaux, Chinese, Japanese, etc., describing homes, habits, dress,
food, etc.; typical animals of the various heat belts; typical vegetation of the
various heat belts; nature myths as correlated with geography.

Daily, from 8.45 to 9.45. Professor Milledge and Miss Haliburton. Rouss
Laboratory, Room 3.

2. Grammar Grade Geography.—General consideration of form and size of
the Earth:—directions on earth, formation of soil (illustrated by field work), rainfall,
streams and rivers, brook studied in nature, brook basins and divides, erosion and
sedimentation observed on excursions, lakes, mountains and valleys, volcanoes,
general division of ocean and seashore, general consideration of continents and
their relief; latitude and longitude—change of seasons, zones, belts of winds, ocean
currents; races of mankind and their distribution—religions of mankind, forms
of government; zones of plant life; zones of animal life; North America studied
carefully as to physiographic regions, climate, products, trade routes and political
divisions; United States and colonies briefly studied similarly to North America;
remaining continents briefly studied similarly to North America. The relation of
cause and effect, the correlation of arithmetic with geography, the dependence of
history upon geography will be especially emphasized. Sand maps will be used
and their making illustrated. Chalk modeling of maps and rapid illustration
with chalk used throughout. Several excursions for field work will be made, and
the whole course will be practical.

Daily, from 12.15 to 1.15. Professor Milledge. Rouss Laboratory.


Professor Crawford.

1. Hand Work for the Elementary Grades.—A comprehensive course in
handwork especially adapted to the needs of the elementary grade teacher, or of the
supervisor, with problems for each grade, embracing work in paper-weaving, cutting,
and folding, native material basketry, clay modelling, pottery, loom construction and
rug weaving, knife work, and bent iron.

Daily. Mechanical Laboratory.


Professor Jenkins.

5. Arithmetic.—This course will treat the following topics: Foundations of
arithmetic, history and development of arithmetic, mechanical work, thought work;
primary method methods; a graded course; discussion of arithmetic texts; academic
work in class; methods in arithmetic. Definite work in the subject will be assigned
each day.

Daily, from 8.45 to 9.45. Cabell Hall, Room 6.

Text-Book.—Colaw and Elwood's Arithmetic.

6. Algebra.—This course will treat the following topics: Foundations of
algebra, its bearing on arithmetic, algebraic language; treatment of simple equations,
two and more unknown quantities; class work through quadratics.

Daily, from 9.45 to 10.45. Cabell Hall, Room 6.

Text-Books.—Well's Essentials of Algebra or any other good text.


Professor Davis.  Miss King. 

The following topics will be treated in this course: Bird neighbors, 54; insectiverous
birds; seed eating birds; birds of prey; the American toad, 196; collecting
insects for school use; life in a terrarium; the cabbage butterfly; the grasshopper;
the housefly; the tent caterpillar; life in an aquarium; June beetles; mosquitoes
and health; honey bees; earth worms; the teeth of animals; osmosis; digestion and
absorption; Nature's flying machines; how Nature prepares for winter; rock layers,
and other rocks; how Nature forms soils; movements of soils; preserving plants
for school use; how plants get up in the world; annual flowering plants, 195; storage
of nourishment in seeds; the office of root-hairs on plants; struggles in a tree-top.
Substitute lessons: Light relation; cross-pollenizing and self-pollenizing in flowers;
relation of season to life history of plant; annual, biennials, and perennials; tasseling
and silking of corn; useful weeds, 188; lessons from the strawberry plant, 198.
Lessons subject to change. Numbers refer to United States Farmers' Bulletins.

Daily, from 3.30 to 4.30. West Range Laboratory.

School Gardens.—This course will be very practical, consisting of the actual
work in a school garden by a class of children under the supervision of the instructor.


Page 33
Such topics as laying off a garden, with talks on how it should be dug and cultivated and
fertilized, what vegetables and what flowers raised which will mature during the
school session, the effect of certain insects on those plants for good or for bad, and
the various interesting subjects that arise during the process of cultivation, will
be treated. The school garden will be easily accessible to students and all are invited
to observe the work done.


Professor Maphis.

The following topics will be considered: the importance of the subject; the
frame-work of the body; the muscles; the digestive apparatus; the circulation; the
respiratory system; the skin, hair, nails, and their care; the nervous system;
effects of narcotics, alcohol; the special senses; hygiene of the home; hygiene of
the school.

Daily (after June 29th), from 10.45 to 11.45. Cabell Hall, Room 6.


Miss Haliburton.

1. Model Lessons.—Work with children just beginning school. A class of
primary grade children will be organized for the purposes of this course. Lessons
in reading, showing the use of the word and sentence method; lessons in phonics, showing,
at first, exercises that are separate and distinct from reading; lessons in language,
showing the use of Mother Goose melodies, rhymes, stories, etc., aided by dramatization,
use of nature study correlated with language; lessons in number. This work
with the model school is open for purposes of observation to all teachers in the
School of Methods. Those observing should attend the discussions in course 2
outlined below.

Daily, from 9.45 to 10.45. Cabell Hall, Room 2.

2. Primary Methods.—The subject matter and methods of teaching in reading,
phonics, oral and written language, nature study, and number work will engage the
attention in this class.

Daily, from 10.45 to 11.45. Cabell Hall, Room 2.


1. The Rational Method in Reading.—Sight reading; eye training; drill on
the phonograms; ear training; drill on the blend; combined sight reading and
phonetic reading; the uses and value of phonics in reading and spelling will be
clearly demonstrated. Special attention will be given to the foundation work for
beginners, feasible ways and means of carrying on the work and keeping it well
balanced and along every line.

Daily, First section from 10.45 to 11.45. Second section from 4.00 to 4.30.
Miss Coleman. Cabell Hall, Room 3.

Text-Book.—Ward's Rational Method of Reading.


Miss Hofer.  Mrs. Starke. 

The courses in this subject emphasize methods of teaching music, with special
reference to the needs of kindergartens, primary teachers and those preparing for
supervisory work.

2. Music for Kindergarten and Primary Grades.—Beginnings of music for
children. The school song as a basis for musical training.

(a)—Song as a means of self expression, interpretation and relation to language
and phonetics. Training of voice and ear. Correlation with school subjects. Choice
and classification.

(b)—Expression through rythm; first, as developed in action through the dramatizing
of songs, in school games and marches; second, as found in music,—the
pulse, accent, analyzing of different time groups by clapping and marking.

(c)—Relation of rote song to notation; rythm and pitch as discovered and
pictured by the children; first steps in music—reading and writing, sight singing,
the use of books.

Daily, hours to be arranged. Auditorium.

Text-Books.Modern Music Series, Primer and Book I; song literature.


Page 34


Professor Wyche.

1. Classic Stories.—Some great classic tales and their place in education.
Hiawatha; Beowulf; Seigfried; Ulysses; King Arthur; folk and fairy tales; Uncle
Remus and Southern folk-lore; Bible stories.

Daily, from 11.45 to 12.15 (June 19th to July 3d.)

2. The Art of Story Telling.—Origin of story telling and the story-sagaman
and minstrel; the story in language, grammar, song, creative work, dramatization,
etc.; the formal and expression of the spiritual. How to tell a tale—psychological

Daily, from 4.30 to 5.30 (June 19 to July 3d.)

Remarks.—Story telling at twilight, on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, on
North Rotunda steps.

Local branch of the National Story Tellers' League will be organized.


Mrs. M. S. Moffet.

Daily, from 8.45 to 1.15. Cabell Hall, Room 5.

The purpose of this Class is to afford review work in subject matter to those
teachers of elementary schools, preparing for examination. The work is essentially
drill work. The instructor will be assisted from time to time by other instructors
who are giving courses in similar subjects in the Summer School.

1. Arithmetic.—Cancellation: Review of Fractions: Percentage—three cases;
Applications of percentage (profit and loss, trade discount, commission, simple interest);
Taxes; Insurance Ratio and Proportion: Practical Problems in Mensaration: Extraction
of Square Root.

Problems will be assigned each day, to be solved by students. Class discussion
of principle involved.

2. English.—Analysis of sentences; phrases; clauses; infinitive participles; use
of a word to determine to which part of speech it belongs; combination of groups
of sentences in one sentence; parsing. Model forms will be given for analysis of
sentences, for diagrams, for parsing.

3. Geography.—

(a)—Grand Divisions; correlation and comparison with North America based upon
outline for North America.

(b)—United States: typical state—Virginia; typical city—Richmond; typical

(c)—General circulation of the air, and rainfall regions of the earth; plants and
animals and their distribution; occupations and industries.

4. Civics.—

(a)—Virginia Constitution: Fundamental principles of the Bill of Rights; the
qualification of voters; the Legislature—its composition and powers; the Executive—
qualifications, powers and duties of the Governor; the Judiciary—names of courts
and jurisdiction of each; Finance—source of revenue, the levy, apportionment,
assessment and collection of taxes, the taxes of corporations, property exempt from
taxation; Education—purpose of providing schools, how expenses are met, officers,
teachers, pupils.

(b)—United States Constitution: Why formed; preamble; departments—legislative,
executive, judicial.

Method: Topical outlines; correlation and comparison with Virginia Constitution.

5. History.—Discovery and Exploration—conditions in Europe; reasons for
establishment of colonies; relation of colonies to mother-country: Intercolonial Wars—
French and Indian War especially: War for Independence: The Critical Period and
Formation of the Government: Territorial Growth—Mexican War: Slavery and Civil
War: Reconstruction Period: Great Inventions and Industrial Development.

Method: Topical outlines of each.

6. Virginia History.—Early settlement; John Smith; Charters; Lord Delaware;
Governor Dale; House of Burgesses; Growth of Colony; Governor Berkely; Virginia
under the Commonwealth; Bacon's Rebellion; Negro Slavery; William and Mary
College; Virginia's part in the American Revolution; Virginia' Contributions to the
new nation; social and industrial conditions to 1860; Virginia in the Civil War;
recent development and improvement.


Page 35

The course in Virginia History will be given in conjunction with the History
of the United States.

7. Physiology and Hygiene.—The Framework—bones, shape, size, number,
joints, use: Foods—sources, kinds, value, preparation, serving Digestion, teeth, salivary
glands, stomach, gastric juice, intestines, juices, absorption, assimilation: Circulation—
heart, cavities, valves, arteries, veins, capillaries, blood: Respiration—air passages,
lungs, membrane, ventilation in the home and in the schoolroom: Muscles—composition,
arrangement, fastenings, use, exercise: Skin—layers, glands, functions: Nervous
System—brain, spinal cord, nerves, control of the body: Special senses—eye, shape
socket, muscles, care of eye; ear, parts of ear, care of ear; smell, location, nerves,
use; taste, use papillae of tongue, nerves of taste, by what affected; touch, common
sense, where most delicate, why delicacy of touch is desired: Exercise—indoor
forms, outdoor forms, necessity for exercise, proper time, adaptation to individuals
and age, proper dress.


Miss Emens.

The purpose of this course is to train the learner to write a free, easy, legible
hand and at the same time to help teachers to teach writing well.

Practical movement drills, figure drills and speed tests will be given throughout
the course. Blackboard writing will receive special attention. The following topics
will be discussed: How to interest children in writing; how to teach writing in rural
schools; how to teach writing in primary, intermediate and grammar grades; what
should be accomplished in each grade? Why teach writing in the grades?

Daily, hours to be arranged. (June 18th to July 19th.)