University of Virginia Library

University Band.

On February 14 a number of students
met at Madison Hall and organized a
band. Sixteen men, all of whom have
had experience in band work, have been
enrolled; and the following officers have
been elected: Director, M. R. Faville;
assistant director, A. H. Lueders; manager,
Thos. V. Williamson; assistant
manager, W. G. Kollock. The main
need of the band at this juncture is
money to pay for the instruments; but
students, teachers, and alumni are aiding
the project, and the need will likely
be met in due time.

On March 22 President Alderman will
make an address on "The Constructive
South" before the Civic Forum, in
Carnegie Hall, New York City. Other
eminent speakers from America and
Europe will participate in the discussions
of the organization.

A copy of the Jewish Encyclopedia,
recently issued by Funk & Wagnalls in
12 magnificent volumes, has been presented
to the University library through
the initiative of Rev. E. N. Calisch,
Richmond, Va.