University of Virginia Library


Those Constituting no Part of the Fixed
and Permanent Endowment
of the Institution.

Corrections of Class A, as published in

(1) Under 1870-1876, instead of "Library
for the Chemical Department,"
read "For the Library."

(2) Under 1902-1903, instead of "in
memory of," read "in honor of."

(3) The Austin bequest has not yet
come into the control of the University;
but several years ago Mr. Austin's
daughter, who was to receive the earnings
of the estate during her lifetime,
very generously transferred to the University
all of the annual income except
about $5000.00.

Additions to Class A, as published in

(1) The address of M. K. Karr is
Washington, D. C.

(2) Donations in 1903-1904 to the
Physical Laboratory for equipment:
Joseph Bryan, Richmond, Va., $200;
Warren, Jones & Gratz, St. Louis, Mo.,
$100; Samuel Spencer, New York City,
$100; Dr. H. S. Hedges, Charlottesville,
Va., $100; C. Steele, New York City,
$50; Thomas Nelson Page, Washington,
D. C., $25; Lambert Bros., St. Louis,
$25; Anderson Bros., University, $25.