University of Virginia Library


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Comings and Goings of the Faculty.

President Alderman has recently taken
part in educational conferences at Roanoke,
Va., and Atlanta, Ga.

Dr. Albert Lefevre, professor of moral
philosophy, addressed the Woman's Club
of Lynchburg, Va., on December 13.

Dr. Chas. W. Kent, professor of English
literature, addressed the Albemarle
Teachers' Association at Charlottesville
on December 7.

Professor W. H. Heck, head of the
Curry School of Education in the University,
made an address recently at Farmville,

Dr. Bruce R. Payne, head of the department
of secondary education in the
University, visited the Manchester High
School on December 19, and delivered
an address which was highly complimented
by the Richmond press.

Writing from Lausanne, Switzerland,
December 3, Professor Wm. M. Lile,
Dean of the University Law School, expressed
himself as very much enjoying
the several months already spent at that
place, where he finds much pleasant
company from both America and England.
In the latter part of this month
(January) Prof. and Mrs. Lile will go to
Italy for a month or two; their children
remaining in school at Lausanne in the