The Jeffersonian cyclopedia; a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.; |
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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia; | ||
Cabell (J. C.), [117]
University of Virginia, [900]
Cabinet, [117]
Administration, [016]
Cabinet Officers, [120]
Cabinet Officers in Congress, [173]
Cabot Family, [092]
Birds, [092]
Cæsar (Julius), [142]
People (Roman), [691]
Callender (J. T.), [120]
Estrangement of Jefferson and Adams, [988]
Calonne (C. A. de), [122]
Revolution (French), [770]
Calumny, [122]
Abuse, [002]
Libels, [497]
Lies, [503]
Ministers, [558]
Newspapers, [635]
Slander, [809]
Camden, Battle of, [123]
Gates (General Horatio), [372]
Campbell (David), [123]
Canada, [124]
Arnold (Benedict), [056]
Colonies (The American), [151]
Canal, [125]
River, [783]
Rivers, [784]
Candor, [126]
Frankness, [357]
Honesty, [410]
Sincerity, [809]
Truth, [887]
Cannibals, [126]
Kings, [455]
Canning (George), [126]
England (Jefferson and), [301]
Canova (A.), [126]
Sculpture, [792]
Capital, [126]
Labor, [458]
Laborers, [459]
Wealth, [935]
Capital (National), [924]
Capitals (State), [127]
Capitol (United States), [048], [127]
Capitol (Va.), [047]
Captives, [128]
Prisoners of War, [924]
Carmichael (William), [128]
Mississippi River Navigation, [561]
Carondelet (Baron), [129]
Louisiana, [509]
Carr (Dabney), [129]
Committees of Correspondence, [961]
Carriages, [129]
Exercise, [318]
Horses, [411]
Carrying Trade, [129], [624], [871]
Drawbacks, [263]
Free Ports, [358]
Navigation, [610]
Shipping, [805]
Ships, [806]
Carter (Landon), [129]
Carthage, [129]
Creek Indians, [219]
People, Roman, [069]
Catherine of Russia, [421], [786]
Alexander of Russia, [027], [809]
Censors, [130]
Censure, [130]
Criticism, [221]
Censure, [130]
Censors, [130]
Criticism, [221]
Census, [130]
Population, [703]
Centralization, [130]
General Welfare Clause, [374]
Judiciary, [448]
State Rights, [832]
Supreme Court, [842]
Ceremony, [133]
Etiquette, [311]
Formalities, [344]
Levees, [496]
Chancellors, English, [133]
Chancery Courts, [214]
Chaplains, [133]
Clergy, [146]
Ministers, [558]
Character, [133]
Abilities, [001]
Genius, [381]
Reputation, [761]
Talents, [848]
Charity, [134]
Beneficence, [087]
Friendship, [363]
Charters, [134]
Compacts, [166]
Chase (Samuel), [135]
Impeachment, [416]
Chatham (Lord), [135]
Colonies (The American), [151]
Oratory, [664]
Chemistry, [135]
Buffon (Count de), [110]
Science, [791]
Sciences, [792]
Cherbourg, [135]
France, [347]
Cherokees, [136]
Aborigines, [001]
Indians, [420], [944], [948], [952]
Cherronesus, Proposed State of, [941]
Western Territory, [939]
Chesapeake Frigate, [136]
Indemnification, [419]
Children, [138]
Boys, [108]
Young Men, [953]
Young Women, [954]
China, [139]
Ships, [808]
Chocolate, [139]
Christianity, [162]
Church, [139]
Church (Anglican), [140]
Church and State, [141]
Religion, [742]
Church, [139]
Church (Anglican), [140]
Church and State, [141]
Religion, [742]
Cicero, [142]
Eloquence, [286]
Oratory, [664]
People (Roman), [691]
Plato's Republic, [698]
Cincinnati Society, [142]
Democratic Societies, [251]
Cipher, [143]
Writing, [950]
Ciracchi, [143]
Sculpture, [792]
Cities, [143]
Alexandria, [030]
Baltimore, [030]
Carthage, [129]
Cherbourg, [135]
Constantinople, [186]
London, [509]
New Orleans, [634]
New York, [634]
Nice, [640]
Norfolk, Va., [030]
Paris, [674]
Pensacola, [686]
Philadelphia, [694]
Richmond, Va., [779]
San Juan, [359]
Washington City, [924]
Citizens, [144]
Citizenship, [145]
Expatriation, [319]
Naturalization, [609]
Civilization, [145]
Barbarism, [080]
Claiborne (W. C. C.), [146]
Claimants, [146]
Claims, [146]
Clark (Geo. R.), [146]
Lewis and Clark Expedition, [495]
Clarke (Daniel), [146]
Union (The Federal), [692]
Classical Learning, [489]
Education, [273]
Language, [470]
Science, [791]
University of Virginia, [900]
Clay (Henry), [146]
Clergy, [146]
Chaplains, [133]
Ministers, [558]
Climate, [147]
Atmosphere, [023]
Weather, [936]
Winds, [947]
Clinton (De Witt), [149]
Clinton (George), [149]
Coast Line, [149]
Cockades, [150]
Badges, [065]
Coercion (State), [150]
State Rights, [832]
Decimal System, [240]
Dollars, [260]
Mint, [559]
Coke (Lord), [150]
Coles (Edward), [150]
College (Electoral), [715]
Elections (Presidential), [280]
Colleges, Buildings, [004]
Colleges, Veterinary, [905]
Colonies (American), [151]
Colonies (Ancient), [154]
Colonization (Negro), [154]
Colony (Penal), [155]
Columbia River, [061]
River, [783]
Rivers, [784]
Atmosphere, [023]
Climate, [147]
Weather, [936]
Winds, [947]
Columbus (Christopher), [036], [156]
History (American), [406]
Commerce, [156]
Commerce, Treaties of, [880]
Commissions, [161]
Commissioners, [161]
Committee of the States, [169]
Confederation, [167]
Common Law, [162]
Law, [477]
Common Sense, [166]
Judgment, [448]
Moral Sense, [591]
Senility, [801]
Sense, [802]
Compact, [166]
Compacts, [166]
Treaties, [874]
Compromise, [167]
Conciliation, [167]
Harmony, [399]
Conciliation, [167]
Compromise, [167]
Harmony, [399]
Conchology, [804]
Shells, [804]
Condorcet (M.), [167]
Conduct, [167]
Actions, [005]
Confederation, The, [167], [973]
Colonies (The American), [151]
Confidence (Public), [731]
Credit, [217]
Credulity, [219]
Faith, [321]
Jealousy, [438]
Public Confidence, [731]
Confiscation, [171]
Property, [726]
Congress, [172]
Continental Congress, [174]
Senate, U. S., [799], [876], [877], [878]
Senators, U. S., [188]
Continental Congress, [174]
Congress, [172]
Senate, U. S., [799], [876], [877], [878]
Senators, U. S., [188]
Conquest, [185]
Glory, [384]
Tyranny, [889]
War, [915]
Actions, [005]
Character, [133]
Conduct, [167]
Consent of Governed, [385]
Authority, [063]
Government, [384]
Rights, [780]
Rights of Man, [782]
Self-government, [796]
Constantinople, [186]
Turkey, [888]
Bill of Rights, [088]
Constitution (The Federal), [186]
Constitution (French), [195]
Constitution (Great Britain), [197]
Constitution (Spanish), [197]
Constitutions (American), [198]
Construction of the Constitution, [190], [200]
Centralization, [130]
Construction of Instruments, [200]
General Welfare Clause, [374]
Judiciary, [448]
Supreme Court, [842]
Consular Convention, [200]
Consuls. [200]
Contention, [203]
Controversy, [205]
Disputation, [259]
Disputes, [259]
Dissension, [259]
Duel, [265]
Quarrels, [735]
Contentment, [204]
Happiness, [398]
Peace, [682]
Repose, [747]
Retirement, [765]
Tranquillity, [872]
Contraband of War, [204], [625], [628]
Belligerents, [086]
Enemy Goods, [296]
Free Ships, Free Goods, [359]
Neutrality, [625]
War, [915]
Contracts, [204]
Compacts, [166]
Treaties, [874]
Controversy, [205]
Contention, [203]
Dissension, [259]
Convent, [205]
Religion, [742]
Convention (Federal), [205]
Convention, National, [205]
Convention (Virginia), [206]
Conventions (Constitutional), [206]
Convicts, [206]
Crime, [219]
Criminals, [221]
Cookery, [372]
Gastronomy, [372]
Cooper (Thomas), [206]
Priestley (Joseph), [719]
University of Virginia, [900]
Copying Press, [207]
Engraving, [307]
Polygraph, [432]
Copyright, [102], [377], [381]
Books, [102]
Library, [489]
Printing, [722]
Coray (A.), [207]
Athens, [062]
Greeks, [394]
Cornwallis (Lord), [207]
Cruelty, [221]
Coroners, [208]
Counties, [212]
Corporations, [418]
Bank, [066]
Banks, [073]
Monopoly, [579]
Correa de Serra (J.), [208]
Brazil, [108]
Portugal, [704]
Correspondence, [208]
Correspondence, Committees of, [961]
Letters, [494]
Letters of Introduction, [431]
Letter-writing, [495]
Corruption, [209]
Bribery, 109
Crime, [219]
Cotton, [211]
Cotton Gin, [211]
Manufactures, [528]
Council, [211]
Advice, [020]
Instructions, [426]
Counties, [212]
Wards, [921]
Courtesy, [213]
Courtiers, [213]
Politeness, [700]
Courtiers, [213]
Courtesy, [213]
Politeness, [700]
Courts, [214]
Courts (Admiralty), [019]
Courts (Appeals), [214]
Courts (Chancery), [214]
Courts (County), [216]
Courts (Federal), [448], [842]
Courts (French Plenary), [217]
Courts (Monarchical), [217]
Courts (State), [450]
Judiciary (Federal), [448]
U. S. Supreme Court, [842]
Crawford (W. H.), [217]
Elections (Presidential, 1824), [286]
Creation, [270]
Deluge, [250]
Earth, [269]
World, [949]
Credit, [217]
Credulity, [219]
Faith, [321]
Public Confidence, [731]
Credulity, [219]
Credit, [217]
Faith, [321]
Public Confidence, [731]
Creek Indians, [219]
Aborigines, [001]
Cherokees, [136]
Indians, [420], [944], [948], [952]
Cresap (Captain), [508]
Logan (Mingo Chief), [508]
Crime, [219]
Convicts, [206]
Criminals, [221]
Murder, [598]
Criminals, [221]
Crime, [219]
Pardons, [673]
Criticism, [221]
Censors, [130]
Censure, [130]
Cruelty, [221]
Cornwallis (Lord), [207]
Retaliation, [762]
Revenge, [767]
Tyranny, [889]
Cuba, [222]
Monroe Doctrine, [584]
Territory, [860]
Currency, National, [601]
Money, [571]
Paper Money, [668]
“Curtius,” [223]
Webster (Noah), [936]
The Jeffersonian cyclopedia; | ||