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Bacon's Rebellion, [738]

Rebellion, [738]

Shays's Rebellion, [802]

Badges, [065]

Cockades, [150]

Bainbridge (William), [066]

Navy, [618]

Balloons, [066]

Inventions, [431]

Ballot, [841]

Suffrage, [841]

Votes, [915]

Voting, [915]

Banishment, [319]

Exile, [319]

Bank (National), [066]

Bank of North America,

Bank (U. S.), [068]

Banks, [073]

Dollar, [260]

Money, [571]

Money Bills, [576]

Money (Continental), [577]

Money (Metallic), [578]

Paper Money, [668]

Bankruptcy, [072]

Bubbles, 109

Panics, [667]

Speculation, [828]

Banneker (Benjamin), [080]

Negroes, [622]

Barbarism, [080]

Civilization, [145]

Barbary States, [080]

Algiers, [080]

Morocco, [595]

Tripoli, [886]

Barclay (Thomas), [083]

Barbary States, [080]

Barlow (Joel), [084]

Poetry, [697]

Barruel (Abbé), [413]

Illuminati, [413]

Barry (Commodore J.), [597]

Mourning, [597]

Bastile, [084]

French Revolution, [770]

Bastrop's Case, [084]

Yazoo Lands, [952]

Batture, New Orleans, [085]

Supreme Court, [845]

Bayard (James A.), [086]

Elections (Presidential), [282]

Beaumarchais (M.), [086]

Bee, [086]

Natural History, [607]

Beer, [086]

Intemperance, [427]

Whisky, [944]

Wines, [947]

Belligerents, [086]

Blockades, [095]

Neutrality, [624]

Privateers, [723]

Beneficence, [087]

Charity, [134]

Generosity, [378]

Berlin Decrees, [087]

Bonaparte, [096]

Embargo, [286]

Orders in Council, [664]


Page 993

Bible, [088]

Deity, [248]

Providence, [731]

Religion, [742]

Bigotry, [088]

Bigotries, [088]

Intolerance, [431]

Bill of Rights, [088]

Bill of Rights (French), [091]

Constitution, [035], [186]

Goverment, [384]

Bimetalism, [574]

Dollar, [260]

Money, [571]

Bingham (William), [092]

Birds, [092]

Natural History, [607]

Birth, [092]

Aristocracy, [048]

Aristocrats, [051]

Birthday, [092]

Birthday, [092]

Birth, [092]

Aristocracy, [048]

Aristocrats, [051]

Bishop (Samuel), [093]

Office, [644]

Offices, [647]

Office-holders, [652]

Blackstone (Sir William), [094], [902]

Lawyers, [487]

Bland (Richard), [094]

Blockades, [095]

Belligerents, [086]

Neutrality, [624]

Privateers, [723]

Blount (William) [095]

Impeachment, [416]

Bolingbroke (Lord), [095]

Language, [470]

Paine (Thomas), [665]

Bollman (Eric), [095]

Burr's (A.) Treason, [113]

Bonaparte (Joseph), [096]

Bonaparte (N.), [096]

Berlin Decrees, [087]

France, [347]

Louisiana, [509]

Spain, [821]

Books, [102]

Copyright, [102], [377], [381]

Education, [273]

History, [404]

Knowledge, [457]

Language, [470]

Learning, [489]

Library, [502]

Literary Men, [506]

Literature, [506]

Printing, [722]

Reading, [738]

Study, [841]

Boston Port Bill, [104], [769]

Faneuil Hall, [322]

Tea, [859]

Botany, [105], [791]

Horticulture, [411]

Plants, [697]

Trees, [886]

Botta (C.), [105]

History (American), [405], [406]

Bottetourt (Lord), [105]

Colonies (The American), [151]

Boundaries, [106]

Louisiana, [106]

Massachusetts and New York, [106]

Northwest, [106]

Pennsylvania and Virginia, [107]

United States and Great Britain, [107]

Virginia and Maryland, [108]

Bounties, [108], [348], [931]

Fisheries, [337]

France, Commerce with, [348]

Free Trade, [361]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Manufactures, [534]

Subsidies, [808]

Bourbons, [108]

France, [347]

Kings, [455]

Bowles (W. A.), [108]

Indians, [420]

Boys, [108], [901]

Children, [138]

Discipline, [258]

Young Men, [953]

Brazil, [108]

Correa de Serra (J.), [208]

Portugal, [704]

Bribery, 109,

Corruption, [209]

Crime, [219]

Briggs (Isaac), 109

Office (Talents), [646]

Broglio (Marshal de), 109

Revolution (French), [770]

Brown (James), 109

Union (Federal), [890]

Bubbles, 109

Speculation, [828]

Buchan (Earl of), [110]

Buchanan (George), [110]

Buffon (Count de), [110]

Chemistry (Utility), [135]

Natural History, [607]

Bunker Hill, [110]

Revolution (American), [767]

Burke (Edmund), [111]

Marie Antoinette (Character), [536]

Business, [111]

Occupations, [642]

Trade, [871]

Burr (Aaron), [111]

Burr's (A.) Treason, [113]

Burr's (A.) Trial, 115

Morgan (George), [595]

Tiffin (H. D.), [867]

Wilkinson (James), [945], [946]