8948. WAR OF 1812, British expectations in.—
Earl Bathhurst [in his speech in
Parliament] shuffles together chaotic ideas
merely to darken and cover the views of the
ministers in protracting the war; the truth being,
that they expected to give us an exemplary
scourging, to separate us from the States east
of the Hudson, take for their Indian allies those
west of the Ohio, placing three hundred thousand
American citizens under the government
of the savages, and to leave the residuum a
powerless enemy, if not submissive subjects. I
cannot conceive what is the use of your Bedlam
when such men are out of it. And yet that
such were their views we have in evidence,
under the hand of their Secretary of State in
Henry's case, and of their Commissioners at
To Mr. Maury. Washington ed. vi, 471.
June. 1815)