8340. TAXES, Land.—
I am suggesting
an idea on the subject of taxation which
might, perhaps, facilitate much that business,
and reconcile all parties. That is * * *
to lay a land tax, leviable in 1798, &c. But if
by the last day of 1798, any State shall bring
its whole quota into the Federal Treasury,
the tax shall be suspended one year for that
State. If by the end of the next year they
bring another year's tax, it shall be suspended
a second year as to them, and so toties
quoties forever. If they fail, the Federal collectors
will go on, of course, to make their
collection. In this way, those who prefer
excises may raise their quota by excises, and
those who prefer land taxes may raise by land
taxes, either on the Federal plan, or on any
other of their own which they like better.
This would tend, I think, to make the General
Government popular, and to render the
State Legislatures useful allies and associates
instead of rivals, and to mollify the harsh
tone of government which has been asserted.
I find the idea pleasing to most of those to
whom I have suggested it. It will be objected
to by those who are for consolidation.—
To Peregrine Fitzhugh.
Ford ed., vii, 136.
June. 1797)